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It was a night for the history books as the twenty eighteen Winter Olympics kicked off n. P. R. Chuang the two koreas march together and south koreas president shared a historic handshake with kim jong un sr amid a spirit of unity in fact kim sr is the first member of the norths ruling dynasty to Venture South since the korean war but is this Rapid Improvement in korean ties the beginning of a new era in relations or merely smoke and mirrors we will ask an expert in just a moment first this report. Demonstrators outside the Olympic Stadium gave the North Koreans a hostile reception they clashed with riot police and made their feelings towards the north known. We are here. Making. You know you know. We are we want to hold our own. North koreas olympic delegation mocked and historic first it included kim jong the youngest sister of leader kim jong un shes the first member of north koreas ruling dentist to cross the border since the korean war south korean president well come to by extending the hunter friendship a sign of his high diplomatic ambitions for the games but not everyone was convinced that greeting the delegation with an open hand was the right approach and allow me to be sure you. The people of south korea and the United States of america will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder in our effort to bring. To bear on north korea until the time comes when the finally a permanent. Version of their nuclear and Ballistic Missile ambitions. Pence was seated only rose apart from yo jong at the Opening Ceremony his office assured the press he gave the North Koreans the Cold Shoulder this as the world watched the Winter Olympics kick off with pomp and flag the games will go on and the political tensions on the sidelines likely will too. For the cia as we mentioned bruce thank you so much for joining us. Well thanks for having me what do you make of the scenes of unity that we have seen there in south korea are you hopeful about potentially a thaw in relations here between the north in the south. Well we can always be hopeful and certainly its uplifting to see the koreas walking together you know that said weve seen it before the two thousand sydney olympics and some other exercises and then there have been other instances where north korean athletes and a senior political delegation came to south korea in october two thousand and fourteen for example and none of that reflected a change in north korean policy and n. P. R. Young didnt moderate its quest for nuclear and missile programs and the like so again we can be hopeful but you know the olympics are kind of like going on vacation nice pause from the tension but once theyre over then you have to get back to the real job. Speaking of getting back to the real job i mean the u. S. Policy is remaining pretty strong against the north in fact just a few days ago the u. S. Administration promised its toughest ever sanctions against the north Vice President mike pence who we know is is also in south korea calling this display of unity between the north and the south simply a charade given that i mean we have south korea here taking a softer tone toward the north now is it putting its relationship with the United States in jeopardy. I dont think so right now were in a pretty good place between the u. S. And south korea better than many of us had expected want to progressive president came in but he really was driven more to the center on his policy on north korea reversing his policies on that that visit Ballistic Missile Defense System reversing his position to admit that yes reopening the case on would be a violation of resolutions and then emphasizing pressure over engagement so you know were were in a better place than when i was in seoul two weeks ago all the senior officials said the right things about maintaining military exercises and the like so there may be some scheduled exercises that would not go over well here in washington but at least were starting from a good point. So what would you do that if were starting from a good point what would you advise the americans what would you advise the south koreans to do after the olympic dust settles. Well they should maintain the previously scheduled military exercises those are done to hone the the deterrent defense capabilities of the alliance the Us South Korean Alliance those should not be sacrificed for some gesture from the north simply to attend the Olympic Games also while both countries should continue to try to reach out to north korea you know we do have to realize that young young is in open defiance of the International Community with its not only the tests of missiles and Nuclear Weapons but the sheer existence of those programs are the cells violations so you cant abandon the International Resolve to pressure and punish north korea for its repeated violations but of course we still reach out on engagement but pyongyang has been rejecting pleas from the u. S. For dialogue we were just looking at pictures there perhaps our team can throw them back up we were looking at u. S. Vice president mike pence at the Opening Ceremony there potentially a bit of an awkward situation because we know that kim jong un sr was sitting just a couple of rows behind him quite emmetts perhaps they can just bring that back for us and i want to ask you because weve seen just generally speaking a harsher tone from the Trump Administration toward north korea do you see it