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She was supposed to represent us and she knows we all supports robinson chance not favors. So my, my 2 years ago i won this primary was 73 percent of the both lists kind of lost your way. I could easily have done the same thing with singular focus on a proposal, but it would have required that i go along with President Trump lie about the 2020 election. Hobbies are all very grateful to President Trump. Cheney should be ashamed of yourself. Now finally disappear. Into the depths of political with this primary election is over. But now the real work begins. And also on the day outrage in germany as Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas accuses israel, of committing, quote, 50, hollow costs against his people at a press conference here in berlin. So what kind of arts at the german chancellor expects, the palestinian president to recognize the singularity of the holocaust without any qualification his garrath yesterday coasts. A dark shadow over german, his relationship with the palestinian authority. Ah, she is to be the 3rd highest ranking republican in the us house of representatives. Now bettern politician liz cheney has lost her place on the ballad for the upcoming mid terms to a former close ally harried hagerman. Like many other members of the g o. P turned on cheney, after she became one of the most outspoken critics of donald trump and his involvement in the capital riots in the run up to the election. The former president endorsed hagerman slamming cheney as a war monger and disloyal republican. But for cheney, this may not be the end of the road. In fact, she says, shes just getting started. 204 defeated years, but also defiant, saw this cheney had run a campaign like, based on her opposition to donald trump and preventing his influence over the Republican Party. But instead to both her and her supporters, the loss did not come as a surprise. 2 years ago i won this primary was 73 percent of the vote. I could easily have done the same again, the path was clear, but it would have required that i go along with President Trumps lie about the 2020 election. That was a path i could not and would not take those confusion on this Committee Investigating the january 6 attack on the capitol. Cheney was one of just 2 republicans on the panel, investigating trumps role in the attack. And her earlier voting for his impeachment put her at odds with her own party. In typical style, trump put out a statement celebrating her defeat in the primaries. This is a wonderful result for america and a complete rebuke of the Unselect Committee of political hacks and thugs. Lish cheney should be ashamed of herself. Now she can finally disappear into the depths of political oblivion. Trump said, but standing before her supporters in wyoming, chaney vowed to continue her fight against trump signaling that her political career is here to stay. Lets dig deeper and bring him to me so much gonna our washington correspondence and we so good to see a predicted loss, but one that was about a lot more than a spot on the ballad in the mid terms, wasnt it . Daphne nicole, i mean, we dont usually pay such attention to a republican primary in the state of wyoming, but this was about a lot more than wyoming. This was about the direction of the Republican Party and the influence of the former president donald trump. And as we saw on that report, list training was quite clear about what was on the ballot. Here she took that step to break with President Trump after the insurrection at the capital on january 6th, 2021. As we saw there in those images, she was one of only 10 republicans to vote to impeach President Trump over that capital riot. She is also the vice chair woman of that january 6th committee. So looking into President Trumps efforts to overturn the election result and also a his role in inciting that violence that capital riot. And that earned her the rebuke and the vitriol of not only other republicans. So she lost that position of, of leadership within the party. But also, and especially of President Trump, himself, he endorsed her opponent harry hagueman, and that appears to have had a big impact. And it shows once again, how much influence the former president can and does still wield at, lets talk about live cheneys transformation for a 2nd. Because for a really long time, she supported trump policies basically across the board. But now she is turned into what may well be his staunch his critic within the Republican Party. What happened so make no mistake. Las cheney is a deeply conservative republican. I mean, she voted with President Trump and i looked up this number again before coming on air, 93 percent of the time. So clearly she supported as policies. Shes taken hardline positions on immigration, shes been a vocal critic of abortion rights. She praised the supreme courts overturning of roe v wade, which provided that constitutional right to an abortion in the u. S. She originally opposed, same sex marriages as well, although shes walked back that position since then. And im listing all of this to give you an idea of just how conservative a las cheney was, what her conservative credentials were. And when she was elected to congress in 2016, which is not all that long ago, she rose up very quickly among the republicans in the house of representatives. So what changed is what she calls a moral decision. She said that she could not condone the former president s lie, that he won the election and she could not stand by after that capital right after that violence. Shes been very clear that she sees this as an existential moment for her party, but also for the entire country for american democracy. And ill just tell you what she said in that concession speech. She said quote, our survival is not guaranteed. History has shown us how poisonous lies can destroy free nations. So that is the type of rhetoric weve