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C. S. U. Versus the rest c. S. U. Says it can wait no longer to see a change in medicals migration policy. Once again weve made it clear what needs to be done urgently to restore order at our borders we should take the step of turning refugees away from our borders who are already registered in another european country. Or. Biggest here since c. S. U. Lead a horse to see hope and Chancellor Merkel had battled over the issue late into the night but no compromise was reached both sides agree or European Response to migration is needed the whole first say is that its taking too long merkel is still hoping for a deal with other e. U. States at a summit in two weeks time. To me the question of how to tackle this migration is a litmus test for the future and cohesion of europe therefore needs to take every countrys means into consideration the chancellor is putting the focus on beefing up the e. U. Use external borders in the hope of deterring people from trying to enter europe or tall. Wants to follow the austrian approach where external controls dont Work National border checks should be reintroduced his party says as Interior Minister you already has the power to implement that but that would force a confrontation with the chancellor which could threaten the government as desperate migrants continue to cross the mediterranean the debate about what to do with them has turned into a political showdown in berlin. And for more on this dispute over immigration between the c. D. U. And c. S. U. We have melinda crane chief Political Correspondent joining us here in the studio thank you so much for joining us melinda because there is really more to this than meets the eye right how much of this has to do with power and with Angela Merkels future both absolutely it really is in the end more about politics than principles key to know about this is that this Variant Sister Party of the chancellor that is the party of the Interior Minister who essentially has given the chancellor an ultimatum. They have a major Regional Election coming up in september and they are very concerned about losing their absolute majority not least because the rise of the far right party in bavaria the a. F. D. That party is very very concerned about migration and about the huge influx of refugees that weve had in germany starting in Two Thousand And Fifteen with the chances Open Door Policy now that policy has been a bone of contention with her Bavarian Sister Party since then. Basically its one of the reasons the coalition to go she took so long to finally form a government but its coming to a head now very much because there this party the variances to party wants to look really tough on migration and therefore says this has to be resolved now and essentially the knives are out for uncle americal theres a sense that her power is waning and they have decided to go head to head with her on this and it could indeed it could bring the government down it could bring the chancellor down Angela Merkel but it also could bring down this Interior Minister i dont see any winners frankly coming out of this ok this is really about power at the end of the day but lets drill down a little bit deeper into the policy because this is also an interesting element of all this you know given the failure of the rest of europe to formulate a viable response to the Migration Crisis does the Interior Minister fundamentally have a point. Not in my view were hearing the Bavarian Sister Party the c. S. U. Saying we have to establish order on the border but frankly theres no disorder on the border the number of refugees coming into the country has gone down significantly the chancellor says we need to wait two for the e. U. Summit that will take place at the end of this month were talking about two weeks she might be willing after that to change her course and make more compromises but she says i cant go to that summit saying germany has decided to move on its own to act unilaterally to act Nationalistic Lee basically what that would mean is that germany would be saying to all of the countries on the southern perimeter of the e. U. Those are the countries that the migrants enter first those are the countries that have systematically been left holding the burden of the Immigration Crisis germany has done far too little for them in the past she would be repeating that and magnifying that if she were to act now unilaterally as the c. S. U. Is demanding that she do she could not go to brussels as someone who has said again and again at the g. Seven summit for example we need to use multilateral paths to solve the challenges we face we cannot have countries acting unilaterally and Nationalistic Lee she would be doing exactly what she has forsworn thats why if anybody is right on the principles here i would say she is this is certainly worth waiting for two weeks and a very an election in september cannot be the reason to bring down a newly formed government and lose an experienced politician who in many ways is at the helm of europe absolutely she is currently the longest Serving Leader here in europe in fact of the ones who are still in power due to be a chief Political Correspondent linda crane breaking down all of the issues in the complexities for us very much appreciate it. North Korean State Television has broadcast a special forty two minute documentary of leader kim jong uns trip to singapore for