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Bast, we region. We report our russian soldiers have reduced one tack to ruins. Russia paved the way for tougher measures banning what he calls the promotion of homosexuality, support states, part of moscows battle against western decadence. Ah, im fil gail. Welcome to the program. United states is impose fresh sanctions against to iranian officials, believe to be involved in the brutal cracked bound on protested against the government. The suppression of the movement sparked by the death in Police Custody of a gina massa. Mimi is said to have killed hundreds, including many children raining to health, widespread memorial demonstrations. 40 days after most a means that the savagely where shes buried. Hundreds of mourners had slogans calling for the downfall of the regime. Country Security Forces retaliated by storming misdemeanors. Home town were reported to a 5 rounds of tear gas and shot at protesters is also retaliated against western sanctions by imposing its own or blacklist or targeting European Union officials and media. Including d. W. s are Farsi Service. What the head of t w ser Farsi Service is jada zarbara and she joins me now. Welcome yelder. And what form, harper, the sanctions are against you and your staff taken well so far, and we received a message yesterday that we are with been put on the sanctioned list by the Iranian Foreign ministry. So far it is said that there will be travel bands for, for, for staff after the w, persian. And it can also, it is also possible, or at least this is a what they say that assets are, properties will be confiscated in any one. Right . And i understand that ive been threats against members of staff. You know, there has been threats, i will, i will not go onto details. But we, weve like actually, every iranian journalist working out in iran, of course, but also outside of iran is targeted by irans intelligence. And they have been threads and even in the, in the, in the last years, but now increasing and during the protests. And of course, it is a way to silence us to silence journalists from reporting on what is really happening on the ground and trying to yet to put up in the ration of the rainy and Stage Television of Iranian State propaganda. And we are not doing this and it shows what Important Role we as journalists play in here. So does it 5 and you are you still able to get to news into iran . Of course we are, you have to say, and maybe i have to, i have to explain a little bit in did old persian our website and our social media platforms have been blocked in iran for the last years. What is new . Is that instagram . What was free before the protest had started was blocked, its blocked as well. So theyre trying to avoid people avoid that iranians bring out the pictures and videos and outside, but still we receive all these pictures all these images and they receive our content on our program. Because the raines, im very used to a blocking by the government, so they are very familiar with proxy servers and how to and how to yet for truth prevent censorship. So we can, and we can see now is that since protest have started, there is a huge increase of the use of proxy service like siphoned, for instance. And there is a huge increase in our reach them. So we reached out and they are seeking for our information as well. Id like to, to ask them just on that that point. How different are these processes that we are seeing that weve been seeing for the last 40 years . Because of course, are around the country that is used to, to protest you see anything different in this latest set . You know what his dead friend is basically when it comes to the reporting. Of course, what is different is that we have a unity of people from all different layers of society. What is also different is that people, d, d dont let them, they dont let the even government intimidate them anymore. So they are trying to put pressure on, for instance, to family members of young people, of young girls being, being killed by the government. But still they speak out. So maybe in the past there was more and more fear. But now they do speak to us. They speak to us like foreign Media Outlets and like d, w, persian, and this is of course, what is a big problem for, for the government. Trying to silence people in the round, but also outside and its not working anymore. And of course, even the sanction d, w, persian is a way of intimidation and silencing, but we will of course, continue doing what were doing for the last couple of weeks and right years, of course. But in this crucial times, it we can see once again how important it actually is. With that is that yaga are but thank you sing out for others all back of the w foster service. Take a look at us more of the stores making news around the world. Southeast asian Foreign Ministers are meeting in jakarta to discuss with chaos in dozens, in killed in recent weeks. No representatives from them are meeting us countries middle. She jumped to has refused to implement a piece deal that was agreed with asked him 18 months ago. The court in australia has discharge the jury in the trial of a former government adviser accused of sexually assaulting a colleague of parliament house. The judge said a juror got access to details that were not submitted as evidence. And the case spoke to major review of Workplace Culture in australia and the safety of women in politics, alarm mosques, car company, tesla is reportedly under criminal investigation in the u. S. Over itself, driving vehicle claims, according to reuters, the inquiry was launched last year following more than a dozen crashes evolving teslas autoplanet system. Some of the crashes were fatal. The president zalinski says ukrainian troops offending of repeated attacks by Russian Forces in the eastern dumbass region. According to the president , the heaviest fighting is concentrated around the towns of a r d r. I v care and back mort. Russian troops have been pounding back with hillary for weeks, reducing much of it to ruins. But its ukranian, defenders amounting fierce resistance in while keith continues to press on with its counter offensive in the past we occupied southern house on region was joined the i d. W correspondent, a funny for shot in the crating capital. Welcome, a funny, im so president , valencia said the, the fierce is fighting the moment is not in the, the hair on counter