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Hearts german unity day commemorating the out of the countries for reunification in one thousand Nine Hundred Ninety but the east west political divisions reback a wealthy employment under specially migration im phil gale in berlin this is the day. No one would fall on november the ninth the front group. Would be ahead in the summer and who could have guessed it would be possible to achieve german unity in less than a year right. Up in swansea but we now know twenty eight years later that german unity is a true sas. Point differential german unity is incomplete twenty years later its still challenging us. About and we care a consensus on what actually unites us is something we must continuously strive for. Meanwhile britains Prime Minister has been appealing for party unity her colleagues took time out from ripping her plans to shred to watch theresa may not only dance on to the stage but also joked about her disastrous performance last year. It will have to excuse me if i do cough during the speech i have been up all night superglue in the backdrop i. Will begin here in germany which has been marking its day of unity politicians at ceremonies in berlin praised the progress made in the twenty eight years since the countrys east and west or formally reunited but they also raise concerns about the divisions that remain and they called on germans to defend the principles of democracy against the rise of right wing popular. Music by beethoven often seen as the quintessentially german composer gilbert your to his Opera Fidelio by turns quiet and thoughtful then loud and passionate. Almost like a wake up call for germany twenty eight years since reunification. Now president of the parliament was contrived or was one of the politicians who negotiated the treaty that opened the door to german reunification that will be his political legacy but he reminded germans that unification is always an ongoing process. Idiom written october annoyance in the unity of our state was achieved on that october the one nine hundred Ninety Unanimity over what it is that unites us is something we must constantly strive to rio church. Sheidlower went on to describe reunification as the Second Chance for germany and that is why he said germany must be vigilant in the face of any attempt to avoid facing up to the responsibilities of history regards. The people used in germany as elsewhere we see populists with the arrogance to call on the people to rise up against their political opponents against imagined or actual minorities against those elected by the people but no one no one has the right to claim that he or she is the sole representative of the peoples will. For to us what it. Should be as words will have resonated with many germans at this time despite the Party Atmosphere at the Brandenburg Gate germany is facing some difficult and controversial issues. Smack me as the whats happening right now worries me but generally i hope that the majority of people are still intelligent enough to oppose these developments. And exit. Im very worried about right wing tendencies and xenophobia which are still on the rise in our country and. Not far from the celebrations at the Brandenburg Gate more than a thousand right wing extremists gathered Outside Berlin Central Railway station to protest against chancellor Angela Merkel against what they called the biased press and against fake news. Although they couldnt hear him outside the station tribalists words were addressed to such people as well as the rest of the nation. For she denied so are accepting differences recognizing the diversity of legitimate opinions and interests and realizing that your own ideas are not the measure of all things that is the way of thinking which will lead to more unity in our society to me im going mind some cards to soften Chancellor Merkel echoed the idea that german unification is still ongoing. Now twenty eight years on we know that what we call german unity is a process a long journey which over and over again. Means we must listen to each others points of view Work Together and not give up german unity is not finished twenty eight years on it is still a continuous challenge. Holds and so this years day of german unity ended as it began peaceful pensive with contradictions and conciliation. Over some russians in the german capital continued into the night with a star studded concert at berlins Brandenburg Gate they wus shallots else until spoke to us from the high volume event. Case you remember what happened when. I went there unified the one of the big topics the conversation a lingering division. In chad not me that it was a time in the world if you limit touched by a number and it is a play that read the job and not a regular bride to. Be here in germany the right the far right. For example of the job market and the bad times there are a lot of good and. They do feel like the human side ninety and there are a lot of questions about how they live how they. Are the japanese. On the far right has been marching. Why only to be the only body. Behind by the people if they were under the far right racists in the hall this is. A short time ago that was. Right and. He was. Reading japanese and in. The united country. A very noisy germany day celebrations in that time brother care. For veterans german not journalists