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For more than two years the world has heard it means in one hundred days breaks it will be a reality and yet no one can tell you what that will mean what it will be tonight facing a future of uncertainty britain and the European Union preparing for a bright said and that means disaster im burned off in berlin this is the day. To do so because of the gold coast the risks of a disorderly exit from the European Union are clear. It would be an absolute catastrophe not only were clearly dont want and im regulated banks as well as the new deal is really not an option its something that should be absolutely avoided a government is making a Deal Preparations we stepped up those nato preparations because of course businesses can adapt and change the law they need to sit and say what we need is time to focus the cultural the commission is trying to prevent a disorderly exit from the European Union from happening if it. Is what it takes two to tango with. Also coming up tonight breaks it doesnt have to be britains swan song in europe a boy band is serenading the british with a Brick Sit Ballad is entitled britain come back. We begin the day with a hundred days until break says the biggest economic and political divorce in modern history Britains Exit from the European Union is scheduled to begin on March Twenty Ninth of next year that is the plan but for both the u. K. And the European Union breaks it is looking much more like a crash off a cliff than just a parting of ways the u. K. Parliament hasnt even voted on the brics a deal and yet in Parliament Today all makers debated the countrys Immigration Policy post directs it and in brussels leaders have announced preparations for the worst a bright sit with no deal a Nightmare Scenario that in just one hundred days could be the Reality Britain and europe wake up to. The clock is ticking down to brag says its still unclear exactly how the u. K. Plans to leave the European Union in march. Prime minister theresa may reached a divorce deal with the e. U. In november but its far from certain it will receive the parliamentary approval required so last happens of parliament to jacks mays withdrawal agreement. One scenario sending shivers through political and business circles is that the u. K. Could crash out of the e. U. With a deal to stick an on his record and also the risks of a disorderly exit from the European Union are clear. As it would be an absolute catastrophe any new deal is really not an option its something that should be absolutely. One hundred days to price it we are very very concerned thats looking like it could still be an option thats on the table which would just be disastrous for the british economy but what could have messy breakup with the e. U. Mean impact us. Consequence number one Transport Chaos. No trade deal means the u. K. Would fall back on the rules of the World Trade Organization custom checks the borders would return with the likelihood of huge traffic jams on moesha ways leading to ports w t o rules do not cover aviation the direct consequence british based airlines would need special permission to fly within the e. U. And knock on effect of the Transport Chaos disruption to Food Supplies the u. K. Imports about thirty percent of its food from the e. U. So supermarkets could see shortages on their shelves there is more another sector that could get into trouble banking london ranks is one of the worlds Top Financial Centers with ties to deal Financial Operations could because often clients in the e. U. And then there is health care the u. K. Imports lifesaving medicines like insulin and Cancer Treatments the government has already admitted its stockpiling drugs in case of a no jail practice. The e. U. And the u. K. Are now busy pushing contingency measures in place with the knowledge that a no deal drugs this would actually be a pretty big deal. I am joined tonight by the privies old from brussels barbara has been on the front line of the battles since day one she has chronicled every twist and turn in her bra diaries some of her more recent entries are entitled winds and Anarky The Dream has died or how about this one a monkey fights on mad house in westminster. Barbara why monty python is it is great says that funny or is that bad. It is maybe funny only for the outside of service but it is rather mad and served like many off one sketches for instance recently after the no confidence vote against series m a from the side of her own tory party and a surge of parliamentarians voted against her because she was too soft on vets it afterwards you know the dead parrot sketch came to mind and the question is the Prime Minister politically dead or is she just resting or is she after all nailed to approach i mean that is the sort of thing were dealing with in britain at the at the moment and if youre not british and youre not immediately concerned by whats happening now you take a step back and you think is this far cry from laughing. You dont know whether the cry of the left today the European Union the European Commission announced that its starting to prepare for a new deal brags that we know that thats the same case for the u. K. Government talk us through what leaders fear could happen in a hundred days from now. The e. U. Preparations are practical measures and the e. U. Emphasizes these are unilateral directives that are being made by brussels and they can be taken back at any times and they are as they are sort of set up to ease the worst for instance the trucks british trucks are still supposed to roll in europe and they get sort of like an extension of their permits because otherwise if the e. U. Wouldnt do that there would no not be any Bridge Trucks anymore in european roads they would have to stop at the borders because they dont