the Summit Meeting with u. S. President donald trump the report describes him as a Quote Prominent World Leader who is revered around the globe it focuses on kims Time In Singapore where the report says that he was greeted with deep respect and boundless enthusiasm the historic handshake with donald trump does not appear until twenty minutes into the Film Sequence and with kim arriving back in young yang where he is rated by north koreans cheering and waving flowers and flags at the airport as well as a military honor guard. Lets break this down now we are joined by aden Foster Carter he is a korea expert and he joins us from Leeds University welcome to aden and i just like to begin by asking you because there were so many voices who warned that this Summit Meeting with donald trump would result in little more than a Propaganda Victory Essential for cam is that what were seeing here with this report. I think broadly yes if you want to distinguish what outs are it would definitely be yes rather than not to the propaganda of course works on two levels the north korean regime having total Control Efforts and media would always present its feet whoever that is be in the best possible light but its quite interesting they also showed lots of pictures but lesser great big and china jets as a china so hague this country doesnt have its own jet can take it to singapore they should lots of the Singapore Skyline but the really interesting thing is of course they for at least this we can watch it around the world and its theyve shown some footage like donald trump saluting a north korean general it certainly wasnt something that the American Media had to have had to show us so its its pretty interesting stuff and i think get kim jong un has come out of this very well mr nice guy suddenly how well do you think i mean how much stronger is he as a result of this meeting with donald trump. I think he is stronger on two levels i like their mind while i worry about the off the first one is internally he has some entities that are controlled he has shown i mean its incredibly big deal for the north Korean People and a bit of a risk that mr kim has been told for years that america has the off and them in the strongest possible terms at the very least that by meeting The American President is his equal thats how its portrayed and its a bit of a shift as well which i think is a positive shift on the other hand externally i mean they signed a piece of paper which is so thin you can see right through it im just astonished that the american side didnt get basically anything new on nothing i mean President Trump delusional i think has come back and sort of announced peace in our time thats a particular quote that may have some resonance but its still got all the nukes thats still got all the missiles there still no timetable for doing anything about any of it so will hinge on the on the follow up so in that sense yes kim jong un has been much strength and i think at home fine abroad not so good and the report also interestingly i mean he kind of alluded to this a cast that will trump in a good light and thats a really dramatic shift for north korean state media isnt it. Yes it is and you do wonder what the average wealth created in the street is thinking i believe a psychologist on this calling tip distance i mean you can tell with most of us in the tree well done clinics you know i used to trying to sort of struggle with contradictory sat and trying to make sense of it all even hotter in nature of trouble there i say but north korea has always been told theres only ever one version of everything and the u. S. Is absolutely the bad guy so. They must be some people must be talking i think ground round round they went around the fos i guess its quite well know right now but you know who knew in their own homes about what to look sense to make of this and that is a very Interesting Development maybe maybe a bit hopeful ok so eighteen correct me if im wrong but from what youre saying it seems that they. Came out of this with the upper hand did donald trump benefit at all from the summit i mean did he get anything from the United States in your view. Ah those two questions are not the same to donald trump and if it seems he did as far as i can understand his Political Base he can do no wrong i mean if i bomb had done any of this and i mean we havent got time i got to go into the iran deal which he tore up which had a lot more details on it so heaved the same shit he announces peace in our time and it seems a lot of people believe him did it was americas security you know i mean the north korean missiles and nukes are all still less real agreements in the us and well save it before they signed an agreement in One Thousand Nine Hundred Four and to bill clinton it had lots of detail it is about who does what who gives out what who will inspect it will monitor it when its not true because lets hope we get it in the months ahead and Foster Carter a korea expert from Leeds University and in those months ahead we will be talking of course extensively about this with you and we look forward to seeing it unfold thank you for your aunts i think. Its. Well thursday marked exactly one year since the devastating Grenfell Tower fire in london the tragedy was the u. K. s deadliest blaze since the Second World War at midday the queen led the nation in observing a moment of silence lasting just over seventy seconds one for each victim