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That he had been rumored to be dead this most recent recording released last year u. S. Officials say theyre working to verify the authenticity of the message. Hugh heffner the founder of Playboy Magazine has died at the age of ninety one credited with helping assure in the one nine hundred sixty s. Sexual revolution with His Groundbreaking Mens Magazine Hefner was also known for his hedonistic lifestyle which he kept up well into his eightys his critics said he just peddled pornography and several of his female employees called bunnies said they were raped at parties in his Hollywood Home the Playboy Mansion. Currents in iraq vote yes for independence but iraq isnt going to let them go without a fight and turkey is threatening to get involved in the conflict as well im sorry im in berlin this is the day. So that the people of kurdistan have made their decision and entered a new phase different from anything in the past. That nobody blame us for this but that they took advantage of the situation and broke the bounds of the constitution and upward for the for the more than the one i dont want to sign they will use force. Barzani and the northern Iraqi Administration will go down in history bearing the shame of pushing our region into an endless sectarian war coalition. That iraq after Two Thousand And Three was established by american and Coalition Forces america has to mediate to save the blood of iraqis and avoid civil war between kurds and arabs. Also on the show the founder of playboy just affect the kurdish people. We have a beacon on but off refugees that using the airport and we used to be a bridge between syria and you in two sense the humanitarian aid to those places and we host to Coalition Forces here so this is meant to be put everything. After voting for a Session Kurds In Iraq could hardly contain themselves thousands flooded the streets in Northern Iraq to celebrate the referendum they had been pushing for for years we have been living under occupation and suffering for one hundred years but today we rejected that yes for independence and freedom for the kurdish people. Iraqi kurdistan is already an autonomous region but the minority kurds want to break away to form an independent state that would include areas like the Oil Rich Region near cute cook. Baghdad has called the vote unconstitutional iraqs prime minister has vowed to keep iraq from breaking apart. But they took advantage of the situation and expanded outside the constitution i dont want to say that we will use force but we will use understanding and constitutional means if they respond to this then thats fine and today i demand that they return all the areas they recaptured from the Islamic State its what parliament decided that. Iraqs neighbors have also rejected the referendums results the turkish president warned that the kurds responding an ethnic war in the region a lot at stake here daniel girl off as a middle east analyst from Zenith Magazine he joins me now for more daniel thanks for being in the studio with us having me is barzani Playing Poker here is he really betting for independence or is this the beginning of a negotiation or isnt is definitely a great poker player and he understands the power gamble in the middle east very well and hes part of it. I think its an option and its a very viable option for them i think he has a strong power base of people who believe that independence is the right way to go with all the Collapsing Structures and states around them and i think there is Something Else stake which is his political survival and his familys political survival because hes not an contender and theres other contenders and i think this referendum is a Good Opportunity to rally support in Courtice Tano in the caribbean Northern Iraq behind him and turkey really does not want this to happen how dangerous are those threats of intervention in turkey. Turkey has been intervening in the north of iraq at multiple occasions they have been targeting the p. K. K. In the condom mountains with the consent silent consent of the government by the way they have probably protested every now and then but they let them operate there. I think. Don of course we know him he would like strong words and he likes to express his views in a spectacular fashion but i think. The political strategic is they have made their peace with the idea that there is going to be some sort of kurdish strong autonomy or even an independent state in the north of iraq and lets not forget that theyre one of their Main Business partners but i think the big mistake that the kurds in the north of iraq might make is they have been the l. I of many powers as long as they were an undeclared independent state but once they turn into a really independent state i think they will many of their but theyre just and countries many of the neighbors will turn against them and they will make many enemies and turkey might be one of them but lets not be naive i think out of god knows whats going on he knows that this was this was going to happen sooner than later ok so this has been in the cards youre saying what is it going to mean for the fight against isis. The kurds have done a great deal of fighting against isis the peshmerga have taken on isis and theyve a long time and i think backed out and would be less long as they say Just Exchange words strong words they know whats at stake you ok sound optimistic who has the tension global way to diffuse the situation if anyone. Well of course some fans or is the United States and russia ive talked to russian experts about the like the idea of an independent kurdish state and. They say we dont mind to have another i mean thats not the official position of course but if you talk to russian expert they say we have iran and turkey at a sudden interest they want to influence in our Southern Comfort a comfort zone we dont mind having another state but we dont want to push for it and i think the russians are trying to gain some leverage through a quarter state but the americans a president too so i think these two powers have have a lot of leverage to at least two two which would delay a decision of an Independence Movement but i dont think that they can stop it i dont care a lot hes a middle east analyst were seeing a magazine thanks for being with us on the thanks for having me. On to the fallout from the german election now the far right alternative from germany won more than ninety seats in Parliament Raising fears of a potential surge in populism and Anti Semitism for those who lived through the holocaust some of the i. A. F. Days rhetoric is hauntingly familiar we spoke with horst zellweger a holocaust survivor who endured forced labor under the nazis and saw most of his family murdered now ninety years old so margaret says that for him the rise of a. F. G. Comes as no surprise that if this most i didnt do