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Plus breaking new ground in south africa to look into deep space and to help nasa track missions to the moon and beyond. Plus germany turning to the next generation as it pursues world cup glory in catawba, 17 year old you sofa. New cocoa is the name on everyones lips of the official german team is announced. Well talk more about this teenage sensation and also about the controversy dogging the world cup. Ah, im bri. Gov is good to have you with us on this thursday. Russia. It saying that its troops have started withdrawing from the strategic city of here, san, in southern ukraine. You crates, army chief says, its too soon to tell if this is true and there is some suspicion that this could be a trap set by russia. The withdrawal is being called a major setback for moscow. Ukrainian troops slowly advance on house on the city has been held by russia since early on in the wall. Ukrainian president followed me. Zalinski has urged caution. And these soldiers, a wary of possible traps left behind by the retreating russian army for service. All 3 will meet with step by step, we will reach victory, norma. We will not rush losing people on our way with which the Russian Troops are scared of the law. They didnt expect so much resistance from our side. And in recent weeks, Ukrainian Forces have been closing in on hassan and say, theyve already re taken several towns in the region. Russia has been relocating tens of thousands of residents and the straits of house on and now virtually empty rushes commander in ukraine announced the retreat in a military briefing on state tv. On wednesday workers he argued it was no longer possible to keep supplying house on any more. Theyre more for your book burkle when you arrive, further wishing you book. This is a very difficult decision, but we will be saving the lives of our service men and the combat capability of our troops, which is necessary to stay on the right bank or in a limited area. Russias Defense Ministry says, troops have already begun moving out of the city. A forced pull out of Russian Troops from her son would be a significant blow to Vladimir Putin. Only weeks ago, the russian president announced what he called the forever annexation of the house on region, along with 3 others in a ceremony in moscow. Her son was the 1st major city captured by russia at the start of the war. And re taking it could allow ukraine to win back more lost territory in southern areas, including crimea, which russia illegally seized in 2014 if a more now joined by a corresponded mathias berlin. He is in the cave mathias, the Ukranian Army remains skeptical about russias withdrawal announcement. Why is there its a bit unusual to announce a withdraw days in advance. And russia has even before hinted at that. So that something that makes a military year suspicious. The plot could very well be to draw the ukrainians into the city of house on wait there with a quite a few units heavily armed and engage the ukrainians and costly street fights or to have major buildings mine to a blow up or parts of the city as the ukrainians enter their many variance, but to this announcement seems a little bit suspicious to people here to the military. And thats why the ukrainians are saying theyre moving on very cautiously. Theyre very well aware that this might be Something Different from what it looks like in what he is, what. What about where you are there in the ukrainian capital key, but what are people theyre saying about this withdrawal announcement . At 1st, of course, the announcement was met with joy. It was expected that the ukrainians might move on to hassan and that the russians might a retreat. But a no, of course people are discussing all these possibilities and trying to figure out what is really going on. Its of course the biggest subject of discussions now in the ukrainian capital w Mathias Bellinger in keep mathias. Thank you. Of we have more on this now with the domain tila zagata, mo, so she is an expert in Russian Foreign insecurity policy at kings college, london. The motel, its good to have you on the program. Russia is saying that its forces or retreating from harrison. But ukraine, the military is not rushing in to fill in a vacuum. What is that . Well i think of as the effect by your correspond and i mean the ukrainians are very worried that it could be a trap. Im that you know, they could face as some kind of ambushes. I mean, what theyre reporting is saying is also that there are no sort of roadblocks line. So if you say at, if you could advance mentoring, its not an easy one. But i think that this announcement was made primarily for internal russian consumption primarily to prepare the russian public to that, to the food withdrawn from, from the area from app, from app, from the city of kind of so, and im from sort of the North Western bank of napa river, so i think we need to see need to have within to sort of perspective. So. So youre saying that this announcement is, is basically a p r, move for the Russian Military to prepare the russian public for what for, for a defeat or for yet another blow to this campaign i. I think that if they look at what had happened in the, in the areas of hi keith, when there was a major sort of advanced, my ukranian full says im that it was sort of a collapse of Russian Forces in that area. And in the north east, that was a game as a real shock to mine in russia. And it was seen as a, as carried out in a very sort of unprofessional monona, without taking care about, you know, sold yours and equipment. So what the russians are trying to do a thing are actually the timing to with royce, to do a non more a sort of organized and professional manner. And this is gonna take us several ready days. So what they, i think what they are trying to do is to sort of prepare their population to add to this event, which is in many ways a serious defeat. I mean, we, as we, as we know a few weeks ago, this was considered, you know, they copied in one of the next regions. So i also, we must consider that now, you know, the position of the russian government is much weaker. They have relied on mobilization of const great, so then what relation is