Transcripts For DW Tomorrow Today 20220829 :

Transcripts For DW Tomorrow Today 20220829

hypnosis is used to treat physical and psychological symptoms. but what exactly does it do to the brain? ah, welcome to tomorrow to day dw science program. ah, concentrate on the pendulum. your eyes are getting heavy and you're in a trauma. that's how many people imagine hypnosis. but the truth is far from that simple. in clinical hypnosis, at least it's sometimes even used instead of anesthesia. as in the case of this violinist, she had a brain tumor removed under hypnosis. but what exactly happens to the brain when hypnotized? that's what research is in switzerland. a trying to find out what ans in the brain during hypnosis does anything happen? you are a scientist to hoping to gain answers from a project called hip. no science with the help of m r i machines. ok me conquer. can you hear me? okay. okay, open your eyes on and close them again. and you are a scientist and hypnotherapist phillips, them flayed guides the test subject into trance. once he's reached the state known as somnambulist and should hopefully asked him to lift his finger, lost seeking loss if a glass fuzzies for them played on the test. my so far good. the see dog, it seems like the subjects aren't very deep, very relaxed, detached it age. but this is a close to 2 of them. it seems like the deeper they go machine to the less important that is to them, to react to alcohol. so it is today he had about me though i look for you know, for longer the researchers wait for a sign that the subject has reached a trance state, then they start taking data. they also analyze an even deeper trance state, called as dale, one participant tells us how he experienced the different stages. fiesta thought ish. see a day 3 inch ball nick. the 1st stage was a very deep relaxation dollar. each though i still kind of felt like i was there to them, i guess you'd say fish to furnished and somebody's been seeing it as opposed to the 2nd stage, most moody, where it was really hard to lift my finger. also to you this, a little movement was really hard work and i know tim duyka in but in the 1st age it was still okay to hold on. you who song is another of the projects, 50 participants. she especially enjoys the as dial stage. the very deep trance state benched in some tv and switched. and when i was in a really deep states, a jellyfish came to me, for example, floating in a blob of water. when it it's fine. it's not surprising. it's all ok. you can drift off into a fantasy land and uplift in the fantasy road sign. thus, is that what's the difference? and i notice it very clearly. it's a lot of fun by the moment when it's over and i come back out, i always wish i could have stayed a little longer. the researchers have discovered some very interesting patterns from the brain scans. a major success for hypnosis research. even the team is surprised. they appear. i looked at all scholars, my grade. didn't think when sammy comes out on the exit, i don't think would see a change in the brain during hypnosis customer. so of course, what we have such amazing solid resulted doll cisco. it's one of the most fascinating results in my 25 years of a neuro scientist. but on this, i never would have expected that all of this data that the scientists have collected could prove that there are indeed different states of trance. my mother to persona isa. when the tours, when people are in a neutral state, that does a huge amount of activity in the bucket of grain o for buckeye visual stimuli, no matter what thought on many process park there did. for example, if there's a car coming on, you're trying to judge, you can make it across the street in alto, quantum objects of hollywood, but also the note doesn't. these phenomena are processed at the back of the brain in north, during hypnosis as it's something that different happens upward by the 2nd. oh, what that is exactly. it, it, we're not sure yet. at 334, we need more research and more studies before we can answer these questions and more detail in the household. but the project show life is that it really is worth investing more in have noticed research watching for that and also them since in mission viejo. as part of the hip no science project. the researchers have also studied what happens neuro chemically ana hypnotized brain. and whether or not brain waves are affected, there's still a lot of data to analyze that researchers say the results of promising people with a fear of flying don't really can that statistically, airplanes are one of the safest means of transportation. the average accident rate is just 2 in $1000000.00 flights. nevertheless, fear of flying is real. it's a question of mind over matter is easy to say. but under hypnosis, that's exactly what might help you get your fear. under control. psychology student rebec of insect has a fear of flying the 30 year olds, anxiety is linked to a very specific experience then let the mazda miata lost on my flu, is in 2013, actually flu, twice that year. and on the 1st flight i had a person with me who was afraid of flying. and she was already scared on the outbound flight. and she also expressed it full of. she was shaking a lot, looking around frantically on the return flight, i was suddenly afraid to on which i thought was crazy. afterward, there was no reason to be. i've had so as if there wasn't any turbulence, neither on the