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A war long to halt their advance on the capital tripoli un chief anton hugo terror is has been trying to avert renewed civil war between the militia and that you went back up. Youre watching news from berlin up next world story with the week in reports from now on behalf of the whole team here thanks so much for watching. Any plus the news out of a long its not easy to go to another country you know nothing about why for i am to do this because we cant stay on venezuela im not i dont know that. Closely global news that matters d. W. Made for mines whats the connection between bread. And the European Union he knows. Correspondent at the baker can stretch this combined with the rules set by the team. Cuts. Staffing recipes for Success Strategy that make a difference. Baking bread on d w. This week on the world stories. The roots developers build on a jewish mass grave india an Acid Attack Victim turns activist but first we go to syria in past years women. Western europe came here to join the Islamic State now many want to come back among them a german who claims she didnt join the terrorist Group Problem tearaway. Stranded in the middle of nowhere Seventy Four Thousand people live in the al whole camp in Northern Syria it was made to hold only ten thousand the conditions are unacceptable especially for children most people want to leave as soon as possible they want to return to their former homes which they left years ago so they could live under the rule of the Jihadist Group Islamic State out of Conviction Carelessness or compulsion. They now gergen studied psychology and berlin and married a turkish man during a trip to turkey he took her to syria where he joined us at least that is how the twenty three year old describes it the. Doctor she calls them is often terrible things happen theyre kind that women and children should not have any Value Systems women are terribly abused and beaten by us mine among my former husband died about two years ago. He locked us up and abused us in horrible ways. I couldnt recognize myself one day in day out talk and talk all since. Her son was born during the chaos of war the two of them suffered years of hardship and now she hopes she has survived the worst and things will get better. Im happy that i can return to my beloved homeland times germany. And. The kurdish authorities would like to get rid of foreigners like zainab as quickly as possible but hardly any country wants them back the local authorities are overburdened with investigating securing evidence clarifying guilt an International Court is now supposed to solve the issue but the west is treating this initiative with great caution. The presence of thousands of fighters and their families is a major problem for the autonomys authorities in North Eastern syria. We do not have the possibility of bringing them to justice here if they have committed crimes against syrians or iraqis now they spend their days waiting to go back home but their fate remains uncertain as long as they are not welcome in their former homelands. And then we go north to bella ruse smart who apartments are planned for a site in central breast but recently a mass grave of jews killed in World War Two was uncovered there and a story and is opposing the project. Bones jewelry and even shoes the past is pushing into the light here this is the site of a mass grave of jews shot by the nazis it was found during Construction Work in the center of breast during the German Occupation in the Second World War the area was a jewish ghetto Tens Of Thousands were executed in and around breasts during the time the site is currently closed off to the public including to local historian a real lover of gaia she has been petitioning to stop the Building Work and argues the should be a Memorial Park here and not an Apartment Complex and. People shouldnt be able to live on the spot of a mass execution half of the population of the city was killed within several days here half of the people can you imagine at the border that pain continues to exist and will not give us peace until we learn to respect history and what happened here we are consumes a soldier and from which to preserve. A special battalion of the belorussian army has been in charge of the excavations. Most of these young soldiers are doing their Military Service here in total they have found the remains of over Eleven Hundred bodies which will be repaired at a local cemetery and right next to this mass grave the Building Work for a modern Apartment Complex will now continue its a lucrative project one square meter is selling for nearly twice the average market price in brest the city Authorities Say the foundations of the building wont touch the mass graves and it will be marked with a memorial plaque. At the Apartment Complex is the right thing for this the first time that builders a fun bones during construction in the Historical Center but not everyone impressed agrees that should be apartments on the mass graves. It will be time to build houses there should be a memorial instead. Of the world here we have to find a civilized way to solve this problem after all every city in europe is built on peoples bones. Arena is determined to see the site of the mass grave with her own eyes the forward becomes a Landscape Courtyard and acquaintance of hers as a direct ski from her window she says the Building Project shows that the bella russian