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In years. Hundreds of thousands of homes have been destroyed, and communities left stranded. And the oscar winning marvel superhero, phil black panther, changed the way the continent sees itself. Now the grand sequel, what kind of forever is opening around the world. We take a sneak peak and ask fans and lagos and nairobi what they think. Ah, im really mohammed, thanks for joining us. From africa, space industry has taken one small but significant step, breaking ground in the 1st in africa, deep space ground station. The project will help track nasas Artemus Program to the moon and send the 1st astronauts to mars in the village of much, he has found tain about 3 hours from cape town to w asia, and chris went to see where theyll soon be tracking the satellites. Do it sometimes feels like the clock stopped ticking here a long time ago. Much is fontaine was built around a Railway Station and it still is the re arrival of a train that brings a bit of life to the sleepy village. The 400 residence mainly make a living of travellers who stop here on their journey from cape town to johannesburg. But this could change because Scientists Say that this is one of the best places on earth to communicate with the heavens. Clear skies and practically no rain for the conditions just outside the village and the carew desert are ideal. Its its time for africa to to be counted when were talking about the global. So they propose space markets. Today were breaking ground our for building a ground station that will allow us to be able to track and talk to satellites that go to the moon and outer space to either planets. The project as a partnership between south africas National Space agency and the u. S. Space agency, nasa, we have been a worker with them for so many years to our dog toys, to find the proper, the best location in all of south africa. Or if not on all of africa to ah, to be part of a oh, a subnet of ground station support the are to miss program, are to mrs. Nasas program to return astronauts to the moon by 2024. Preparing the way for Human Missions to mass ground stations like the new one and south africa will play a key role in communication during the space flights. Go up the file with all physics and Model Missions that will also require helens. The nasa team tell students doing a visit to a school in cape town, thats igniting hopes for the 1st person of color walking on the moon on a future mission. 0, one of the see what they spoke about the Space Exploration. Its actually intriguing for me. I love the stars and the universe. I was thinking of more going into on the engineering field, but more the engineering with nasa and working on rockets and rockets and stuff in the future. Can i like looking towards a future plan, wondering what that might look like . Im going to different get it going out of the out of a solar system exploring space. And i just, all of it is exciting. It just makes it, it just makes you feel like you can do something to improve the well, this is the generation thats going to take us to marsh. I firmly believe that are this new generation. I call it the internet generation. They, they presume, possess so much sir. Capabilities, knowledge is within the tips of their fingers, but information alone is not enough. They really need to be guided by people whove been there. And this is the kind of thing that we do. We are trying to prepare them the next generation to move in to replace us when its time for us to to fire makin matches fontaine, they cant wait for an nasa sign at the village entrance, bringing in more tourists. Some see it as the hands of heaven. That is a blessing from praying regards. We really need then people can go up there and they can sleepier. Thank god. This is a lanka fountain that they fallen in a desert. And i know this business. So if we got people, we will survive. Oh, an optimistic outlook for the future, but residents will have to be patient only in 3 years time. Will the station be speaking to travelers in space . And joining me now, you saw her in that report is on the thought melissa from the South African National Space agency. Well, consider the news africa. Now this is a Ground Breaking regional space center in africa. Can you tell us in basic terms what exactly itll do and how its going to work . Thank you very much for helping me. So with this ground station, what were looking to do is to support admissions for not going to for you, not exploration out on our side. We are one of 3 sites, but it strategically positions globally to someone, you know, missions. So this is, this is ensuring that missions today to more is it more to the one we are able to communicate with the mission are being sent out by various agencies including us. Now nasa says the 1st person to step on the moon, when the Autonomous Mission returns in 2025 will be a woman of color. How important is that development . Wow, thats one of the most critical things. Firstly, that it will be a woman. Thats the 1st one, i mean, were talking it to stage way even this suits thats astern runs away. I still designed for men and women. Youre just in your way of making them to actually be designing a mission that actually sends that woman to be the 1st one. It is incredibly incredible in this regard to be a woman of color. Of course we have that population around the world. We would normally do not find women of color, its it positions and for young girls that are growing up in developing countries and who are our communities to see that that is an inspiration that they can look up into. It just makes it that much more incredible. Especially so for our involvement to south africa was quite proud that actually involved in addition and supporting the mission of this nation. Specifically for that isnt because we had a lot when we are engaging with young linens in rural schools. That they do not actually get to believe that they would actually be asked or not that they would actually be in space even so to have a presentation and to have us know ations like this from not for its something that we will come and then a much now you became the intern ceo all of the South African National Space agency this year. So congratulations on your appointment. And like you mentioned, there arent that many women in leadership roles in the industry when it comes to representation. What advice do you have for women or girls who dream of her, of a career in a space, exploration . You cant do it. Its absolutely impossible out. Weve managed to achieve it. Im here. I grew up in a lot of h village and i like it still even today. And yet i hear i am is an x and see all the National Space agency. So its quite possible and all the obstacles that is women we face when we grew up in our group, when we proceed in our county, is they also multiple and, and every day we making strides to