heard again and again from las chinese. She said no position, no office is worth a condoning. What President Trump did. I want to bring up Something Else quite remarkable. Is janie said yesterday as she was conceding defeat, and then at le, lets get back to you after that sim. This primary election is over. But now the real work begins as we leave here, let us resolve that. We will stand together. Republicans, democrats and independence against those who would destroy our republic. They are angry and they are determined. But they have not seen anything like the power of americans united in defense of our constitution and committed to the cause of freedom. There is no greater power on this earth, and with gods help, we will prevail. Its not often that after a last election, the defeat and canada designs to run 4 and even higher offers. But liz cheney has hinted as a bout of president ial candidacy. How do you see that penning out . Yeah, it was a pretty obvious hint that she was dropping there. Nicole has been up and down the media landscape here in the u. S. And actually she did speak to the network, nbc here and said when she was asked if she will run, im thinking about it. So how would that pan out . Well, i think its clear that liz cheney is not under any illusion that she could actually win enough of the vote to become president in 2024. But if you listen to what she said in her concession speech after that primary loss, she said i will do whatever it takes, whatever is in my power to prevent donald trump from getting back to the white house. So the idea here is that liz cheney would run as an independent, so neither as a republican nor as a democrat, and that she could win enough moderate republican votes. So people who dont want to vote for President Trump, that it would prevent him from winning the problem with that strategy. Nicole, is that if you, if you look at that, the numbers of how badly Liz Cheney Los in the wyoming primary. Him and she really got thumped and it is not certain that this strategy would work, that this narrow sliver of voters, that she would be pandering to who are neither republican or democrat, somewhere in the middle. That that would actually make a difference. But she is a cheney, her dad was Vice President , her name carries a lot of weight and she can raise a lot of money as weve seen. So this is something that could take shape down the road out of the 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach donald trump. Only 2 are going to be on the ballot in november. Really looks like any criticism of the former president is equal to political suicide within the g o. P doesnt it . It certainly doesnt help nicole. I mean those who picks a fight with President Trump faced not only the wrath of him himself, but also supporters. But i do have to say that observers here have been keeping very close watch of how candidates who President Trump has endorsed, how they were ferrying in these mid term elections. And it is actually a mixed picture. And ill give you 2 examples. So in a crucial state like georgia, which was critical to joe biden winning the last election, President Trump tried his very best to make sure the 2 republicans would lose their races. Brian camp and brad reference berker at because they refused to help him overturn the the result of the last election. They won their primaries, but in 2 other critical states, ohio and pennsylvania and the trump endorse candidates one their primaries and his support was what help them get over the line. So if you look at the bigger picture, nicole, the Washington Post released an analysis in june showing that 100. 00 republican primary winners have embraced the president s lie that the election was stolen, which is obviously troubling. And we were just at c pack that conservative action, political conference that took place in dallas a few weeks ago. We asked republicans about this, and there were some who would not openly embrace that election lie. But they were kate, you about it. They tried to talk the way around it. They talked about Election Integrity and stat and, and Building Trust in the election system again. So the answer is yes. The majority of republicans are very careful not to cross President Trump, because he clearly still has a very tight grip on the party through me. Some us gonna in washington. Thank you so much. Ah, german chancellor enough shall says hes disgusted at what he described as outrageous remarks made by the palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas during a visit to berlin. Speaking at a press conference with the german chancellor on tuesday evening, abbas that israel had committed quote 50 holocausts against palestinian, sparking an outpouring of anger here in germany. It was this moment at the very end of the press conference that caused outreach and somebody since 1947 for taken back to the present day. Hm. Fin, israel has had hurried out 50 massacre in the for the, for me, in 50 palestinian village of the elephant dora 50 massacres. 50 holocaust you and until to day every day, every day our people get killed by the israeli army. This about germany is needing tablo beard called as a holocaust scandal at the chances office. But it wasnt only abbas comment that sparked outrage. It was also this reaction from olive choice. The press conference was concluded as planned with no visible attempt specialists to contradict our bus. He should have told him to leave tweeted conservative opposite lead african mats. You shouldnt go into a press conference was, was the of us was all having saw before about publications of this kind, which should be expected. And then you know that you have to react because its berlin, its a german chancellor. And as a german chancellor emmett, growing pressure shows responded with his own tweet for us germans in particular, any relative i zation of the singularity of the holocaust is intolerable and