Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20180116 00:02:0

Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20180116 00:02:00

of israel. and. we said no to trump and others no we will not accept his project. told him the deal of the century is the slap of the century and we will retaliate. abbas's voice was part of the very loud chorus the world heard today a chorus of defiance against and rejection of u.s. influence around the world today russian foreign minister sergei lavrov accused washington of refusing to recognize the multipolar geo political world that is taking shape pointed to trump's promise to torpedo the iran nuclear deal as an example of a trump white house that wields only ultimatums and dictates and then there is
turkey today turkish president erda one warned that he will use military force against a planned the us backed and kurdish led border force in syria along the border with turkey or one considers the kurdish k.-k. party to be terrorists and armed confrontation could potentially see two nato members clash something unheard of until today. syrian government forces fired on rebel fighters in and that this some verified footage was posted online by the syrian government the syrian observatory for human rights say the army has captured dozens of villages in the past three days and is closing in on rebel forces for the new with turkey has threatened to attack the kurdish held town with a free monitoring group say shelling has already begun ankara had been hoping for washington support instead a fresh conflict is brewing between the countries the u.s.
led coalition says it is setting up a thirty thousand strong security force to inhibit the activities of the so cool islamic state and on the borders with turkey and iraq these areas are controlled by the syrian democratic forces a u.s. backed militia alliance led by syrian kurds but turkey regards the kurds as terrorists and does not want them controlling territory along its border turkey's president rich typepad one accuse the us of acting against turkish interests should the arctic. now the u.s. has acknowledged it has a stablished an army of terror along our country's border. it's up to us to drown this army of terror before it's born almost. the syrian government and its key ally russia also denounced the coalition's plans at a news conference in moscow russian foreign minister sergey lavrov warned the move could lead to serious partition. even if we take into
consideration that i yes hasn't been completely destroyed as the americans say because some groups still remain. in the current us actions shows that they don't want to maintain syria's territorial integrity. super cute and you could see it so who needs to be put in that civil suit despite being on opposing sides russia and turkey have recently supported each other in a bid to bring peace to syria it's unclear how to he's threats against a free might affect that cooperation in the future. are strong language there for more now we go to our correspondent dorian jones he is on the story for us tonight in istanbul good evening to you dorian i mean we've got at a one here threatening to use military force against the u.s. backed border force in syria i mean how much of this is bullied to bully bellicose talk versus a real threat of armed conflict between two nato allies. well
i think certainly that is what washington will be asking and neither is true the president has made this threat many times before but this threat by far seems to be the most serious and that's because turkey has been building up its forces on the border over the weekend there was a very heavy artillery bombardment in the african region this kurdish enclave of course in syria which president won and said that they will attack and we've also got unconfirmed reports already turkish commandos have been carrying out operations into this region but there is one point here that are free and it's the one area there are no u.s. soldiers present so it does seem that of it does carry out this is keen to avoid the nightmare some are scenario of turkey soldiers facing off against american soldiers during that judging by the ones reaction to his words today it appears that he was completely caught off guard by this u.s. announcement is that the case well it does appear to
be the case because you have to realize that there's been this whole issue of the washington backing the syrian kurdish militia the white peachy has been a major point of tension between washington and particular because washington has been arming this group for many many months now it did appear late last year some sort of agreement had been reached between the two presidents where the turkish president claimed that donald president donald trump had agreed to end the arming and was scaling back its support of this group now this this proposal of a thirty thousand strong front here force that was going to be mainly made up of syrian kurdish fighters has caused absolute outrage it does appear that has been shocked by this and they do thi this as another case of what they see as washington's hypocrisy if not outright for trail and what about the role of russia in this does does he have moscow's support.