it can deal with. Fascism in germany never went away it just took on a new form will you fall. Yeah the. Yeah yeah i dont see. We will hound this government we will hunt down chancellor america or whomever else we need to we will take back our country and there are people. Who are suited and want to see one thing on the borders from Nine Hundred Thirty nine again. Clearly remembers the beginning of nazi rule in germany at school in berlin he was virtually abused and beaten up by his classmates. It started with him calling me horrible names like smart alec jew or jewish pig. It got worse and worse more offensive and then deadly. In my two. Sixty one members of the bigots extended family were murdered in the holocaust fascism and germanys coming to terms with its nazi past our core issues in his life and after seeing so much in his ninety years hes horrified by sundays german election result hes been sharing his reactions online. To be honest i dont understand the astonishment and anger that he i have today has made it into parliament nazis have been in Parliament Since One Thousand Nine Hundred Forty nine they had nazi ministers one was even chancellor. Yorkies inger was chancellor from One Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty Six to sixty nine former nazi Party Members held seats in the west German Parliament until the one Nine Hundred Eighty s. Across most of the political spectrum. Down because she is the rise of the f. T. As a continuation of this tradition. Yes. I just hope that a real change of thinking happens here. And that this long standing refusal to take the fire right seriously will finally be confronted. We have to expose this ugly extremism and i hope this confrontation will play out in the new German Parliament that. I dont want to see the f. T. Take over on the contrary. For more im joined now by being labor hes the correspondent for britains Tog Newspaper and focuses on right wing populism and the a. F. D. Founded thanks for being with us today we heard mr selinger in that report say fascism in germany never went away and he sees the a. F. D. Is a continuation of naziism do you think thats an accurate description of them. I think its a little bit too easy to describe i think theres not a real continuity between for example in a win or nazis in the fiftys or sixtys of this of the last century and these new right thing populists i mean they tried to reinterpret for example the history and they are for example in islamophobia a party i think but its not not and repeat cation of the nazi party of the of the last century i think so we have to be a little bit careful when it comes to definitions here i think now would you classify the a. F. D. As antisemitic the problem here is that the a fifty is not an openly Antisemitic Party its quite the opposite in the interpretation of the safety of how they interpret themselves for example the former. Chairman of the party of how completely i mean she stepped down now but she for example is quite the a fifty is a kind of guarantee power for jews living in germany to protect them when it comes to and this may take forces or to anticipate to take sentiments from migrants for example so and another example is that they have strong ties to some organizations in israel for example so that dont distance themselves from israel but on the other hand i think they really tried to. Yes to to to. Reinterpret the german history in some way so youre saying there revisionist have also nile is a crime here in germany its not everywhere in the world but it is here how revisionists is they actually. Here it comes as well to the birding because you dont have any prominent politician of the a few who is really denying the holocaust but for example under golland another prominent politician of the f. T. Talked recently about these twelve years when it came to the nazi period so when in germany in germany normally you very openly speak about the nazis about hitler germany for example some of them words and not about these twelve years that sounds very distant for me yes and i think. Here its. Yes that is the problem here yes when we talk about antisemitism in germany and specifically in berlin some of the reports of antisemitic attacks have been coming not from the far right but allegedly from muslims your paperwork morning on this alleged incident at a Berlin School involving arab and turkish students bullying a jewish student how big is that problem i mean we have this problem here but we are discussing about this problem and i think it should not be a topic of this right wing Populist Party alone so we should talk about migration and maybe these people who are coming if they are refugees they are coming indeed from countries like syria where aunties emits. Opinions were very openly discussed all right thats fabienne labor hes a correspondent for berlin tog spiegel newspaper thanks for being with us on the day thank you. Well the founder of playboy hugh hefner has died at the age of ninety one hefner gained instant fame when he launched Playboy Magazine in the one Nine Hundred Fifty s. The adult publication created a sensation in conservative america after spawning the brand into a Publishing Empire but critics accuse him of degrading and Objectifying Women Flowers and a string of well wishes for the bunny king outside the famous Playboy Mansion in los angeles. It was here that hugh hefner ran his major net ten mins empire usually clouded his trademark so but john was. It takes a. Special event to get me. To get out of my pajamas. There put on a pair of pants. With a cafferty crafted mix of Nude Photos Highbrow Articles and big name fiction have struck a chord with playboy more than sixty years ago the mens magazine quickly became a roaring success half not his girly bag and his lifestyle was symbols of the Sexual Revolution and shook out puritanical American Values really brought the pop culture to life you know it during a time when he was very conservative and this was something that kind of went against the grain but he did it in a very tasteful way and you know and hes just created so many great things as a result of do we know and really bringing pop culture to hold the love of others condemned teff not for degrading women treating them as objects of male fantasy just as many were fighting for basic rights and equal opportunities the internet age so playboy Circulation Plummet but by then half turned his bunnies had already transformed popular culture. And more than six decades later hes still a Household Name for more on hugh hefner im joined now by Christopher Nepali Tano He was the editorial director of Playboy Magazine between Two Thousand And Five and Two Thousand And Nine chris our thanks for being with us now your title was editorial director because editor in chief was reserved for hugh hefner sounds like a man who was very involved in his business well liked working for