authorities are insensitive and havent learned any lessons from the past belorussian authorities have been criticised before for building unsure cemeteries as recently as twenty seventeen or so lost in this country the authorities only respect the memory of the soviet protectors of the Breast Fortress for example of soldiers who fought unequally to tell a tarion country with weapons in their hands that they respect. That the world. The Construction Company had told us the Apartment Complex would be a gated community now says the authorities insist the grounds will be open to the public. Every year hundreds of Women In India fall victim to acid attacks one of these women refuses to be intimidated as an Activist Campaigning against acid attacks shes already achieved results. A comic with an unconventional heroine the story of a young woman who has been attacked. She transforms from being a victim to being a superhero and her mission is to help the survivors of acid attacks. Videos of the Comic Show Readers Who Spined The Story Laxmi who suffered a real life attack and twenty five. Of them with. After i refused his advances he and his younger brothers girlfriend turned up with acid in a beer bottle they pulled the acid into a glass and threw it on to my face. I think they made a face. I fainted and when i came to again it felt as if id been burnt alive or. I think i would have been the. Blacksmith he was only fifteen when she was attacked by a man seventeen years her senior. She had refused his advances so in a cruel act of revenge here tact and changed her life for ever hundreds of acid attacks like the one suffered by laxmi are reported in india every year limited Didnt Kill Me he attacked me so that i would have to live my life in agony he knew that society would accept him either and that is same society would reject and victimize me in life. But lets me refused to be a victim and became an activist shes part of a campaign called stop the sale as said shes helped make great changes in india the sale of acid is now regulated and prosecutions of acid attacks have been made easier but she wants a complete ban her comic book focuses On Male And Female Equality worldwide she hopes children will learn about the topic in classrooms lakshmis aim is to give girls including her own daughter a different image of the world shes also a single mother which is far from the norm in india you see make believe me my dream hasnt yet come true but there has been a huge change these last few years. And that shows me that equality and the changes were all talking about now will happen you know there were teens. Laxmi wants to see an end to all violence against women and spare future generations from the suffering she and others have endured how will she do it while the super heroine can help make it happen. To small farmers in Northern Gaza often have a hard time. In Finding Buyers for their crops middlemen dictate the prices now the farmers have an app that helps them find a market. Care amanda is a Small Community in northern ghana. Farmer joshua tangay used to struggle to sell his progeny useful but now he and enough to support his wife and two children thanks to a digital platform hes able to sell the fruits of his labor on a regular basis and at a fair price. That it is that is in over here and i just finished have asked in my maize is so warm and rice and i sold it out to santa and their payment was done right on my my my phone through mobile money. Garners capital acra this is where the digital platform is based that has helped to make joshuas life so much easier. Agro center is an agri tech startup that connects Rural Farmers with big buyers the Company Takes up to thirty Percent Commission from those buyers its in agra centers own interest to get the best possible prices meaning the small holders also profit so far weve heard about. Close to ten thousand farmers probably sail from the platform now before that they were making less money now i would trade it has helped them to increase the their income tremendously so the farmers after they love us. Back in Karen Mangere agro Center Agents are visiting the village theyre here to teach the farmers not only how to use the Check Market Prices but also how to maximize their output. This is agro Centers Regional Storage Center from here the farmers produce is sold to big food buyers earlier the farmers had to sell their produce to local middlemen often for a third of its real value. The digital platform has helped the farmers to increase that income by about twenty five percent. If i dont sell to me what happens far as i want to sell at Fair Market Prices and if im as Fair Market Prices to get with money to be able to pick on their family to pay to even to reinvest a portion and up from. Joshua tangere is not worried that he now depends on a virtual broker for him the benefits are very real. Entrenched in building and living. Tiny houses. With high rises. And furniture from a three d. Printer. A view to the future includes a look at the past. Protector and design timeless and future oriented. General. D. T. You know that Seventy Seven percent off because you are younger than sixty pot. Cuts me and me and you. And you know what its time all voices. On the subject to something listen to talk about the issues. This is where you come. In sixty minutes long t. W. Earth the home were Saving Googling to goes tell

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