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Paris will finance all these proposals all together amounts reaches several billion euros chris the christmas bonus on the taxes on the christmas bonus the raise of the minimum wage tax to lower taxes on on pension is. And paris has already difficulties to me its the budget criteria and they must retire terry on the european level. Margin is really narrow actually and he has to know that and you know it brings us to the question then what kind of risk does this put for all of europe seeing the french president give in to violent protests by basically opening up the state coffers if European Countries face similar difficulties we so demonstration in belgium in the netherlands in that respect it was also interesting to hear dealing cochairman today benjamin siga saying he was forcing similar protests in germany. With the raise of rents in bigger big german cities the issue of the working poor could also gained ground in germany and what about mr macro and International Reputation media he has been seen by a lot of people around the world especially with the german chancellor leaving the political stage as you know curing the torch for your theres a kind of addicted to me in the perception of the man who in my career is a lot critic scene was very critical even in france and you still celebrate it outside of fronts but if france doesnt meet and meet is obligation on financial obligation of european level you will have no leverage to implement these reform is that youve been i joined up and you know Where Do We Go From Here its interesting we have been reporting that mccrone was elected as the president of reform and now hes being derived did as the president of the rich. Yes very good question actually now my car and his feet she said you know he made all these concessions and he was be being modest and everything but he also said im going to continue with my reforms and the next reforms that are coming up the pension and the Unemployment System Reform so that its really that he that these are crucial pieces of his Reform Puzzle and we will see if you will be able actually to push them through it looks like he wanted to make concessions he also said you know this is really a very important moment for this country and now its the start of a new Social Contract say to say but it also looks like he wants to really stay on course to push through his program and he said do we know why mr macron has basically been in a Missing In Action for the past for we submit you know tonights speech on television was the first time that hes been seen in public in what four weeks or so right. Ten days ten his last speech was about ten days ago and the thing is that when he spoke last time around it kind of backfired because people say you know youre actually not offering much you know offering too little too late at the time he withdrew the tax and the rise in fuel tax for a few months but he didnt even say were going to scrap that that tax and people are saying we actually if we fall. Over this now we need more measures said it actually i think he didnt want to speak publicly because last time it Didnt Work Out very well so you put forward his Prime Minister he was making a new concessions new nonsense and whenever it off you need the Prime Minister came out and spake it was never enough so i think he just didnt want to get burned and he waited until he couldnt wait no longer article responded lisa louis and paris and look under here in studio with both of you you thank. And then on to another leader under fire britains Prime Minister theresa may says that parliament will not vote on her brights a deal tomorrow as planned but he says that it is clear theres just insufficient support for the deal on the table and following her announcement today European Council president all toast called a meeting for thursday to discuss brights it but he says the e. U. Will not renegotiate the terms of the deal to rescind mays problems not getting any small. Think it was a difficult day for to reason may britains embattled Prime Minister i think some very carefully she was has been said in this chamber and in the. She had hoped the draft breaks that deal on how the u. K. Leaves the e. U. Would somehow get through parliament facing her detractors as she was forced to admit she was badly wrong as a result if we went ahead and house the post tomorrow the deal would be with you guys but. We will therefore to further that chance will for tomorrow. And not proceed to divide the house at this time politicians of all stripes angry with a reason may they were loud calls for her to quit. This house mr speaker this is a bad deal for britain a bad deal for our economy and a bad deal for democracy our country deserves better than this the Prime Minister is trying to buy himself one last chance to save this deal if she doesnt take on board the fundamental changes required then she must make way for those who can. Well and hes passionately debated inside parliament outside there was that mentally of pro and anti breaks it demonstrates is. That squabbling representative of the mood of the nation. It is a half hour trade off the trade is with your opinion and also so i dont consider myself. A first time that much so its actually meant something i am very worried that its going to. Trace in my is going to sign this up to something that will never get out of and i think remain look at that day through it through the back door. Many people have many problems with mays draft breaks it deal what everyone is united in opposition to is her proposed Border Arrangement between ireland and Northern Ireland the socalled backstop it guarantees that the only land border between the u. K. And the e. U. Will remain open something everybody wants but while she and her e. U. Counterparts figure out how to do that under the Draft Agreement Northern Ireland will behave as if it was still part of the e. U. In Terms Of Trade and the movement of people this would either effectively create a new border within the u. K. Or else the whole of the u. K. Would have to keep e. U. Trade conditions both of these options race fierce opposition amongst breaks it is may will head to brussels soon to talk this out but brussels has already said it wont renegotiate. Here is a million other stories now that are making headlines around the world or medias reformist Prime Minister has further cemented his authority after winning snap parliamentary elections and dealing a crushing blow to the longtime ruling party of a former Newspaper Editor nicole or shimmy on came to power after spear had massive protests earlier this year left wing groups in the philippines capital manila have marked International Human rights day by protesting president do territories plan to prove long martial law in the south they say the measures have fueled political sellings and a crackdown on dissenters and they fear that it could be expanded to the entire country. A russian former policeman who was already serving a Life Sentence for multiple murders has been found guilty of fifty six more killings making him the countrys most prolific Serial Killer of recent times. Was jailed in twenty fifteen for raping and killing twenty