of the players many people were wearing green a color adopted by those who survived the tragedy. Now last night buildings also we have to mention across london they were also Illuminated Ingrain to remember the victims. More lets bring in date of you correspondent max and our who is standing by for us in london and max as we just saw there with this moment of silence to remember the victims and several marches going on as britain stood together today what is the atmosphere. Well its hard to say i mean as you just said there have been many events throughout the u. K. Theres been a minute of silence in parliament theres been a minute of silence overseen by the queen and even in russia at the sidelines of the world cup the English National team came together for a minute of silence but its we cant really tell if this is this is just symbolic but whats for certain is that people here in west london and the Grenfell Tower neighborhood where im standing right now have a great Sense Of Community and and they approved this throughout the day and many events one of them was a silent march that kicked off just about an hour ago where about Five Thousand people came down to this neighborhood to march in Peace March In Silence and to demand justice and thats the thing even one year later one year later the shock may not be there anymore but many people here in the Community Still feel angry and frustrated so one year on not much has changed in that sense. And we know max we have to mention that you were there actually as those invent events unfolded on at that time and so were curious to know from you because an inquiry into the disaster it opens just last month. Heavily criticized what are the details that have come out so far. Well regarding the inquiry. Weve heard many very very moving stories and the scene crew is also a forum so to say for a Family Members for four relatives for friends to tell their stories from from the events that night that and the following days but also it is a it is a possibility for experts to speak out and shine a light on the terrible building situation. For example the many times it was mentioned that the fire safety and Brimful Tower was right on disastrous the cladding was one of the major issues and the one of the reasons why the fire could spread so far as so fast throughout the entire building to Twenty Sixteen the building was referred bisht within with some of the some clothing that was there was highly flammable so to say and many other things such as fire alarms that were not working for it as a when are working so it was just in a way it was just that this event was just waiting to to happen so so many questions yet to be answered but today one year later the victims are remembered and max and are reporting from london we thank you so much for telling us what has been happening there. And that is a conversation that we conducted a bit earlier in the meantime keep it wus Farragut Mass has also been covering the story over the past year and she met up with some of the survivors and people campaigning for justice for the victims heres her report this used to be his home now its a monument to a tragedy the Bento Chalo Friend follows honeyed will be wherever he goes its always on his mind in this empty space used to have his fish still in the area still is home. Moroccan born how meade used to live on the Sixteenth Floor now he lives in a hotel like many other survivalists this is my story. Of both im stuck here for my. New house when i get my house we buy some things because everything is is going in the finals. So this is it this is its just. Made things he was able to escape the flames because he was strong to keep fit he had always taken the steps instead of the lift luckily his family was not at home that night imagine the reality of hollis living with your family and not just instantly everything once. In a different way. You apply named you know a Teen Cannibal shes new cherry you kids you know from Beneath Everything Winds and design soul we see struggling from that day up to now. After almost a year a Public Inquiry has finally started to investigate what went wrong. Its here at a Public Inquiry that many survivors are looking for answers who is to blame was it the Construction Companies that provided highly flammable Cladding Material was it Maintenance Companies that did not adhere to Fire Regulation or was the regulation itself too weak clary mehndi lost a cousin mary in the fire mary stuart acadia also perished like many of us she blames a Corporate Culture that put profit before people Construction Companies theres a broad. Holy people. Who are embedded in this. This is what is. By negligence in the food and what we ideally want is gross negligence. Because then you know its about individuals and its really important that we see individuals in the town to fight for justice has left many survivors strained how meade wants to go back to work but says confines the strength hes asking for more psychological help. Well what i need is just to call you and working and helping people that says. This is what im going to do for the rest of my life help as much as i can. Helping others because on the night of the fire hamid was unable to rescue his friends from the burning building first though he now needs to help himself and try to come to terms with the haunting image that his grandfather taua. The twenty eighteen world cup is underway in russia the fans