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In south africa, we follow a former addicts journey from the streets on to the state. And kenyas 1st female super by champion, takes us on a ride into possibly with the issue focuses on africa screwing drug abuse problem. This problem is heightened because of the continents young population. Nigeria has immediate rock problem on its hunts in africa, most populous country. More people are abusing drugs than anywhere else in the world. In the following story, we meet bazooka in kano, nod nigeria, he gives us an insight into how many young people procured rocks and avoid the prying eyes of society. In colonel, a thriving commercial city in north west nigeria. Here and surprising youth, a viable workforce. Whats on the flip side use also plain victims of illicit drugs and so so so abuse, drugs are rubbing, major is move of their future in miss our area of colonel we meet was in a 34 year old meal. Drug addicts was volunteered to bait all i started taking it. When i was in secondary school. It was introduced by my friends. Bazooka is gainfully employed. He works with a construction firm. Hello, ross over stoutly yell molly. Location. Ok next 5 minutes. Instead for you to go to dont hula by mid dragon would follies. So you just met. Call us up. The drugs that is like listening condos to its alma is or if a non coding the other form exam d. 5 silva, i thing is the only was after various phone calls, bazooka drives to different locations in cuddle to pick up supplies. Having gotten the products bazooka drives to a junkyard away from the prying eyes of the community and the look at a junkyard. A gang is converging jungle li call. Its a luxurious hold for the consumption of elicit rose. I bought a suit bazooka. Arise with the stock linda with the quizzing. You know, i dont know yet my now i dont like it. I ordered a yell of what i get. What im sorry if i get drugs and i take it out, fill joy. Hi, p and o said my burne, free as bizarre as it may seem. Bazooka is on his way out of drugs, hence his corporation. I was have on it at a less that if i take it, it will be an odd up problem to my my body and my health. But gradually, i know i hope so. If i put mine, i will stop it. Put a walk away from drug addiction is an enduring journey. This rehabilitation shelter houses over 30 victims of broken Substance Abuse at a go. We were told that the last batch of inmates were discharged 3 days ago. In session of this, our well, her shelter, we are very well agitated, over 100 and its one inmate. From here we moved what the organization referred to as a black spots in southern gary area of co states. Most of the rehabilitated drug Abuse Victims come from here. When we create a program, we call them together and you know, share ideas with them. Tell them what drugs tell them either effect of drugs who react to their health. Bazooka has taken a giant step and has reached out for help. Today, bazookas, journey to freedom, i started with concert and steps the Nigerian Society could reclaim its young generation. One youth at a time. I honestly hope that bazooka successfully gets clean, but for many young people in nigeria, the picture does not really look good for us. What us and weak Law Enforcement make it easy for drug cartels to ship tons or brocks in to west africa, on the transit to europe. And many of the drugs take their route. You see here. But a lot of these drives remain in countries like nigeria, and when Police Officers meant to check these crimes accused of aid in traffic s, like in the case of supercop, our backyard. It paints a gloomy picture, but a young people in the address capital up which are, are not given up. We have ideas for how this problem country result in this recent st debate does share some of these ideas with it at kamani. Ah hi and welcome back to another episode of the 77 percent this week. We are back in a bull janae julia and we had to ask an age or question. Is it possible to win the war on drugs . I want to ask mr. Mohammed a j is the commandant of n d l e a. This is the National Drug or legislative body here in the country. About 14000000 people have used drugs at some point. Why do you think this number is so high compared to the rest of the world . Luca decisive nat geo. Cuba mission was were over 200 and some to 1000000 people. So 14 is what the fraction then what steve it is too high. So the local factors are, can be a deuce as to whether or why they are using these drugs, lack of employment into society. Will it be, ah, lack of parental cheer . Will it be broken . Who . So a lot of factors can be a deuced, why a lot of use artic in his room. So let me introduce half. So who is an investigative journalist . Tell us what the biggest challenge is, what are people consuming . How are they getting access to it . Most drug abusers do it as a try for help is not that they just woke up and decided to start doing drugs, but rather theres always some sort of stemming reason why they chose to do it as a, as a sort of relief. Yeah. He mentioned unemployment, of course its one well also need to look at the aspect of women, many women resorting to taking drugs from what we have them reported because of their being married at a young age or because theyre divorced. And in Northern Nigeria being at the bottom, it is such a taboo to the point that some parents would kick their daughter out if they could cut out obviously. Where do you think youll find refuge . Yeah, its either she find someone or be friends on one or gets her boyfriend that will eventually pusher or influence her into starting drugs. Right . Yeah, i want to come to you hums because you come from a region in this country called poppy. Can you tell us a little bit about it . First of all, i think us bitten off puppy and talking about drug abuse. I think youre going to go anywhere from each other to go out to the streets. You see a very young dudes walk in on the streets. Teaching has like a civic like awesome. Its normal and parental supports also security berthal support schools. I do. 4th infighting from re confir will are really influenced using agreements with drugs. Okay. Okay. I made you been quite for a while. Let me bring you into the conversation. What is your experience, ah, with drug use and abuse, ah, knowing full well that at the more mentoring a relationship with somebody who is kindly fighting addiction. Everybody has something to do with the use of drugs either you use in you have used or someone close to you is use in or someone in your family is use it here. I dont think theres a home in ledger alone doug. Okay, let me just do a quick survey of what hes saying. Any of you know somebody who is directly or indirectly affected by drugs, please raise your hands. So its very, very wide spreads. Okay, so tell me what your experience was, your personal experience. And that of oliver as to why you do drums. So multi am into hard label. I used is as thank you, after walking to motel, youve been a hardy, i can sleep. When i get home, theres no light, your new drugs, michigan. So needs to be awake all night just to walk. Probably different unit talks to you to one way or the other easy. It gets us coming back to the use of jokes. Okay. Yeah. Can you tell me some of the things and ways that people are employing to get that high it will go to extra length leg getting higher from the fuck away. And it works. Yeah. So mohammed is your job then an impossible one. Why you set up to fail . Because if people are going to literally go to the gutters to get that high and who knows whats let them there . You cant possibly enforce that. You cant control that. We will have a problem there has to be a legislation does, will also cover this kind of law contracts. Now that the, or you much may be windy and dearly ups was actually inactive dose disc. Were not put into consideration what, what, what do we do . We do use current one, do you, do you arrest them off . Cause more mentally you term problems, you are as theyre what are the end of the you cannot prosecutor because data is not covered under our legislation. Or we have difficulty de leon phase or let me come to you as a psychologist because i think its really easy to castigate. People who use drugs and say, hey, theyre a menace to society, theyre the problem. But are we failing to understand the deeper issues . Addiction doesnt, it doesnt just, you just cant get addicted to a drug. Your body system has to tolerate. The drug is tolerance. That leads to addiction. So psychologically this people are using these drugs. They are, they are chained because they can stop themselves from taking the drugs. Even if today they are going to keep a trop lot of home India Offices in the place. And somebody wants to get the drug and was showing you that, that, that particular neurotransmitter is going to keep on secret. And until he finds, or he, she finds her way to go and get this drug. Yeah. How accessible is rehabilitation and treatment . Because that the next logical solution to a person was suffering from addiction. They are the medical you trained rehabs where you can go and get some psycho social hulk that you need therapy. But then theyre also delux called relapse. Weve done reports on how weve seen so many cases encounter where drug addicts are tied up in chains like animals, all in the name of you have been taking them. So lets come up with solutions. Now. Theres the reason why the war on drugs was started because there are far reaching consequences to the abuse of some of these substances. Hasta. I think its better to nip it in the bud before it begins. Then after you should be able to a child to be able to go to his parents and literally tell them what theyre going to let their hearts out completely so that they know that at the end of the day, there is someone there for me. Drugs isnt on you think thats there from here. Okay. Im sorry. Lets hear from you because besides enforcement of laws, what else can be done then it to you is that mine says that has been committed before the fear of the full use of so we need to make the Police Officers our friend, and i need to show it from the outward perspective, that okay, you are our friend. They need to the beauties relationship between god the boost versus the appearance also need to be sensitizing. They also play a very big rule in, you know, on corbin this. Yeah. Hi george. So a holistic approach to web sensitization and education i made a lets hear from you 1st hand experience having used the drugs yourselves, the now senior golf and battling with this. What do you think it will take to finally put an end to it . Put in an end to joke, you need to look at the site to corruption. First. If we jojo, put in this responsibility of fighting this war, i do really fighting the war or they just returned in to fight the war. Good question. Because you, you confiscate a whole lot of drugs. We do see on tv and you just with