Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20171212 : compa

Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20171212

that. even look like people. are reporting explosions body bags or not it was all down to the. responding units now the injured twenty seven year old male this male was wearing an improvised. explosive device attached to his body that were. clearly all we know that one individual thank god was unsuccessful and is a. also coming up israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu came to europe today with a message on jerusalem follow the lead of u.s. president donald trump the reply netanyahu received was clear and unanimous. we like that we know it's a great you know. and i'm in jerusalem the e.u. has condemned u.s. president declaration that jerusalem is the israeli capital but israel is betting that many european countries are about to follow in america's footsteps. and we begin the day with a would be suicide bombers botched terror attack in new york city now that is how police are describing the explosion that rocked the city's port authority bus terminal during the morning commute four people suffered burn wounds including the suspect a twenty seven year old man from brooklyn believed say he detonated a pipe bomb attached to his body now what his motive was or who his target was or whether or not he acted alone we do not know tonight no group has claimed responsibility either police say the suspect made statements just before the blast whether those statements were about isis or about donald trump's controversial decision on jerusalem police are not saying anything. many new yorkers west nightmare this is the moment a bomb exploded in a subway and the well of busiest bus station. and then panic broke out at the pool authority bus terminal hit by the explosion right in the middle of rush hour here. i see that look like. women. because the families were. clearly. police and other fast responders rushed to the scene near times square and evacuation followed. thirty say it was an attempt to terror attack the suspect is a twenty seven year old man. who is now in custody he allegedly had a crude pipe bomb strapped to his body the blast injured him and three others it's unclear if the device went off by accident allows home is in brooklyn and right now investigators a combing the area for clues. officials saying he was inspired by so-called islamic state. this is new york. reality that we all are all good many who would like to make a statement against democracy and freedom we have the statue of liberty you know hall. and. told. it could have been west weeks ago eight people died after a man from to truck and to pedestrians that was the city's west attack since nine eleven. well i'm joined now by journalist james royal he is in midtown manhattan in new york city good afternoon to you james so several hours have passed since that attempted attack you described to us what you've been seeing there at the bus terminal where the explosion happened. as you can see here and in the building but you can be a. the story from a behind me there that's the code thought he bought and sold out below the building that the play for about seven point zero seven thirty am this morning joined the commuter rush hour obviously there's a lot of police activity around here you really get a first click on the paramedic and ambulance crews they've been at this data for injured i know that was the bane of a lot of crowd control of management one of the busiest. sixty five million critical part. of the dogs at the building every year. the building is now i open again and people are traveling on the buses that are coming and going but but the subway below the station is a lot of. heavy police presence here and police lines across the way. back to you. and james talk to us a little bit about the suspect this twenty seven year old man from brooklyn and what more do we know about him and do we know anything about his motive what motivated. yeah we've got a lot of information about it already given the short amount of time of the twenty seven years old and from brooklyn released the name that. he was in here in the. in the way. and he didn't come to the end he couldn't help but at the moment he detonated a low explosive device and that's what injured and help him or the people i think they twenty one hears about it at the immigrant. point when he were illegally he was no refuge he had a green card and he had been working at the drive. motivated him that has been. working in connection with the islamic state group which is the on the black in iraq in syria and there's been one report that he would mostly they could. bring us palestinians in the gaza territory. you know which if that is the case they completed proved to be politically very explosive particularly there in the u.s. where you are let me ask you about the situation there in new york there was a truck terror attack back in october now in december we have this attempted attack how are new yorkers coping with this. yeah exactly as you say it was only eight weeks ago. immigrants rented a drug and drove on the bike path that was way downtown from here in lower manhattan and he killed eight people so. to some extent it seems that there's been like a rift just in an extremist and terrorist activity in the city a city which knows terrorism well because of course the. nine eleven attack but it's not like the city has been completely quiet free from terrorism in the intervening years