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Im phil gale in berlin and this is the day. This act of the u. S. Government is completely wrong they are attempting to interfere with Hong Kong Affairs through this act and this plot will not work. To do as president signs called human rights and democracy act thats the remarkable achievement of all the hong kong with with the courage and determination of hong kong there is still quite freedom and democracy to stop the progress were going on through the hong kong is Chinas Hong Kong and Hong Kong Affairs are purely chinas internal affairs no Foreign Governments or power has the right to intervene. Also coming up phasers doctors concerned about antibiotic resistance are increasingly turning. Viruses that kill bacteria untreatable by other drugs a thing that fitch therapy is getting more and more important because. I think so or more and more fearing. People are actually dying because so the infection can be treated. And china has reacted angrily after u. S. President donald trump signed bills backing hong kong prodemocracy activists beijing says it will take firm countermeasures against the u. S. For meddling in its Domestic Affairs the new legislation means theyll be an annual review of the favorable trade status that washington grants the territory. Prodemocracy demonstrators thanking u. S. President donald trump for signing legislation that ensures the u. S. Backs democracy in hong kong. There was music in the including the starspangled banner. Trump a hero. For u. S. President signed on to hong kong you are right and democracy act thats the remarkable achievement of all hong kong as with the courage and determination of hong kong as to fight for freedom and democracy its all because of this trump signed into law an act that says the u. S. Will check whether hong kong remains democratic as a prerequisite for keeping Hong Kong Special trade status the government in beijing is really angry. Sure. Is Chinas Hong Kong and Hong Kong Affairs are purely chinas internal affairs which im going no Foreign Government or power has the right so we need something more than nato bombed out. Beijing says it will use countermeasures if the u. S. Continues. Well down the wrong path. So lets talk about how this might well play out with the journalist clifford couldnt who spent 15 years covering china and chinese politics welcome to this place lets start with a fact this human rights and democracy act what would be its effect how would it work well i think the primary effect seems to have been to make china very angry indeed but in technical terms what it will do is it requires washington to keep an eye on hong kong which has special status since the handover in 1907 and to see how the move towards democracy in hong kong is continuing and how Hong Kong Special freedoms are being protected and if hong kong doesnt seem to be doing that. Then they can review Hong Kong Special status where it would just become like another chinese city all right so its not its so its not as though the u. S. Is sort of swooping in and saying what solace it was hong kong was already enjoying some sort of favorable treatment from the u. S. And this is the u. S. Saying well you know we can give all we can take it away thats right yeah its quite symbolic in a way because its got this massive impact but it is to sort of say that they are backing the Democracy Movement on the democracy protests in hong kong so its quite a big symbol but it was in existence before the special stages but this actually kind of adds to the pressure on china chinas talking about firm countermeasures if the u. S. Continues in this direction what are those likely to be well we dont really know yet what they could be but i imagine a lot of this will do with the need to do with the trade war intends to basically maybe stand its ground on the trade war make it more difficult and also that it wants to maybe take a backward itll set us chinese relations back a step maybe china will Start Talking will be looking at russia more will be looking at other regional leaders it will be reassessing how its relationship with america work so i think theres theres. Various measures they could do they could introduce. More measures that could harm trades but were waiting to see these come out and im interested as well in how this affects president who has who has solidified his position within the communist party there but hes had some had a bad run recently with the trade war with the us riots in hong kong resulting victory of pro democracy candidates in hong kong and now this does he have to keep an eye on people within his own party who might be looking at him and thinking well theres a man right for the picking. List you could also you know the been a lot of leaks about the camps and jiang for the weaker is he does hes got the strong man image and he needs to protect up and he needs to push it through and he needs to be effective hes managed so far to keep this by getting rid of term limits he said to be very strong within the party and hes very good at controlling the different factions in the party but things can spiral very quickly like as you say hes had a terrible week and hes trying to juggle a lot of things at the moment so its going to be very interesting to see how he manages that you know because they like to keep you know everything in china is about the politics the communist party is all about staying in power so its going to be a question now to see how the political will transfer as quick final question on the trade dispute between china and the u. S. How much is this new libya u. S. Legislation about human rights and democracy and how much is it about sort of applying extra pressure and we saw it go on going trade war i think i think the human rights and democracy element is definitely a strong one but it is another aspect to this that definitely it will it will complicate the talks for china its also reminded that of american power. The u. S. Is also showing others has quite a good hand in these trade talks now there are things that its maybe affecting the u. S. Economy in the heartlands of a duck but still i think the u. S. Feels that it holds a lot of the cards in this in these trade talks so that the act is another another reminder of this cliff it thank you so much for joining us. The fog of tear gas has become a defining picture of a hong kong of the last 6 months more than 10000. 