outbound flight, nor on the return flight off him, still be able to look flu. and in the same year, half a year later, i flew again home. and even a week prior to the flight, i noticed how i constantly had worst case scenarios playing in my head scenes of his crashing cutter as a definitive abstract from advisor. she hadn't flown in years and had to cancel vacations with friends as a result. she wants to change that to day in a single hypnosis session with barbara schmidt. for many years, she has been conducting research on hypnosis at the university hospital and una hypnosis would be especially suited to overcome fear. she says, even of some people find it difficult to let themselves go, does longer than listen, this is not about giving up. control is about regaining control. right now you don't have any control over your fears or other automatic responses that you want to get rid of. 5, i'm going to show you a way to regain control. yes. and that's by using resources or to within yourself, pharmaca source and in what better control could you have than that then? then it starts. barbara schmidt uses a special hypnosis technique that supposed to give rebecca control over her anxiety under hypnosis she supposed to imagine that she's sitting in her favorite movie theater. and in this cinema, she watches herself board the plane on the screen and then more violent wonderland as well to hear anything as possible in wonderland life. he can sit there and go into the projection booth at the same time. why don't you wash your company? have absolute control as to the obstacle to compile. you see all the button here. they can actually play, stop or pause. houser and also to rewind button more. a caster alice. everything is in front of you in a bit, let me know when you're there. what's anti? hey, good. then what rebecca fears most happens on the movie screen, the plane with her inside begins to crash and as a 3rd up thought all and that's the obsolete moment of sheer for off. at that moment you press stop in the projection booth, you know that the image stops and we go into the auditorium again, completely relax a little was horrible. you said they completely say our guns and the shower head. and you just watched this freeze rainbow. you go right in again with the hein on dana, i and then suddenly look, the pictures we wind leak, your feelings. rewind in your right back to where you started. little anger hung hath the and flung of our one will be the beginning was where you was so joyful. and yet can the now you can make your own movie. the movie the way you wanted to be there for me to an hour later. how was it for her? i was for her. yeah. yes. i was for shallow watching my so fly. i was good. that worked really well. yeah. good. yeah. oh, few can be overwhelming. you can easily feel at its mercy, wendy hancock numberless. miss dotson, that's not rational. but it's then on the left and you can get that, you just, your imagination, boston come on. you can also use your imagination to make it different again on the market is if you get the power back of your own imagination and what is played in your own movie theater, to how we can choose between the horror movie and what are the beautiful marina's rebecca wants to find out she'll be flying in a small cessna at a nearby air field. as she's determined and boards the small plain, which is quite ground. arthur, the crystal comfortable group decor realizes they're about to take off. no man but not a hint of panic. every day. okay. okay. good. after 20 minutes in the air, the short experiment is over. a proud to do so. after just one hypnosis session, rebecca was able to fly for the 1st time in 9 years without any problems at is did you think you'd manage that today? no, i didn't especially know that well, so yeah, i'm fine big. it's good and baba schmidt is in the process of scientifically proving that in addition to the fear of flying sicknesses can be used to treat testings ivy and other phobias too. oh, traveling can put a strain on the body to do you get nauseous while on the road? if so, then you're part of the majority who is susceptible to motions? thickness for kenneth's house is a growing number of people also suffer from what's called cyber thickness. 3 d, video games make the brain believe something that the body isn't experiencing. oscar o from mexico wanted to know more why to some people get travel sick? it's a question of balance. with some people can be on the move without any issues. others can do even the most dizzying acrobatics, twirling around rapidly without losing that balance or the spatial orientation. but of only possible when 3 about bodily systems work together, imperfect saying to keep our balance. one important source of information for our brains is our eyes. they help us to situate the body in the space around us, a brain or ants itself, along horizontal and vertical axis, such as the horizon and trees. the balance organ in the, in air, to tax all of the head rotational movements. it can also perceive movements within the space around us. the brain then synthesizes this information into a meaningful 3 dimensional image. it also collects other signals from the muscles, tendons, joints, and skin. if all 3 systems provide the same information, everything is okay. when we fly, the brain receives conflicting information, the eyes and bodies signal repose, while our sense of balance signals