have any permits anymore its stuff like that that is one of the big issues for instance because otherwise the british exports would completely start a stop on day one on march thirtieth another issue is for instance the Financial Markets passport being ns that has been repeated about three times today by the e. U. Commission that means Financial Services kind operate in the e. U. Anymore and there is one exception that the derivatives clearing that will just carry on for a while the Citizens Rights for instance the e. U. Commission appeals to Member States to be generous introduce to clear up the rights of the u. K. Citizens living in European Countries and france and spain for instance and they have the right to do was that and so it is fourteen measures individual measures to keep planes flying in a very basic simple manner all this just for a year after the heart breaks that. We learned today barbara that British Police are planning to draft in the army to help deal with civil unrest in the event that Britain Creches Out of the i mean its just going to be you know its going to be chaotic and violent come march when you know. Everything is possible i mean once people realize that what is in fact happening for exit so far has been a concept it has been in an ideology that had been fought over by two sides that remain isnt the rx it tears violently but was words but if the reality strikes when reality strikes on March Twenty Ninth of next year you never know whats going to happen you know that facts might be piled up on the m twenty all the way to london because the controls the new custom controls and over and on the way on the french side would be so slow probably and things like that food and fresh food and since the markets could run with out within two or three days once people realize that there might infect the civil unrest and so the British Government has said yes we have to have some soldiers on standby to sort of deal was the worst and we want to point out there are many people in britain who do not want it to happen back in june physicians from the British Medical Association overwhelmingly passed a motion opposing breaks in calling for a peoples vote on the final deal. Today in an open letter to the public the British Medical Associations Council Chair dr chan powell sounded the alarm about what breaks it will mean for the National Health service he writes with one hundred days until breaks in the corridors of power are still consumed with infighting yet it will be those left waiting in the corridors of our hospitals that bear the real brunt of this current political chaos with one hundred days to go we are plagued with uncertainty the only thing that is certain is that no type of brakes it will ever offer the same Health Benefits we currently have. I mean that is thats a dark picture of the future and that should be reason enough you would think to postpone brix it if not cancel it why does the public seem not impressed by that dark predictions. Large part of the public are interested in the meantime bought rex it is it belief it is like a religious sect people who believe in it sort of come up was the most incredible explanations there was one hundred bricks a tear we just wrote a couple of days ago that he would vote for leave and he would sort of fight for leave and even if my family had to eat grass i mean really and jeremy hunt the Foreign Minister and he said that it wouldnt be all that bad britain had sort of overcome one and was stood World War Two and it would be able to do that thats The Good Old Boot spirit coming back up again so people are not dealing many of us are not dealing with reality but they are dealing with what they want to believe the Health Service you listen to the Health Minister met hancock telling blissfully in an interview that to he was the biggest buyer of fridges globally at the moment because britain is Stockpiling Medicines and if you sort of dont do that its for crying certainly brant if you dont sort of turn around then you cant be helped i want to ask you about the Prime Minister theresa may we know that she wanted to remain in the e. U. She has become the brigs means briggs Prime Minister i mean even if she convinces the public that she means business we know that her heart is not in this because she was a remainder knowing this you could say that theresa may looks like a phoney why hasnt that been a bigger issue in the u k. That is a big issue father how vexed bricks within the tory party is and that particularly is the reason why One Hundred Seventeen of have voted against her a week ago a third of her own Parliamentary Group and they think she is too soft they think our strategy is too. Much too to sort of careful and they want a heartbreaks that i mean that is what people like good Boris Johnson and jacob riis hmong are fighting for again they are just the form that. Its secretary its a long list and they Fling Treason may is just simply not hard enough and so she is sort of in a double role and on one hand she she repeats endlessly i want to deliver this is what these british people voted for and fifty two percent of them and on the other hand she is that the people think she should be much harder and should shut this crash bang out that sort of rights and thats three is a maze dilemma we learned this week that David Cameron the Prime Minister who triggered the brigs referendum and then quit of course the day after breakfast passed we learned that he has been hit by using Prime Minister to resign me on brets it now what do you make about. Oh its always great to make the fox sort of the keeper of the hen house house dont you think friend really and i mean the particularly hypocrisy in this case was that came out on the same day that to reason made late into tony blair because he had publicly i