though really as as a change in policy or is this just strategic patience with a fresh coat of paint. Right well theres a lot of continuity in u. S. Policies over administrations and thats not a bad thing its you dont want u. S. Policy very one hundred eighty degrees every four or eight years so you know the Trump Administration like the Obama Administration is talking tough on sanctions but is still pulling its punches on a number of things the u. S. Could be doing to more fully enforce u. S. Law that said they have sanctioned additional north korean entities and a handful of chinese and it is but were really holding back on sanctions on chinese banks as well as other chinese businesses which are in violation of if not u. N. Resolutions u. S. Law for misusing the u. S. Financial system. We want to thank you very much Bruce Clayton are Senior Research fellow at the Heritage Foundation and former cia Deputy Division chief for korea we appreciate it. Here in germany a potential crisis in agel americas new government before it is even formed the outgoing leader of merkel social democrat partners will not hold office in the new administration Martin Schulz today abandoned his claim to the post of foreign minister thats after growing discontent in the s. P. V. Over his leadership style. In just three days Martin Schultz has managed to hit both a political high point at its low point on wednesday after a long and exhausting wrangling his pride announcement we have a Coalition Agreement in a marathon session of talks lasting more than twenty four hours the two parties have fought argued yelled at each other and finally agreement. Is of i can see that we had a Strong Influence on this agreement and we are grateful that in the end we achieved some compromises that were hard for the conservative side to accept. Shultz negotiated well for the s. P. D. And rested key portfolios from the conservatives he came away with the ministry of finance labor and officials himself the Foreign Ministry all this despite the fact that he said he never wanted to become a minister and macas government and was against another grand coalition. Afterwards many people in the s. P. D. Said he had broken his word twice many Party Members were angry. That time got did not have bait despite his decision on wednesday to resign as party leader making way for andrea nonis to take over. Then on friday schultz announced he would no longer seek the post of foreign minister saying it could jeopardize the upcoming vote on joining the grand coalition. I hereby declare my decision not to join the federal government and sincerely hope that this will bring the personnel debates within the s. P. D. To an end the s. P. D. Youth wing also said the focus should be on the grassroots vote not on personality issues i can only warn you now that modern shills has announced his resignation not to rush ahead and place the next candidate on a pedestal. In just three short days Martin Schultz now finds himself without the leadership of the s. P. D. Without a position of authority and without a ministerial post and with the s. P. D. Reeling in chaos. Lets put this move into perspective now we are joined by our Political Correspondent Thomas Sparrow who is standing by at our parliamentary studios in berlin and firstly thomas we have to talk about this spectacular fall from Martine Schultz why did he have to go. And it is indeed spectacular just think about this in march last year he was elected by one hundred percent of s. P. D. Delegates as the new party leader he was hailed as a beacon of hope for the s. P. D. As the s. P. D. Prepared itself for the federal elections against Angela Merkel to conservatives and then things started to go wrong with the s. P. D. The last three key Regional Elections then had a terrible result of the federal elections then decided they were going to go into opposition after that changed their mind and now martin shows not only lost the Party Leadership but also that key position that he himself wanted namely that of germanys Foreign Ministers over him a terrible moment indeed for the party also a moment of crisis and if we ask what the reasons were if you look behind those reasons you will see that the debate at least in the s. P. D. Had been centered on personnel issues on who would do what in the new grand coalition instead of focusing specifically on the issues on the content of that Coalition Deal and that was precisely the reason why martin shorts announced that he would not be taking that position as germanys next to foreign minister because instead the party should be focusing on content on issues and also on the partys reveals something that has been mentioned all along by s. P. D. Key politicians so what does this move though mean beyond the s. P. D. Party though thomas what does it mean for the country what does it mean for the planned coalition because. You know we know that schultz for example that he steered the s. P. D. Through these Coalition Talks does this move them threaten the new government well it just shows how wobbly or how weak this coalition is it is a coalition between conservatives and social democrats and neither the conservatives nor the social democrats really wanted this coalition the conservatives had preferred another coalition namely with the greens and the liberals but as we know. That didnt end well in fact they couldnt manage to get a coalition in place the social democrats on the other hand had vowed immediately after the