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Orchestrated by that credit also coming up. Its germany is National Holiday today. Unity day. 32 years since east and west germany were unified, but is there more that divides than unite German Society today . That over the peace prize nobel prize in medicine goes to swedish scientist, sponsor payable. He has been honored for his discoveries relating to dna, of extinct creatures. For his research into human evolution. Cluster heads opened with the title on the line and singapore. Its not so glorious feeling Office Building of the rain for formula one ah again, the alpha, welcome to the program. Ukrainian forces are reported to be a recapturing territory in the south of the country in the biggest breakthrough since the start of the war in that region. Officials installed by russia, acknowledged that ukraine has made advances in the course on region, one of full thats russia illegally annexed last week. Photo sat in social media appeared to show soldiers raising the ukranian flag and several villages. They are. Thor serve advanced by as much as 40 kilometer in a single day, though that is yet to be officially verified. And earlier i spoke to w correspondence, Nick Connelly in the cranium capital, keith, and he told us more about you cranes counter offensive in the self. Well, as usual, the teachers are pretty sparse, but we get sense that ukraines forces are heading towards head, so not from the western direction, which has been the place that seen most fighting in the weeks that have gone by. But now heading towards kennesaw on from the north, this is a very exposed russian position on the west bank of the new pro river, which is a very wide river ukraine has basically taken most, if not all of the bridge is out of action that would allow russia to re supply its garrison to have from the other bank of the rivers, been a really difficult position trying to get supplies in by pontoon, bridge and by air. And there is a sense that things are happening here. If you look back to the summer, all the eyes were on had solemn to certainly ukrainian officials were talking about her son all the time. But its turned out to be basically a distraction from their real plan which was her give and that kind of amazing lightning cant offensive. So ukraine take back so much searching the space of a week, but it does seem like steps on is now the priority and certainly people on the ground that you can fill casey get hold of are hearing more in the way about to re fire and of shooting, going around in the distance, but this is always a thing where they are the real details. They kind of filter through to 3 days later after now we just left guessing, looking at social media, looking at russian. Well, military blog is complaining about a lack of supplies and trying to make some conclusions from that. Now and it will come back to you in a 2nd. First, the former u. S. Army general david to trace as issued a warning to russian president vladimir putin. He says the us and its allies would respond decisively to any use of Nuclear Weapons in the ukraine. Lets have a quick list in just to give you a hypothetical, we would respond by leading a nato, a collective effort that would take out every rational can retro conventional force that we can see and identify on the battlefield, ukraine, and also in crimea and every ship on the, in the black sea. So make coming a back to you about how has this warning by betrayals been received in ukraine . Well the thing is, hes not the only former us general top level general making these kind of statements. They will say that, you know, speaking in personal capacity, they havent kind of spoken directly to the people making decisions now in the white house. But it does seem like this is kind of coordinated and that this wouldnt happen without some kind of green light from the current us ministration. That really has affected people thinking here in ukraine who basically, were discounting those threats from moscow, seeing it bases an empty bluff. And i think these warnings and these kind of threats of Counter Measures do make people here in ukraine. Think that the russian threats usually happens is more real than theyd wanted to believe. And you do get reports, people, you know, preparing id and tablets trying to work out what to do in case such attack does happen. So that issue is since this escalation is real and that there is a hot danger of this kind of thing really happening nicoli, theyre reporting from keith. Thank you, nick. Its german unity day to day 32 years ago on the 3rd of october in 1990 west germany and the communist east of the country came together and formerly reunify it. It was the 1st time since the end of the 2nd world war in 1945, that there was a single german state. Again, the fall of the soviet union, i should, in a new era for a freshly unified germany, but 3 decades on divisions remain. Ah berlin, on the 3rd of october 1990, when to germanys became one again. It was soviet leader gorbachevs policies of glass not than perestroika had thought about german reunification. The full of the war marked the beginning of a new chapter for germany, and the beginning of a new era of appeasement, between east and west russia and europe. It waste bold at 32 years later, putins warn ukraine has fundamentally changed that relationship. Germany has imposed far reaching sanctions on russia and is now sending heavy weapons to fight russian soldiers on ukrainian soil. And ordinary germans attitudes towards russia have changed. Hot sean, my men has changed considerably because i hadnt quite expected russia to act with as much brutality as it has actually done. Now, to meet us as a secrecy and as it have anger isnt good. I have a good image relay that, but the current russian politics are of course not. Okay, and i have a personal fears is rolling circle. So what was really positive for our unification then now has to be seen in a