asked for a second referendum and advise for a second referendum and she and she said you know form the Prime Ministers should keep out of current politics and then just a couple of hours later it emerged that she had the advice off David Cameron i mean you know how critical can you get but that even sort of raised a laugh in just papers but i dont think i would want to be a chicken in that his health thats for sure are we were almost out of time barbers a couple of predictions wed like to get from you look into your crystal ball will Parliament Pass or reject the brics deal in january yes or no currently. Ok will there be a hard break meaning that the u. K. Leaves the e. U. With no deal. Fifty percent chance it will happen and will there be a second referendum. Now very simple thats the other fifty percent and my best hope for the year Two Thousand And Nineteen all right barbara on the story for us tonight in brussels thank you very much if we dont see you if i dont see you again Merry Christmas Happy New Year lets hope for a better Two Thousand And Nineteen if we dare thank you barbara. Well the white house today made a stunning announcement the socalled Islamic State has been defeated and u. S. Troops will come home very soon in washington not everyone agrees with President Trump that isis is just a bad memory of the past american backed Syrian Democratic forces the s. D. F. Are still fighting the jihad is attempting to clear the town of hygiene of isis militants now hygiene lies in the valley of the Euphrates River close to the border with iraq its the last Islamic State stronghold a stark comparison to the large swathes of syria and iraq which isis once controlled lets bring in our washington Correspondent Miles Waiter shes following the story for us going to do you lie of the timing here it was unexpected this announcement do we know what prompted the decision and is everyone on board. It seems to have taken much of the washington establishment by surprise weve seen several of the top Military Brass in the past days and weeks before this announcement coming out and saying things like you know were committed to our goals in syria one of the Joint Chiefs Of Staff putting out a statement saying that the mission is really far from complete especially in terms of stabilization that it would be naive to say that isis has been completely defeated which is what the president was claiming in his tweet and its known that there are somewhere at the very minimum about two thousand possibly as high as Thirty Thousand socalled Islamic State fighters still somewhere in syria even if they have made huge territorial losses and a lot of. Top brass saying that this is been a huge reversal of americas policy up until now a very sudden about face even republican legislators coming out expressing confusion and dismay as to the timing of this so it seems that very much know not everyone is on board with this but. Has tweeted that yes has now been defeated what has been the reaction to play. Well as weve heard weve had some generals coming out saying no we still need to be on the ground and it would be again you have to assume that i ask is completely gone and that if the u. S. Simply pulls out that they will stay gone and we also know that even if theyre not very present on the ground anymore online i asked who has a very strong following weve also seen as i said some republican legislators coming out saying we cant tell whether or not this is the right call because its then such a sudden announcement that the only thing that might explain something brant is that. Type of error on the turkish president has had as that in conversation with donald trump several times over the past couple of weeks including in reportedly a phone call this morning and u. S. Troops have been working very closely with kurdish troops in the north specifically on the task of eliminating i asked and with u. S. Troops out of the way that might lead. To one clear to put his own men on the kurds yeah thats a very good point rym were just getting reports that some troops saying he did not discuss with turkish president or one that the dates were pulling u. S. Troops out and the u. S. Now saying too that those pockets of remaining isis militants can be defeated by the other Partner Forces remaining in the region so well have to see what happens with my ex we are on the story for us tonight in washington long thank you. When german chancellor Angela Merkels cabinet has approved legislation that should help skilled workers from outside the European Union find jobs right here in germany and the country urgently needs people to fill more than a million Job Vacancies the proposed law would simplify the process for recognizing professional or Vocational Training degrees that have been earned abroad it would eliminate the requirement that employers check whether german nationals are also available to fill the vacancy of the legislation is being praised as a major milestone for germany is about the status quo and today is a truly historic day. Were putting thirty years of ideological debate on Immigration Law behind us. Is that we are proposing a bill that addresses one of the urgent problems our country faces and shows that we are capable of solving those and. We need manpower from outside the European Economic area to safeguard our prosperity and fill our Job Vacancies the existence. Art of board here at the big table now by Julian Lehmann he is from the Global Public policy institute here in berlin joining us good to see you again we heard right there that were talking about thirty years of ideological debate on immigration that has taken place here in germany just tell our viewers you know what has been that debate germany has been a top dissin nation country for International Like wins for quite some