found us on a welcome to d w so what were talking about twenty eight years since that the two german seems to west were united a recent survey says that only one in three east germans believe the country has grown more united since the one Nine Hundred Ninety what is the view from the outside so negative. Well if you would travel as a foreigner or from west germany to his germany you would not see any difference anymore after twenty eight years germany has been rebuilt and yet there is a dark cloud hanging over this day of celebration and rightly so because a lot of people in these germany have a huge problem with a lot of things forty six percent say in a poll that they have problems with the concept of democracy and that is very virus them and the problem with the concept of democracy why. Well they feel left behind its the same phenomenon that you see in the United States where a lot of people millions of people in the same big democracy also feel that way and theres a growing gap between the socalled elite ruling. The way they see it and the people in east germany you find that also in west germany but very much less so and this seems to explain partly what is happening there and of course on top of this you have to Refugee Crisis and people traditionally and use germany and not used to have. Among themselves the huge battle cry in the Peaceful Revolution in One Thousand Eight Hundred Nine was we are the people and no the right people say we are the people and meaning the us the foreigners the immigrants the refugees the not so lets talk about this idea of being left behind are there real differences in life and Life Opportunities between east and west germany well the vast majority of the people in his germany live so much better so much better than thirty years ago in communist germany but the fact the facts support the idea that the kind of left behind in wages in political life and a lot of huge german industry do not have quarters in germany that but that doesnt mean nothing is getting produced in germany m. W. For example is producing in life that porsche is producing in life. We have a little Silicon Valley which is doing very well so its a very mixed bag there but this seems to be why then we say the east of this this hotbed of right wing activism with and the likes of the f. D. A. Having a lot of support there and is what is this anti muslim piggy to movement. Yes absolutely and the reason why a lot of people support the socalled Alternative For Germany is the this is a Protest Movement for them and the key word here is recognition a lot of people in these germany do not feel that they get the recognition for their life or what they have achieved over the past thirty years or so and they want to be heard i think that is the key for all the problems that we have now in east germany talking to thank you so much for joining us on thank you for having me. Now you might remember a very british Prime Minister dance for diplomacy during her recent visits to kenya and south africa videos like this went viral as theresa may it was ridiculed by the u. K. Press for they called it. The robotic dance moves today mrs may look like she was having the last laugh as she stepped out in front of a conservative Party Colleagues in the british city of birmingham. There is a very made her Grand Entrance to the sound of others dancing craze present people go to mock you for your dance for if you mess well own them. Well the Prime Ministers that Keynote Speech are quickly moved on to the pressing issue of brecks it brecks it she urged her party to a united what she called the toughest phase of negotiations with the European Union pressure on the conservatives is growing ahead of an e. U. Summit in two weeks which has made dismissed growing calls in britain to hold a new referendum. A second referendum would be a politicians fate politicians telling people they got it wrong the first time and should try again. Those all go off in Different Directions in pursuit of our own visions of the perfect bricks it we risk ending up with no after all no one wants a good deal more than me but that has never meant getting the deal at any Cost Britain Isnt Afraid to leave with no deal if we have to. Ask a more on this from dr simon assured whos a reader in politics at the University Of Surrey in the United Kingdom especially if there is include your skepticism and your relations with the u. K. He joins us from gilford welcome to dublin so lets start with no deal scenario there seems to be a lot more talk about the possibility or indeed the likelihood of a no deal bracks it is this sense of all Expectation Management or on the goes ations with the e. U. Really going that badly. Well i think its a bit of both on the one hand we have to remember that the default outcome of this process is exactly a no deal that the u. K. Will leave on the twenty ninth of march next year without a deal unless one is agreed so it cant simply be wished away as some would like but on the other hand i think there is that very strong determination as to reason i was just saying in that clip that she wants to get at the oh the e. U. Certainly want to have it but the difficulties over issues such as on the border issue the role of the court of justice really have proved very difficult so i think there is a degree of trying to remind everybody of what no deal means the