unacceptable. During wednesdays, press conference showed spokesperson took the blame for the lack of Immediate Reaction and made it clear there would be consequences that wouldnt cause of arthur. The german chancellor expects the palestinian president to recognize the singularity of the holocaust without any qualifications his garrath yesterday coasts a dark shadow over german. His relationship with the palestinian authority. Mackwood abbas tone down his message in a new statement, but as holocaust remarks to have already strained to german palestinian relations. He w. A political correspondence. Im young can tell us more now. Simon chancellor. Olaf shots has come under heavy fire for how he handled the situation. Walk us through the many reactions there have been yeah, well this whole incident has sparked a storm of reaction with even, for instance, the year normally reticent form a chance. Langler merkel who hasnt said much should see less thought left off his last year or condemning the remarks of the palestinian president. But its not just about his remarks. As you say, its also about the year slow reaction from my chancellor sholtes. And some people have called that are unprofessional, and there is this story that the year the chancellors meteor adviser effectively brought the press conference to an end before the chancellor. I was about to say something. Am well, you know, thats fair enough, but i think the chancellor of germany ought to be a responsible for his own actions. And the leader of the opposition christian democrat, party is called incomprehensible. He says that abbot should not just have been contradicted, he should have been told to leave the chancery rather than being off at the handshake that shows immediately thereafter did offer him. And there have been some negative comments as well, from jewish leaders here and other opposition politicians. I think, you know, youre, youre seeing a lot of aftermath, a lot of broken porcelain it, as they say on the floor. And theres a lot of repair work for the German Government to do. They have some of the palestinian representative in berlin today and told him of the governments position on this. Youre talking about broken porcelain. How do you think this will affect german palestinian relations . While some a politicians are saying that its time to look again at the Development Funding for the palestinian authority, more than a 1000000000 euros has been promised from germany. Were making it one of the biggest donors, if not the biggest, some people are saying are, you know, a bass or is a or be support terrorism. Hes also holocaust denial. Hes not the put sort of person who should be in receipt of these are kind of funds its fair to say in that press conference abbas was saying he hoped virt sir, just the shows would soon visit ramallah in the west bank. Well, the chance does press spokesman today was saying its very hard to imagine that happening any time in the foreseeable future. It over your political correspondence. I mean young thanks so much. Oh, the us withdrawal from afghanistan was chaotic in many ways, but what particularly shot the world were the dramatic scenes at cobble airport. After the capital fell to the taliban, tens of thousands of people pleading to be led on any flight out. Mother is desperately handing their babies to u. S. Troops hoping they could take them to safety. For some of the soldiers on duty back then, the events have left deep. Emotional scars, dw correspondent stephens, the months went to seattle in the state of washington to meet with veterans who are still trying to help and support african friends and comrades. However, they can. U. S. Army ranger veteran Matthew Griffin doesnt need visual reminders of what transpired in august last year. C the images of desperate afghans at cobble airports trying to flee the country as taliban fighters took over, are burned in his memory and carved into his conscience. He says that moment it broke me and i had to reach out to a couple friends, a local small business. They offered up a board room, which we set up a command center and i had army rangers, navy seals green to raise and a bunch of civilians come in and we set up a full on command center. Griff, as everybody calls him, his friends and comrades went into overdrive, trying to help bring as many afghans out as possible. People they had worked with, fought with, bled for, cried and laughed with griffith. And many others are still upset about how the u. S. Conducted their withdrawal from afghanistan, i dont know a Service Member that isnt are set apart. And its not that the law. I mean, i think everybody say, hey, we won all the battles. Burger lost the war. But i think its more the, the lack of which fell flat or not word. Arc nation acted in a dishonorable way. And the generals and the senior Staff Officers and all the people in the white house and theyre the ones who made those decisions. And i dont know a Service Member that just doesnt absolutely abhor them, period filled with frustration. Griff offers his perspective and a reality check. You know, we have a lot of friends there who are hurting who are suffering and theres no way out for them. No one is coming, its up to them, theyre trapped. They need to figure out life moving forward. Whether they decide to ron or whether they decide to stay or whether they decide to fight, its their decision. Theres nothing that the everyday citizen like you and i can do to support them anymore. Still grief and others continue their efforts to help, even though they cant send money or goods into afghanistan. They cant get anybody out anymore, but they can still help afghans who made it into the u. S. Meet jimmy, settle a former air force per a rescue man and friend of griff, he managers, the local african refugees Assistance Center is mission. Now, helping afghans to get a foothold in their new home america. Thats my, thats my