time but it has failed to acknowledge politically that it is an Immigration Country of the sorts of canada and the like so in a sense what has been going on for a long time and you can show that was the turkish immigrants that arrived in the sixtys and the seventys is that the political rhetoric and messaging was legging behind the reality on the ground and i think that what chance americal eludes to that was the adoption of this law this is somewhat changed you know i can remember there were times when unemployment in this country was you know nine ten percent you could look at that and you and i know that there are some people who would who would say ok we may have unemployment again in the future so whats wrong with the old laws the Immigration Laws for workers so its true that there is quite some comprehensive laws already so let me allude to two things first of all they are quite scattered you find them in lots of different places and that has not really been addressed with this current law but what has been addressed is this issue of what do we do with this middle segment off the people that are not highly qualified so that if they would get a new blue card that sort of have qualified but dont have a University Degree in here whats the regulations for them so that they can enter the territory and desist something that we have had a gap for years and its now been addressed and. I think in case we would see a change in the labor market we may see a certain. Reversal off that you know one part of this nother part of the law that has been discussed today concerns the people that have that Asylum Seekers but whose Asylum Applications have been rejected right and that is only fixed sort of in its when it comes into force it will only be in Two Thousand And Nineteen it will only be enforced two years so we may see a certain reversal for the other part as well and what about the the migrants who came into germany a couple years ago you never talk about more than a million migrants who came in from syria many of many of them want to stay here want to work here whats their status so when we talk about the syrians they will in most cases have Refugee Status or other protection status so that they can work has never really been contested thats already the e. U. Standards so the law that that has been debated today by the cabinet would really affect that and this affects when we talk about Asylum Seekers it affects those whose Asylum Applications have been rejected and these people if they have found a work and have worked for eighteen months then they their stay will be tolerated so there is some some process there we heard in the u. K. Today that there was talk about post brags that Immigration Policy and help the u. K. Wants to attract high skilled workers whats the attractiveness of germany at the moment for highly skilled workers so as of last year i think germany is at the number three position off destination countries of International Migrants i dont im not sure about the desegregation of the high skilled migrant segment. But but it germany is clearly. One of the most important as an Asian Countries and if you look at the rankings which countries do best in terms of. Integration integrating immigrants into the labor market germanys position is actually not that bad also so there is for instance one important ranking that places germany in the top ten countries so the position. Is quite high the german governments proposed changes to the wall do you think that theyre like theyre going to change or how widely is of the they will change the Immigration Debate here in this country so look i think the last weeks and the debates around the migration compact by the United Nations have shown us how easy prey these kinds of legislations off for the Populist Party but one important lesson that weve seen in in that debate is that the government the government needs to be pat better to respond to that they have sort of Half Heartedly only at the end responded robustly and i think they need to have a better strategy to explain why is this in Germanys National interest and i think it is you know its not just about rebutting and saying you know and relativizing saying well this aspect doesnt really work out the way its been procreate but its really showing a narrative and explaining to the voters why this is in germany session its also about feeling in a very good jobs jobs have to be filled in with the Global Public policy institute here in berlin as always julian thank you thanks frank. Well the big is almost done but as always a conversation continues online and you know where to find us at t. V. On twitter were going to leave you tonight where we began with bricks at and an appeal from the boy band Union Urging Britons to return to the e. U. Insisting that the love is not over every member whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see that everybody. Can be. This. Do feel love inside. Culture. Hair. Superfood stylish style icon. Lifestyles. Rescuing sea horses increase. Their lives a colony of tiny Sea Creatures that are threatened by. Discarded fishing net. Volunteers are retrieving the net. Helping to preserve the Seahorses Marine Have attempted. In sixty minutes on d w. In a timeless way discover the Bios Effect Bauhaus World starts january thirteenth on. We make up over a week watch as of half of that hundred twenty fives we are the Civil Service and. The want to shape the continents future should. Be part of enjoying african youngsters as they share their stories their dreams and their challenges. The Seventy Seven percent. Platform for africa charge. Hello welcome to another edition of euro max coming to you film so lets see whats making the headlines in todays so. Let there be light of paper

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