election on september twenty four they would go into opposition and that they did not want to go into another grand coalition because they saw the grand coalition as precisely the root of their own problems and now we see these two political blocs conservative and social democrats actually trying to Work Together and find Common Ground something that they did manage to achieve with that coalition the other one hundred seventy seven pages but it is under no circumstances of love they are reluctant partners if you will and the fact that theyre reluctant partners is just evidence in the fact that were seeing all these internal problems are not only internal problems in the s. P. D. Its also important to stress that Angela Merkel herself has also been faced by criticism within within her own ranks. Meantime we have to talk about europe because europe really written pretty big in this Coalition Deal of course martin childes a big friend of europe a big friend of brussels and Strasburg Schultz now gone will that change well it can be said that obviously with schultz as foreign minister europe would have had absolute key point a key priority if you will but the fact that shows is no longer taking that plays are not necessarily mean that europe will be left aside if you look at the Coalition Deal if you look at the Coalition Agreement you will see that europe Takes Center Stage which is right at the beginning that key idea of a new europe obviously the Coalition Agreement loses one of its main proponents in martin short if you will but i still think that conservatives and social democrats are putting europe at the center of the new grand coalition Thomas Sparrow with the very latest from berlin thank you thomas. Brags that opponents in the u. K. Have launched a campaign aiming to persuade britons that a second referendum on e. U. Membership is needed campaigners argue that there should be a final vote on the deal with brussels this time voters would know what a future outside of the e. U. Would actually look like but few people believe that brags it can be stopped. Stephen brady is determined. Determined to stop. Every day he said sub shop right opposite parliament hes taking time off work until he achieves his goal that the its the lords every window is one of the lords offices. Were here with a new Study Suggests that some who voted for breakfast now regret their decision thats extra motivation for Stephen Breyer and others like him should there be another vote for the people theyre going to have an end goal theyre going to see a charge of what they are actually voting for there has been a slight shift in Public Opinion and marginally more people would now vote to stay within the e. U. However the shift has not been dramatic enough to persuade many m. P. s here in the house of parliament to actively campaign for a second referendum it would be up to members of parliament to pass legislation for another referendum there are harper house is a liberal democrat m. P. Her party is one of the smaller ones and they are campaigning to overturn bracks it the leadership of both big Political Parties are committed to what appears to be more and more hard and the people need to understand whether that is really what they want do they want to have the travel restrictions the work restrictions are there are actually happy that our economy might go down the tube. Many pro european campaigns lobby online rather than in front of parliament theyre overrun by young people posting with hashtags like e. U. Flag maffia and there are petitions to parliament too. But outside one of londons big universities feelings amongst the mostly empty brecks of students are mixed as to whether they would like to have another say. Weve already made a decision and i think we might as well stick to Something Like that instead of changing our minds what free i think a Second Chance is what we currently need so i think it would be really beneficial i was on the main side but i believe if weve already had wandered by a second debate is just going to lead to more people asking for. Referendum and its never going to end even here in Central London where the overwhelming majority voted to stay within the e. U. People are not too enthusiastic about another referendum and wall bricks are leaning areas outside the capital the idea finds even less traction. So it seems likely that Stephen Breyer will remain a rather lonely voice. And nigeria an age old conflict between herdsmen and farmers a conflict that is becoming increasingly violent herders who find it harder and harder to find grazing land for their livestock are taking over farm land by force more than five hundred people died last year and in january twenty eighth alone more than one hundred sixty people lost their lives the situation is particularly acute in the state of ben what nearly one hundred thousand people there have fled to refugee camps. Our reporter Adrienne Creech sent us this report. From our christopher. Mother only has a do it floor tourist on about two weeks ago hertz men attacked their village forcing them to flee to mark korda of the provincial capital now they are living in a school thats on the construction. They have access to water there. But are still waiting for food medical care and mattresses to sleep on. So so disappointed so im not happy i dont work for you back on go back i would also a living will back then. Always know its a robot so hes good also i hear we also about him both who are living the life