some bags of we then to put it on fire already as what happens to the rest of the drugs, the cookies. Lets wind up with mr. Mohammed here because i started with you also curious to know what more you can have in order to be further empowered to do your job, go from new to do better to, to form the agency provides us with all the tools that we need on. So that you will see all that sort of able to get them to put their best foot forward. You yeah, well i thank you for the comments and i think thats a great place to wrap up this debate. Now at the beginning, i asked a critical question, is it possible to wage a war drugs . I dont know the answer to that, but what i do know is that from the discussion here, it is clear that the focus should rather not be on drugs, but on human beings. Thank you for watching a thank you. Also, it is and your panel for that interesting conversation. If want to know more about the ideas that these young people have had on to our youtube channel, where you can watch a longer version of this to beat. Law enforcement is obviously one way to deal with that. Brock abuse men as another is to provide support and understand that addicts need affection and opportunity. And this is what kept house zip zip academy gave to jacobus class. And today, the former drug addict wows funds with his captivating skills. The turning point india coopers class and life began in this place. The zip code academy in cape town, south africa here, the 29 year oldest training, 5 to 6 times per week for masters child has come along weight. If hes one of the main performance is up circuit. Clown, i provide jack now hes rebel 2 is light located in the cape town, district of woodstock. Zip up. Hes not only a sucker, but also a training center. The Academy Offers a Free Education for young people, print one print book, found zipped up in 1995 together with his wife lawrence, both a former we believe that any kid and mother was back on if theyre given the opportunity in life and theyre passionate about what they, they do, any child can make it. And you know, we kind of provide that platform to give children that maybe dont have as much as others. The platform to do something with their life. Jacobo was one of this children touring with zip up circus. Took your call, was around the whole world. In the last 2 years, he even performed in front of tennis superstar, georgia federal or barack obama at the white house. However, his road to success was rocky. As a teenager would leave the streets of pearl, a town close to cape town, he was addicted to highly dangerous drugs such as mon trucks and myth. Ecoboost was at rock bottom. He joined the zip up at the age of 16 with the help of an outreach program. I wanted more for myself. I didnt think of going back to the rags what dang said, as im and i love that. That didnt come close to my head and sort of gave me a taste that gave me a bite of the apple. And i told myself, i won. I one more of those apple. The artist of zips up a training for one of the most important events in south africa, the National Festival in queenstown, jacobo that his group will perform the latest stage program. For this all tricks instance have to be on point. Its festival time. Slowly, the room feels with people and the cotton goes up. I wonder why i remember my lord. I never got to give up one entity and a your call will steve everything. But now he has to improvise. Ah, it works out well. The plows from the audience, easy to in the middle of the happy bunch. List food, jacobo. Hes aware, within this rule, the former homeless child found herself a real family. Im happy to see that the ja caboose has been able to make something positive out of his life despite his earlier struggle with drugs. And this goes to show that with a writing formation and direction, we could all become better versions. But you know, sometimes you have to defy dos around you. When people see you cant achieve a goal, you must prove them wrong. That is a story of how many one t cool. Shes the 1st woman to win the east africa, to pa, by tom, too on ship. But to do this, she how to speak past all of the stereotypes and societies, expectation of what a woman should do. How many one chico is a true speed demon. The professional super biker has in racing for the past 5 years, even before she hit the truck, he always loved the open air rush of motorbike, but a racing career. All thought it was his ears from a friend present. Youre a very good rayleigh. So why dont you pick up the challenge . Oh, when the chuck and her you cause you knew you can do this. So its not a very funny is that and like i challenge than i fell in love with it and well fossil following. Her passion has speed off in 2019. How many became the 1st woman to win the east africa to provide championship . She then came 2nd at the 2019 red start to provide championship in johannesburg, south africa as a good weapon. The chance that the fast this he of us so me i was into ingenuity and then iving them. What do you get from them . And i kill yeah. Comedy has been instrumental in reducing the stereotype. That reason is not for women. Although some races folder, she didnt belong on the track. She didnt let us know her down. She was there was you, you meet some people who want to put your dont. But you know what . My clown is. Their welfare is always in the home when he started making a name for herself. Her coach is also noted more women on the truck. We are seeing more and more