totally different lines on the scene. While many germans support the governments current policies towards russia, there are significant differences in opinion in the east and west of the country. A recent study shows the satisfaction with the German Governments reaction to the invasion of ukraine is lower in the east than in the west. When it comes to specific policies like the delivery of heavy weapons, the gap becomes even clearer. While 54 percent of germans living in the west are in favor of germany delivering heavy weapons to ukraine. Only 32 percent of germans living in the east supported. There is, of course, a reason for this imbalance to nick some, a good 1st of all, there is a different historic relationship to the soviet union slash russia, which isnt the soviet union any more. Of course on this and i, there are stronger ties to central and eastern europe. But if we did an actin, it wouldnt just the ukraine that would probably fall, but also poland, the baltic states, and so on before that cant be in germanys interests can not in the interest of his german sought france on it to him, i got one of their selections on getting more east than germans on board with the government. Russia policy will be a hard task more than 30 years after germany was reunited to visions remain between the former east and west. And earlier i spoke to the w chief interNational Editor. Its a walk up and asked him about these divisions between east and west and how big there really are. Well, i mean it, it goes even beyond the rush question again, hardy goes in to really hard statistics. If you look at economics, for instance, in terms of ged peter economic output, her head in east, in germany, so well below the western german average, we look at a league table of all of the states in germany. The bottom 5 are all eastern german states can be some time before they catch up with the german average. Then in terms of politics or you see it in terms of the willingness to vote for her parties. At the more extreme end of the political spectrum, whether its a left party, which was one of the inheritance of the east german communist party, or more recently the a f d. The far right, a populous party, which is roughly twice as popular niece and germany as it is in western germany. And you also see it in a sense of kind of mistrust of the government. For instance, in terms of the corona virus, the vaccination rates in eastern german states are also at the bottom of the rankings. In fact, theres a, a protest of anti vaccine protest is taking place right by hi me. Here at the Brandenburg Gate today and her a figure this recently been published in survey by the German Government and pointed to a real concern, which is now that only 39 percent according to the survey of people in eastern germany, as satisfied with democracy. And that, that is 20 points lower than in western germany. So that is kind of adding to concerns that democracy itself, that the roots havent really taken as firm a hold in east germany as you might have hope by this stage. Now is this really all so grammar do you also have some more positive science yet will actually get how they really are some more positive side. So we talked about the economy at the beginning. There was some of the kind of biggest Economic News in germany in the last couple of years has been made in east, in germany, in terms of foreign investment. Just recently intel, the huge american chip maker has announced that its going to open a chip factory in west of berlin in the state of saxony. Unhealthy as huge news, especially in this time, is stressed supply chains and even bigger news than that tesla. The pioneer of electric cars opened a factory outside berlin just recently. And that i think is seen is that even more symbolic because the, the kind of western dominated german car industry is accused of having, as sort of been asleep on the wheel on the transition to electric cars. Now, tesla, the Big International pioneer coming into east in germany. So there are certainly some hopeful things going on for eastern germany. That nobody is really counting it out just yet. Which a walk of our chief of the National Editor at the brother gate in central berlin time, not to have a look at some of the other stores making headlines around the world today. In indonesia, a police chief has been fired and 9 officers suspended after a weekend stampede at the football stadium, but left 125 people dead. A spokesman said milan sit, his head of police has been replaced as part of an inquiry into the tragedy. Does his more offices are being messages for unethical behavior . Palestinians have protested the killing of 2 people by israeli troops. Israels military said it fatally shot. The 2 men during a raid on a west bank, refugee camp soldiers opened fire on a cob. They said was attempting to ram the israel has been carrying out regular arrest grades after a space of palestinian attacks against israelis in the spring. This is nobel prize for medicine has been awarded for Genetic Research on human evolution. Swedish scientists, one to paypal is known for sequencing the genome of the neanderthal and extinct species closely related to modern humans. He also discovered these in a silver or to another extinct human species. He showed that both contribution genes, ology that still exist in modern humans. Now lets hear what the Swedish Academy had to say. I providing genome sequences from our closest extinct to relatives, from the past, provided a novel, much more recent Reference Point for studies of who we are and where we came from. Thanks to his seminar discoveries, genetic variance that are shared among all non leading humans, but absent in the, on the tots. And denise of us have been large on the w seen, assigns correspondence, derek williams, derek, lets break this down for us. Does this a nobel prize for one to paypal . Come as a surprise . Well, they always come as a surprise. I mean, nothing trying to