Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20180808 00:02:0

Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20180808 00:02:00

lead to war he is the author of the new book losing and enemy obama iran and the triumph of diplomacy and the title itself stands in stark contrast to the geopolitical situation that we see right now he's also founder of the national iranian american council i'm happy to welcome to the day trip r.c. for the joins me from washington tonight for it is good to have you on the program today promised more sanctions coming in the at the same time he tweeted about wanting world peace do you know what the u.s. president's end game with iran is. i don't think it's clear to anyone with the actual endgame is and i think that's also a very deliberate strategy by the trumpet ministration they relish in confusing the outside world thinking that they actually give the united states an edge when in reality i think is happening is that more and more countries are starting to see
a historic deal that simultaneously invaded but central disasters a war with iran and iran obtaining a nuclear weapons option now trump changed that it is a war with iran more likely tonight than it has for ever been. i still think that we're several steps away from the time of the disaster but unfortunately the path that trump is on and the speed in which he is moving on that path makes it very dangerous to underestimate the risk of war i think the real danger here is not an overestimation of the risk but rather an underestimation of the risks even in the case of obama and the sanctions he put on iran together with germany and it defied it was still a lot of luck at the end it day that led to this nuclear deal it could easily have gone the other direction in which the united states even under obama very reluctantly would have ended up in
a military confrontation you know i said at the beginning of the program that a lot of what we're hearing mail from drum sounds very familiar with those things that we heard from u.s. president george w. bush and here is a part of president george bush's state of the union address just months after the nine eleven attacks the axis of evil speech listen to the message for those countries whose those u.s. allies who he feared would dare not to fall in line with u.s. policy take a listen but some governments will be tempted in the face of terror and make no mistake about it if they do not act america will to. bush's words are very similar to the text that we're getting now from the white house about the european union and these iran saying sions i mean do you agree with
europeans in this case to decide with to trade with. brussels has little leverage against washington but the e.u. wants to help european entrepreneurs in iran. we can hope that the americans won't apply sanctions to european companies or disadvantage them in any way but if they do be force to protect our economy with the credit guarantees investment guarantees in it's got n t and germany in particular had long hoped for good business with iran but in recent months german exports to tehran have already fallen by four percent. this is thing here been for joins me now to flesh out what these u.s. sanctions on iran mean for european businesses been we just heard or the number there that german exports to iran have dropped four percent and that could just be the tip of the iceberg exactly. we know that this strategy is not about blocking
u.s. firms doing business in iran there are very few of those this is about blocking european and asian companies as well you know germany france and britain old lights that nuclear deal china did to the u.s. natural national security advisor john bolton has said that governments are holding on to that deal but it's the companies that are running and they're running already the exodus has begun we've got two todd the french oil major p.s.a. renault the comic is from france the german car and truck manufacturer dima already saying that it's putting expansion plans on hold and then lots of small and medium enterprises that have set up shop there and it takes two years or more for your investments to start to flourish and they don't think their returns are they having to pull out and we know that the european union is offering compensation to legitimate businesses which suffer losses in iran due to the u.s. sanctions now our correspondent in brussels last night terry told you she told us that what is promised may very well not be close to what is delivered to me does
the european union doesn't have the economic power to withstand these u.s. sanctions i mean we don't have. a united states of europe do we we heard from your guest earlier that we do have political unity as far as opinions go on how this should be dealt with but the economic front is very different and. these european companies just can't risk their u.s. business that's what it comes down to i mean the iranian market is huge we've got eighty million people it's as big as germany a country geographically is because europe but europe's problems is so small actually i spoke earlier today to our financial correspondent frankfurt correct and he had a good explanation of the little things the e.u. can do well of course european governments can make sure that financial transactions with iran remain possible at least state owed to bangs could be forced
to continuously provide those financial services also governments could protect exports and investments in iran something that the german government for example has promised to continue to do what the european union of course cannot do is prevent the american government from imposing fines against companies that do not follow the sanctions and even though the european union's blocking regulation is talking about the possibility of compensation for damages that european companies might face in case they do not follow the u.s. sanctions is very unlikely that a company like diner for example sue the government in the united states in order to get those compensations. so a little bit of help from the e.u. for these companies of course the biggest impact is not going to be on the companies it's going to be on the iranians themselves it's going to make daily life harder for them that's exactly right the invisible thank you very much.
