Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20181018 00:02:0

Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20181018 00:02:00

it was supposed to be the night of a bright sit breakthrough summit britain and the european union both agreeing to an amicable divorce but for british prime minister to resign may the best laid plans of london in brussels have indeed go in the wrong again i burnt off in berlin this is the day. i prefer to live in on the face of the british people to continue to put the tory party's interests they now want a second referendum good for the british people and secondly terribly sorry we think you got it wrong she could listen to you to this is simply an acceptance of the people point to which you seem to me the second referendum the people voted in
this cup. also coming up tonight an exclusive report from the syrian city of raka and the legacy of fear and terror left behind by islamic state. we notice the children freeze up whenever they hear shots and explosions which are still frequent here. we were playing with it and it exploded two children next to me died and an old man was badly hurt. or we begin the day with yet another attempt to break through that breaks it blockade and yet again apparently it didn't work tonight the leaders of all you countries met in brussels now before their working dinner began they listened to british prime minister to resign may dish out the latest breaks it progress report a progress report in name only that's according to people such as european council president donald tusk he said that may be offered nothing new which means europe
and britain are moving closer to breaks it with no deal in saw the pressure is mounting both at home and in brussels but the reason may appear as beat . the team has been working very hard in order to ensure that we can address these issues what we've seen is that we've sold most of the issues in withdrawal agreements there are still there is still a question of the northern irish. but a backstop solution proposed by the e.u. does not sit right with london nor will not and would stay in the e.u. customs union while the rest of the u.k. would leave it. both sides want to avoid a hard border not in but how to achieve that remains controversial. the debate is now concentrating on the issue of the irish border and how to prevent a border in the irish sea which is something united kingdom desperately wants to
have also for the same time to afford of course a hard border. in ireland itself both parties involved face an uphill battle to get the still talks back on track the e.u. is willing to give the u.k. a longer transition period but father and this is just kicking the can further down the road. this marriage and discussing the idea of a longer transition but that can be an alternative to backstop an art of german chancellor angela merkel is taking the road of caution. i'm taking a rational approach in trying to find an agreement that works for everyone. it's but for now reaching a consensus appears difficult despite the best intentions an optimism of the e.u. leaders. can all sides ever agree on
the w.'s mag's hoffman spoke to the veteran e.u. parliamentarian elmore broke and asked him is there a deal which suits the european union and could also suit the british parliament. let's see i think it's very difficult and would you compare parliament parliament because we do not see any see any coherence both parties are totally divided and see here is a man as one day to take the risk to put something to no deal is especially for the united kingdom. also damaged us but especially for the united kingdom was so dramatic that i think at the end of a day emotion should not be in that question and then have a position where we all it can live with but under the conditions that our two principles irish border and the intuitive market unity is secret and that's going to happen yes or no i hope that in the course of the next week it will happen probably not to. thank you very much mr. our the positive spin there any
prediction that's a man with courage tonight was told in our correspondent and he is in brussels covering the summit fours max you know we heard mr brooke right there say he thinks that some sort of agreement could reached could be reached by maybe next week is he . being overly optimistic with this. yes maybe he meant in the next weeks because that would be in line with what michele said the chief you negotiator from the e.u. commission we've heard that sentence repeated in different variations next days next weeks it seems that the prescription that the different leaders in the go shooters' gave themselves for this stage today was to say yes we do think a deal is still possible and we remain optimistic no matter what happens we're going to continue to talk together and to you this brand summit is over for today we just got that information in here so the e.u. twenty seven didn't convene for
a very long time they're not really saying anything. will not give a statement tonight austrian chancellor had said said so far that truce to make out her chance to express herself once again and that she didn't really say anything new that's in line with what the e.p. president said but it seems that the whole atmosphere the tone was much more positive than in the past so you have that at least yet and i mean look we're going to be able to leave the office tonight before midnight covering an e.u. summit i think the last time we did that we were maybe what five years younger but it it proves a point this topic has been with us time and time again we've had so many summits that were crucial breaks at summits and nothing happened now we're getting reports the e.u. leaders won't even give a date for the next brics summit so is that need to see a positive spin they are or are we just kicking everything down the road. well