well that is a big question because moscow has been playing very much a double game here on the one hand it has been only too happy to see this deepening route between two nato allies and in fact our own crap being gravitating more more towards moscow causing more alarm in washington on top of that moscow has been supporting quietly behind the scenes the same syrian kurdish militia because they see the syrian kurdish militia as a very potent and important force in the future outcome of syria so moscow will will have in many ways to make a big choice if it does go ahead and launch his operation in particular because there are russian forces in this area of aspirin which is threatening to attack and on top of that will be looking for permission from moscow to let its planes cross into syria to carry out air support in any kind of operation up until now moscow has been very reluctant to do that so moscow is facing a big choice here and will be trying to calm tensions so it will not be forced to choose one side or the alpha endured before we let you go i mean when you when you look at what's happening with turkey when you look at what we're hearing from
russia and the palestinians to that do you get the sense that there is a a border sense of a willingness to challenge u.s. influence and supremacy in the middle east or in global geopolitics at the moment. well i think that will be a feeling that is coming across the region particularly because turkey's president has been so outspoken although he doesn't personally challenge president trump he does feel that many way he had little choice in that he feels that his country is facing a clear and present danger and a danger from the syrian kurdish militia which he believes will get only stronger given the fact it is receiving that support from both washington and moscow but the fact that he needs to be openly charging the super power will lead to greater growing questions about how much power and influence washington have in the region it appears to be a growing question as time moves forward doreen jones on the story for us tonight
in istanbul dorian thank you very much still to come on the day we'll go into overdrive and show you what's hot at the detroit auto show is over the motor muscles still the king of motel and where are the green fleets of e-car or the lives of the server floor that's coming up in about ten minutes. social media platforms and tech giants are facing report cards and public grilling this week on both sides of the atlantic on wednesday u.s. congressmen will ask the c.e.o.'s of facebook twitter and alphabet about what they're doing and what they're not doing to keep terrorists and their propaganda offline here in europe but we will find out what the e.u. thinks of the latest efforts by facebook twitter and google to deal with hate speech online now there are no e.u. laws forcing tech companies to act yet but french president he isn't waiting any
longer p. plans to introduce legislation this year to ban fake news during elections and to force tech companies to polish their content. i've decided to change. to protect democratic life from fake news. yep that will impose a trick the transparency rules on platforms for sponsored content to make public the identity of advertisers and those who control and also kept the money channel towards the contagion. or here in germany a new anti hate speech law took effect on january first designed to force social media platforms to remove hate speech quickly or face huge fines the law which is known as net d.g. puts the state at the center of a debate over free speech versus digital censorship germany is now recruiting armies of cyber content cops and
a note on the language here in english people responding to hate speech reports are referred to as content moderators in german they are members of what's known as a you know lush team and if you transit light directly it means delete team now it may sound harsh at first but perhaps it's more to the point to and perhaps even more on missed my next guest tonight spit three months inside one of those content management teams for facebook right here in berlin as she recounted her experiences and the reasons for leaving so soon in an article published in a german newspaper last week entitled three months in hell for. and tonight. as you go to keene pones month joins me here in studio three a at the big table i think that's an improvement from three months in hell borzou it's good to have you on the show for me we laugh ingrid about the tire but
three months in hell what made what made it so bad oh well thanks for having me again a bit surprised to be under the spotlight. while. what make it so difficult the way the work is organize was very constraining bridget. where you are in a factual way of that they just did slate well as many other people are working its way and i've been so far lucky enough to be able to work there differently and has just arrived to build lane six months ago was looking for a jolt that i could perform with to fluent into the intimate and it's fun myself in this way but what is very specific here is. the violence that it's human contact you have to we work on a very violent content is
a continent i'd like to i'd like to share a part of what you wrote about your time with facebook with our viewers you write i found myself in a factory world as part of a global digital proletariats i don't know whether we were producing anything but i got the sense that we were helping to keep a multibillion industry running i sometimes had the impression that i was working in the emergency services and and other times in law enforcement i felt powerless as i couldn't intervene the only power that the content moderator has is to delete a post i mean this there are some profound faults there but did you really feel that your job was to keep a monster sized company in business. know this is will not be correct and what makes this work also difficult is the fact
that the profession of one time with directors as an excess and those performing does task our whole call center agents and they paid. probably less than call center agents i think bloomberg called the worst job in the tech industry right now i'm not so familiar with other jobs but. in just a small actions i haven't worked directly for facebook but i was one of the outsource review. but. you see the reason why i mean this paper got published or the first the reason why i wrote it i wanted to. try to a system check myself from this content that i be a facing. a trial was ever day. you said you didn't have time at work ever to reflect on it you were deleting right not person that's correct and this is about
what i said that you don't there's no space for really to briefing inflecting on the impact that's contact can have on you the reason why i came i decided to write these were very post after post and notes and it was for me a way i know that you are very important to talk about something that has affected you in order not to carry it with you for the rest of your life was and then. and again so while i had i worked previously was color i mean i'm used to some kind of analysis and talking and communicating. well. i think it's special i'm affected by an issue i can i mean i was as well my. eyes of the the results of and i'm very grateful as well as i can show interest in them here i mean is that. then i felt the need to share