dangers the uncertainties that come with that to try to encourage people to accept whatever she comes back with from the negotiations ok so International Negotiations are by they have very nature a tricky she didnt actually constructed this this check is deal and everybody signed off on it in her cabinet but her own party has been shredding it ever since it was published why wont they get behind it. Well i think the the fear here is twofold on the one hand a lot of members of her party worry that she is starting to soften in the kind of breaks it that she works towards but shes actually trying to get a much closer relationship between the u. K. And the e. U. After new kate leaves and that this is the thin end of a way at the same time theres also a lot of criticism not least from the european and is that this is just simply an unworkable models that they the compromises that shes proposing to try and avoid problems with islands in Northern Ireland simply dont work with the framework of the e. U. And the rules that they have so theres criticism coming from from all rounds and youre right to say that her cabinet signed off on it but then almost immediately she lost two of my senior Senior Ministers Boris Johnson The Forest Secretary and david davis the minister in charge of the negotiations so shes been fighting a very difficult battle over the summer and thats why this Chapati Conference with some important lets talk about the Party Conference subseries im a danced on to the conference stage today and gave a confident performance in stark contrast to her disastrous speech a year ago and the Public Sector working together we have bounced back weve created Record Numbers of jobs. And prepare for a run on the ground my passion and strength that was shared around the dinner. Well that was the Prime Minister last year this year she danced and she joked so regardless of her more confident performance is that job security now than it was a year ago. Yes yes i think she has done a good job of getting through this very difficult periods ironically all the criticism that she got in the run up to this conference i think was a. Hope to her that she was able to better weigh the criticisms the. Discussion about having a second referendum something which i think all of her party feel that is not an acceptable development so shes been able to search manage that quite well certainly having a much better Conference Speech i think really helps her and as you were saying you know the the reception that she got was much more positive than last year is now the person i most often quoted as said jealously eyeing the Prime Ministers job as the former Foreign Secretary bara said johnson here is on tuesday telling the Prime Minister what he thought of her checkers plan this is the my truck checkers. Hes dangerous and unstable politically and economically my fellow conservatives this is not democracy that is not what we voted for. Him and i should what is Boris Johnson really the candidate most likely to be placed theresa may as conservative leader or if not Prime Minister. Maybe in Boris Johnsons mind hes the most likely cancer but i think one of the things that he really struggles with and has struggled with in the past couple of days is the simple fact that he was the Foreign Secretary for two years with Sarees America and so he signed off on that Backstop Arrangements with island that he worked through a lot of the preliminary work leading up to checkers. He was you know he was important in the bringing together of the cabinet so to then say that this is somehow deeply unconstitutional some kind of abomination sounds quite difficult to square with him working towards laughs and i think really is one of these figures to consider the would like to be Prime Minister in line to be leader of the Conservative Party but you know never quite finds the rights of opportunity and i think hes very popular with the Party Members but unfortunately for him the groupie really has to convince our other m. P. s and they are much less sympathetic towards supporting him so as it stands whilst he made a very bold statements were of intention it remains intention rather than action of the stage could talk to you thank you for that dr simon usher was from the university of south. U. S. President donald trump is facing criticism from fellow republicans for blocking one of the women who say they were sexually assaulted by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh the criticism comes as lawmakers are way to results of an f. B. I. Investigation into georgia governor over allegations of Sexual Misconduct President Trump made the comments at a Campaign Rally in mississippi. The crowds and the trump rally seems to have made up their minds about the president s Supreme Court nominee trump on his part use the occasion to mock the apparent holes in the testimony of Christine Blassie Forward she appeared before a Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing last week to give her account of an alleged attack by kevin and i had one beer. Right i had one beer. Well you think was it not it was wonder how good how did you get home i dont remember how did you get there i dont remember where is the place i dont remember how many years ago once and i dont know i. Faced strong criticism from members of his own party on his return to washington. To the