motion. the same happens when we travel by train . many people suffer when driving and traffic jams, because their eyes don't perceive the stop and go while the other systems report movement. boat trips can be a particular challenge. even people who have no problems on plains and trains come get sick on boats. the rocking floor and the wavering horizon. deliver sensory impressions. so different from what we're used to that they confuse money, people's brains. it switches to a la mode triggering nausea. ah, don't skin get trouble sick too. and even fish aren't immune to it. if they're transported in a swaying container, they can also get seasick. ah, if our blood is red, why are they a, do you have a science question? send it to us as a video, text or voice message. if we answer it on the air, we'll send you a little surprise as a thank you. you can find us and other science related stories on the web and on twitter. when travelling by bus or train, it's not just the route you're sharing with other passengers. it's also the aerosols in the air you breathe. an aerosol is a mixture of air and small particles which might be of the solid variety, such as foot or liquid droplets. larger particles sink foster, of course, one meter in just over 6 minutes. smaller particles for the diameter if say 0 point one micro meters take over 300 alas for the same distance. the corona virus can be transported on particles, $1000.00 times smaller than a half. but how exactly to aerosols? spread? laser beams make them visible, that dangerous aerosols, tiny suspended particles in the air. we breathe. the virus transporters researched in the special laboratory. a trained compartment public transport poses one of the greatest risks of infection. whether on trains or plains. here we come into close contact with strangers often for hours at a time. and aerosols are everywhere in these enclosed spaces. they all follow it. the challenge is finding out how the air so spread and aircraft cabins under railcars multiplied. we assume that new beginning with a potentially infected per sample. instead, aerosols are exhaled and introduced into the space put in your home and then the ventilation system distributes them in the immediate environment called in the cabin. if a type o in the train compartments him getting in dark, stand in for passengers, they're equipped with measurement sensors. artificial saliva makes up the aerosols. the questions are just how effective are masks really and what role does ventilation play? ah, lights out for the 1st test. so how effective are masks oh, the dolls exhaled their artificial saliva. aerosols, with and without masks. ah, the results without a mask, there is unsurprisingly agree to risk, especially at the communal table, where one person's breath almost reaches the person on the other side of the table . ah, it's even more dangerous while speaking. oh. but even if i might have to close it, transported further with the under a more particles than someone would admit when just breathing normally huda. so when people are speaking more particulars are emitted, he's all of it. and that also conveyed a little bit further into the passenger compartment. it's very different with the mask. the airborne particles hardly fly forward, but upwards instead. thank you for it means the risk of transmitting the aerosol particles to a passenger opposite you is extremely low and it on the after that i carry those particles away more effectively especially bat is coughing without a mask. monday did. or you can see very clearly when someone coughs it at the particles travel more than half the distance to the seats are at the opposite. g to the speed of the outflow. like if i type it, then they're further dispersed by the ventilation system. but i think the person opposite gets a very large amount of particles. if someone coughed without wearing a mask, it's the passenger sit one behind the other. the high seat backs help. however, the danger is not completely eliminated. of india, that barrier does stop the direct transmission of particles uh that the large amount of particles released through coughing without a mosque is still that model can potentially infect other passengers. ah, next test ventilation passengers play a major role here because they radiate heat. the thermal energy of the passengers can be seen with a heat detecting camera. body heat causes air and with it our sause to rise around to passengers. passengers create an updraft with consequences. in today's trains, air is blown in from above. much better than no ventilation at all. a large part of the air sinks to the floor where it's extracted, a good thing. but air also flows sideways to the passengers and is carried back upward by bodied creating so called rotation spoons. the air and thus the aerosols, then make extra rounds and remain in the room for a long time. no, doesn't matter that one of the points we want to explore with our reset, why to further shortened the directional exposure and then also the dispersion distances of the aerosol has forgotten. the idea sounds simple. ventilation systems should not move air from top to bottom . but the other way around in the future when the air is blown in, it forms a reservoir on the floor and then rises. the air rises straight upwards, body heat accelerates the movement of air and acts like an elevator. the air is extracted through the ceiling and the risk