Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20180621 22:02:0

Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20180621 22:02:00

to act on migration now the issue is so divisive that some leaders such as hungary's prime minister are not going italy's new prime minister decepticon threaten to cancel and only after a phone call and assurances from uncle americal did he change his mind delicate diplomacy. and not only here in europe the chancellor is currently visiting jordan and lebanon countries which are home to the world's highest number of refugees per capita medical is expected to offer aid the hope is that stable and peaceful countries will be able to deal with refugees and they'll remain part of the solution and become part of the problem. search for solutions to managing migration of course as letters of the middle east she is in beirut tonight chief political editor. is traveling with her good evening to you nic hello what is uncle americal offering on this trip and what is she expecting to get in return.
the core really of what became known as the migration crisis. and also gives a bit of distance but we do know that most senior foreign policy adviser stayed behind in berlin is bashing those phones she might have spoken on the phone with this is prime minister conte today and she basically smooth some bottled feathers over the very idea of having something inviting come sunday but at the same time her stuff working very hard indeed to get other e.u. countries to attend the summit they know that there's eastern states is visit states some of this you've got states the states basically against migration to their countries particularly if it's muslims coming like hungary simply won't attend they won't be talking but really it's a show of how much support the german chancellor has in europe the woman who is seen as the beacon of stability in the european union which is still often seen
in berlin after this you summit potentially on the fifth of july now if that meeting happens it would de facto be an extension of the deadline she's been giving by her own party to solve this one way or the other through bilateral meetings that was really the first of july but would they really blow up their coalition the decades long coalition with angela merkel's party if that potentially crucial meeting with one of her horses and a couple of days off i very much doubt it so we've seen seeing a lot of tactical gains here and we've also before seen and we have a lot of could be forgiven for having forgotten about this quota system that was actually agreed but never really executed so if all leaders agree on something even if they put it on paper it still doesn't mean that it happens in the european union so that still of course is also another key problem that she will have to tackle but for now she needs to show something to a domestic crisis we're not used to that in germany the german chancellor isn't used to that but that's the very. danger and reality she's in right now that's
exactly right that's why the world will be watching very very carefully what happens this coming sunday. on the story for us tonight in beirut we have thank you very much. over migration in europe to migration in the united states president says that he has directed immigration and border agents to reunite migrant children with their parents now this comes a day after he signed an executive order ending the policy of separating migrant families at the border with mexico the reversal follows global growing global and domestic outrage over the policy. perhaps to help mitigate some of that outrage the first lady flew to texas today to get a firsthand look at the child detention centers the despite the visit much of the press coverage was on millennia trump's choice of were drug you know she was seen boarding there you go the plane wearing
a jacket with the words i really don't care do you printed on the back her spokesperson said there was no hidden message she said it was just a. jacket the folk posses to fit the picture that we are seeing on the cover of the new cover of time magazine the cover features a crime migrant child you might recognize it as part of the image by photographer john moore taken at the u.s. border it's come to symbolize the cruelty of the family separation policy in standing over that child donald trump and next to them the words welcome to america still ahead on the day russia's massive security operation for the world cup we test the measures in place to keep the fans safe. the moscow subway system is under special protection from any threat of
attack as an experiment we set out to port one of the trains with a heavy backpack and headed to the city center. where europe is firing its first shot in what's rapidly becoming a global trade war on friday the european union slapped tariffs on a list of american products. it's brussels' answer to u.s. president double drums global trade offensive he's imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum arguing that trade imbalances threaten u.s. national security or europe is targeting iconic american products and you know them like bourbon whiskey jeans peanut butter and course even the motorcycle maker harley davidson as the e.u. trade commissioner said it's to make noise and to pressure u.s. leaders but global markets they are especially worried about rising tensions
between washington and beijing trumpets threatening we understand to impose tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars of chinese goods china has promised to respond in kind to what it's calling bullying tactics and blackmail talk about the bully in this attack tonight i'm joined here by over in color he's not a bully he's he's our master economist from ruins j.f.k. institute or when it's good to see you again what are we looking at. right right now with the e.u. firing back well this was a long wind up before the pitch so we all saw this coming it cannot be it's not a preemptive sort of strike this is something that was announced sort of in cold blood work through the bureaucracy and now that the threat will be carried out when you compare the orders of magnitude. china is going to be responding in its