in moscow are hoping for a win in the opening match against saudi arabia knowing that this would be their teams best chance to pick up points and get out of the group and really deliver on this one they were treated to a goal fest. Couldnt have hoped for a better start than this. Packing the first go after just twelve minutes. And on the stroke of half time it was to substitute dennys cherish have putting beaming grin on Coach Churches Shelves face. Russia might be the tournaments lowest ranked team but they certainly didnt look like it. Does uva maybe three five the best of the bunch came in the ninety first minute carry chefs second and early contender for goal of the tournament saudi arabia might have been something of a soft opponent but the spall top forty was pure inspiration. For the guests elation for the hosts. Even then there was more a free kick in the dying seconds completing the russian rout delight for one certain discerning spectator saudi arabias hopes meanwhile dashed already. I get more now on this Spectacular Win for russia it matter and joining us from our sports desk and matt i mean this really could not have gotten better for them right five goals here incredible absolutely i mean this was you know a pretty much custom made start for this russia team which came into the tournament with a ton of question marks over its head and whether they were really ready for this level of competition you know when youre the host of world cup you dont play qualifying matches russias ranking in the world you know fee for reckons fell all the way to seventy and a lot of folks thought that even saudi arabia might be a tough test for them and that just wasnt the case at all they scored early they scored often they got two goals from Dennis Cherry Shove a very interesting player who might turn out to be one of their their key performers hes one of the few russian players who play in a top five European League he plays in spain and in fact grew up in spain hes just about as spanish as the u. S. Russian from his footballing brain and if guys like that can step up and show the fans Something Special this russia team might actually put a dent in this tournament wow and that would be really amazing for the. Everyone likes to hear a story like that we did talk about saudi arabia though in the meantime because i mean perhaps this is a Learning Experience for them right i mean their their defense at times theyve really looked out of their depth and so where does the team go from here well i dont think were going to have to talk about saudi arabia for long because i think where they are going from here is out of this tournament at the earliest possible juncture russia is probably maybe the second or maybe Third Best Team in this group and they absolutely throttled to europe yes so now every other team that means egypt and i are going to be looking to stack up just as many goals against saudi arabia as russia did to get those Goal Difference is working in their favor and i just dont think saudi arabia are up to it i mean that second goal that they conceded where two defenders tried to slide tackle after one player both missed and the player was suddenly all alone in the box i mean that this is something you just dont see at the highest level of professional football very often i want to talk about this highest level of professional football now because we have three games coming up tomorrow today there was only one were really getting down to business so whats ahead three actually quite interesting games and as i mentioned there are two other teams in group and they will be squaring off against each other and egypt so you know a draw at the very least would be good they would not like to be on zero points along with saudi arabia then you know we also have a kind of an interesting game where its hard to judge to be a clash of styles its iran versus morocco a very defensive minded team against a team that loves to have the ball and show a lot of flair and then finally the big one that is portugal versus spain and that is also going to be very interesting because of whats happened with spain they fired their coach who then look after you know he took a job at real madrid after the turn and they brought in Fernando Yetto who you see in the pictures here yet has only ever had one head coaching job at a Second Division spanish club he didnt get them for motive so he left the club and theyre facing off against portugal. Reigning european champions coached by Fernando Santos whos been their coach for four years who led them to the title this could be a tougher match for them than even expect family expects you to tell us all about it right afterwards matter man at the very latest from our sports desk thank you so much. And finally now some spectacular images from the international space station where members of the crew have undertaken a space walk as its known the commander true few still would floated out of the i s s with ricky arnold the Main Objective of the mission was installing a pair of High Definition t. V. Cameras and they will provide sharp views of commercial crew capsules coming into the dock in the future. Of the day is nearly done but dont forget as ever the conversation continues online you can find us on twitter either actually w news my handle is at sarah kelly t. V. Thank you so much for. Faults. Welcome to the brains darkseid. 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