00 rounds have been fired by police against prodemocracy protesters which is pull into now on the larger on the effects of large amounts of tear gas when kathy jew and patricia levy rented their 3 room apartment in hong kong suburb of 2 months the 2 roommates helt it was a good deal price was reasonable and the building in good shape but now they wish they had never moved here come along my nose off an itch is in my skin feels dry i feel very uncomfortable and i have diarrhea that usually lasts for a few days. And hed go to the toilet a few times every night i would hold hold hold out come out not kathy things that it is a consequence of the ga gas to moan has become one of the hotspots of hong kongs protests often clashes occur just below their window that night also that usually protesters would set up roadblocks here police would then come to remove them and they fired tear gas to try to catch the protesters said the cook will be similarly going to get. You to that tense atmosphere in the city they do not want to show their face and ask us not to reveal their ian names but will say they have not joined any protests since the peaceful marches in june but that does not save them from the effects. The mood is up then youre when they fire tear gas i close all the windows in the doors but i can still smell it and feel uncomfortable the whole shebang. Since june the police have fired more than 10000. 00 canisters of tear gas chemical irritant but mainly affects the eyes lungs and the skin its use is prohibited as a chemical weapon in warfare and involved in riot control although its effects are meant to be temporary to have been case reports of chronic high diseases caused by the chemicals. They were also some cases that they know its much to begin with but after exposure to tear gas some of the protesters actually develop just like symptoms for 2 to 3 years and there they were also cases that people develop chronic eczema to get skin problems going to tartus for a number of years. While the highest risk lies with frontline protesters and join a list residents have little chance to escape the consequences of tear gas as many protests happening in densely Populated Areas from a logical call it i saw a doctor he asked me where i live and then he said i should consider moving away by could i tell you from the start he called it. Both of them plan to stay with relatives for some time but moving home is out of question the landlord would not let them cancel the contract. The forces have shot dead at least 35. 00 people in protests much of the violence took place in the city and the job after a crowd set fire to the rain in concert at their outrage over perceived iranian influence has been fueling the widespread unrest these protesters have a reason to celebrate the Iranian Embassy and not joffe is in flames last night demonstrators stormed the building and set it on fire their protests are a statement against the influence of their mighty neighbor on iraq a spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign ministry sharply criticized the attack demanding that the suspects be punished now an Iraqi Military crisis Security Team has been dispatched. When the consulate special not just Police Forces far. As if we had set fire to all of iraq. Since the beginning of october tens of thousands have been demonstrating in baghdad and other cities against the countrys ruling elite Police Used Tear Gas grenades and live ammunition against the demonstrators so far more than 350 people have been killed. Many suspected tehran and its allied militias in iraq are behind these harsh Police Methods they consider their own rulers to be puppets of the iranian government and demand their resignation as well as an end to corruption and nepotism. Billions from the oil business are going into governmental pockets local infrastructure is decaying there are Power Outages and the water is contaminated. With demand the removal of all criminal politicians from power. People have been living in chaos for 16 years 16 years of destruction and war corruption and self enrichment. Their anger is greater than their fear and clearly the governments promises of reform havent convinced them yet. We have more on this from our iraqi journalist we welcome i mean obviously international has described scenes in. Nasiriya and baghdad is resembling a war zone what people been telling you while we talked with many protesters they just went to the street because they could not find any solution for their problems corruption and so on and in the beginning of the beginning of 1st of the court october theyve been just a civilian without any violence just for testing against the government but its what the governments response well the violence or the bullets tear gas and so on the and with we are now counting about 350 casualties people young people just calling for democracy calling for jobs and their rights but you want to make of the