tit for tat it's more than ten times larger than the scope of the goods being covered in china's response so europe the is really responding with a symbolic first step. but it gives them plenty of room to maneuver there's a lot more taps for tickets so to speak down the line europe has plenty of ammunition and the european commission president john for you for today i talked about the u.s. response to trump's trade offensive take a listen to part of what he said. the response must be clear measures to do what we have to do to rebalance unsafe. but at the same time. that the newcomer ships with like minded comfort it makes sense for us and it makes sense
for us you know these new business partners where will the e.u. turn for these new partnerships well internally this will be it a great what economists call trade diversion. so you can count on looking towards eastern europe also within western europe with japan with china what we're having is not a trade war where it's. a hobbs in each against all this is a hub and spoke sort of system where the usa is conducting bilateral trade wars with other countries these other countries around the hub will be trading with each other there's just redistribution it will be a movement of a lot of traits of this is why the effect the impact on each of these individual call them lilliputian countries compared to gulliver in the middle. as
we know bellaver could be tied down by the many small little pollution this is going to be probably the undoing the fact that. it will be a unilateral trade war of the united states against the world if trump has his way and that's not really something that will i mean everybody gets hurt let's not get this wrong there are losses to the world economy but it will be disproportionately borne by the united states because all the other partners have many more possibilities for trade but you know you just got back from the united states i mean what you're seeing right there is this message being communicated to people who live in the heartland the rust belt of the u.s. where trump's base is these are the people who are hoping that they're going to get new jobs because of what we're seeing. having taught economics for decades i can tell you that some of the simplest lessons in economics are very hard to transmit
and. in a short period of time what we but reality catches up and it's that reality prices in the united states for goods that use foreign imports that now have a tax on those prices will go up that's the purpose of pet tariffs your domestic producers will then be able to charge a higher price because they have less competition it will be that the other place where we can expect eventually and probably even earlier than from the consumer side are all the companies who have developed intricate supply chains especially in north america between canada u.s. and mexico where intermediate goods parts are going back and forth across the borders that makes everything they produce more expensive and then harder to sell on foreign markets i think it's going to be those producers those companies that's where the lobbying against the trade war is going to happen but we'll see what
happens with that while being begins we're going to invite you to come back here to the big sooner. with really and see if there's always or been a pleasure thank you you thank. thanks. our time for the latest now on the world cup chris here for now from our sports desk chris chris chris yes it's almost friday right. now like that yes argentina face croatia in today's third game how they go well you know one thing on argentina's to do list was tighten up at the back and i'll tell you one thing they failed to check that off in this match against croatia we can take a look at this video of first the goalkeeper made a blunder which helps to reach karate kick this one is clearly out of reach of with the cut copy giros and they kept on coming here is luka managers
deluca martyrs is a part of a good generation this might be very his last world cup and he had no problem scoring from outside the box and then later on point salt in the wound even on a rocket to. meet light work of that just a bad bad day yeah he is a supporter of argentina what a result for croatia but what does this mean for argentina's star player you know mess well you know basically it means he's kind of living up to this story line that's been associated to his name right this idea that he just doesn't get it done on the international pitch i mean just to illustrate that point he had eleven nieces on eleven missed shots in the first game this particular game his first attempt came to the sixty fourth minute which suggests that he did have an opportunity to pull off any magic you know his mom came out of the port and it made it that he gets very emotional in teary eyed when he doesn't perform well for his country and i'm thinking oh my he's not going to get much sleep tonight but i mean
he's in phoenix and maybe they get through if there's a miracle you have to wait and see what happens with the rest of the group d. in games i think about group seen yet it's finished with their second round of games earlier today right now france is a favorite they are fast and furious. believe me fast and a bit curious because they haven't been that effective in the final third but in this match peru the guest prove they had no problem getting on the board and it was the french youngster kilian mbox pay leading the way often simply the ball sort of a pop open kind of ricocheted off all over zero the q. and then bought the right front with that goal he became the youngest. international french player to score in a major tournaments and he's an expensive player as well he's worth the you know in the ballpark of two hundred million so a nice investment and he's doing it first country there through the other match of the day the other match of the day things started out great for the danes eric