of infection is lower. ah, ah, ah, scientist are also studying the dispersal of our souls inside an aircraft. how do aerosols, and with them viruses spread here? that measurement show that the load and spread of aerosols is similar to that on a train. but there are 2 differences that i know is does in that one is not in the aircraft come in. the air velocities are a little high on gung biden. at 15, so you have a slightly stronger downdraft in the i'll area. and the aerosols are transported a little less to the other side of the oil, the sawdust, enough. in addition, the aircraft cabin house fine particle filters 50. so no error saw the talk and redistributed by the circulating air. so da thought anybody in rail carriages, these filters are not installed in machine voice, but our measurements have shown that aerosols are largely not disbursed by the air conditioning system in trains either naugatuck from that conclusion. wearing a mask is the most important protection and ventilation already helps a lot. perhaps even more so in the future. as, as p t masks can filter at least 94 percent of all virus particles out of the air. we breathe. the corona virus pandemic. so them become an integral part of our daily lives due to their protective. the fact that mosques can also be a bit bothersome, especially after wearing them for hours on end indoors with no ventilation. a number of people have complained about getting headaches or fatigue to help mask wearers avoid these issues. a multi disciplinary research team made up of engineers and chemical scientists from the university of granada has developed an intelligent mask that alerts wearers on their smartphones. when recommended c o 2 limits are exceeded lena, that he didn't really think they're going see intelligent mask has a sensor, meaning a way to measure something in the air between your face and the mask twitter in through godaddy la guardia. and so the c o 2 sensor is equipped with the electronics that will measure the color change in the sensor and transmit that information to a smart phone in the sense are able to put on me dealing form of, you know, telephone all molly. so a standard f, f, p to mask can be turned into an intelligent mask that monitors gas concentration by placing a special electronic sticker inside the mask. let me get that getting blue is the car inserted inside the mask is a system that consists of 2 parts. on one side there's what's called readout electronics, which is printed with conductive ink on a flexible, plastic and transparent substrate receive. as you can see, it with the apparent, almost whatever he put up on the other side is the chemical part of the sensor that changes its color. you mean, depending on the c o 2 concentration con lagwen thin doth young videos. you know, they got to want to notify users if they've reached the recommended c o 2 limits inside the mask. the research team has designed a special mobile app a new swati or cuppa. the user has a mobile app to read the carbon dioxide concentration. if one and lobby continental, okay with in a c technology is the same technology used for wireless. claimant's implement users would simply have to hold their smartphone close to the mask. jamante, i mean, it automatically detects the sticker itself it and reads the seo to concentration inside the mask and enter the software alerts users to a traffic light, display red or green, if they need to ventilate and the on on. if the saudi rented out of her, although mask mandates have been lifted in many countries, many workers are still required to wear them so that researchers believe there is a demand. the team is willing to transfer the technology to any industry that may be interested in it. ah, that's it from tomorrow to day d. w. science program, doing this next week, until then stay cheeriest. ah, ah, with ah, who social inequality across africa. now get this. we had to lagos nigeria, and ask people why there is like a big god between the rich and the pick up, the big nancy niger. i'd be looking at the constable spend. yeah, well, it didn't last time. i need to know what african government can do. the 77 percent in 30 minutes on d. w. o. every day counts for us and for our planet. global ideas is on its way to bring you more conservation. how do we make cities, reader, how can we protect habitat? what to do with all our ways we can make a difference by choosing smartness solutions over stains, said in our ways global ideas, the environmental series in global 3000 on d, w, and online departure into the unknown. today. this means flying to a foreign planet. in the 16th century, it meant being a captain and setting sale to discover a route the world famous sea voyage of ferdinand of magellan expedition. now then became a scientific expedition. as many new things were being discovered. it wasn't an adventure in the part of a race, weren't power between spain and portugal. a race linked to military interests, race linked to political, military, christie, but also linked to making financial adventure, philip hardships, dangers, and death. 3 years that would change the world for ever let jones journey around the world, starting september 7th on d. w. ah, this is deed of the news live from berlin, a team from the u. n's nuclear watchdog is on its way to ukraine's russian occupied power plant. people there are preparing for the worst i made you attacks. you are the facility.