much more opening this will. So it requires sort of additional explanations and i, and now that we face change, i think of who is in charge of the operations in ukraine from the Russian Point of view. You know, there is, im not to have been to, professionalism backed up communication. And i think this is, this is really part of it, of course, it makes sense for ukraine is to be cautious. But what is interesting is that today we see very heavy fighting in back mode in the back mode area. So this does not mean a trace of giving map on isnt going to fight any longer. You have a other area where russia is fighting quite intensely. And there is a lot of concern around the area that mom. Let me pick up there. What you said about an attempt to bring more professionalism in the leadership of this war. Just a couple of weeks ago, a new commander was on this war. This campaign was, was put into place, sergey sort of keyvi. And he was put into place by Vladimir Putin. Now he is the one who has announced this withdrawal on state television. It looks like Vladimir Putin could be using this man to keep his distance away from any possible military defeat. Is that a, a correct assessment in your opinion . I think what is happening is probably that this and you know, commander sort of eking its trying to ship to find a way to hold positions more effectively and to reduce the ukraine and advances. Im. That requires that theyve been done more effective 9 of defense along that sort of the southern or eastern banks of the nearby river. And thats where theyre actually doing. So i think what i want to put in is, is, is, is thinking is, are to and now maybe waive them more professional or individual in charge. There is a chance maybe to stop ukrainian. I bounces on maybe to gain some to ring. I. So i think that the russians are not giving up, theyre not thinking that this is a major knowledge. And this is also been a sort of a trade in the Russian Media as are necessary retreat to safe man. So that the, at a later stage we can come back. So i, its, it seemed really i sort of saving man for a later stage where we can then come back when get it prepared on more. So if youre a quick, so i think we have to really understand how this is being sold to the russian public, not as a major defeat a data sort of rationally move to better protect areas that they controlling now. And to maybe think that in the future they can try to conquer these territories. Again, which i think is kind of very unlikely at the moment. And what it also shows is that right . Yes, sorry, unfortunately, because were, were out of time, but i just want to say thank you, we appreciate your time. And so i just like this is valuable analysis to an insight into what is actually going on. Also, maybe in the minds of the military in russia. Thank you. Thank here, some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world. An indonesian plane crash that killed all 62 people on board last year was caused by the pilots over reliance on the older pilot system, as well as by inadequate training. Now that is according to indonesia, Transportation Safety bodies, final report. Hurricane nicole has made landfall in the United States washing the state of florida with high winds and heavy rain authorities and several counties of issued mandatory evacuation orders. The system has been downgraded now to a tropical storm, but authorities were warning it could damage buildings along floridas coast. As it moves inland or staying in the United States. President biden has welcomed the results of the mid term elections after his party, the democrats, after they fared better than expected. U. S. Media had predicted huge gains for republicans, but that didnt happen. However, bidens democrats, they looked set to lose control just barely by the house of representatives. The battle for the upper chamber, the senate. Its on a knife edge with 3 states still left to declare. There was a spring in the step of the u. S. President to the face report is that the white house, the way to pre election fears, perhaps lifted from his shoulders after better than expected midterm results. It was a good day, i think, for democracy. And i think it was a good day for america, or shoot me a little horse. Our democracy has been tested in recent years, but with their vote. So the American People spoken and proved once again that democracies who we are. This was a big task for j biden, who couldnt hide his glee when congratulating democrats, whod help see off for predicted republican sir j o y rivers. Graduate. You like better you was younger, congratulations. And so her mom, earlier the democrats make them better than even the president expected. Who with vote still being counted, there is still much to play for what happens here in nevada could be pivotal to who wins. Control of the senate is one of 3 states that could swing the us up a house back into a publican hands. Patients now the watchword here with hundreds of staff working to process pallets another is georgia where the race between democratic incumbent, rafael warnock, and republican challenger herschel walker, who now going to run off in december at the end of the day. Everyone wants to know that we have honest and fair elections, and we do. I asked the voters to come out and vote one last time. Just a few days ago, former president Donald Trumps mood had been buoyant, as he celebrated initial republican successes. He ham pigs many of the names on the ballots in key states, but in true trumped style. Hes now described the vote as somewhat disappointing in a message to support his on his own social platform, whilst also hailing a very big victory. Or is this cross the Atlantic Nellis good or my colleague . So miss miss gone to shes been following these midterms for its all week i so me so former us president donald trump, he is claiming this is a victory for republicans. President boynton says its not, can they both be right . Kind of rent. I mean, on the one hand, it wasnt all that bad for the republicans. I mean, they did win some important braces. There was a Big Senate Race in the state of ohio that they won an important state. Of course, there were some congressional seats that