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Im sorry kelly we begin the day with a moment more than two decades in the making the man that they call the butcher of bosnia right go a lot it will face life in prison for genocide war crimes and crimes against humanity the former Bosnian Serb Army chief was found to have led the slaughter of eight thousand muslim men and boys thats weapon its a at the siege of the bosnian capital sorry a vote where more than ten thousand civilians were killed these were some of the darkest days in recent Human History and the calls for justice and reconciliation there after they rang loud the tribunal which sought to do just that will close its doors later this year what lessons about International Justice will follow in its wake and has there really been reconciliation coming up we will ask one of the courts architects first a look at lot of his reign of terror. In july one thousand nine hundred five it stood before the cameras in the un designated safe zone of srebrenica and assured Bosnian Muslims that no one would come to harm. Twenty two years later he was sentenced to life in prison by the International Criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia for the genocide that saw nearly eight thousand muslim boys and men from the tired murdered. The conviction of the former bosnian serb general was met with relief by the victims relatives. But for those like you know made of it they lost two sons and two brothers it brings little consolation. Menaces those killed they are all my brothers they are all my sons they are all mine. They were the same age as my sons. I have no one left not even a neighbor. But its the son darko said that his father with appeal the ruling. He said. This is not the court this is a Nato Commission and i must say that. Trying to criminalize go and there were serbian people in times of civil war but the chief prosecutor surged ramat said lot it was no war hero and rejected accusations that the tribunal had driven a wedge between Bosnian Serbs and muslims some to the weekly does judgment is a verdict against the serbian people. My office rejects that clean in the strongest terms not guilty he says hes and shes. Others will see this not each hes a hero he was defending his people. His judgment demonstrates that nothing could be further from the troops. Will no spend his life behind bars after being found guilty of ordering the worst atrocity in europe since the holocaust and earlier we spoke with me founder and chairman of the u. K. Based charity remembering seventy he gave us his reaction to the sentence. The month is the survivors have been waiting for over twenty years to see this day the man who is the chief architect the man who was the commander for the worst atrocity on europeans or since a second ago that has been put in jail for life its something which will not return those innocent children those women. Whose whose whose dignity were taken went through rape camps you know those people who are men and boys who were murdered but he certainly will be some consolation this man has been put behind bars you know he represents evil and everything that comes with. You know he was behind that and that was the founder and the chairman of the u. K. Based charity remembering so i think thats a well lets get more now on todays verdict we are joined by. The first Legal Adviser to the Prosecutors Office of the International Criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia and rwanda at the hague he is a human rights lawyer and professor at Mcgill University thanks so much for joining us this evening i want to begin first by asking you because the u. N. High commissioner for human rights has said that lott it is the appeared to me of evil and the prosecution of him is the epitome of International Justice how do you feel about the result today was justice served. I think it is astonishing that represented she was once untouchable hunt well be brought to justice as he has when we were grafting we invite me back in one thousand nine hundred five we could scarcely imagine that one day we captured and of course to hear it from the family invited him until he was arrested today the great for professional justice but at the same time how is it possible to adequately punish jennifer i. Explode the Little International law so we can hope to do to get some measure of justice. Will punishment is adequate for the crimes that youve committed and i want to turn a little bit to the timetable that you also just referenced there because critics of this trial they point to the amount of time that it took to bring him to justice more than twenty years here does that frustrate you it frustrates me that we have to be realistic the International Criminal Justice System which is supposed to reverse incarnation was was born with the gift of cardinal. Still. It is largely. We have to understand that there is no army of occupation the whole to fly around the world arresting people accused of genocide so i would say justice. Has invested god. To send a powerful message to other parents around the world because they will be in power today but you will not miss the power tomorrow and one day with blockbuster. But how strong is that message really because i mean when we look at the the biggest figureheads who were convicted by this tribunal lot it carnage milosevic when they began committing their crimes perhaps they didnt imagine a court where they could face International Justice now of course we have the International Criminal court and yet we have evidence of atrocities still being committed for example in syria just to name one example in your opinion is International Justice enough of a deterrent to prevent crimes against humanity and is there any chance that we can see the perpetrators there that they will get their day in court. I would say that international quillan just to provide some measure to turn. To food for the first of some additional alone would deter current rather than from complete murder in order to stay in power International Criminal justice it still is incomplete. Hauling because theres a long standing cultural issues and throughout the year until you solve crimes you know not one has a very well brought to justice for jennifer the neighbor plenty of not to to talk. Whether the pope or the composer militancy yochi up for this is part of the historical struggle for transform the culture of International Relations and to change the boundaries of power and digital receipts and i do think that in the long run we are we are in. A year of very empowered by a little bit more costly to collate the prophecies of the use of staying in power and in that long run as the International Criminal court you know now takes on this cause as the means for International Justice in countries where the accused cannot be tried fairly do you think that it has adequately as a court incorporated the lessons of the International Criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia. InterNational Criminal court much more difficult position because unlike weeks of tribunal which we regard one country. Has to move it across is across the world from