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Mexico , Granada , Andalucísp , Spain , Lagos , Nigeria , Niger , India , Boston , Massachusetts , United States , Hollywood , California , Portugal , Saudi Arabia , Russia , Switzerland , Berlin , Germany , Russian , Saudi , Baba Schmidt , Marina Rebecca , Barbara Schmidt , Wendy Hancock ,

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Transcripts For DW Tomorrow Today 20220829 :

Transcripts For DW Tomorrow Today 20220829

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hypnosis is used to treat physical and psychological symptoms. but what exactly does it do to the brain? ah, welcome to tomorrow to day dw science program. ah, concentrate on the pendulum. your eyes are getting heavy and you're in a trauma. that's how many people imagine hypnosis. but the truth is far from that simple. in clinical hypnosis, at least it's sometimes even used instead of anesthesia. as in the case of this violinist, she had a brain tumor removed under hypnosis. but what exactly happens to the brain when hypnotized? that's what research is in switzerland. a trying to find out what ans in the brain during hypnosis does anything happen? you are a scientist to hoping to gain answers from a project called hip. no science with the help of m r i machines. ok me conquer. can you hear me? okay. okay, open your eyes on and close them again. and you are a scientist and hypnotherapist phillips, them flayed guides the test subject into trance. once he's reached the state known as somnambulist and should hopefully asked him to lift his finger, lost seeking loss if a glass fuzzies for them played on the test. my so far good. the see dog, it seems like the subjects aren't very deep, very relaxed, detached it age. but this is a close to 2 of them. it seems like the deeper they go machine to the less important that is to them, to react to alcohol. so it is today he had about me though i look for you know, for longer the researchers wait for a sign that the subject has reached a trance state, then they start taking data. they also analyze an even deeper trance state, called as dale, one participant tells us how he experienced the different stages. fiesta thought ish. see a day 3 inch ball nick. the 1st stage was a very deep relaxation dollar. each though i still kind of felt like i was there to them, i guess you'd say fish to furnished and somebody's been seeing it as opposed to the 2nd stage, most moody, where it was really hard to lift my finger. also to you this, a little movement was really hard work and i know tim duyka in but in the 1st age it was still okay to hold on. you who song is another of the projects, 50 participants. she especially enjoys the as dial stage. the very deep trance state benched in some tv and switched. and when i was in a really deep states, a jellyfish came to me, for example, floating in a blob of water. when it it's fine. it's not surprising. it's all ok. you can drift off into a fantasy land and uplift in the fantasy road sign. thus, is that what's the difference? and i notice it very clearly. it's a lot of fun by the moment when it's over and i come back out, i always wish i could have stayed a little longer. the researchers have discovered some very interesting patterns from the brain scans. a major success for hypnosis research. even the team is surprised. they appear. i looked at all scholars, my grade. didn't think when sammy comes out on the exit, i don't think would see a change in the brain during hypnosis customer. so of course, what we have such amazing solid resulted doll cisco. it's one of the most fascinating results in my 25 years of a neuro scientist. but on this, i never would have expected that all of this data that the scientists have collected could prove that there are indeed different states of trance. my mother to persona isa. when the tours, when people are in a neutral state, that does a huge amount of activity in the bucket of grain o for buckeye visual stimuli, no matter what thought on many process park there did. for example, if there's a car coming on, you're trying to judge, you can make it across the street in alto, quantum objects of hollywood, but also the note doesn't. these phenomena are processed at the back of the brain in north, during hypnosis as it's something that different happens upward by the 2nd. oh, what that is exactly. it, it, we're not sure yet. at 334, we need more research and more studies before we can answer these questions and more detail in the household. but the project show life is that it really is worth investing more in have noticed research watching for that and also them since in mission viejo. as part of the hip no science project. the researchers have also studied what happens neuro chemically ana hypnotized brain. and whether or not brain waves are affected, there's still a lot of data to analyze that researchers say the results of promising people with a fear of flying don't really can that statistically, airplanes are one of the safest means of transportation. the average accident rate is just 2 in $1000000.00 flights. nevertheless, fear of flying is real. it's a question of mind over matter is easy to say. but under hypnosis, that's exactly what might help you get your fear. under control. psychology student rebec of insect has a fear of flying the 30 year olds, anxiety is linked to a very specific experience then let the mazda miata lost on my flu, is in 2013, actually flu, twice that year. and on the 1st flight i had a person with me who was afraid of flying. and she was already scared on the outbound flight. and she also expressed