republicans actually picked up in the state of new york, which, you know, is a very blue state. And it does look like they could well take control of the house of representatives, although the votes are still being counted. But to be fair, i think president bidens narrative is actually closer to the truth. I mean, traditionally weve said brent all week that the party thats in the white house usually gets dumped in mid term elections. And you might remember that a president obama during his term, it happened to him when he was in office. He called it a show lacking, we did not see a show lacking. This was a very different mid term elections due to a number of factors. And democrats did hold on to some important seats. So even though they will likely lose the house of representatives, it wont be by much, and they might still hold on to the senate and it looks like democrats just seem to energizer voters a little bit more. So of those 2 takes, i think president bidens is perhaps more accurate in every one. Now it seems talking about what happens a 2 years the next president ial election in 2024. So what do these midterms mean for their okay, so if we look at both parties for president biden, he was asked after these midterms if hes running and 2024. He said, as of now hes running, he has to consult his family Party Officials headed his advisors, but he seemed energized in the remarks he made after the mid terms because he sees these elections as an affirmation of his policies. He is, however, attorney 80 years old. He still an unpopular president , so we might see a different decision from biden. He is by the way, holding a speech at the Democratic National convention in about an hours time from now. So lets see if he says anything on the subject there, ask for trump maybe, but maybe not. You know, weve seen sources here in washington say that he is absolutely fuming over these mid term results. Hes lashing out at republican Party Officials, hes blaming them for backing the wrong candidates. Like doctor alls in pennsylvania, and to add insult to injury the governor of florida. Rhonda santas is getting a lot of attention and the one re election easily. Trump does not like being overshadowed, hes even threatened to release some what he called unflattering information on rhonda this. So all in all we had expected from to announce next week that hes running. There are reports however that you will pick g o p. Officials are urging him to rethink so he is unpredicted unpredictable. Brent, lets see what he decides it briefly. Where are the boots still being counted yet . Just quickly, some house race is still being counted, but you saw your report to he states, arizona, and nevada. I just saw that more than a 100000. 00 votes still to be counted in nevada. And you also saw on that report georges heading to run off. So we will have to wait till december 6. Well, to see what happens there. All right, patients in politics strange because thats where she worked. W somebody was gonna send me. Thank you. It has been a good week for space enthusiasts in africa, zimbabwe and uganda watch to their 1st satellites aboard a nasa rocket and south africa held a groundbreaking ceremony for in africa. Deep space ground station which will help now attract missions to the moon. And beyond. Our correspondent, Adrien Creech was at the ceremony, and it was near cape town. We understand. Heres his report. I knew it sometimes feels like the clock stopped taking here a long time ago. My cheese fontaine was built around a Railway Station and it still is the re arrival of a train of travellers who stop here on their journey from cape town to johannesburg. But this could change because Scientists Say that this is one of the best places on earth to communicate with the heavens. Clear skies and practically no rain for the conditions just outside the village and the carew desert are ideal. Its, its time for africa to, to be counted when were talking about the global. So they propose space markets. Today were breaking ground our for building a ground station that will allow us to be able to track and talk to satellites that go to the moon. And out of space to add the planets. The project is the partnership between south africas National Space agency and the u. S. Space agency, nasa. We have been working with them for so many years to our doctor identify the proper, the best location in all of south africa, if not on all of africa to ah, to be part of her. Oh, subnet of ground station supporting the Artemus Program are to mrs. Nasa program to return astronauts to the moon by 2024, preparing the way for Human Missions to mass ground stations like the new one and south africa will play a key role in communication during the space flights. Oh, good beck in matt sheets fontaine, they cant wait for a nasa sign at the venus entrance. Bringing in more tourists. Lou important germany of announced that their final 26 squad for the upcoming world cup in could tar. Mario good son. Germanys hero, from their big sorry, the 2014 world cup made not expected return to the squad after a 5 year hiatus Bray Mintz Nicholas full clue. Say that 13 times wrote received his 1st ever invitation to the national team. And another surprise was the inclusion of 17 year old. You super mckoko from ruth. He adored one germany kick off their campaign against japan on november 23rd and max marrow from b w. Sports. Hes here at the big table with me. Theyre re, is were going to talk about whats going on here. So what, which selections stood out to you . Well, i mean, those 3 definitely did that. You mentioned there and it was the injury to star strike, a team of anna that really forced coach henzy flick to get a little bit creative and mix it up there. Lets talk about you super mckoko. Just 17 years old. Hes actually going to celebrate his birthday in catawba, on the 1st day of the tournament. Hes had a fantastic season so far, incredibly rule, but such a great young talents and hes going to inject some much needed energy into the school. Could become germanys youngest. Ever play at a welcome tournament. And nicholas fuko on the other hand, 29 years old. Hes never ever played for germany before. So for him its bit of a