we'll have to wait and see what they say we do know that the next regular summit is and december might be the last shot at getting a deal done and they were always discussing a nother summit in november just to finalize a deal on brags that if there is no deal then maybe they'll get to. nevertheless to talk about what happens in the no deal scenario we do know that they already talked about that tonight the commission actually presented its precautions is preparations for a no deal scenario this is getting more serious and they want to be sure that they're prepared for whatever could happen here clearly they think that the ball once again is in the camp of the united kingdom because as we discussed earlier the front line is no longer between the e.u. and theresa may it's within the u.k. what can to reset may actually sell what could she bring home that the bracks a tears will accept and not shoot down. and and that's briefly one thing that has changed we do have european leaders talking openly now about provisions for
a new deal brags that right we've got the german chancellor she's been open about it leaders in brussels are saying yeah we've got contingency plans and we're getting ready maybe to execute. that's a very very real possibility not necessarily because of theresa may she is she is known to be rather predictable when she says we want to find a deal that suits both sides it seems credible though the two sides one very different things but you just don't know what's going to happen with the deal with parliament in the u.k. will approve it so they really need to prepare for any situation and on top of that it increases the pressure on the u.k. parliament all right myself and all the storm force in brussels tonight max thank you very much. well still ahead on the day happy high and healthy not all doctors are celebrating canada becoming the second country in the world to legalize cannabis but plenty of business people are. i think canada is
going to be a big blow both leader and cannabis that's exciting that's something we should be proud about and the opportunity to showcase how this model can work on a federal level is a great responsibility and one we're more than happy to take on. and now to the heavy price paid for the liberation of raka it was a year ago that so-called islamic state was driven album its self declared capital in syria local militias fought them on the ground while the u.s. planes bombarded them from the air of the fight for iraq a lasted for months and soul thousands of people killed the city is now free of all yes but it lies in ruins our reporters begin to show them and jaffar of the karim went to iraq go on an embedded trip with the u.s. army they looked at what the u.s. is willing and unwilling to do to help
a city as it struggles to recover. abdullah is happy to see us in his classroom it's a place of safety and he can finally learn and play with other children. it's a year since he lost his hand he and his friends found a fridge which had a booby trapped inside. beer we were playing with it and it exploded two children next to me died and an old man was badly hurt. i was to buy a piece of shrapnel. two of my friends died from. their high file teaches the special class addressing the particular needs of able to enter on the test children she wasn't allowed to work at all and that i s. were in charge. all she says about that time is that it was hard for everyone to have an end up fighting casually we notice the children freeze up
whenever they hear shots and explosions which i still frequently hear. there they completely unsettled me that anything with a hole in. the united states funds the class we are on a trip organized by the u.s. army and state department they want to show us what has been achieved since the victory over here as in russia and they want to encourage small countries to fund the stabilization of the city. the security measures during our visit here in the aca a very very tight they have been several terror attacks over the past months and there are still i as sleeper cells operating in the city. the fight against the so-called islamic state in russia which included u.s. airstrikes destroyed more than seventy percent of the city. there's not much left barely any hospitals homes or anywhere to live and no mains electricity but people
are slowly coming back. we really need work they don't have work you can't eat or drink work is the most important thing for sure will come of that luckily some schools are opening again and we registered our children my daughter was not allowed to study under i.r.s. now she's in the first grade even though she's older but still she's allowed to study that's not the fact that the u.s. has been giving what it calls stabilization eight to rocka that means clearing mines and rubber repairing buildings and supporting local people but it doesn't mean large scale reconstruction. the united states has said that in terms of rebuilding there can't begin until we've got here reversible progress towards a political solution through the geneva process and so that's what we're looking towards it's. irreversible progress on the political front the future of syria is being negotiated far away in geneva by the u.n.
