Transcripts For DW Treasures Of The World - The Cliff Temple

Transcripts For DW Treasures Of The World - The Cliff Temples Of Abu Simbel Egypt 20180103

are now making names for themselves all over the. song live get along the way some might follow some will continue. their experience of freedom in a sense is like the fenians of day you can visit it but you call come back from. mining in your fish would i work at the number. in his time this man was a master of diplomacy and political strategy but the pharaoh ramsay's the second burned his place in the history books as the most prodigious architect of egyptian antiquity in sixty six you know over egypt came to be seen by later generations as a golden. in the whole four thousand year history of the pharaohs and one of these god kings reigned for longer than ramsey is the second. life blood of the land they ruled over was the sacred nile river it's regular flooding allow tall ponds and green gardens to flourish along its length human settlement was confined to the nile through the flood plain beyond the reach of its life giving water and inhospitable desert again. three thousand years ago the gateway to trade with africa was here in new bia in what's now southern egypt. great quarries of mind supplied stone and gold in abundance for richly decorated buildings. and it was here on the upper reaches of the nile that ramsey is the second built his divine temples. great temples of abu simbel. according to egyptian mythology the sun god raised him so. elf made a ladder for the pharaoh to enter the inner temple using the rays of the rising sun . here were in the world beyond ruled by the god who was serious judge of the dead and ruler of the underworld when ramsay's enters the temple he enters the world of the dead and every day as the sun rises it's a serious who brings the pharaoh back to life rejuvenating it again. like a guard of honor eight metre tall supporting pillars lead to the inner recesses of the temple each is a figure of the god oh serious but with the face of ramses the second. in the innermost sanctuary for statues are carved into the rock they are the creator gods ray who rocked a tar and an on ray. and with them the god king himself ramsay's the second. king rams is the second lived thirteen centuries before christ during his long reign he altered already existing temples founded a new capital city and covered the whole of egypt with huge stone figures and obvious and vast temple complexes. here in the king's mortuary temple the rama z m in the ancient town of thieves lies the head of one such statue originally seven thousand meters tall the figure would have weighed a thousand times. by the second year of his reign ramsay's the second was already adding to the great temple of amman and luxor he built this fifteen meter tall adorning the entrance the king was obviously aware of the superhuman efforts he was demanding from his workers you pay tribute to them in these words you my workers chosen for your strength and the skill of your hands building monuments for me in great numbers skilled in working with precious stones you know the types of granite you know the secrets of sandstone oh hardworking and faithful builders i shall live as long as the monuments you raise. ramsay's commissioned a huge pillar to hold to be added to the great temple of amman it's sometimes named as one of the seven wonders of the world the hall is the size of a small football pitch and contains a forest of one hundred thirty four highly decorated sandstone columns. again and again this card to four players carved into the stone as the hieroglyph for the pharaohs me. ramsay's had the cartouche carved on all his works it reads with her mot re set upin re me a moon which means the one chosen by the god ray. ramsay's rule extended over the civilized world over upper and lower egypt that is the world for him was firmly centered in egypt it's a vast desert and the fertile nile valley. the varos went to war regularly to defend their trade routes and more importantly their land and people. one battle is commemorated on the temple walls at abu simbel it's the battle of card against the hittites early in the king's reign. ramsay's had himself portrayed in the release as a brave warrior and daring military leader an inscription on the wall proclaims the pharaohs courage and fame and bears witness to the cowardice of his own troops. today's historians say the evidence in the battle of carders is conflicting inscriptions left by the hittites present them as the victors. ramsay's turned all egypt into a monument to his own creativity the abu simbel temples were far larger and more significant than any cliff temples he or his predecessors had get. using the simplest of bronze and stone tools to open the rock face the workers cut sixty metres back into the cliffs working in teams of one hundred many much. as the space inside grew a system of polished bronze mirrors was installed in the dim light they gave artists decorated the inner walls with relieves and painted figures. three thousand three hundred years later a multitude of workers descended on the nubian does it once more at the beginning of the one nine hundred sixty s. the temples were under threat from the building of the as one high dam which would leave them submerged in a reservoir so the whole complex was relocated in a unesco initiative which proved to be one of the biggest construction projects of modern times. twenty thousand tons of stone was sawn into blocks taken apart and later put back together. in march one thousand nine hundred sixty eight after four years work the relocation of the temple was finally complete. for ramsay's abu simbel was a residence for all eternity a residence for his family as well as himself ramsay's even built a separate temple for never tare one of his wives although smaller than the main one it was built in a similar style. at the named temple for colossal statues portray the father of the family watching proudly over the other figures and reliefs carved into the stone much like a family for proudly over the other figures and reliefs carved into the stone much like a family photo his wife and children are shown beside him carved a small figures at his feet the king's firstborn son a moon hair chop chef is portrayed here between the legs in the largest statue and at the feet of the colossus on the left stand three of his daughters. ramsey is the second must be one of history's most fertile leaders the names of forty daughters and forty five sons are recorded. to build monument on monument is a wonderful thing to wonderful things at once his own words best show us ramsey is the second the prodigious builder of egyptian antiquity. here in the new b. in desert not far from abu simbel the pharaoh had seven more large cliff temples built sadly few have survived. in twelve twenty four b.c. king ramsay's the seconds long life came to an end he was one of the most important pharaohs and his passing mark the end of a golden age for egypt. entered the conflict zone this week on thinks only is it the us 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Related Keywords

Germany , Nile River , Egypt General , Egypt , Amman , O11 , Jordan , Nile Valley , Washington , United States , Egyptian , Ray Ramsay , Ben Hodges , Ramsay Abu ,

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