offensive, which has received so much attention at this week, but in ukraines east just talk us through whats happening there. Is that a full you name . It of is so much has been so much attention. Hassan reaching her since city righteously, because its strategically so important to ukraine and russia that you may overlook really whats happening elsewhere, the country, namely the dont bus region. Now lets do minion here on a to towns abutment in the northern part of the dumbass region of doing yet and offer i knew garbage is close actually to the regional capital often. Yes, also name not doing yet. Thats been under russian control or right approach for russian separatist control says 2014. And given this information, given the fact, this is 2014 both who hunts big parts of plants and dont yet have been under pro russians. Separate is control and influence also gives much more experience to now russian soldiers tried to take in more territory in both parts into hands and doing yet. And this is exactly whats happening right now. You see really those fights escalate over streets over villages over every thing that could give Russian Forces and leverage and trying to a trying to i govern more parts of both a both parts of the dumbass region, but specifically of don yeske regent. Thats why you see specific, a lot of fighting in and around, but move because back, move in. The northern part of done yet is very close to soviet, which is the Administrative Center controlled by ukraine in the done yeske region. So yes, at that, fighting for more territory from the russia perspective, but from the ukrainian perspective, try to repel the flushing forces is going to continue. And also its not just going to continue. The question is, how is it going to continue depending on how the next phase of this war with winter arriving, is going to give a change for both parts, depending on how much military equipment do they have and how many truths on the ground, how many soldiers they are to fight for the interests and a quick word about cave, where you are now which to see more air strikes and threats of escalation from moscow. Give us a quick idea of what daily life buries like. At 1st sight till it really appears to be quite normal, right . You have shops open, you can grab your coffee in the morning and read the morning newspaper off. But of course, if you talk to people here on the streets of keith city, they will tell you that they are quite worried about winter arriving right now. Pretty much been constantly tricity except for, for, for some partial blackouts non then it still okay to get by here in the city. But people have very much concerned with those attacks that been increasing across various parts of ukraine. Attacks on Important Energy infrastructure that, thats going to change dramatically change as its going to become colder. And as more people who need lots, of course, heating, electricity, running water, and such. So people are quite concerned uphill. Thank you. Thats funny for the fisher in chief or rushes also a step closer to toughening its laws. Banning what he calls a promotion of homosexuality and her 1st reading the lower house of parliament. The duma unanimously adopted changes to an existing law from 2013, prohibiting or cold propaganda about non traditional sexual relations. Under the changes an event or act seen as an attempt to promote homosexuality on line in film or in public could incur a 50 these protest as a fighting for equal rights in russia. But demonstrations for l g b t q writes here, often brutally halted by authorities. One of the instruments of repression over the past decade has been the so called gay propaganda law introduced in 2013 authority. Say its needed to prohibit the promotion of what they call non traditional sexual values to children. Now russia said to pass new legislation further restricting the l g p t q community by expanding the law to adults as well. You watching jamika, this is congress that says, we dont live in a Democratic State of thought there was nothing at all. I think that lawmakers in the doom are trying to convey the impression that they carry favor with this oppressive machine, with a shame ear and the victims of this machine. It is of the most vulnerable once the old corners, all l g b t q plus people with their calculus hopes for the new law that is already going through russias lower house of parliament. The state duma will effectively forbid any positive references to l g p. T q topics in popular media. And on the internet activist fair, the new law is a further step towards state sponsored discrimination and repression. And that it will leave the l g p t q community, even more stigmatized in Russian Society or they dont is Russia Service has been banned in the country and now rates from the latvian capital riga, a correspondent, europe rochette out, told us about the likely russian reaction to these changes. Well, lets look at it even in so if its house house or Russian Society has completely different problems at the moment above all the mobilization, which many people are still very, very afraid of. And to while it sounds house for us, that the rational duty q community has become accustomed to state sponsors to mafia over the past. Yup, ben, people, yes. And while there is no law directly come in the laser homosexual relationships as such, process algebra, q Community Must be concerned about their safety. In this respect, that the law doesnt change anything fundamentally, but it changes and already difficult to ation for the worse. And i dont expect any protests russians are intimidated, restricted in the freedom of expression. And since the beginning of the mobilization, also disoriented, Europe Russia on a quick line of sport. Indias cricket board has announced an equal pay policy for all cricketers, after electing a new president last week with b, c. C, i decided that womens teams would be paid the same match phase as men across all 3 variations. Office sport. India is the 2nd cricketing nation to adopt such policy following new zealand historic announcement earlier this year. As it youre up to date, ill have more world news of the top of the hour. You can always get more, of course on the www dot com on the w app. And next at stephen pittsville has your business updates have a good day. Ah ah, i mean everything you enjoy eating at home with

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