for. a horrific crime a boy forced into prostitution sold on the dark net the seller his mother here in germany a court today found a couple guilty in a child abuse trial that has shocked the nation for years the couple sexually assaulted the woman's young son and made him available the pedophiles on the dark net in exchange for money the court sentenced both the mother and her partner to twelve years in prison. this woman and her partner made her son suffer unbelievable atrocities rape severe sexual abuse forced prostitution all at the age of seven for that they'll spend hears behind bars. she'll be given a little more prison time than he will but this is simply due to the fact that he
provided us with comprehensive information to the court to the accountant that he still and the severity of the mother's actions of course. put it into a ties because of. stuff and in southwestern germany was where the man and woman offered customers on the darknet the chance to rape her son at least six men travelled from germany switzerland and spain to take advantage of that offer. the boy's lawyer the boy is now ten and she says he's doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances he lives with the foster family. you know the story tragic on so many sides i'm joined tonight by the psychologist and director of the berlin beings child protection in geo innocence in danger it's good to have you with us julia i want to ask you julie we were talking earlier about it what happens to children who are in these situations this young boy we have
a stand he's now about ten years old i mean will he ever recover from this kid and can we talk about him one day having a normal life sure he can but his life will never be as it could have been ever that didn't happen. changes the future of a child but. they call themselves survivors because they're strong and they did survive he did survive the worst of it already the torture the selling the prostitution the fact that his mother does not protect him that his father is also one of the rapists around me yes she was a perpetrator and she was a sadistic perpetrator. so actually today she did him a favor in a way because she accepted the sentence right away in court still and she said i want to give him a sign and one of the signs that children need is that the offender takes
responsibility which they rarely to usually they sort of cry about themselves if the ten year old is he looking for a song from his mother despite the fact that she is also well for the trade sure he is he still has his mom he probably still misses her she. children told me you know everything would be fine if you or she would stop doing that you know i love my dad are enough my mom i you know i don't want to be separated from them so we need to be aware that he was at a for us right here and what did people not recognize the signs i mean what happened we know i think that it's we don't want to know we as a teacher as a neighbor as whoever i don't want to be aware of the fact that child sexual abuse happens right in my neighborhood you know not in my watch out of my street not in my building not in my school it's always somewhere else but it's not it's right next to us so we need to be aware that it does happen amongst us that we know
victims and and that that's what makes it so difficult we know offenders if we know whipped him we know offenders when you say we know with vendors there are countries societies around the world where sexual offenders or put a list that is made public. that is not necessarily the case. here in germany do you think though that the innocent are as protected as they should be in this country no they're not but they're also not protected as they should be in those countries where the fenders are put online because we need to be aware that those cases we're only talking about sentenced offenders and we know that only a fraction a tiny fraction of offenders is ever put to trial so that you know you have all these other still around and so if everybody focuses on the one who is put online you know i as a as an offender have haven't really easy to access children what about the dark
net and child pornography we understand there were videos made of this boy being raped there out there somewhere we assume and this would not have been possible in its severity had there been a dark nights right the internet that still media and the internet to really change the dynamics of child sexual abuse we have child sexual abuse images being traded now we have something like lifestream child sexual abuse where i sit in front of or in front of a computer and you know directs what's going on somewhere in the world and we need to be aware that the spreading of these images really really affects survivors and we were part of an international study conducted with survivors of these crimes and these survivors tell us you need to be aware that these images out there hurt us in a very bad way you need to be aware that we need your help and that society needs
to change. change laws also will he needs to shut down these streams and these sources of pornography who do you who do you think is responsible for taking these images dale. i think that law enforcement is responsible i think that governments are responsible. it is for alliteration that i know it is but yeah but then you know today we have to you know these industries can do so many things and i know for example one of the giants google is doing great stuff when it comes to trying to detect child sexual abuse images but i do believe google could do so much more and i do believe that governments what sort of work together and really confront the issue we could make a difference and one of the differences that all governments could make would be to put law enforcement in the right spot to be able to do their work which means more
manpower and better technology what do you have in water as i said earlier you're doing angels work they are protecting children with the child protection in geo in this it's in danger based here in berlin do you think you think. chinese censors have banned the release of christopher robin a new film adaptation about winnie the pooh and what's not the first time that the fictional teddy bear has run into trouble in china where he's increasingly becoming a symbol of resistance well for more we want to bring in our social media editor tonight liz she lives it's good to see you who would have thought that we would be talking about winnie the pooh this way i mean what exactly happened why was the new winnie the pooh's hand. well read we don't know exactly chinese authorities are not giving us the exact reason there's a lot of speculation online one reason could be the fact that china has a quota for international films that can be imported into the country every year so
maybe this film because of her i mean just didn't make the cut but there's another theory is that is actually more popular on the internet if people believe that the film has been banned because there are many people online who often compared the appearance of winnie the pooh to that of the chinese president xi jinping and in fact this is not something that started this year this is something that has been around for quite a while in fact it all started with this meeting here is so. big and on the other side you have winnie the pooh and his a friend take her there so since then meetings like this have been continuing to circulate online and also often used to criticize our president xi jinping and even now when you use outlets are trying to report about this band they're running to trouble in china for example the c. and b. c. correspondents says when we just did the president xi versus winnie the pooh story
our china based polk's told us that suddenly our show blacked out on the television there but. also have to be fair and say that the character which is of who has not been banned in china in fact if you're a fan you can buy something like a t. shirt with that character on it and that there is no problem with that and what about social media users i mean how are they reacting online you know the banning of the flu. well it's difficult for the ones that are in china because since last year even words like winnie the pooh are the image of that character are partly being censored on chinese social media so if there is one user for example on weight which is the chinese equivalent of a. witter he's complaining about is that he says i'm speechless what did i do why did you take down my we chat accounts now we chat is like watch sap he says please don't tell me it's because i explain to someone why we need the poor who has been
denied release in china now meanwhile in taiwan. the foreign ministry's who hating in on this i'm using an image here of their mass cards all bear saying taiwan so bare is dismayed at the ban slapped on his cousin when these latest film by censors in china make no mistake all there is that created it going taiwan and disney's christopher robin is screening national. you will hear that created you go over there pretty good you would think the cheese in thing would have you know thicker skin to skin after all he does get along we don't want trump. thank you very much for giving us the latest on winnie the pooh. all right the day is nearly done but as ever the conversation continues online your fight is on twitter interest the w new school board golf t.v. and if you use that hash tag the day every member no matter what happens between now and good to morrow is another day we'll see the never buy.
such. an. unfamiliar. the unexpected kicked. out of the rangers. all that's on the program at the fringe festival in edinburgh. for three weeks performers from the world over turns funds counted all into one team
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