christian six tottenham standout got in the port early but then they started to deflate in the socceroos were coming through in the kind of pain if it thinks of the video assist and replay the late. many net had no problem executing his second goal of the world cup and fifty fifty you know you meant this one which means they'd still have hope to get through you would have these results mean then for group c. ok now it all depends on what happens the last two matches they play at the same time i believe we have a graphic fact explain it we can look at it and look we have the great at this graphic there are guarantees now as you noticed france for example the group they faced did mark next but they are neck and neck now did mark must lose so they stay with four points australia must beat peru and they must do it if you look at that did mark plus one that's goal difference minus one for australia they're going to have to make that up if they don't level on points and get that advantage but tough peru ok the last thing peru it wants to do is send their fans home with
a smile and they're going to put up quite a fight against australia so we have to wait and see how the dust settles with all the rights not just on you chris harrison all right it's been a good way to thank you for us all right. well the soccer world cup is the most watched sporting event on the planet and with all those eyes now on russia security is a top priority russia has been a recent target for terror attacks the kremlin is also warning of the dangers posed by returning jihad as thousands of russians went to fight for islamic state in syria and iraq it's no surprise then that a massive security operation has been rolled out for the world cup the w.'s jury rachet zero has been out to test the measures to keep fans and players safe. a wild party for soccer fans is
a hard day's work for security personnel thousands of police officers national guard soldiers and secret service staff have a strong presence in all eleven cities where world cup matches are taking place. but she's the news we have the situation under control across the country as far as we know there's been no serious threat to any wildcat visitors old participants. from moscow subway system is on there's national protection from any threat of attack as an experiment we set out to board one of the trains with a heavy backpack and headed to the city center a trip made by six and a half million people every day. soon after entering the station our bag is placed in an x. ray machine like those used at airports. then it's scanned with a metal detector at another station. the last terrorist attack on a subway station was a year ago in st petersburg security forces partly ving anything to chance but most
soccer fans of travel here from around the world hardly give this a second thought the entire city of moscow is a sea of tournament colors plus the grey uniforms of team police authorities won't divulge the total number of security staff since some of them are part of intelligence services bills will move or would you call because of course we had many preventative measures in place at the outset along with you prove we also have lists with the names of fans who have bugged from entering the stadiums. we're not alone in body as you go the same applies to non russian fans that many countries apply the same laws we do we have plenty of information about these people from our colleagues to seize the butcher because. in addition the right to demonstrate has been restricted the russian opposition has criticized this measure as a diversion tactic to steer attention away from the country's real problems.
obviously kremlin wants to use this championship to boost its international image to normalize russia because many people becoming him tourists fans and they will be coming back saying look we saw a normal country nothing like the dictatorship of the western media used portraying in this regards any kind of real mass protests as is a lethal poison for the image of him. but there's also been widespread praise of the police service so far in part from police officers from other countries who've come by the hundreds to support their russian counterparts for the four weeks of the tournament. the football gold cup in russia has been a happy and safe celebration so far the huge effort that there's a story just into the tournament safety seems to have paid off of course everyone hopes that the state that twenty. third we will the day is nearly done but it's always
a conversation continues online will find us on twitter either at u.w. news or you can write to me off t.v. don't forget to use the hash tag the day and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day shorter day today is the longest day of the year to mark. the boys.
to. come. kick off why we take football personally. i do and we all once win the world cup but what's the outlook for germany squad in the run up to their match against sweden. to soccer legends are here to tell us what's what changes can be shall follow. sixty minutes on d w. four. march and on demand. cast language courses. video and or. anytime anywhere.
would have been fighting for the kids to take you seriously in the world oh boy here's what's coming up women's talk to her. for sure many more talks smart station manager brain creasing mean dangerous time for w. me for my. welcome to the day's euro max will be getting you up to date on all things european lifestyle and culture is what's coming up. creative cuisine what's the recipe for being one of the best restaurants in the world. to rethink

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