there was the incident eight weeks ago september twenty sixth jane there were a couple of white bomb attack on american immigrant. that of the pressure cooker the new york and you just don't forget that in two thousand and ten may that's when the times square bombing took place by those just that. in the way that he needs to be in. new york famously i'm glad people like you like the citizens the fit is like london and perhaps people have learned thank you kind of things and that's right. journalist james ronald there on the story for us in new york city james thank you very much. full head on the day moved to tears and action how a little boy's question to the bullies and his school went viral. not knowing one point on the one you on joining date get. instant pain go and find your way to name a good home. well police are not confirming media reports in the us that today's new york bombing suspect acted out of anger over u.s. president trump's decision last week to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel it is exactly that possibility that leaders around the world pointed to in their condemnation of trump's move leaders except israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu today netanyahu urged european governments to follow the united states in recognizing jerusalem as the israeli capital their response was unanimous. not going to have a rare ok asian but you mean it was a rival in brussels marked the first visit in twenty two years by an israeli head of government let me say of this quite historic opportunity it's far too long for friends and partners we are a big moment made even bigger by donald trump's recognition of jerusalem as israel's capital just days ago what president trump has done is put facts squarely on the table peace is based on reality i believe that all or most of the rippin countries will move their embassies to jerusalem recognize truth when this israel's a couple but instead the reception in brussels was as frosty as the temperatures outside the council building protesters gathered to condemn mr netanyahu visit now they are inviting him so they will talk but there is nothing to talk about you don't do such things or what are you doing in israel. to the palestinians. the decision to move the capital needs to be discussed between both sides it also can't be up to europe or the united states to decide that. because you need to deceive the e.u. ministers also shook their heads at the move. we did not agree. to be done to see the picture of a. truce with this truce. on another fundamental question the union cemented its position a commitment to a two state solution yet there are worries that the united states are no longer a credible mediator. we've been waiting already for several months for the american plan and if one is not forthcoming then the european union will have to take the initiative you know we've been in this incident but even if the e.u. stepped up its peace efforts the question remains if it has indeed the ability to really make a difference in this conflict. you know very good question there to try to take a stab at answering it i'm joined by our very own on the story boards tonight in jerusalem and barbara ves will covering this angle from brussels to both of you good evening maya let me start with you netanyahu trying to convince europe that trump's decision is one that should be emulated but what is happening or what's going on on the ground is not something that the e.u. wants to see a repeat of what is the latest there were you war well bred we've still seen some scuffles and some clashes and a little bit of violence around the west bank and gaza today checkpoints being put up and some traffic delays and of course i would be remiss if i did not mention that yesterday afternoon at the central bus station in jerusalem a palestinian man stabbed an israeli soldier in the chest in broad daylight and this is being called a terrorist attack here in israel but generally in jerusalem here things were fairly normal and quiet today the police seem to have whatever sort of unrest was happening over the weekend under control but we are still seeing rock throwing and demonstrations on the part of both palestinians and israeli settlers in the west bank. barbara it was chilly and unanimous in brussels today when mr netanyahu said do european leaders do what trent just did when you agree. they they're not going to do it of course because they have polled the idea that the status of jerusalem can only be settled as a last step off a peace process we process we've been at this point for decades now and they're not just going to change their mind and them all as a guest at what donald trump has done i mean after he left the paris climate accord after he said that he wanted to sort of go back on the iran deal now this is more and more he sooner let's or early and more and more the europeans find themselves in the very uncomfortable position of realizing that they just have to take up that they just have to sort of get back into the business and try to take it to make the peace process of move again and they're no position to do that at the moment because they really did take their eyes off the ball four years younger to pick up on the just a second again barbara but let me ask you any decision that comes from the european union on jerusalem would it have impact on the situation on the ground at this stage. well we have to remember there are no peace negotiations that we know of currently ongoing and