it full of. she was shaking a lot, looking around frantically on the return flight, i was suddenly afraid to on which i thought was crazy. afterward, there was no reason to be. i've had so as if there wasn't any turbulence, neither on the outbound flight, nor on the return flight off him, still be able to look flu. and in the same year, half a year later, i flew again home. and even a week prior to the flight, i noticed how i constantly had worst case scenarios playing in my head scenes of his crashing cutter as a definitive abstract from advisor. she hadn't flown in years and had to cancel vacations with friends as a result. she wants to change that to day in a single hypnosis session with barbara schmidt. for many years, she has been conducting research on hypnosis at the university hospital and una hypnosis would be especially suited to overcome fear. she says, even of some people find it difficult to let themselves go, does longer than listen, this is not about giving up. control is about regaining control. right now you don't have any control over your fears or other automatic responses that you want to get rid of. 5, i'm going to show you a way to regain control. yes. and that's by using resources or to within yourself, pharmaca source and in what better control could you have than that then? then it starts. barbara schmidt uses a special hypnosis technique that supposed to give rebecca control over her anxiety under hypnosis she supposed to imagine that she's sitting in her favorite movie theater. and in this cinema, she watches herself board the plane on the screen and then more violent wonderland as well to hear anything as possible in wonderland life. he can sit there and go into the projection booth at the same time. why don't you wash your company? have absolute control as to the obstacle to compile. you see all the button here. they can actually play, stop or pause. houser and also to rewind button more. a caster alice. everything is in front of you in a bit, let me know when you're there. what's anti? hey, good. then what rebecca fears most happens on the movie screen, the plane with her inside begins to crash and as a 3rd up thought all and that's the obsolete moment of sheer for off. at that moment you press stop in the projection booth, you know that the image stops and we go into the auditorium again, completely relax a little was horrible. you said they completely say our guns and the shower head. and you just watched this freeze rainbow. you go right in again with the hein on dana, i and then suddenly look, the pictures we wind leak, your feelings. rewind in your right back to where you started. little anger hung hath the and flung of our one will be the beginning was where you was so joyful. and yet can the now you can make your own movie. the movie the way you wanted to be there for me to an hour later. how was it for her? i was for her. yeah. yes. i was for shallow watching my so fly. i was good. that worked really well. yeah. good. yeah. oh, few can be overwhelming. you can easily feel at its mercy, wendy hancock numberless. miss dotson, that's not rational. but it's then on the left and you can get that, you just, your imagination, boston come on. you can also use your imagination to make it different again on the market is if you get the power back of your own imagination and what is played in your own movie theater, to how we can choose between the horror movie and what are the beautiful marina's rebecca wants to find out she'll be flying in a small cessna at a nearby air field. as she's determined and boards the small plain, which is quite ground. arthur, the crystal comfortable group decor realizes they're about to take off. no man but not a hint of panic. every day. okay. okay. good. after 20 minutes in the air, the short experiment is over. a proud to do so. after just one hypnosis session, rebecca was able to fly for the 1st time in 9 years without any problems at is did you think you'd manage that today? no, i didn't especially know that well, so yeah, i'm fine big. it's good and baba schmidt is in the process of scientifically proving that in addition to the fear of flying sicknesses can be used to treat testings ivy and other phobias too. oh, traveling can put a strain on the body to do you get nauseous while on the road? if so, then you're part of the majority who is susceptible to motions? thickness for kenneth's house is a growing number of people also suffer from what's called cyber thickness. 3 d, video games make the brain believe something that the body isn't experiencing. oscar o from mexico wanted to know more why to some people get travel sick? it's a question of balance. with some people can be on the move without any issues. others can do even the most dizzying acrobatics, twirling around rapidly without losing that balance or the spatial orientation. but of only possible when 3 about bodily systems work together, imperfect saying to keep our balance. one important source of information for our brains is our eyes. they help us to situate the body in the space around us, a brain or ants itself, along horizontal and vertical axis, such as the horizon and trees. the balance organ in the, in air, to tax all of the head rotational movements. it can also perceive movements within the space around us. the brain then synthesizes this information into a meaningful 3 dimensional image. it also collects other signals from the muscles, tendons, joints, and skin. if all 3 systems provide the same information, everything is okay. when we fly, the brain receives conflicting information, the eyes and bodies signal repose, while our