heart. I welcome them with the open arms. And because my folks, my family, at some point in history, were immigrants here in the us. And it be hypocritical to deny them the same opportunities. Jimmy and groups are just 2 thousands of us veterans who served in afghanistan, who are still trying to support afghans in any way possible each in their own way. Ah several people have been injured and spain after a train came close to getting caught in a wildfire, but he was shot and signed the train show flames right outside the windows. Some passengers escape the train after the driver halted and were caught by the fire. 3 of them suffered serious injuries. The train reversed back down the line where the passengers received help from Emergency Services. And joining me now from a dread as carlos de vega, hes the Deputy Editor of the newspaper, l f i. E. Carlos, good to see you. This sounds terrifying for the passengers. How do they get into that situation . There must be a Warning System in place. I imagine. Hi, im calling to be, but not in this case. There are currently 2 open investigations this event. The 1st is that the train left wanting see are without any warning from the Emergency Services. So the driver was not aware that a few kilometers a way that was that fire. No one told her. So that was like the train departed valencia as if everything was normal. The 2nd line of investigation is what happened with the train was found in the middle of the fire. The company said that the train driver acted correctly told in the past and just keep quiet to stay in the train at that moment. The right to go back to balance. Yeah. Changing some mechanism in the, in the train. But passengers told the officer that that was the driver who opened the windows open, opened the doors and told him to eat as fast as possible because flames are coming, coming into the drink. So these are 2 open investigation with us. Were still, what can you tell us about the injured . Well the thing was korean 14 and people did ask for injured by barnes. 3 of them are serious a window and between 8 and 10, with minor injuries. All of them because they left the train at the moment. The flames were ordered near by the door or broken windows, but all of them was because they left the train at that moment. Authorities and valencia are calling this particular place, unstoppable. Why is it so hard to contain . Well, in this case there is one key walks about what happened is we, its sad, very strong wind. That is changing duration very quickly. So that prevents Emergency Services from working because they cannot provide whats going to happen. A few minutes after it actually, for example, today in this same fire, there was a group of 5 parties. Us half means who run did, but by flames. And they have really lot of difficulties to, to escape from the wind. And they just did it in the last 2nd. And this is something that what it is, it cant prevent because winter changing very quickly and to fight it is to extend it very quickly too because theres been no raining the last weeks in that the real spain in spain is actually like so many places around the world right now on track for the worst fire season in over a decade, how our firefighters and Emergency Services coping well here, we can see that there are 22 important things. One is good, nice. The military and years ago and in the army created a special unit specializing fires. They are really working a lot and they are really working very effectively up very quickly in many spires. The problem is that out, so many to go to any places, but this is a good theme. Second, its more complicated. 5 factors. It depends here from there, you know, governments. So that change i look among territories and in the summer, for example, many of the fires were in the, on that 3 units is governed by the wind party with extreme rights. Also, they dont like to spend in public services. And in that case, there are many People Living in that we have that they, they told us that to spin up and on the floor is for 4 years with no cleaning, no opening roads and really not investing in fire. Because less last years was kind of why its so this is been surprisingly hard, this the system and they do have a need so much for just to fight interesting stuff. Carlos vega of alpha east joining us from my direct tonight. Thank you. Thank you. Days almost done, but as always, the conversation continues online. Were looking forward to hearing from you on twitter for now from me and the entire team here on the day. Thanks for spending part of your day with with into the conflict zone with sebastian. How worry the russia 5 about the progress of the war with mobiles of investigative german. This is monica pierce with secret fear among them. Im very phone bertha, founder and editor of be again tour website. We tracked russia who can do services. Its really difficult for like a lot of people in one place zone. Well because ive only bought antennas on dw humor. Oh no, go no car about a war zone. Behind a fragile piece reality, not a world inhabited by injured people. A deacon eric will also wound the healing lies in making visitors the faces of war. In 45 minutes on d, w. O. In into the to day this means flying to a foreign planet. In the 16th century, it meant being a captain and setting sail to discover a route. A race links to military interests, a race linked to political and military proceed, but also to finance and adventure full of hardships, dangers and death. Magellan journey around the world. Starting september 7th on d. W. Now into its 2nd month, the war in ukraine has failed to give russia the quick victory if wanted. And there are signs of growing discontent among the political and security elite. Back in moscow, a small band of investigative journalists does managed to pierce the veil of secrecy around those officials. Among them,

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