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A number of statements about actions they threaten to do in order to get the world to jump. Will see what they actually do as it will wake up to observe that they need to be very clear that if they dont comply there will be consequences for the ship doing we expect our colleagues first of all european ones who volunteered to find a solution to the problem created by the americans to fulfill their obligations. That it is obvious that the americans intend to have a destructive approach to b. P. Does show they dont have the. Also coming up election day in south africa twenty five years ago hopeful voters said yes to change today disillusioned voters said nothing has changed at all and what is at stake particularly for the African National congress the a. N. C. At the message its been wanting to say and is that its still relevant to south africa and to take south africa to the future twenty five has ensued democracy. To our viewers on. Yes in the United States and all around the world welcome we begin the day watching iran do what it can really only do today a year after the u. S. Withdrew from the Iran Nuclear Deal iran announced that it may do the same now this comes as no surprise it has been a year of nonstop efforts by washington to squeeze the Economic Life out of tehran sanctions now threaten to cripple irans entire economy observers say iran has always respected its obligations under the nuclear deal and even with todays announcement iranian president rouhani said that the plan remains to save the deal not destroy it well that will depend a lot on europe on whether it can come up with the money and the means to keep the deal intact minus the u. S. What today u. S. Secretary of state might pump aoe was in london meeting with British Foreign secretary jeremy hunt the two men standing beside each other praising shared values and interests and at the same time standing at opposite poles on the Iran Nuclear Deal. On the Iran Nuclear Deal it is a very important achievement of weston diplomacy that despite all the problems that we have in the middle east today iran does not have Nuclear Weapons and its neighbors have not responded by getting their own Nuclear Weapons and. The section on pay and i are one in agreeing that it will be a massive step back for that region if it became nuclearized weve made a decision different than the United Kingdom has with respect to the chase e. P. O. Way and so. Iran is decision to depart from the j. C. B. For us mostly is about their decision to work on their Nuclear Program and im confident that as we watch irans activities that the United Kingdom and our European Partners will move Forward Together to ensure that iran has no pathway for a Nuclear Weapon system now is the u. S. Secretary mike tom paper there speaking in london earlier today i want to bring in our chief Political Correspondent belinda cream she is on the story for us tonight here in berlin good evening to you melinda i mean what we sold there today we talked to me a little bit about that we had the u. K. And the u. S. Trying to show a united front on iran when really there isnt one. No absolutely you heard some very diplomatic language there but it absolutely cannot hide the fact that the u. S. Is charting a direct confrontation course not only against iran but against its closest allies in the world and i refer there not only to the u. K. But to germany and france who are also signatories to the iran agreement and who are on the exact same wavelength as the u. K. Or what were seeing is the u. S. Taking a bet with some very very long odds the bet is that maximum pressure against iran will cause the regime to buckle in one of two ways either that it will concede on the points that the u. S. Has been objecting to namely its Missile Program and also its support for groups that the u. S. Labels as terrorist or that popular discontent in the face of increasing Economic Hardship due to the now blanket sanctions will lead the people to rise up and to topple the regime the european allies definitely do not agree that those are good odds and this is a bet they are not going to take the results of the u. S. Action quite possibly either Nuclear Proliferation in the middle east or war in the middle east clearly two options that none of the European Countries wants to see what were witnessing is the u. S. Isolating itself completely and that of course is probably the most grievous and grave example of trumps a unilateral make America First in this that i think weve seen since hes been in office you know its very good point and it leaves european powers trying to react the best way they can and i want you to listen to what the German Foreign minister just said today about the Iran Nuclear Deal. Well. His issue is and remains we want to preserve the agreements in particular to prevent iran from obtaining a Nuclear Weapon. We do not need an escalation in the region the point now is that all steps must be avoided that could endanger regional stability and security if it occurred in melinda weve heard those lines before what can germany or the European Union for that matter do differently now to save this deal. Well first of all to maintain a very clear had to stay the course to stand by their position that this agreement is better than no agreement the European Countries the European Partners to the agreement have said all along that it is keeping iran at the moment contained in the sense that iran has not continued to pursue a Nuclear Weapon and in that sense the agreement is working so the first thing to note is that this isnt only about europe we heard very clear pronouncements today as well from russia and from china so one of the interesting side effects of the u. S. Action is to essentially solidify agreement amongst those five