sense of balance signals motion. the same happens when we travel by train . many people suffer when driving and traffic jams, because their eyes don't perceive the stop and go while the other systems report movement. boat trips can be a particular challenge. even people who have no problems on plains and trains come get sick on boats. the rocking floor and the wavering horizon. deliver sensory impressions. so different from what we're used to that they confuse money, people's brains. it switches to a la mode triggering nausea. ah, don't skin get trouble sick too. and even fish aren't immune to it. if they're transported in a swaying container, they can also get seasick. ah, if our blood is red, why are they a, do you have a science question? send it to us as a video, text or voice message. if we answer it on the air, we'll send you a little surprise as a thank you. you can find us and other science related stories on the web and on twitter. when travelling by bus or train, it's not just the route you're sharing with other passengers. it's also the aerosols in the air you breathe. an aerosol is a mixture of air and small particles which might be of the solid variety, such as foot or liquid droplets. larger particles sink foster, of course, one meter in just over 6 minutes. smaller particles for the diameter if say 0 point one micro meters take over 300 alas for the same distance. the corona virus can be transported on particles, $1000.00 times smaller than a half. but how exactly to aerosols? spread? laser beams make them visible, that dangerous aerosols, tiny suspended particles in the air. we breathe. the virus transporters researched in the special laboratory. a trained compartment public transport poses one of the greatest risks of infection. whether on trains or plains. here we come into close contact with strangers often for hours at a time. and aerosols are everywhere in these enclosed spaces. they all follow it. the challenge is finding out how the air so spread and aircraft cabins under railcars multiplied. we assume that new beginning with a potentially infected per sample. instead, aerosols are exhaled and introduced into the space put in your home and then the ventilation system distributes them in the immediate environment called in the cabin. if a type o in the train compartments him getting in dark, stand in for passengers, they're equipped with measurement sensors. artificial saliva makes up the aerosols. the questions are just how effective are masks really and what role does ventilation play? ah, lights out for the 1st test. so how effective are masks oh, the dolls exhaled their artificial saliva. aerosols, with and without masks. ah, the results without a mask, there is unsurprisingly agree to risk, especially at the communal table, where one person's breath almost reaches the person on the other side of the table . ah, it's even more dangerous while speaking. oh. but even if i might have to close it, transported further with the under a more particles than someone would admit when just breathing normally huda. so when people are speaking more particulars are emitted, he's all of it. and that also conveyed a little bit further into the passenger compartment. it's very different with the mask. the airborne particles hardly fly forward, but upwards instead. thank you for it means the risk of transmitting the aerosol particles to a passenger opposite you is extremely low and it on the after that i carry those particles away more effectively especially bat is coughing without a mask. monday did. or you can see very clearly when someone coughs it at the particles travel more than half the distance to the seats are at the opposite. g to the speed of the outflow. like if i type it, then they're further dispersed by the ventilation system. but i think the person opposite gets a very large amount of particles. if someone coughed without wearing a mask, it's the passenger sit one behind the other. the high seat backs help. however, the danger is not completely eliminated. of india, that barrier does stop the direct transmission of particles uh that the large amount of particles released through coughing without a mosque is still that model can potentially infect other passengers. ah, next test ventilation passengers play a major role here because they radiate heat. the thermal energy of the passengers can be seen with a heat detecting camera. body heat causes air and with it our sause to rise around to passengers. passengers create an updraft with consequences. in today's trains, air is blown in from above. much better than no ventilation at all. a large part of the air sinks to the floor where it's extracted, a good thing. but air also flows sideways to the passengers and is carried back upward by bodied creating so called rotation spoons. the air and thus the aerosols, then make extra rounds and remain in the room for a long time. no, doesn't matter that one of the points we want to explore with our reset, why to further shortened the directional exposure and then also the dispersion distances of the aerosol has forgotten. the idea sounds simple. ventilation systems should not move air from top to bottom . but the other way around in the future when the air is blown in, it forms a reservoir on the floor and then rises. the air rises straight upwards, body heat accelerates the movement of air and acts like an elevator. the air is extracted through the ceiling and the risk of infection is lower. ah, ah, ah, scientist are also studying the dispersal of our souls inside an aircraft. how do aerosols, and with them viruses spread here? that measurement show that