sponsored talks there have stalled and roc-a the pressures on. the longer reconstruction takes to begin says coach elfric cassava council. the greater the danger that i as might gain support among the people. the help offered so far is like um but it's not enough meeting with the u.s. representative the council vent their frustration they've heard that us president on a tramp cut about two hundred million dollars from syria's stabilisation eight. as if those who destroyed the city should rebuild it what will we expect the coalition of the united states to help us with this they promised they would. fund now it's projects like this that's a civil council is focusing on repairing rak us infamous stadium. the foreman a match tells us islamic state terrorists carried out mass executions here and that
they tortured hundreds of civilians in the cellars. i hope that the stadium will be full again one day and the people will come and play sports here again. like they did before the i.a.s. to control that's what we're hoping for. the first two games are due to take place here in a couple of weeks they could offer brief respite from everyday life in the ruins of rocca. yeah and from the ruins of rock is my calling from here to show because she was there since all that report it's good to have you here safe and sound at the big table but here to talk to me a little bit about just how extensive the the ruins are in that city i mean the city is basically completely destroyed isn't it yeah absolutely driving through. feels a little bit like driving through a ghost town and actually iraq is one of the most destroyed cities inside syria so
there is a lot of destruction but the people are trying to come back they want to reclaim in a way this city they want to have hope they want to to to rebuild that they are in a very middle growth situation because infrastructure is shattered there are mines everywhere so it's very hard for them and we had the feeling from what the people told us that it they are very frustrated and they have a little bit the fear that the u.s. and the international coalition might step out and leave them alone with all the what they say mess with them if they have i mean these are these are traumatized people i was struck by the fact that there were people these men want to rebuild the stadium knowing that in that stadium these atrocities took place with islamic state that's mind boggling yeah exactly it's i mean it's not only the trauma because of the fighting it's also the trauma because of all those atrocities committed by islamic state in open and public so there are a lot of locations where the people are constantly remembered of have happened
there of tortures of mass executions like in the stadium as you said and we met workers who had been imprisoned in that stadium so now rebuilding it is a sort of relief and help but at the same time the trauma is triggered and they're there they're really remember this is haunting them we know that image the international recently called for answers regarding civilian deaths in iraq claiming that hundreds rick killed in u.s. coalition led airstrikes i mean how was it how important is it for the city to have closure and to find out what really happened it's absolutely important because those people who have lost loved ones they want answers that acknowledge that the gas and the collision had to do asked trikes to defeat isis but they criticize also the. of destruction the mount of civil kevil ts and they want closure they have very happy that i'm the difference and ist is investigating that and we have met
one of the investigators on the ground her name is donatella rovera and we can listen to what she had to say concerning the coalition is not carrying out to be investigation that it should be carrying out having bombarded from the sky they really should be here and do the work we are doing which is to go and do site investigations and interview survivors if they do in lessons have to be learned and we have to remember this is a city that was a jihad as capital for years how much support can these people count on moving forward to rebuild. i mean the problem is that. i as had thousands of supporters and city and out of conviction some some some just just fear for the their security but those people have vanished they just melted back
into society so the people are asking themselves where out they trust each other the people now not at all it's the same situation by the way we we saw we saw in mosul when we were there and the fighting is but even the frustration of the people is so so big that some of them i mean we were talking on the streets was always a u.s. soldier in our back so you can ask if they'd be really open but some even said i as the time during i asked was better than now and i think this is a really alarming sign. very disturbing fact to considering what i did to them and their families and their children and their daughters good historical we appreciate you being on the show tonight and for bringing this story it's important to hear thank you.