make that Work Environment that much more acceptable for, for women and much more inclusive for, for women, so kind of age and its been done. Now there have already been several African Americans on nasa admissions. When do you think the 1st african will journey into space . Well, that is one of the things that for me is currently starting to pop up as an ambition to actually make sure when our involvement with exploration, our ground station. We can also be building a program thats looking at sending the 1st african theme out into space. Thats definitely a program that we are actually now starting to build on sides. I know inside the program because we need a couple of years to actually make sure that we train the astronauts and with the participation of the private sector as well as governments into space space is becoming much more accessible. And it also means that even for countries like ourselves, we can actually have the aspirations of sending someone in that would definitely be wonderful south africa to build into this program, a female african to actually go to the now more broadly speaking, what does this project tell us about where south africa is heading in terms of investing in research for space, exploration, science, and also technology. And what is this mean for the continent lead within the continent . There is now a number of initiatives that we, we have a number of countries that are now entering into the, into space. Recently this week actually is that bob way and you know, they are their own satellite congratulations to them. The forecast though so far has been majorly or end of the nations life, or telecommunications. Life is we recently saw with a, with a change in october as well. But when it comes to Space Exploration beyond patient and communications, especially going to other planets, africa has been falling behind in a way or left behind in that kind of a place where this ground station we are actually putting it as well on that map that africa now is also starting to participate in that missions and it does open up for science. And of course, we now will be in a position where were receiving the data on from the admissions that im looking into now. And they, for the finding that information and Building Research programs around that becomes a reality for south africa as well is what is the, what did it, it didnt, it was us try white to strike or in terms of the progression. Thats the point that it is making in participating in faith. And the big question now becomes a non station. What would actually be looking at like the astronauts like the program that we can actually also send our own astra on tonight and, and finally do forecast any key challenges that would be tailored to this project in south africa. One of the, one of the major challenges in a way, its also an opportunity is you would find that they couldnt, they, in the station is, is, this is what is the war. Now its, there is no infrastructure in place. And this at this stage in, in, in the so the build up of ensuring that the appropriate infrastructure in this for this site to host the ground. The ground station is one of the critical elements that we will be focusing on in the next 3 years. The Energy Challenges that the country is faced with impacts us and not when it comes when it comes when it comes just just based on because it is an Energy Intensive business and the requirements in terms of our up time and the amount of time we cant afford it much, we dont have much flexibility if youre well around downtime with in our system. So the initial crisis in the country is different to one of our major challenges that was sent at the moment. We do have strategies in place, of course to make sure is we currently do with our operations at the moment to make sure with can mitigate against that. But it does make it an expensive and expensive project to pull off without the traditional energy. However, the, the, the, the aspect that were looking forward to is to attending even the, the Community Like we putting this translation way. Its in the middle of the car to the education levels in terms of the schools that are available. I still low level schools. Its fine for to get to university and so forth, and it is an Impoverished Community community where we putting this, we tending that however into an opportunity because by bringing it infrastructure like this one is access to energy was, would be within that for, for the program. But also energy to connectivity, so that when the connection to the fiber we looking to attend the program to actually make sure once a year to education, an end for 4 hours was starting to talk in 5 to 10 years after we launch the ground station. The key engineers that would be facing and running the station should be kids that people that i kids today are that we should before seeing them. That in tenure, theyll actually be there was one of the engineers running the station. So home grown, our capabilities from the community itself, it was that can only grow the community and ticket and tickets we what we now seniors challenge is but actually become an opportunity for the community. All right, that is, and they saw melissa speaking to us from south africa. Thank you very much indeed for your time. Thank you so much. Ah, nigeria is facing some of its worst flooding in a decade. It began the summer and recent satellite images showed an area bigger than the country of for wonder under water. The floods have been made worse by the overflow from a dam in neighboring cameroon. His abilene flourished. Trucker or travel to tomba in by elsa state. A community that disappeared beneath the waters every morning, a book welfare was too far checks if the water that flooded his house has subsided. When the deluge sat at 2 months ago, his family had no weeks ago. They slept in this living room for weeks without electricity and faced the risk of contracting water borne diseases. So the flood zone was a ghostly displease. Almost at the window level. This lamp philosopher and his family found a place to see our savior, community. But most of his possessions have been damaged and what bins me most, he said the expenses because there as a flood of godaddy money that i was supposed to use and one that i didnt, i was easy for me. And as of out again, do that. I was was, is i buy food bishop as co fees. Ill be isnt it to be by bent bice meant being but walk us to be, isnt meant in the house. And i say for christopher is used to floods. He lives in the Coastal Community of tomba, in by elsa, one of the states in nigeria as Oil Rich Niger Delta because of the closeness of the community to the river. It gets flooded every year. But this year was different. He says its the was whos ever seen almost the whole community of columbia is completely deserted because most people had to leave their houses after the floods came. And now