another. Breach essentially in that transatlantic bond just so the question is how can the European Countries now Work Together with russia and china to ensure that trade with iran does continue because essentially that is the only incentive that will keep iran in this agreement now and now the european allies had taken steps in that direction but theyre limited so far the question is can they expand or expedite for example their system of trying to ensure back channels for payments that would not involve transactions flowing through the u. S. And thereby becoming susceptible either to the u. S. Sanctions or to some form of the u. S. Taking. The the money that flows through the u. S. System that is very complicated and very difficult but thats where the European Countries need to be going now together with china and russia yet at the same time we have the arabian president today very critical of europe accusing it of not doing enough to save this deal accusing it of you know not cleaning up the mess that the u. S. Has created is that a fear assessment. Not entirely the fact that france germany and the u. K. Actually took measures in february to set up a separate Payment System that would bypass the u. S. That is quite a fascinating move in itself and quite a drastic one now as i said the question will be can they expand that at the moment this in stacks Payment System is only limited to certain humanitarian goods could they possibly expand it in order to cover more of the trade with iran it will be very very difficult indeed most companies in the world and its the companies that do the trading do not want to risk losing their hold in the u. S. Market nonetheless that is the direction that one would need to go in now in order to keep iran in the deal and youve already intimated visible john you know what does this mean for the future of transatlantic toys and in the air what about the prospects of a military conflict erupting between the u. S. And iran it absolutely looks like that is where the u. S. Is not unwilling to go the fact that they have now sent an Aircraft Carrier to the region the fact that secretary of state pompei o flew to iraq to talk about iranian threats which the u. S. Has yet to show evidence for but to talk about that rather than to be the chancellor jester day of his planned all of this indicates i think there is a certain drumbeat of militarism that were seeing but were a long way off from that and let us hope that something that now occurs in this dynamic of how the European Countries Work Together can possibly keep that option at bay you know its a very good point r. G. P. To correspondent melinda crane as always lynn thank you. South africans went to the polls today just as they did twenty five years ago when the country held its first post apartheid election memories of that first free election and memories of the broken promises that followed or theyve haunted politicians and unnerved voters today president Cyril Ramaphosa and his ruling a. N. C. Party have watched their Approval Ratings plummet the party is struggling to make good on promises to fight corruption and revive the economy the a. N. C. Has won every election since the country emerged from white minority rule twenty five years ago this year is expected to be no different with one important exception the agencys margin of victory may be the smallest in its history this time around. Well we sent our very own christine. To find out what issues matter most to both. So im outside a polling station in seoul where to about four thousand people are expected to vote here today and these are some of the early risers that youre seeing behind me a few people of course the folks have told us all process takes about ten minutes once youre actually inside the classrooms where the voting is taking place a lot at stake in this election and of course these are the people who are going to be deciding south africas future want to have a chat to tending to hear shes in the queue waiting their turn shes actually very close to the cue so this time later what are you hoping youll vote would do if it wins this election what would you like to see them do for you divide please lets go through all this especially local clinics local public schools. Around the areas mostly in so with all of us let us fight crime so weird so as the whole south africa as a whole has a problem with criminals hi jake king and all the things you once of pits a country as the whole please whoever that is going to really make a change make south Africa South Africa political it was there are forty eight parties on the ballot paper thats almost double the amount it was in been lost in action so a lot for South Africans just one but it really comes down to the three main parties in this election that will be the African National congress this is the a. N. C. The party that has led south africa in the twenty five years post democracy you have the Economic Freedom fighters agreement you have a new player on the scene but has gained a lot of traction in the few years that theyve been on the sea that youve got the Democratic Alliance a lot is at stake in this election the two big parties being the a. N. C. And the da are expected to perhaps lose votes and not even grow the only party that people are really confident about the fact that they will grow in support is the Economic Freedom fighters a lot is at stake particularly for the African National congress the a. N. C. The message its been wanting to see. And add to villages that its still relevant to south africa and to take south africa to the future twenty five he is into democracy. All right christine joins me from johannesburg shes moved from so whether johannesburg good evening to you christine you were in so whether as we saw there earlier today and we know thats what is