a green rush begins today in canada as the first stores began legally selling cannabis can of the today became the second country after europe wide to legalize the use recreational use of marijuana people they are can now buy i possess and use small amounts of the drug legalizing marijuana was a campaign promise of prime minister justin trudeau he says the move will protect minors and reduce organized crime but not everyone agrees. a very high five as canada's first legal recreational marijuana transaction takes place buyers had waited for hours literally lining up around the block. i'm so excited i don't think i've ever been as excited for anything else i'm only. huge this is like the end of prohibition for alcohol pretty much for cannabis right so it's just something that you want to be able to tell your kids that you are there
for this moment. legalization means that pot is suddenly big business worth billions buyers have been snapping up greenhouses and farms as legitimate demand replaces the black market. the main focus of the company right now is certainly on creating a very strong footprint here in canada which is the biggest legal market in the world but some health researchers say the impact on young users in particular is a big unknown in. what example for example in quebec at the moment the age when you're allowed to use recreational cannabis is eighteen years old. but we know that the brain is still in a stage of development and still twenty five years of age. says. search law enforcement experts say there will be another unintended consequence several do. drug sniffing dogs trained to detect marijuana will likely have to be
retired. so for more on the long term implications of this historic day i'm joined tonight from ottawa canada by dr di and kills all she's editor in chief at the canadian medical association journal doctors good to have you on the program from where you're sitting and from a health standpoint is today a good or a bad day for the health of canadians. a good question and i would have to say as a physician it's not a great day for health of canadians why. well. let's legalize ation of cannabis in the country it can send a message across the country should be given to the adults they can perceive that the nine substance it's something we don't need to be worried about but my concern is that it probably is decades down the line the same thing or not it was
cigarettes we're going to discover that we're going to have a generation that may have increased the pendency and then has the have side effects that he may not have ever thought about when they started using that there are. what do we know what we don't know what all the side effects could be but we do know there are some risks but if you compare that with what we do know about alcohol and tobacco i mean that's it's very minor right in alcohol and tobacco are still available. well you know i mean that's a common thing that people say to you know that say about this and i think the thing is because just because we've done poorly with alcohol john better and doesn't mean we need to reproduce. with the legalization of cannabis we actually do know a lot about the health effects of cannabis and i mean the studies that have been done show that young people particularly those with
a family history of mental health disorders psychotic health disorders some are more likely to develop something like a schizophrenia or another psychotic health disorder we know that those who use it regularly they're more likely to have problems with thinking and with complex tasks their memory you know so so while there are many things i don't know about marijuana there is a lot that we do know and it's concerning i mean as as your clip had just showed the brain the human brain continues to develop until the age of twenty five and we have receptors in our brain for can happen or is which is why when you use marijuana you feel pleasure but putting cannabis into the brain as it's developing and again with a legalization age of eighteen or nineteen depending on the province even if you're using it legally there still are many years where your brain can be affected and one thing we do know is that with me look at the brain of an m.r.i.
there are actually physical changes that we can see in the brain in those who use it happily what we're doing let me ask you this to what it seems like what you're saying is that beginning today all of canada has become one big maybe social experiment or that all canadians are now lab rats if you will is that the case i mean let me ask you will you ever smoke a joint. no i won't then you're right it is it is an experiment and it. an experiment because we don't know if the regulations that have been put in are going to achieve their goals we don't know a lot about canada but we will down the line as more and more people use it which is why it's really important that the government put in a very robust monitoring program that they look at who is using it now is it going up is it going on among both of those populations like young people and their needs
and he put into research dr heels on fortunately we're out of time but we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us tonight dianne kelso editor in chief at the canadian medical association journal article thank you very much thank. well the day is almost on the conversation continues online your find us on twitter and you see how to reach us right there and remember whatever happens between now and this tomorrow is another day we'll see you then everybody. can come.
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Legalization , Company , Focus , Black Market , Greenhouses , Demand , Big Business , Worth , Particular , Impact , Health Researchers , Users , Footprint , Market , Example , Big Unknown In , Quebec , Eighteen , Brain , Age , Law Enforcement Experts , Several , Unintended Consequence , Development , Drug Sniffing Dogs , Twenty Five , Di , Term , Implications , Ottawa , Health , Editor In Chief , Program , Health Standpoint , Canadian Medical Association Journal , Physician , Message , Adults , Concern , Substance , Lets Legalize Ation , Nine , Side Effects , Generation , Dependency , Cigarettes , Tobacco , Right , Risks , Alcohol John , Say , Doesn T , Studies , Health Effects , Mental Health Disorders , Health Disorders , Health Disorder , Problems , Family History , Tasks , Schizophrenia , Memory , Clip , Human Brain , Receptors , Province , Emri , Nineteen , Changes , Saying , Experiment , Case , Joint , Lab Rats , Regulations , In , Goals , Monitoring Program , Both , Government , Populations , Dr , Editor , Research , Chief , Thank , Tonight Dianne Kelso , Canadian Medical Association Journal Article , Conversation , Everybody , Twitter , Mo Ney , Ro , Maxed Out , Jockey , Celebrities , Room , Fashion Designer , Business , Arms Exports , List , Weapons Industry , Trouble Spots , Exports , Arms Makers , Bombs , War , Areas , Oil Prices , Profits , Ws , Solutions , Commitment , Africa , Stories , Destinies , On The Road , Continent , School , Nation , Hands , Food , Series , Dw , God , Dot Com For Go On The Move ,

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