they are just waiting on the whats as to recede before they come back home. Every part of the state of bio was submerged. Schools and colleges were forced to close and people could not walk for weeks. Major roads leading to the state have been washed away, leaving it almost completely cut off and driving of the cost of food and fuel. Thats all making it difficult for help to reach. The vixen not only was this year flood more far reaching than previous years, but it also came with the strongest search. The government says 80 percent of the flood is caused by crime may change. It blamed the remaining 20 percent on the release of excess water from the lab to dam enable income. Everyone that suffered unusually heavy rain. But most of those affected dont agree. They accused the government of using Climate Change as an excuse to cover up its failure to complete erase. It broke out down that its that theyve construct seen 40 years ago. The dumb in niger area would have contained most of the water activists even argue that many parts of nigeria have had lowering for the sea. And you know, well where set then have you read . Well, we had many good without brain when we saw it. 1 so my mama that we got these also part of the day. But if you went, oh good you, what are the read and then plan you does room for you know, that was most what that as west africa as changing weather patterns of stream caused tragedies, downstream african countries at cop 27 are calling on the rich nations to pay for the damage largely caused by the development for freckles so far that all sounds very distinct. Left alone to be ever consequences. Like millions of other nigerians displaced by the floods, hes just desperate to bring his family home. Now to the democratic republic of congo, where fighting is escalating in the east between the army and the m. 23 militia group. The d r. C has repeatedly accused rwanda of backing. The rebels acclaimed kigali denies. Nearly 200000 people have fled their homes in the past 3 weeks. And kenyas parliament has approved the deployment of troops to east and d. R. C. To help and force piece oh, in lime and in step 1000, signed up to the congolese army, ready to march and defend their country. The advance of rebels here in the east of the d. R. C has prompted a rallying cry for the army. Many believe the enemy is backed by rwanda, despite k galleys, denial by law, a law, i saw the rwandans coming to invade us. And i saw how the soldiers were suffering the known i fled. And thats why i joined the military service. I mean, ive been, as im winning him garcia as i believe he sees, as i will explain his language in russia and ukraine by the money. But a lot of young people dropped everything, driving anybody and signed up to fight. Yeah. Because the green was invaded. Well begun isaiah he can make while they are. So i also gave up my job and i joined my friends up with you to go and fight. Didnt read and it began easy down. The d. R. C has relied on un peacekeepers, but theres criticism of their inability to stop the rebel attacks. The East African Community has sent in its own Regional Force to do the job. Leading congolese opposition . Politician martin for eulu visitor dw this week expressing concerned that the world had neglected his country hogs. How come . What, what is taking care yet everybodys talking about . Are you chris . Yes. Well, to think about you. Good. But everybody also is talking about congo hazard in forest, congo as copper combo has cobalt kumasi, lithium and the doors are natural resources. Those mineral are needed for d. A good was recorded in magic physician. But why is that country you live with a lawn . And what is it in the bottle, the country for the ward and important to its own people . Many of whom are willing to put their lives on the line for its future. Ah, well, kind up forever, the sequel to black panther by Marvel Studios releases in cinemas, around the world. The 2018 movie was one of the highest grossing films in africa. The kingdom of war, conder represented a mix of african countries, cultures, history, and an ideology of an africa that audiences had never seen before. What kind of forever begins with the people in morning after the death of a king . The 1st film turned superhero to charla, into a figurehead of black, popular culture. Only the most broken people. Its the case of art imitating life chadwick, bozeman, who played to charlotte, died of cancer in 2020 peters. Roseman was sorely missed of the Films International crimea. We had to just be strong to to follow through on a story and a got emotional that times still is about one that we we came together. We worked on, we made him cry after the death of the black panther after they were, donald said, the fin theories could continue without its star direct to ryan kugler. Came up with a solution he put 100 women in this spotlight. Everybody is very strong and i think its really important that i think more and more these days we do have roles play by women that are very strong and its great to be it should be you know, i like them been powerful not i gave up here because me teeth elegant, and they had me it will not change under my watch. You sooner, women, not the only strong characters. The fictional version of africa is also a star. When walk under was 1st introduced in the original film. Its depiction had a positive influence on perceptions of the real african continent. The film series is regarded as a milestone of diversity in hollywood. Its really a no marsh just so much that is indigenous to the continent. And celebrating our culture with celebrating where were from in a way to streamline inclusive, you know, its winning free to say so with the biggest thoughts hope is hit up 2018 in the us and canada and the high that what kinda forever well do even better so what do african viewers think . We asked phone go as an kenyas, capital nairobi. And nigeria is economic hub in lagos. Although early its a great movie, but i dont know how i feel about this. Preaching angles in new car says all at once. Yeah. Stuff out of owning, letting black people to do for francois and starts. Im glad i saw its. Im glad im happy about every, every single moment i just felt like i was at. So in tune with the movie with the people, with the culture by heart. So yeah, for us, i enjoyed every bit of free under 5 that they give women that we make. Im actually do things. Same fi, menke. Im do good story. Lima. Ive jump on like black people, im how will we, i mean intelligence, we are a new baby and were just are either one of them im on while thats how show be sure to check out our other stories on d. W dot com, forward slash africa for also on facebook and twitter. Im reading, mohammeds thanks for watching, ill see, sit with ah ah ah, with who shift your guide to life in the digital world. 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