considered the cradle of the Antiapartheid Movement so that to voters as they are today. Thats right brant i mean were talking about the place thats home to the likes of Nelson Mandela and desmond tutu the landmarks that you know that in some way to the churches they were told black people congregated and prostitutes how they would overthrow priests of regime that was the apartheid government this is the place we so much of this struggle as you say history is is in and when we were at the polling station this morning i met a lot of old men and women these are the people who would have remembered voting twenty five years ago in these very plays it was the first time to voting in a democratic pope but they were as we stand here today twenty five years post of parties a lot of people have been recalling that ninety four election of opposed to the president of the a. N. C. Himself saying he feels exactly how you fellows in one thousand nine hundred four so certainly so which are a very important place very symbolic and there is the sense in this country of print that things are changing perhaps thats how people felt twenty five years ago that change was was on the brink and a lot has changed since then brant people are now having a conversation about yes we have been liberated politically but we need to be liberated economically and is it the African National congress thats going to do that for us is very good point because theyve had twenty five years of democracy elections partisan politics we know theres a lot of disillusionment nail some observers say that this is simply the norm in state of western democracies in south africa is now a full fledged member others say that this is the result of gross incompetence and corruption at the hands of the a. N. C. Based on what you had seen and heard which is the better assessment. Brant most probably than that were talking about a country that is you know coming out of you know its only been twenty five years i mean if you look at the number of years that it was rife inequality in this country you are going over a hundred years so people do accept the fact that the agency cannot have turned everything around in the space of two decades going on to three but the problem is you have black South Africans living in squalid conditions in dire poverty and not necessarily because there are no resources in the country or the turnaround strategy just isnt happening fast enough but really because theres been mismanagement at the hands of government officials so it is becoming difficult to go to South Africans and make the case of the n. C. L. B. Making that we need more time because people have looked at the last two decades for example and seen the levels of corruption in government and so it doesnt make sense anymore to somebody who is living in dire poverty to say give us more time when these very corrupt very poor politicians are living lives of opulence so people are frustrated with a government that has been breaking promises and this is where this country is today people accept the fact that its not going to change overnight and that twenty five years barely is enough time to address all the inequality that is rife in this country this is one of the most unequal societies in the world but when we see officials mismanaging and when we see people stealing and thats whats been happening you know officials have been stealing from state coffers money thats been meant for Service Delivery has been pocketed by politicians so its difficult to make the cases i have reasons to keep waiting yeah thats a very very good point like other western democracies and South African politics have made room for populism nativism. There have been attacks on foreigners in the country how responsible are politicians for this increase in violence are these scapegoating foreigners to distract from their own bad politics. Brant thats a Fair Assessment to be made in fact some of the Violent Attacks on foreigners and mostly these are foreign and foreign nationals from the african country that weve seen happened in the poorest off south africas communities it also just happens that sometimes you can trace these violent acts back to words by certain politicians for example the Health Care System in south africa is in dire straits weve heard the minister of health talk about the state resources being overburdened by foreign nationals if you look at those numbers you can make the case weve also heard certain officials talk about the fact that foreign nationals are stealing jobs so these are the things that rile people up in the poorest communities who are looking for any reason to make sense of why their lives are still not changing twenty five years into a democracy that was supposed to deliver bread want to sold and food for all and quickly before we run out of time christine how much of this explains the rise and success of this radical left. Of the Economic Freedom fighter. You have Julius Malema talking about taking back the land from the white man or to talking about the arab the prime land in this country giving it back to black South Africans without compensating the white people hes talking about everything is going to change instantly that message is resonating with the young people in this country who are actually. Broken promises these people appreciate that democracy but the idea of saying to these people oh yes this is what weve done weve liberated you politically so accept that things will take time in terms of the economics they dont have patience all theyve known is a democratic south africa and so they dont understand why society is still as an equal as it is today so Julius Malema is talking about leveling the Playing Field and as you can imagine for a society like this one of the most equal in the world that message is resonating with a lot of