government response because there have been deaths and as you say it has been a violent reaction is this just the way that iraq deals with demonstrations or is this getting out of control in fact it is getting all of the control exactly because the governments back from iranian and the was tried to come down in december of this scenario whats we happened to happen in iran weeks ago just out of the interim. And use the harsh cumber of violence and control of the military and in the end of the day we did we would like to see the end of the light in the ended of the tunnel and the end of the tunnel there is no light and thats why the that people. Forgot any trust of the government even when the government tried to come on the streets calling them there is some and you are a formation in the in the in many cases the protesters do not believe that corrupt governments ok so does the government will if we have time will come back to the corruption in the government but does the government have a plan to deal with it is it just going to sort of shoot its way out or are they going to try and negotiate this circling and thats problem because since more than 40 days. They give a promise is over promises of our promises but there is no plan even there is no security plan how to deal with that protesters not the shooting of them we just faced yesterday. 17 at least 17 be a young People Killed just in nasiriyah which is it. Is a must occur to be honest thats what if we talking about the political side there is no solution even in the military and security and intelligence there is no soft solution. It is hard in these circumstances to do you what you want what what will satisfy protesters you cant magic jobs out of nowhere you cant change the whole political system overnight well exactly but at least resigning the governments brink another faces regular governments trying to find a solution for the next election i think this will would be the 1st step just to calm making this street calm come down and lets the protester go back home and giving the responsibility for other governments which is try to rebuild thats trust between the street and the government at least but thats government still is a stick in the in the chair of the government they do not want to go away from their responsibilities and that is the influence of iranian of course play a big huge role that iraqi journalist imam sour thank you so much for joining us youre welcome. Resistance are antibiotics poses a major threat to Public Health killing tens of thousands of people around the world every year but there is hope Scientists Say a class of powerful tiny viruses called bacteria phages a might be able to reverse the trend that area faces are plentiful in the environment and kill bacteria by penetrating the outside of their cells getting inside and making them explode they have long been cultivated in Eastern Europe as an alternative to antibiotics bacteria phages cocktails can be bought today in pharmacies in countries like a georgia in the caucasus elsewhere belgium has started to offer phase treatments that are not widely available in the e. U. Which me some patients have to travel abroad for treatment. Tan you did have a cannot remember when she was last pain free antibiotics stopped working against her skin disease which she contract at 30 years ago so she found a different treatment bacteriophages but because theyre only allowed in special cases in the netherlands she had to travel to Tbilisi Georgia and spent thousands of euros of her savings to buy them and i started going to georgia i was extremely nervous but also i was very exciting and also very disappointed in the treatment in holland because holland does not allow the phage is so i had to go all the way to georgia only for this page is to get there are many different types of bacteriophages viruses which target a specific type of bacteria tan you drink 2 different ones each day and also put on a cream its difficult for people to go to georgia also its very expensive to go there and to have the treatment how much did you pay for your therapy. The treatment in georgia was pretty 1900 euros i paid when i need new features when they go to send me new ones i must pay 500 euros. To get new faces for 3 months. So its a lot of money in neighboring belgium feed researchers John Paul Pinay created a legal model for prescribing features for patients. Who had some Critical Mass of people interested and searched therapy on Different Levels you had. Research level. 3 things and also in hospitals. I think the. Belgian solution is its slowly spreading i think other countries sort of getting interested in support belgium is the only western european country where features are easily prescribed to patients apparently he says that lives have been saved with the feed his need in his lab a thing that fits therapy is getting more and more important because. Thinks or more and more fearing. People are actually dying because their infection can be treated with antibiotics features are more expensive to create than antibiotics but penny thinks they will be a useful therapy for the future 10 years hoping that the rest of europe will open itself up to feed sterile soon so how good is this apparent good news we can ask mikhail skurnick is professor of bacteriology at Helsinki University i welcome to d. W. What do you think does this phage treatment work. Yes thank you very much for the best and i think yes it really depends on the clients or their interaction in question. Cronie these are different. Charities in western its. Also the basin in users then place it out there why did that if it is going to reach the target area and their number of