them and as you as whether i had the impression of. helping multimillion dollar to keep going on. that was not really a because sorry for me i was i think that is and then what's most of my former colleagues will agree with is that. i had the sense of responsibility and what i was doing was important i mean did you were you trained to be aware that the things book tell you how important your job was that you know this content is very powerful. you know. that our job is important and that's what we do is important we know i mean we're doing the training that i enjoyed very much and by the way it was short it was the only time when we put in to write and reflect to short short yes and that we didn't
have this kind of interaction after work. but. but you understand that. what you see really i mean i discussed at length about that. reflection of the source i.t. digital reflection some of our first i was trying to convince myself that i was exposed only to the most while i'm segment of society marginal but then when you just do what you see is by seven to person made off this kind of content just try to start questioning the whole. if this one site has not become insane. did you have any contact with the owners of the contact with the owners of the content to mean it let's say you decide. that something should be deleted you did you have continued to explain why something was deleted is there any type of reason
given to the person who posted it. so first we don't see at all the identity of the person who's behind to post the report it can be seen or not this is a can decide on that but we don't see it even if we don't have time because we have to make our mind in some thirty seconds thirteen seconds to hand them over thousands of thousand five hundred reports every day the amazing mother put into context however i mean this as i read somewhere that was that more than six million reports were generated more toward every week and then must say that's right and means that there's an incredible amount of pressure put on you. do you feel like you were doing a job that maybe the state or the government should be doing instead i mean you
were you basically since you're an information that's been posted did you feel that that responsibility was. too great and that the state had outsourced it to you now have this very important question and i will say no i know first i mean i don't think that i was censoring i really reflected the bar which my role was censoring i don't think so i really felt much more with behaviors. then really speech because there is a great amount of that is for you q i had the freedom to think you have to freedom to talent to upset me in this is exactly i mean. but not behaviors and very. normal behaviors and behaviors that can cause real harm into what if this station did just a job. yeah not because that's what will happen at the end. that they will shoot the most reports. from the privates companies from this technology companies.
with can try to come with some that have solutions and that support this nonprofit the public sources perhaps there is still cannot be done by it's a. huge what you did was very important. and well we have more time to talk about it but i will definitely let our viewers know where they can read the piece that was in the paper to and up so that they can hear your story and learn a little bit more or as you go to get in bed tonight telling your story about being a constant manager thank you thank you for having me thank you. so. well if you thought the future in motor vehicles promised green fleets of smaller cars well that future still appears a little ways off muscle still matters at least at the detroit motor show where
because trucks and s.u.v.s are still keeping us all the makers have dominated the market for years and the germans want in on the action mercedes benz even rolled out mr muscle himself. that's the so i love this card is my favorite is he. yes even arnold schwarzenegger was on hand to promote the latest g. class in g.b. and it was just one of dozens of new offerings in detroit americans still like their vehicles big and brash and the boom looks set to continue with low gas costs and accelerating u.s. economy. all right let's get our man in the driver's seat tonight first if a nominee joins me now from the detroit motor show he's covering that event there two legs and four wheels carson it's good to see you sir is this i mean it's hard to believe we're talking about this in twenty eighteen is this going to be the year of the gas guzzlers again. well
yes and no i mean everybody here is talking about electric cars hybrid cars. ahead of time when he presented the new g. four by four also promised that in a few years all models of messy disbands would also be on offer as electric cars b.m.w. also very proud saying they are market leaders when it comes to electric cars in the luxury of segments like this i ate coupe that you see here for only one hundred fifty thousand dollars i have to say so the electric cars here and everybody talks about them but basically of course this show is dominated by s.u.v.s pickup trucks light trucks and so on and actually two thirds of all new cars on american roads are from the segments and cars when we were we look at what they are and what
yours you're describing it begs the question have at the europeans have they given up on trying to sell compact you know economical cars to the americans. no the heavens i mean the fox log and the w. has chosen the detroit show to roll out its new jetta so classic sit down if you like and they also have all the other cars they also offering in europe or other areas they also offering here and so all the other competitors and actually also the american ones the asian ones they all have the full range of cars but they have to accept the reality and that is once again that only a third of the cars that are sold in the us classic sedans and also only one percent of those new cars electric cars so basically the industry is
catering to the wishes of the consumers and of course we got about twenty seconds here diesel emissions scandal i mean do you hear anyone talking about that in detroit. short mentions from the north america c.e.o. of fox fog and but basically nobody talks about this and mostly all of the german comics i've talked to they're very optimistic for this year and also for the next few years to come right are very young carson phenomenon with the best assignment in the show tonight in the driver's seat in detroit carson thank you very much. of the day is nearly done but as ever the conversation continues online you'll find us on twitter either at g.w. news or you can write to me bring for you to use the hash tag the day every member whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see then everybody.