young people and if you look at his rallies if you look at those crowds those africans are desperate for change in their lives change theyve been promised but hasnt come to it thats right generational change makes a big difference. In johannesburg tonight. Of this election christine thank you. When our series on germany two thousand and nineteen the big issues weve been traveling around the country to find out whats on peoples minds germany is society this year the country is predicted to have more over sixty year olds than under thirty year olds the countrys population has aged dramatically over the past seventy years and its a trend thats expected to continue this year the average age is forty six by twenty fifty its set to climb to fifty on the latest stage of her tour around germany reports on the impact of a great population. The next part of my journey im heading east is a work in the state of terror and once part a form of east germany. Once the center of germanys arms production since the fall of the world has lived through a long three decades have been declining and is shrinking as a phenomenal right since the mid ninetys as last more than a third of its inhabitants fall into just thirty five thousand and disappearing youth is also and so will the unique title. Its now the coldest place in germany the average age is just over fifty years old thats almost four years above the national average. But an aging population has serious consequences smaller pensions a lack of care for the elderly and a shortage of skilled workers. Now a project supported by the chamber of industry and commerce internship is hoping to ease a shortage in cooperation with young vietnamese workers one of them is twenty two year old. Mr. Biden calling your best of all my colleagues. Sometimes the work is very difficult. But if their colleagues have. Room for very funny. And not motivating. Attracting young skilled workers to germany is one thing but come vincent them to stay especially in the rural areas is another that isnt a problem for. You but i like the car and thats what ill stay in. Thats fresh air what else but. The food is good. The sausage here is really really bad. No no no no tasting it sorry tasty but first. Book was my favorite. First with mustard and ketchup. I just spewed over silence has put the German Governments plan for a low which would ease working weitzman on the e. U. Skilled workers back on home. But for the chamber of industry and commerce interests this is imperative for the potential of projects like to become a nationwide success. We didnt profit with we really need a skilled workers immigration lawyer to ultimately solve the problems that are involved in projects with third country must we get them that. We need regulations that make permanent residency and a permanent life in germany. It does leave. That to germany to be really relieved of its lack of skilled work as the German Government will now have to reach some kind of compromise but time flies and like for all of us age will always catch up with you one day. Its a boy more now its a boy with a name today britains prince harry and meghan the duke and duchess of sussex revealed the name that they have given their baby boy here is the name archie harrison. Windsor try saying that three times in a row the couples first child was born on monday morning its still not known exactly where he was born archie as well call him is in line to the british throne hes Queen Elizabeth eight great grandchild you know the sovereign monarch and baby met today for the first time i see it right there archie also said today or said hello today to the world for the first time. And he was in his dads arms this is james its a modern family right there meghan and harry also took a few questions from the press lets hear what they have to say. Magic its pretty amazing. Cant the team best guys in the world so im really. Pleased her answer is the babies train so much for the two weeks replacing three in the monitor and hopefully outearns in terms of how things are this next month really. Hes true his looks drinking every single day surf three nights. Yeah they are a good looking family and talking about looks she looks great she just had a baby days ago superstar right the day is almost done the conversation continues online youll find us on twitter either at u. W. News or you can follow me a brit golf t. V. Dont forget to use our hash tag today and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see you then everybody. Fifteen thousand euros for a big. New tongue yet from ukraine is nine months pregnant. Shes a surrogate mother carrying a child for foreign parents and its perfectly legal. For many women its the only way to guarantee a better life for attention. On. Earth. Home to millions of species. Were sending. Googling to yes tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world ideas the protect the climate boost Clean Energy Solutions and resource station. Losing interactive content to inspire people to take action global audience and series of global three thousand on t. W. And online. An action packed life bookmarklet the emmy. Anything is possible as long as our coffee and his friends country are getting. This Movie Theater in kenya has dug out the refugee camps. His life story may have ground to a. Twenty seven years ago but theres no holding back his dream celebrity. Live thank you for watching cinema stocks may twenty seventh on t. W. Hello and a warm welcome to focus on europe thanks for joining us today the hunt is on in europe for the tortures of syrian dictator Bashar Al Assads regime investigators are closing in on them thanks to thousands of pieces of evidence that were smuggled by witnesses from the ruins of syrian cities and photos and documents are

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