the entire country right now is sort of in this very tenuous status quo situation except for the fact that trump has now thrown us this monkey wrench here i mean you have to sort of look at how the israelis feel about this is sort of a litmus test i mean a lot of them are against this move they see it as a hindrance to future peace process this process is some of them are a mixed mind but a lot of them say hey look driven is our capital it is de facto our capital our government is here our prime minister lives here the courts are here this is where our government happens and it's time for the rest of the world to accept that moving forward that may in fact be a huge hindrance to any future peace plans but the palestinians really have very few cards left to play in this matter. barbara let me pick up this issue we're going to the e.u. not being able to do what the u.s. kenya now me play devil's advocate here i mean the european union is the biggest single donor to the palestinians it's also a major trading partner for israel i mean certainly it has to have the leverage that it needs to go into the region and say we want to broker peace. the european union really doesn't have enough connections in the region and of course it was many israelis it has a for years a loss to credibility because it has a rather unilaterally support of the palestinians the fella's tenuous from europe scenes for european eyes well was the underdog in this whole political situation the europeans are the one sort of holding them up giving the money they're sort of supporting them they're making political plans to strengthen them economic plans and so on the only thing they never really could do was sort of get into the driving seat was the peace process they always left this for the united states no they are in front of a totally changed position and they really do have to rethink if they want something to move in the region they will have to do it and the only one to do it at the moment would be french president. he has ties in the region he can at least start something. writes more of these on the story for us tonight in brussels in minor short fording from jerusalem to both of you thank you. russia's president vladimir putin has ordered a partial withdrawal of russian troops from syria putin made the announcement on a surprise visit to an airbase in syria where he met with syrian leader bashar al assad no it was putin's first trip to the country where russia watched an air campaign back in two thousand and fifteen. the military was tossed out fighting militia groups here in syria the topic that was supposed to be solved using military force was in general achieved. it was achieved brilliantly. but i congratulate you was that i will now putin also made stops in turkey and egypt journalist ruth michelson is following putin's tour for she joins us from cairo tonight good even to you ruth so what did we see in syria today was this putin's mission accomplished moment. well i think got him and he certainly wanted it to be its mission accomplished but he touched down in a syrian and base to be met by president bashar assad as he said and made an announcement about troop withdrawal from syria we actually still quite similar an announcement from a lot of men about a year ago and it wasn't necessarily matched with policy on the ground large number of russian troops stay than not and so you know it's not clear what the actual cost outcome of today will be but the timing of the announcement and seems to be extremely significant especially given that it is just announced that he'll be running for reelection again next year and what about the u.s. declaration of jerusalem as israel's capital last week by u.s. president trump we know that has stirred up a lot of anger in the middle east does that open the door for russia to extend its influence in the region. well it's certainly possible and never set the people out as that would be that russia would like very much we still are in a statement put out by the egyptian president see that they really focus on the consensus reached between the president. and yet made pizzas and you know it was a statement that said that they have the importance of not taking any decisions to complicate the situation in the middle east and you could read this is saying that you know the the u.s. is perhaps a bit of an unpredictable cotner the countries in the region not just egypt but for countries like saudi arabia or the united arab emirates that trump has had very good relations with since he came into power but these are also partners that don't want any surprises from the u.s. fifth minute station such as the announcement that we saw from trump at the same time as the announcement three thousand asking the saudis to aid that located in yemen which is something that i like to enjoy very much to will let's let's talk a moment about egypt and putin's talks as you mentioned with the president's policies and today we saw putin agreed to resume civilian flights to egypt now they were halted two years ago after militants downed a brush and passenger plane over the sinai and the leaders also signed an eighteen billion euro deal to build egypt's first nuclear power plant is all of this taken together is this a sign of deepening talks between cairo and the kremlin. well i mean it's that me a sign of continued deepening type yes this is the latest. set of agreements between the two countries we saw when sisi visited russia in twenty four teach that they signed