the load and spread of aerosols is similar to that on a train. but there are 2 differences that i know is does in that one is not in the aircraft come in. the air velocities are a little high on gung biden. at 15, so you have a slightly stronger downdraft in the i'll area. and the aerosols are transported a little less to the other side of the oil, the sawdust, enough. in addition, the aircraft cabin house fine particle filters 50. so no error saw the talk and redistributed by the circulating air. so da thought anybody in rail carriages, these filters are not installed in machine voice, but our measurements have shown that aerosols are largely not disbursed by the air conditioning system in trains either naugatuck from that conclusion. wearing a mask is the most important protection and ventilation already helps a lot. perhaps even more so in the future. as, as p t masks can filter at least 94 percent of all virus particles out of the air. we breathe. the corona virus pandemic. so them become an integral part of our daily lives due to their protective. the fact that mosques can also be a bit bothersome, especially after wearing them for hours on end indoors with no ventilation. a number of people have complained about getting headaches or fatigue to help mask wearers avoid these issues. a multi disciplinary research team made up of engineers and chemical scientists from the university of granada has developed an intelligent mask that alerts wearers on their smartphones. when recommended c o 2 limits are exceeded lena, that he didn't really think they're going see intelligent mask has a sensor, meaning a way to measure something in the air between your face and the mask twitter in through godaddy la guardia. and so the c o 2 sensor is equipped with the electronics that will measure the color change in the sensor and transmit that information to a smart phone in the sense are able to put on me dealing form of, you know, telephone all molly. so a standard f, f, p to mask can be turned into an intelligent mask that monitors gas concentration by placing a special electronic sticker inside the mask. let me get that getting blue is the car inserted inside the mask is a system that consists of 2 parts. on one side there's what's called readout electronics, which is printed with conductive ink on a flexible, plastic and transparent substrate receive. as you can see, it with the apparent, almost whatever he put up on the other side is the chemical part of the sensor that changes its color. you mean, depending on the c o 2 concentration con lagwen thin doth young videos. you know, they got to want to notify users if they've reached the recommended c o 2 limits inside the mask. the research team has designed a special mobile app a new swati or cuppa. the user has a mobile app to read the carbon dioxide concentration. if one and lobby continental, okay with in a c technology is the same technology used for wireless. claimant's implement users would simply have to hold their smartphone close to the mask. jamante, i mean, it automatically detects the sticker itself it and reads the seo to concentration inside the mask and enter the software alerts users to a traffic light, display red or green, if they need to ventilate and the on on. if the saudi rented out of her, although mask mandates have been lifted in many countries, many workers are still required to wear them so that researchers believe there is a demand. the team is willing to transfer the technology to any industry that may be interested in it. ah, that's it from tomorrow to day d. w. science program, doing this next week, until then stay cheeriest. ah, ah, with ah, who social inequality across africa. now get this. we had to lagos nigeria, and ask people why there is like a big god between the rich and the pick up, the big nancy niger. i'd be looking at the constable spend. yeah, well, it didn't last time. i need to know what african government can do. the 77 percent in 30 minutes on d. w. o. every day counts for us and for our planet. global ideas is on its way to bring you more conservation. how do we make cities, reader, how can we protect habitat? what to do with all our ways we can make a difference by choosing smartness solutions over stains, said in our ways global ideas, the environmental series in global 3000 on d, w, and online departure into the unknown. today. this means flying to a foreign planet. in the 16th century, it meant being a captain and setting sale to discover a route the world famous sea voyage of ferdinand of magellan expedition. now then became a scientific expedition. as many new things were being discovered. it wasn't an adventure in the part of a race, weren't power between spain and portugal. a race linked to military interests, race linked to political, military, christie, but also linked to making financial adventure, philip hardships, dangers, and death. 3 years that would change the world for ever let jones journey around the world, starting september 7th on d. w. ah, this is deed of the news live from berlin, a team from the u. n's nuclear watchdog is on its way to ukraine's russian occupied power plant. people there are preparing for the worst i made you attacks. you are the facility.

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Mexico , Granada , Andalucísp , Spain , Lagos , Nigeria , Niger , India , Boston , Massachusetts , United States , Hollywood , California , Portugal , Saudi Arabia , Russia , Switzerland , Berlin , Germany , Russian , Saudi , Baba Schmidt , Marina Rebecca , Barbara Schmidt , Wendy Hancock ,

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