areas low but hes had time to find very many but then the patient immune system must take over to eliminate that in many. Ways and its kind of a background easy mate different. Or stand. On your very. Basic laws from the rest only. Yes i was god forgive me for interrupting i was going to say i was going to ask given that it is effective in certain instances as youve outlined that one wonders why its not more widely known about anything available in the. Summer d i think. It has historical reasons many condo or streets he says have not received training in face that are being uncomfortable to start using it and therefore its on. Their curriculum and reverse it. And we also need the promo for a stand up in media and i think. So given the antibiotic resistant conditions that are out there do you see phage therapy as being useful in this respect. Yes i think so. And if its do not mind if the dog is resistant to antibiotics or not. Asians are different their interactions are imprints also all. Everything does not apply you know you know very similar. And the problem that weve seen with antibiotics is the development of antibiotic resistance is there a danger of vast in phage therapy yes also but in practice it does not you know because oftentimes traits raise the area last other chinese it and then base an immune system can take care of them and the other point here is that. Usually we use a load or 3 for ha so also in the matter is that its months oh. Ok some good news to i dont profess a. Thinking thank you thank you very much. Not chinese i cover nary a court battle has begun after a renowned chef lost a coveted michelin star of allegations that he used the wrong sort of cheese in his souffle mark vera claims the downgrade from 3 stars to to left him depressed and he denies using inferior cheeses. Tonight sound after a round of every chanted mission in style reached boiling point decorated french chef martha was demoted to start in january less than a year after being awarded the highest accolade in the company wild. Woman me for that they gave me 3 stars and then they take one away i want to know the reason why. There are restaurants la maison de bois in the french alps was demoted after the mitchell inspectors snopt souffles the celebrity chef was accused of using the humble Cheddar Cheese instead of french fried says there are claims he used saffron in the dish which made its appearance yellow like the color of cooked chatter. Chatter case by restaurants inside its its the 1st time a chef has sued the prestigious mitchell guide mitchell and has bitten back branding vera a narcissistic diva suffering from pathological egotism. Mitchell and guide has just said that mr evra is excellent but not a genius mr howard does not accept this because see him no one has a right to say that hes not a genius its not the courts route. If mark farah wins this landmark case it will set a precedence for other disgruntled chefs the outcome could see him become the toast of the food world once more only the bitter taste in his mouth. And millions of people in the United States are celebrating the thanksgiving holiday in new york absolute best way to get into the holiday spirit was simply to book up tens of thousands lined the streets to watch a floating farm favorites to pick up the brainchild others take to the skies above. The floats of festivities are all part of the basis thanksgiving day parade which is the largest and i. I. Well there is almost a done become physician conversation however continues on my followers on twitter outstayed im yours or im at vogue i have a good day. Into the conflict zone with Tim Sebastian turkey has outraged many of its allies and fought most with its military operations in syria my guest this week here at the Foreign Policy forum in dallas is turkeys president ial spokesman abraham cailean how does he justify his countrys highly controversial policies he has focused on the current conflicts of the times 90 minutes of the few odd enough puzzle yourself by a long long its not easy to go to another country you know nothing about i dont do this because we cant stay on his way into i know what that. Conflict global news that matters d. W. Made for minds. With him how to be going to do goes on as well the highest how you know if i had known to the moment be found small i never would have gone on a trip to cuba i would not have put myself and my hair. So you know how dangerous a lot of the theme of the eve of sleep would. Love one fun to get up at on the job wouldnt want to give them i have Serious Problems on a personal level and i was unable to live their lives im going to. Want to know their story for my good spur fight against reliable information for more grants. And now come give me a fictional asian but as affectionately as you can. Fly to mir putin in the middle of his Election Campaign in the year 2000 a documentary was filmed for Russian Television but director Vitali Munson captured much more was to turn the camera back on the recording games the film secretly chronicled a power grab actually everything was on the citys new plan instruction. Featuring tom supporting roles for the bush. And featuring a lead role like youve never seen before let me be clear with. The mayor plenty of it should do the ends justify the means. To his witnesses starts december 13th on t. W. Is a day that we knew is live from bob in the European Parliament the classic climate inversion safe in you know make his paw. Incoming commission president. To keep the climate. Also on the program. The convicted murderer is to be returned to germany from the United States after 30 years behind

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