im going for is. The attackers kills two people in christophers village the rest have fled. The humanitarian crisis in the new state keeps unfolding theres already seven cams that are open for internally displaced people but more and more of them are leaving their villages looking for security. Under the protection of Security Forces we drive into the heart of the conflict zone. Everywhere we go they have people fleeing the hurts man. On doubtless coming killing destroying our property you can see what you do not now we were. Down to my twenty fourth with us. On that day coming to canada coming on days coming in night. So. We see one desire to deliver after the next the same kind of images we know all too well from the book region in nigerias north east. We are right now a village called branch and been new estate and like a lot of the neighboring communities and villages this one here is deserted most people have left the community because they are scared to further attacks and precious. The governor of been away complains about insufficient Security Forces in the region. He blames the government in the capital even though he is a member of the ruling party. I dont have state police i dont have states army i dont have. The force that. Are supposed to just give. The needful. To the presidency and i basically your party is failing the people here then well as far as im concerned this is accomplished. In a visit to a refugee camp the governor defends his approach to solving the problem. Last year he passed a law forbidding shepherds from moving about freely with their livestock. So this however does nothing to curtail the number of attacks it only increased tensions from one day to the next the ruling deprived husseini of his livelihood. Unable to put his cows out to pasture he had to buy feed for them but since he lacked the money to do so he had to sell most of his thirty cows at below market price. And the captive market in market would be a hussaini is one of the few herdsman from the full on yes newsgroup who has states most fled for fear of being attacked most farmers dont differentiate they consider the traditional full on you herdsman to be criminals the situation is threatening to become an ethnic conflict. Right im here but im feeling afraid because i can walk out and say that one of trying for the shot i was hearing. In their head then seeing them go you know what i mean if there are two parts of the kid who are not in why did they say revenge that even one detained probably a family as they keep it as the key. And i doubt even this right the quantity. The government in my cool deep proposes solving the problem with what they call cattle colonies free land for herders provided by the states shepherd husseini likes this approach so its most farmers like Christopher Buckley you are getting states with the two sides digging in the government is overwhelmed christopher and his family fear theyll be stuck in this camp for a long while to come. And earlier we spoke with our correspondent who you saw in that report he was joining us from lagos and we asked him whats behind the current escalation. If you look at the number than one nine hundred sixty there were about forty five Million People living in nigeria right now it is one hundred and eighty Million People who live here and in two thousand and fifty the number is predicted to reach more than three hundred million nigerians that will be more than the United States has citizens so this massive population grows of course has an effect on this crisis as well because very often the farmers as well as their son they still use very traditional ways and going about their daily business additionally to that we have the issue of Climate Change that also plays a clear role here most of the herdsman coming from the northern part off nigeria and this is the part that borders to the boy to the sorrow of desert and it is quite clear that over the past years the deserts kept on moving further south so right now you see that a lot of those people who lose herdsman from the north are moving more and more south wards looking for Greener Pastures because the land in the north doesnt have opportunities for them anymore to feet their cattle and that was our correspondent ive been speaking a short while ago from nigeria well the day is nearly done but as ever the conversation continues online you can find us on twitter either at t w news or at my handle that is at sarah kelly t. V. Dont forget as always you can use the hash tag the day the day will be back on monday ill see you then that in the meantime we will leave you with the opening fireworks display of the pianka chang Winter Olympics enjoy. The book. Good. Good. Good good. Good good. Food. The book the whole. Social. Campaigns on behalf of the disadvantaged. Living space in hong kong is the most expensive in the above many people are reduced to living in just two square meters to live shaan this is unacceptable she works to improve Living Conditions for the poor treated. The president country sink into chaos shah saw by tactician. With. The business still in power in syria only because he serves western interests above the tyrants above the song the sublime. Your smart t. V. The smarter the d. W. For small. Fortune was the last up to date extraordinary. To the sidelines saw on sunday morning. Comes more to. The big its all happening. Put. Your link to lose from africa and the world. 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