uganda. From african republic. So i think that it is a very different part of the creature if you like. With of course you know it was established by the Security Council there was an International Movement on the. Properties which doesnt exist now in the context of who. May have learned some of the lessons of the risk of problem of the situation with. Different that i would say there is a retreat. From the commitment for National Criminal justice to do you mentioned syria i could mention one more with a National Committee has dropped the ball they are not pursuing justice of the ship so its not so much whether the r. C. C. Has learned the lessons of the restructuring its more for National Community to learn the lessons and i would say that. We still have a long way to go aside from criminal justice and procedure i mean one of the hopes. Of the should be you know for the former yugoslavia was this process of reconciliation do you think that it was successful in that regard and just generally speaking as you know from your experience as a human rights lawyer i mean youve interviewed survivors youve defended youve prosecuted the accused what do you see as being necessary to achieve reconciliation just generally speaking for crimes that are so gross and so massive on the scale of those for example in the former yugoslavia. First of all i think reconciliation is the primary objective of justice that consideration is incidental to justice. And if you have a solution to time people forget that the lessons of the nuremberg tribunal were not and race for the german public until perhaps one or two generations later certain discovery should have the historical record the message of condemnation of disapproval which will result to tell people that these crimes are committed by individuals whether or not but is a collective responsibility i think this will have an important effect on future generations but as its a serious event with today there are real and trenched the most of the trade between the different groups what would be will look like is rock will not which was still in power what we were required to with over the russia which had never been brought to justice who was killed the president to serbia so i think the world is a much better place for how to vote these people to justice and the prospect of reconciliation all those real difficult much better than this piece that you hate mongers. All the words are still in power so thats why we have to look at it still some very important work to be done on that front with thank you very much for joining us this evening to tell us a little bit more about it on you mentioned that you were the first a Legal Advisor to the Prosecutors Office of the International Criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia and rwanda at the hague your human rights lawyer and professor at Mcgill University thank you again. Too. Lebanese Prime Minister saad hariri says that he is putting his resignation on hold after the countrys president asked him to reconsider and allow time for more dialogue our area attended Independence Day celebrations in the capital after returning to lebanon late last night it is nearly three weeks since he suddenly announced his resignation valan saudi arabia lebanese officials accuse saudi arabia of forcing her weary to resign but hariri has yet to confirm those allegations. And for more on this im joined now by ben to shell or she is the Beirut Office director of the heinrich all Foundation Welcome to you so why is this change of heart do you think taking place from horary when it was very a group that today he would be here in lebanon today were celebrating the lebanese Independence Day and all parties here had said they console the celebrations if you would not going to her and her its very that he came and he delivered the message and said he is going to engage in dialogue here i mean this was that saudi arabia was behind his move and there for. A signal to the lebanese population was im here for you and i went to my first series or the other the parties what to do to solve the nice crisis i want to talk a little bit more about that role of outside powers like saudi arabia and iran what do you make of the role that they are playing in this. And then its a small state that has always been the focus of regional powers and therefore how to reduce movement the future movement is backed by saudi arabia we have a lot of other movements that are backed by iran and i think given the controversy these two have in the region lebanon is one of the battlegrounds at least the turtle a for them to find out so is the crisis would you say over now what do you anticipate her various next level. Well the main aim of all political activity and then who is to have the parliamentary elections desk if you will permit next year this really believe very because that pollinate has extended its mandate several times and now were looking forward to these elections and they for one thing the crisis is such its not over but at least and a very important step has been done by having him back here so there is a possibility to discuss the issues at stake whats the feeling on the ground there in lebanon i mean what sort of reception did the people give her area when he came back it was a very warm welcoming back also in the weeks before we already saw a lot of posters and all the streets of beirut to high poster is a good image of heavy saying were all we here and there really was a large effort of Political Parties and activists here to stress on the importance of his return to focus on the future of lebanon and the sheller director of the Beirut Office for the heinrich all stiff dung thank you so much. Thank you. Zimbabwes former Vice President everson and nongod why has arrived back in harare in preparation to take power after president Robert Mugabes shock resignation im not god has fled to south africa earlier this month after being fired by mugabe a short while back he addressed his supporters outside of the headquarters of the ruling zanu p. F. Party. Crowds in harare a welcome home their hero. And emerson and god failed to disappoint. They didnt take him long to connect with his supporters he. Was. Giving. You i knew. This. Was. His return photos a historic day in zimbabwe on tuesday the speaker of parliament announce that Robert Mugabe had resigned after thirty seven years in power. Harare celebrated the beginning of a new chapter in zimbabwes history. Today though all eyes were squarely on the one guy. Hes expected to be sworn in as interim president on friday. In the midst of political changes the African Union took a more cautious approach. It was a transition most to be a short term one as the constitution provides for elections in july and these elections must be Free Democratic inclusive where everybody is allowed to run. The vote is expected to be held by september two thousand and eighteen what shapes and by the way will be and by then will depend a lot on this man. It is twelve years to the day since agel americal was sworn in as german chancellor for the first time and never has her grip on power been weaker than now the breakdown in Coalition Talks at the