him i was great it was a big business and his focus was the magazine and then its very content in america so in one hand. Frequent dialogues with them and on the other hand he was there to. Protect our decisions and and oh i was to do what we do best. Weve weve heard a lot about who have been our throughout the day good things bad things in your mind a few people who knew him personally tell us what your favorite are anecdotes. Oh my goodness well he was just you know always very very entertaining always very engaged he was extremely smart so i often didnt want to tangle with him or debate with him on the phone or in person i would have to gather my thoughts he would he had some phrases just like you find if i knew what the hell you were trying to do it would help you do it. You know and. He always was very forthcoming about his personal life i remember going out to the mansion right after one of his girlfriends of broken up with him in a very public way and he said i dont have he said personally and professionally ok personally how you doing is like i feel like road kill my hearts been smashed over but tonight were having a party and maybe theres some young cull it will make me feel better and then he gave a big you know his trademark cackle. So you know he he was a guy who who knew what he was about very sure footed very sure thinking if he didnt have an opinion on something it meant that it wasnt worth having an opinion on. So whereas i am a bit of a pleaser and i always want to give the right answer for have just said what he thought he had that direct connection between his mind and his mouth and he was very very adept at expressing. Some some good thoughts in said that you yourself are a bit of a place where you studied comparative religion as a student at columbia and you have any qualms about working in a magazine that features full frontal nudity. No you know i was raised catholic and so all of that kind of. Kind of had an impact on the way i learned to look at the world and comparative religion is not the ology for saying its about how the bible was put together particularly my area of study was the new testament so to learn about how these various stories were were compiled in call aided and then later seen as the word of god is you know very reverent tory you know you learn that jesus had no brother to which im Catholic Dogma is really not allowed so going from that cuts a verse of thought to Something Like playboy believe it or not there are a lot of catholics drawn to this kind so i was not alone i think i can believe that you know it is that you know its a very sad but playboy its been around for what like sixty years its survived and magazine publishing crisis the advent of Internet Pornography how do you manage to stay relevant and just stay in business. Whats interesting i think was the First Magazine to be a brand i mean it was the precursor to what all magazines are talking about today were not a magazine were brand were online grown Social Well Playboy was very social it had clubs you know it had hotels it tried to bring to life at every turn even in my tenure there was relaunched a playboy club in las vegas that was wildly successful so any time you could try to capture and make real the fantasy that was present in the magazine you had a hit so that kind of branding and extension of that rabbit had logo was sort of built into the d. N. A. From the very start and you were at it and arcelor actor im sorry go ahead. No and thats allowed it to go on in various incarnations you were editorial director from Two Thousand And Five to Two Thousand And Nine im sure youve heard your share of criticism how do you respond to people who Say Playboy Objectifies women. Well you know i think that the women who appear in the magazine can address it best. And they can talk about how they what the magazine did for them in establishing them in terms of their personality in their careers. Proved very useful to many women and as an expression of what they felt so for them theyre coming from from one angle from a critics perspective you know objectification is really a reduction as anything that we did successfully present or enticing imagery or an enticing personality really required us to speak about who that woman was and what she wanted to do and quote her accurately all that was very important to our readers because then they determine where they both like her and her not so its a bit of a male psychological thing. But yeah i mean theres theres. Theres objectification goes on and almost every aspect of our lives. Were not immune to the criticism and people make it so so all right with me its kind of a question to say at this point oh i read playboy for the articles but playfully has over the decades published some of the best writer is that each generation what do you personally most proud of from the time you were there. Well we did a lot of good things i mean we really presented a lot of i worked with Norman Mailer john updike publishing those guys was great. One thing im very proud of is sending mark boal to iraq and publishing the story the man in the bomb suit and he later took those experiences and turned into the hurt locker. We had an acclaimed writer here Dennis Johnson who. Came off winning the National Book award and he wanted to write a four part serial written on spec so every thirty days he would come up with a new chapter that we published in the issue very proud of that. So yeah i mean were i just was flipping through some of our older magazines and on there there are all impressed with the amount of good material thats in there i mean juno walter mosley. Weidman Joyce Carol Oates a lot of pain and i leave it there and let me just i mean really its like youre Running Out Of Time you have here is being buried next to one of the most famous names of all Marilyn Monroe how did that happen tell us that story. He went out and he brought that that that box thats level marble next door and that in that muzzle him he was infatuated with her he was she was always on his mind it was you know every every six months its i think its time to Start Talking about marilyn again we like the its enough marilyn for now. But she would be on the cover you know regularly every two three years see and as editors you get cynical and you think oh thats too much but you know you meet people and they all mention her there he would be like shes with her son. And he knew what everybody else like too so sometimes were were sitting here were too smart for own good were going to have to leave it there christopher dippolito know he was the editorial director of Playboy Magazine until Two Thousand And Nine. Well the day is nearly done but the conversation continues online youll find us on twitter use the hash tag the day i found out. He was one of the bees in apa by me and the sun. Now benny is back

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