your romance next. you are fake did make behind the scenes meeting war with the media donald trump the president of the united states. the w. corresponding alexander the phenomenon has been reporting from washington for a year an exclusive peek behind the scenes of the workings of the white house referring to donald trump what it's like to be called free to. close up in forty five minutes. are you up to speed on the latest technology. no maybe time for an upgrade this become part of the future become a cyborg i must say words and design my perception of reality implants that make every day life easier. i use my implants on
a daily basis that optimize the human body and connect people more effectively. i hope to this will make us more ethical persons what would life be like as a cyborg. what do you. will it happen society does the human race need to upgrade i think it's only the beginning of this sideboards human machine starting february first on t w. hi everyone and welcome to europe max we are highlighting these topics in today's show. lights if you know why it is worth

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Tire , Keene Pones , Hell , Bit , Spotlight , Work , Bridget , Slate , Six , Jolt , Human Contact , Violence , Fun , Viewers , Continent , Impression , Anything , Proletariats , Industry Running , Post , Moderator , Emergency Services , Law Enforcement , Faults , Job , Business , Company , Monster Sized , Call Center Agents , Directors , Task , Profession , Performing , Tech Industry , Bloomberg , Jobs , Outsource Review , Haven T , Reason , Paper , It , Person , Trial , Facing , System Check , Contact , Impact , Briefing Inflecting , Space , Order , Notes , Brest , Color , Analysis , Special , Eyes , Interest , Results , Dollar , Colleagues , Responsibility , Doing , Things , Training , Interaction , Society , Reflection , Segment , Source , Whole , Site , Seven , Owners , Type , Mind , Mother , Thousands , Thirty , Thirteen , Five Hundred , Context , Somewhere , Six Million , Amount , Pressure , Information , Behaviors , Censoring , Bar , Freedom , Talent , Station , Companies , Technology Companies , The End , Some , Sources , Nonprofit , Solutions , Piece , Manager , Bed , Cars , Muscle , Motor Vehicles , Suvs , Trucks , So , Action , Germans , Market , Card , Favorite , Makers , Mr , Mercedes Benz , Detroit , Offerings , Vehicles , Boom , Gas Costs , G Class , Arnold Schwarzenegger , Economy , Nominee , Man , Event , Drivers Seat , Sir , Carson , Legs , Gas Guzzlers , Four , Twenty , Eighteen , Everybody , Models , Market Leaders , Offer , Messy Disbands , Electric Cars Bmw , Segments , Coupe , Everybody Talks , Pickup Trucks , Luxury , One Hundred Fifty Thousand , One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars , American Roads , Europeans , Compact , Heavens , Sit , Jetta , Fox Log , Competitors , Reality , Range , Asian , Industry , Third , Classic Sedans , North America , Catering , Consumers , Emissions , Anyone , Scandal , Wishes , Mentions , Phenomenon , Talks , Nobody , Assignment , Comics , Fox Fog , Conversation , Member , Hash Tag , The Drivers Seat , Gw , Scenes , Media , Make , Romance , War , Reporting , Workings , President Of The United States , To , Peek , W Corresponding , Alexander , Technology , Upgrade , Forty Five , Cyborg , Perception , Reality Implants , Implants , Basis , Persons , Human Body , Beginning , Human Race , Ontw Hi , This Sideboards Human Machine , Show , Topics , Everyone , Lights ,

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