fairy tale. And he sure to be a good member of the school because even if he doesnt play, hes happy just to be there and he school 10 goes the season already. So hes in great form and then mother gut, so that return that redemption are fully completed for him. After being in the doldrums for about 5 years playing abroad not really isnt on the stick. Does via, its very important on the one hand that we as the german football association, have the chance to focus on the sport what. But at the same time, we also have to speak up about the human rights situation on the ground in catalyst event soon. In cut off for we have to keep our eyes and our ears open. One off at the end of the day. Thats also our task and some think that we want to do one. Yeah, we dont want to shy away from it. We heard coach pansy flick, theyre talking about a much more serious matter the human rights situation in kits. And as we can hear, he wants his team really. He wants to focus to be on football, but its been inescapable for any team. And loads of countries like denmark, australia, notably of taken collective action to express their views. Germany so far its been more the individuals learned that scan, manual and lawyer have spoken out just yesterday about the situation that following the category will come back today saying that homosexuality is a damage in the minds so that from get into the mind. Yeah. Yeah. Speak up and i do think those senior players will be speaking up. But i think germany as a whole arent going to be taking as much collective action as weve seen from other nation appear on the flick, wants his team to focus on the game and only that. So what can we expect from on the flex team this time around . Well, they crashed out so disappointingly in the last 2 tournaments really. And yet 2018. The woke up in russia was not very far from the success we saw in 2014. And the flick took over just a little bit over a year ago, and we havent really seen germany at that best. Lots of draws against quality sides. And definitely not looking imperious, but they tend to switch it on at tournaments on paper. They have one of the best squads in the tournament. Its just about whether you can get them singing from the same hymns him sheet and the 26 months what he said, the 26th best players i could take. He left out math almost in macro voice for instance, but he says this is the best mix that he could get together for the tournament. All right, we shall see that all works out. Max is always thank you. The long awaited season 5 of the british drama, the crown it finally dropped on netflix. This week, the Popular Series chronicles the wife, in times of the british monarchy, under the late Queen Elizabeth and its latest season is the most controversial yet. Heres a look at what you may have already see. Ah, hows royals channels damage the countrys reputation . House of winter should be finding the nation together and setting an example of idealized family life in 19 nineties. And the british war family is under strain. My behavior is threatened by a few as future king have a duty, marital discord, public descent, and a fire at Windsor Castle 12 month, hand through it all. The queen, manage her family and the reputation of the royal brand. In this 5th outing of the series created by peter morgan, m l, the thornton takes over. As the monarch. What peter morgan does is try to make people understand what is likely to be a member of the royal family. You have to put a face on whatevers going on behind closed doors. Theres a lot going on. Dominic west betrays the now king, then prince of wales. Charles, its a time of his life that was, you know, not only the prime of his life, but also in many ways the most difficult time, his life. And i felt that i felt enormous evergreen symptoms for him was the one condition. The crown is no stranger to criticism, but this season has come under particular fire. Critics say the mixture of historical fact and dramatized fiction could prove confusing even damaging to the royal it stars disagree. It feels its whole about were rough. I think peter is always written right with the idea of gabriel. Every. Every on a fair hearing and um, i love the guy and i like the way. I mean if my friend have done it without them, everyones watch. The crown for 4 seasons hasnt bothered them. Before whatever youve used the crown season fide is a drama packed emotional rollercoaster that makes for a nail biting. Been how did it come to this . How did to come to this will be watching that for sure. A reminder of our top story, this our, the Ukrainian Military saying it cannot confirm whether Russian Forces are retreating from the Southern City of your song. Moscow announced the pull back on wednesday if you creating and forces regain control appears on it will represent a major setback for Vladimir Putin invasion. Next up is a to the boy. Ill be back at the top of the hour with more world news followed by the day i hope to see you then with you to the point or Position International perspectives. Ukraine depends on us weapons as if wages counter offensive now prompting russia to withdraw from the key city of her thought. Will american support to continue if republicans wheeled more power in congress find out on to the to the point to the point of a w. Oh oh, she music cant be destroyed. You can try, but its impossible. Ah, she performed for her life in auschwitz. Jewish cellist anita laska on fish. He was the nazis favorite conductor. Mm hm. Foot venga, 2 musicians who lived beneath the vendor of this wants to go, ah, why was music so important to the National Socialist . Music of the arts were to be used as part of the motor machine, a film about the sounds of power and inspiring story about survival. Thanks to music, the homeowner fetched the cello play on you. Well, it was the only one i was super lucky and listen to music. The swastika starts november 19th on d. W. Ukraine is vitally dependent on us weapons as it wages the counter offensive that now appears to be prompting russia to withdraw from the key provincial capital at past thought. Will americans support continue if republicans wield more power in

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