two women that hed given lifts to while working or being off duty. All right now to morocco where leaders are representatives from around One Hundred Sixty countries have adopted a Landmark Pact On Migration and a United Nations conference in. The u. N. Says there are now more migrants worldwide than ever before were two hundred in Sixty Million the proposed agreement aims to tackle the challenges are rising from this Massive Movement of people but this agreement has also come under heavy criticism with dozens of european and other nations pulling out of the process. Tens of thousands of ringette muslims living in crowded Refugee Camps in bangladesh its one of the many faces of todays Global Migration Issue now a u. N. Agreement once to pave the way for a better handling of migrant flows but what does the pact actually say. Increased information and Data Collection is one part migrants should be given information about their chosen route and they should be informed about the risks People Living in countries on the route and in host countries should also be informed about the consequences of migration and to ensure that information is based on facts or it is should Exchange Data at an International Level the pact also urges origin countries to address the root causes of migration to work toward eradicating poverty creating jobs and meeting basic standards for nutrition and education another key point is the respect for Human Rights Standards should be set to protect those who do decide to leave the pact also encourages c. Rescues the pact calls for coronated Border Management countries that should make safe and legal Border Crossings possible they should cooperate against people Smuggling Networks by for instance exchanging information on Smuggling Routes but not all countries agree with the pact demands the u. S. Was the first country to announce it was not going to sign among others hungary astray poland Israel Austria and the Czech Republic have already spoken out against adding their signatures they criticize what they see as a too positive view of migration and say the pact could lead to an increase in illegal immigration but what do governments have to do legally nothing the contract is nonbinding the agreement is more about sending a political signal migration is a global phenomenon and the International Community wants to tackle it together. There is absolutely no doubt about whether this migration compact is going to be formally adopted today here mara cash there is growing skepticism among some u. N. Member states what this agreement may actually bring in fact just ahead of the ceremony today of this formal agreement today several countries have opted out have withdrawn their support from this agreement citing concerns that this agreement may actually to mass migration or even pose a Security Threat to their countries or a Security Threat to europe as a whole but if you look inside this agreement you find it is a nonbinding agreement which at its best can serve to create minimum standards for migrants worldwide how to protect your rights its not going to change their situation overnight its not going to change that on the Mediterranean Sea overnight neither is it going to change the horrific conditions in Detention Camps for example the ones in libya but as the Secretary General of the United Nations mystical terrorist has put it it can serve as a Quote Roadmap to prevent chaos and suffering benefiting everyone. There was a funny chart reported there the Norwegian Nobel Committee has awarded this years peace Prize Winners at a ceremony and also a yazidi activists not here in your rod and congolese doctor didnt know which one the award for their efforts to end rape as a weapon of war a victim herself your dog was praised for having the courage to speak out about abuse the way was recognized for helping female victims of Sexual Violence from his countrys civil war. A pioneering gynecologist is treated Tens Of Thousands of women at his clinic bearing witness to mass atrocities against women. They are learning to fight back these patients at the pennsy clinic havent rolled in selfdefense courses. Most of those being treated at the hospital or survivors of rape or sexual assault. Dr Dennis Mccuaig originally had the idea for the program contains a two zero. When they arrive here secret they all Have Serious Mental Problems Toma to traumatic memories that make them unable to have normal relationships with no one. Can see hospital is located in bukavu a city in eastern congo a civil war has been raging in the country for years women and children are the ones bearing the brunt of the conflict dr Mcgee Vegas Clinic is the only refuge they have me about and that was there was seven people who raped me not by that but i think of us. After a while my vagina travels and. My hand im a man and valid. I also became pregnant. They like to do it. They like to destroy me. They laughed and spoke badly to me. So they did what they wanted with me. To one foot dr mcvey gives team not only performs restorative surgery on the women they also provide them with psychological care married women often remain alone their husbands leave them because they have been raped this says document vega has great consequences. That you dont understand how right can destroy not only the victim but how right it is destroying the fabric of the community and over the country. And i think that to really put attention on this question for me is very important women are really fired two two bricks. Dr mcvey guy has long been a hero to his patients now theyre happy to celebrate his winning the nobel prize. Are the talk about the postponed briggs but its causing turmoil everywhere isnt it thats right brant because as you know theres a lot at stake british Prime Minister of tourism a decision to delay the vote on the negotiated brecks a deal in parliament is dragging down International Markets because of that the british pound sank to a twenty month low and the euro fell as well things didnt look much better on wall street either. From lemons to artichokes the British Company purchases most of its fruit and vegetables from france spain and other e. Q. Countries. For the c. E. O. The Imminent Briggs it already entails logistical difficulties and the uncertainty as to whether there will be a regulated briggss or socalled hard breaks that with the e. U. Adds to these problems if products take longer to transit or if. There is added bureaucracy in terms of moving product across because were dealing with an incredibly fresh product or every every hour counts it is it is worrying in that respect. Opinions across britain are divided some dont mind leaving the e. U. Without an agreement in a hard break that others fear the british economy will suffer. But. Whatever happens its likely to get turbulent from a european perspective of course it would be best if brakes it failed and britain remained in the e. U. But of course the current Divorce Agreement would have to fail too if it does fail in problem and we dont know what will happen the new referendum which could be good or a hard break is it which would be very bad. The vote on the negotiated brigs that

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