words. This is going to regulate their enduring. It is trying statements on forward have varied significantly since her testimony at first he described her as a very credible witness but days later he was highlighting gaps and her memory of a white house counselor Kellyanne Conway defended the president s about face shes been treated like every day by all of us if you need me the president is pointing out factual inconsistency you have corroboration for her claims that you cant see is making you fill in her memory gaps or ink in her factual inconsistency that is part of the evidence gathering process in any hunt for truth in there is to pretend that theyre searching for truth are already voting against our love for us which right Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is fate now alliance with a handful of undecided senators from both sides of the aisle awaiting the result of the f. B. I. Investigation a vote on kevin o. Is expected later this week. Indonesia has raised the death toll from last weeks earthquake and tsunami to more than Fourteen Hundred so why was the facing their fifth day with little food and water some aid is now reaching the region but the government of minutes of Relief Effort is slow and blames widespread damage to infrastructure and a lack of Fuel He Wus Bastin Hearted reports from parliament where the tsunami hit. All Morning Nordin has been running from one government Distribution Center to another but keeps being turned away the aid is being taken to other places theres food and water in this truck do you know where theyre going over the money i dont know what we do know is all the aid from this place is going to the main relief center. He shows us a whole list of things he desperately needs for himself and his family twenty four people that signed in stamp but he still ends up with nothing. In it and so at the end i registered and started hearing yesterday but i was told to come back today. When i was here early in the morning they told me id come to the wrong place. They should i should have gone to a different Distribution Center. To get a lot under the. I distribute in centers like this one all around the city people are lining up to get supplies but because according nation of Aid Distribution is still an issue many end up empty handed. Like noureddine he takes me home to meet his family theyve all been living under a tarp since the earthquake especially the children are traumatized. By it but they dont go back there because that even when theres no earthquake off to shock i always feel like the ground is moving around like im really afraid then i realize theres no earthquake because im so afraid and you imagine it didnt always feel like its moving im scared to go inside a house by myself at only go with my parents if theyre not with me i wont go in its them last week. Theyre telling me theyre running low on food and Drinking Water its the smallest who suffer the most many of the children are sick and hungry the youngest tiara is only one month old. My d. D. Isnt in very good health at the moment she has a rash because of the heat we need milk diapers medicine and other things for her. New orleans family are not alone in their fear and despair all over paulo thousands are camping out and supplies are scarce at every turn. Nowhere is this more obvious than at the citys gas stations. The distribution of the valuable commodity is heavily guarded. Prices at this regulated pump are as always but on the Black Market Gas sells for up to five times as much fuel is a lifeline. Some people here have been waiting for seven hours just to get five liters of gas they needed not only to power their motor bikes and cars but also generators that create electricity so they can charge for example their Mobile Phones to stay in touch and receive updates on the situation from the authorities the lines here are endless at the moment were at number Seven Hundred Eighty Nine and there are many more canisters and serif here is the one writing the numbers on them at the moment you cant because his pen has run out. Yet another hick up if ever so slight in their attempt to organize the chaos. But with more help promised the people here hope they can soon start to rebuild their ravaged lives. Im not the day of the conversation continues online find us on twitter i have news. For you. Today. A good day. To. Move. On. Into the Conflict Zone with Tim Sebastian faulks challenging those in power asking tough questions demanding us. As conflicts intensify ill be meeting with key players on the ground in the sons of. Judging through the rhetoric holding the conference to account for facts the conflicts. Conflict the Conflict Zone protests of d. W. On t. W. X. To twenty eight hearing both Economic Forum unsustainable development. In a highly unstable Chief Minister environment how can Security Strategies be better aligned with Development Goals t. W. Presents a High Profile Panel Discussion hosted by sara tell me the twenty eight team Digital Music sites exploding Economic Forum give us a progress in forty five minutes total. They make a commitment. They find solutions. They conspire. Africa. Stories about people their friends shaping their nation. And the continent of africa the stories about motivational change makers taking their destinies to their homes

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