weekend has thrown the formation of a new government in doubt fresh elections are still a possibility president frank fatah steinmeyer is talking to political leaders this week to put the process of forming a Government Back on track the leader of the bavarian conservatives force to see how far has visited the president today. But the focus is turning away from the parties involved in the failed Coalition Negotiations the social democrats have ruled out entering into another grand coalition with chancellor merkels conservatives but now some members of the party are advocating a different approach. The conservative c. D. U. C. S. U. Bloc working together with the social democrats and the federal government will the only team also form the new one theres already support for a new edition of the grand coalition the conservatives want to stay in power. You know what we need a partner who at the moment still refuses to go along the s. P. D. Needs to quit pouting so far s. P. D. Party leaders have shown no interest in governing on Election Night they ruled out joining a grand coalition something they reiterated after the collapse of the recent coalition to goshen nations. We remain unafraid of new elections in view of the results of this years elections on september twenty fourth we will be available to enter into a grand coalition. United goes. But germanys president is increasing the pressure he even alluded to the s. P. D. Is a rigid stance during a visit with schoolchildren visiting. Those who barricade themselves behind assertions as were now witnessing can only be reached with great difficulty later. There are even rumblings within the s. P. D. Itself not everyone is thrilled with the possible role and the opposition president president steinmeyer has made a very clever announcement he said that we now have been called upon to talk i always very much favor coming to decisions at the end of talks and not at the beginning. Among funk. Even the would be governing green party thinks the social democrats should not refuse in spite of everything. Probably wont work to their advantage to enter into a grand coalition again thats the dilemma but this general refusal to negotiate is unacceptable. S. P. D. Chief Martin Shultz has probably started to reconsider suddenly he is reported to have said that the s. P. D. Will put the countrys interests ahead of its own shorts is due to meet president on thursday. And for more on all of this im joined here in the studio by political analysts christopher and u. N. Thank you so much for joining us from violence for university but before we get started with our conversation i first want to play something for you and for our viewers and then get your reaction there after because youre honest cars from the s. P. D. I was asked if his party leader was right to rule out joining a Coalition Government and this is what he set i think the social democrats should reconsider what they would as president said that all parties have the duty to talk with each other before they go into another election and thats what we are going to do so we are talking about all the issues that we having there were parts of our Election Campaign and were looking for partners and nobody knows it will end if we have a new election a grand coalition or if we have if you tolerate some of the coalition without a majority. And that is not the position that the head of his party has so christophe what are we to make of this so he is he is reflecting some tensions that have been growing within the s. P. D. Itself. Schultz has been very adamant about not wanting another grand coalition. As pretty leadership officially has the same position up until quite recently but of course this is easy to say when you think there is going to be another government but now that those Coalition Talks have failed of all the spotlight is back on the s. P. Day and i think a lot of members of parliament in particular worry that another election my hurt them just as much as it hurts all the other parties and when we talk about this party in particular the s. P. Just to remind our viewers when were talking about a grand coalition this is governing from the center here in germany this is the government that you know was in place the last time so it would very much be the status quo you know if the s. P. D. Were to be convinced to participate theres going to be a conversation that effect coming up on thursday between much in shelves and between the president. How do you think that thats going to go so the president has been doing quite a good job of reminding all the parties involved that they have a duty not just to their base and not just to Party Politics as usual but also to democracy and to govern right he said there is a responsibility to govern and to form a government is a sense there is a sense of duty associated with this and i think he will remind. Even the s. P. D. You know where you is what he was a member of he will tell them that they too have that responsibility and i think whether or not this will take is of course up in the air is shells going to have to give in ultimately. He may have to again another election may be damaging just as much to the esprit de as it is to all the other parties involved in recent election polls are not good for them lender level elections have not been great for them either so it is a risky strategy to just push for another election for them do you see any way other way out of this because i mean you have on the one hand you have the free democrats they have rolled out again joining a government the only other option really seems to be a minority government or new elections do you see a path i think the president has been doing a good job for creating a new narrative where the previous possibility of a minority government becomes feasible not just not because people want it but because it is the last option but it is an option for stability it is an option that gives breathing room to voters and parties alike to reconstitute their interests to rebuild their their capacities and i think that maybe those kind of that kind of new framework may allow in minority government where maybe the s. P. D. Tolerates and the fact that they are split is now even willing to go on air to say this shows that he has already has had an effect so many open questions still yet to be answered and we thank you so much for joining us this evening to tell us a little bit more about the potential scenarios help us try and make sense of it all kristoff no end from Berlins Free University we very much appreciate you coming into the studio thanks for having me. Well the day is nearly done but as over as the conversation continues online you can find us on twitter either news my handle. Dont forget you can use the hash tag the day thanks so much for watching ill see you next. Risk its part of the business of doing business. But what if an investment goes bad if performance doesnt meet expectations. And one of the people get bitten by the gambling bug. Where managers can learn how to manage risks and what poker can teach them about misc assessment made in germany next. 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