interesting fact. I would see easy. Now, we are heading towards the fatty pass and mom, locally known as the buddha, what the wife or someone would have transport it can. Although its still uncommon to see women writing motorbike more and more and now experience in the freedom, the border border, offer them whether the sneak into a traffic was different over road and highway. Family encourages all aspiring writers who simply start with what they buy when they send in a sudden, along with team didnt have a i didnt on a bike. Well, i know only knew which i didnt skills and it, and it took up the challenge that i was given to be to be the 1st maybe the 1st talk after a recent injury, how many is back on the track . Shes impatient and already training to claim another podium victory. Im hoping for how many ones equal im just thinkin while my peers would see. If i told them i want it to be a super bike rider. From that story, i want to now introduce you to a place that is given a lot of people to become to sports icons. Did dream off come with me to could do go in book in a fossil. This is known as west africa sport city. Come, lets check it out. They though, hello, my name is victor inky. So i am an athlete. Im going to show you my beautiful city of could do good. Well, more player let, given the alphabet, situated in the center for keena faso could do go is full of young people, passionate about one big sport and victory in greece. So is no exception. Victory contracted polio age too. But has always been very active. In fact, she represented burkina faso at the 2021 paralympics in tokyo, and she trains regularly with this young generation of athletes, victory practices, javelin, and shock port la running. Oh m, anthony ned, are missing them. I mean, you soccer, this is my trainer, ithaca gonna me let me know. Thanks to him. Ive made great progress. Revenue. I knew ive loved sports since childhood. At 1st i wanted to do by creasing my but theres no facility for each included. Good. Why . Thats why i concentrated on the throwing sports, one of them under nato. Far right now, its all about month to month billed as lincoln authority next victory takes us to sculpt asleep damage workshop. It could have grew, has become a trendy residence for different artist quarterly. I have quality of life in critical is very high and its much cheaper to live here compared to the capital an work i do good. Thats why many artists walk here like the bronze sculpture sally was pseudo. Norman is and food solid works are designed for public spaces. This sculpture represents a bob, bob tree, one of the most recognizable symbols of the african continent. Its time for lunch and victory knows just the place. Shes invited members on her Sporting Club to her local favorite restaurant to indulge including glues signature, dish for 44 mangled trees is famous far beyond could google for the aggrieved chicken on spicy rice soon by law. We are in for a tasty meal animal fat to what it nap allen the will. As night time approaches could ago has one last trick up its sleeve. The 8 to become knights of good to go, or n a k festival. Hundreds of musicians and dances come to this cultural highlight each year and a fair number of local dignitaries, tooth, una leah, to the inner kate festival is the biggest cultural event in could you go. Its already the 26th edition. Many Famous Artists from wilkin, a fossil and a neighboring countries come, we are very proud of any kate and you are welcome to. Could you go to potty with us about mandy ma, carmen from the traditional to the contemporary burkina faso could do go. Has it all so if you live in west africa and youre looking for a place where a good mix of tradition and modernity, you know where to go. Its could you go also, if you want a horn your talent and become the next truck and field star, you can go to google and use your treating facilities that as i show for this week, thats why the problem of tracks there are solutions. So dont despair if you know someone struggling with trucks solved a solutions in this sure. Could help. I want to know how you get along. So send me a message on facebook, instagram and youtube. Also, you can drop me an email at 77 at d, w dot com. I leave you with this beautiful song harris, my cuba by sign. Enjoy mental next time. Thanks fortune with a with with who do you like it . With do you want it . Okay, then buckle up, put the pedal to the metal. Lets ride in red in 30 minutes on d, w o o. The landscape. A reflection of a turbulent history. The cities, a mosaic of different people and languages. He runs mountains, reveal unparalleled beauty. A special look at a special country. She ran from above, start september 16th on dw. Weve got some hot tips for your bucket list. Ah romantic quarter check hot spot for food. Chat and some great cultural memorials to boot d w travel off we go. A vibrant habitat ended glistening place of longing. The Mediterranean Sea have almost har enter far a dual career drift along with exploring modern lifestyles and the mediterranean meeting. People actually hearing their dreams of mediterranean journey this week on d, w. Mm hm. Ah ah ah, this is dw news live from berlin. Queen elizabeth begins her final journey. Youre seeing live pictures of her. Her says it makes his way from baltimore old castle where she died on thursday to the scottish capital, edinburgh, the casket will remain until tuesday

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