an export agreement that still roughly three point five billion u.s. dollars the fighter jets and will ships all kinds of military equipment given to egypt by any by russia and the two countries actually published a draft agreement between tropically mint and at the end of november saying that they would be allowed to each others and space it will be russian values its ties to egypt not just the egyptian domestic policy but also for its connection to other countries and that in nearby especially libya and say from russia you know that ties to egypt are extremely important and they reaffirmed that today all right ruth marcus in force on the story in cairo egypt tonight we thank you very much. in the united states all eyes will be on the state of alabama tomorrow a special election will take place to fill one of the state's u.s. senate seat the republican candidate is roy moore and his name is now at the center of a political and cultural war that reaches into the oval office and beyond more has been accused of sexually molesting girls decades ago many republicans have distanced themselves from him as a result but the message from president trump appears to be roy moore no matter what he may have done to young girls is today a republican and that makes him better than any democrat today he endorsed more. this is president donald trump and i need alabama to go vote for roy moore it is so important we're already making america great again i'm going to make america safer and stronger and better than ever before but we need that seat we need roy voting for us roy moore is the guy we need to pass our make america great again agenda roy is a conservative who helped me steer this country back on track after eight years of the obama disaster get out and vote for roy moore his vote is a republican senate and it's needed we need roy to help us with the republican senate we will win and we will make america great again. mommy why do they pick on me that was the question of an american boy breaking down into tears his name is keaton jones and his mother posted the video of her son's attempt to reason with the bullies at his school take a look. one what what's the point of the. instant pain oh and. do you know her ok what did i say. you. know. what they did to you at lunch put. your hand out then it just you know put it very. tragic sad video now has twenty million hits on social media amid a flurry of support even big name celebrities who are using the hash tag stand with keaton to show solidarity with the bullied boy. captain america actor chris evans wrote stay strong keith and don't let them make you turn cold i promise it gets better while those punks at your school are deciding what kind of people they want to be in this world how would you and your mom like to come to the avengers premiere in l.a. next year that will make them cool well the avengers actor mark ruffalo tweeted little buddy i was bullied when i was a kid you are right hash tag it gets better you are my own personal superhero protect your heart you got a pal in the hole and even monica lewinsky remember her she is now a bullying prevention activist and she sent a message of goodwill to keaton keaton i'm so sorry you're being treated this way you don't deserve one else of this pain they would be lucky to be friends with you it will get better. joe. well the day is nearly done but as ever the conversation continues online you'll find us on twitter either at you or you can write directly to me bring t.v. don't forget to use the hash tag the day and our message to keep it does get better and no matter what happens between now and then tomorrow will be another day we'll see then everybody. discovered by accident may represent a quantum leap in astronomy or gravitational waves. scientists want to use them to study invisible steel bodies sounds crazy maybe some but astronomers think this could help them solve some of the biggest mysteries of. us tomorrow to do news on t.w. . jerusalem is israel's capital as u.s. president donald trump crossed the line this time. by recognizing jerusalem as israel's capital and risk fueling further unrest in the region. through peoples separated by a border and lay down red 1940's. israel along the green line. close up in forty five minutes on the w. . migration to sign him seekers remain hot topics in europe but european politicians struggle to provide ounces while those who fled wait for more might come to europe and the refugee crisis incites outlooks and i'm not at the cost of this week on d w. d w speak your language tough it out. for content in dari pashto and for job prospects for returning our web special refugee journeys life in germany and the prospects for those returning home. to join the discussion on d w dot com and on facebook. prospects for return issues d.w. may for mines. you chanted.

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New York , United States , Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Alabama , Paris , France General , France , Brooklyn , West Bank , Iran , Manhattan , Syria , United Arab Emirates , Russia , Kremlin , Moskva , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Germany , Cairo , Al Qahirah , Egypt , Gaza , Saudi Arabia , Libya , Turkey , America , Russian , Egyptian , Saudis , Israelis , French , Syrian , Israeli , Palestinian , American , Ruth Michelson , Monica Lewinsky , Keaton Jones , Vladimir Putin , James Ronald , Dari Pashto , Roy Moore ,

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