predict these fir, over well over a decade now and there was no longer a socialist along this. Theres no short list. You have to just gas and there are ways of guessing you can kind of say, for example, in medicine or physiology. There are they kind of tend to alternate between, between research that fundamental research into physiology for example. Last year it was given for, for certain cells that sells that, that transmit stimuli to the brain and, and also, and then theyll flip at the next year sometimes and theyll, and theyll do something that has a major impact on, on health care. But this has really kind of come out of left field because its really biology, its really, its a field called evolutionary anthropology. And its, i think, probably taken a lot of people by surprise. I mean, the, the, as i said, the one thing thats really predictable about the nobel prizes is that theyre unpredictable. Now, tell us a little bit more about the Science Behind what, what does he do . What i, its really that the research is basically based on, on a modern field of research genome x sequencing. So, so we only finished sequencing modern human genomes really a couple of decades ago. So we know what were made of in terms of dna, but the idea tables idea was to do the same thing for these extinct lineages of other human lineages like neanderthals or the dennis opens as we, as we just heard. And to compare those stand that by doing that, thats a much more difficult thing to do because that d n a is an outer coming out of fossils thats been around for sometimes a couple 100000 years and contaminated over the years. Its degraded, its disintegrated. And he came up with methods for basically putting it back together. So we have an idea of what those gym that genetic sequence looks like. And that then and term has allowed us then to compare our own genomes to those genomes. And um its, hes kind of the founder and away of a field thats now called paleo genomics. And, and at a press conference for the award, a member of the academy explained what kind of an impact thats had and how we define ourselves. So listen, santa pare, bosa, groundbreaking discoveries allow us to address one of the most fundamental questions of all. What makes us unique, like us now under tons had a big brains. They lived in groups and they use tools. But these changed very little during hundreds of thousands of years until the neanderthals for unclear reasons disappeared. Homo sapiens, on the other hand, rapidly developed complex cultures, figurative art and advanced innovations. They crossed open waters and they spread to all parts of our planet. The basis for this Dramatic Development must lie in genetic changes that occurred after we separated from the under tops anthonys 7th. Not so long ago. Well, not so long ago. His pretty relative, actually in evolutionary terms, were talking about something that happened hundreds of thousands of years ago, but never listened every time. Thats not so long ago. Ok, so, but, but what kind of an impact does this work have on us today . Well, unlike other nobel prizes, i think its, its, its, its really interesting because this isnt for, this isnt about a new treatment. Its not a new treatment that was developed because of this work or, or a new product that was developed because of this work. This is really kind of site in time scientific terms. Its really more mind bending. Its about who we are, its about human beings and comparing us to our distant relatives that, that, that died out and when extinct. And, and why did that happen and, and some of the answers to some of those questions are going to lie if they werent, why they felt by the wayside. So its really in a way, kind of answering really some of the biggest questions im it will help us to avoid falling by the wayside as well. Thank you very much. Doug williams. D. W, a science senior correspondent. Thank you. The president ial elections in brazil will be settled in a 2nd round of voting on october 30th. Thats after no candidates took an absolute majority of votes. On sunday, nearly all of the ballots counted. The former president left is louise enough. Fuel Lula Da Silva has 48 percent incumbent president. The right wing populous, valuable scenario, receives an unexpectedly strong for the 43 percent. Moderate, simonian tibbets is trailing. With 4 percent lula spoke to supporters in the commercial capital. Sol, paula, lets have a listen. Were good, you know, the economy is not good. Your quality of life isnt good. Job market isnt good at the Health System isnt good. We want to make our country better again, including our international affairs. Yes, i always believe we were going to win those electrons and i want to tell you that we will win these electrons. Otherwise is tighter than most service, suggested revitalizing incumbent president. J bowles, and ours campaign after he insisted poles couldnt be trusted. His surprising showing dashed lawless hope of a quick. When was it some of them today we overcame the light. I was out of pulling institute, predicted something around 50 percent and 30 percent. We overcame that light. We have a 2nd round of voting. There will be a level Playing Field for both sides and well be bringing you more updates on brazils president ial race for the day. Theres also a lot more on our website, d, w dot com. Irans parliamentary speaker has warned, unrest could destabilize the country as Anti Government protest continue. Clashes erupted overnight between Security Forces and students at to rance sharif university. Video, sad and social media showed dozens of riot police surrounding the campus. Local media reported Police Beating students and firey t again. Germanys foreign minister on a lead, a babel condemned the regimes vitality as an expression of the fear of the power of education and freedom. State media has reported that more than 40 protesters and Police Officers have been killed since the protest began over 2 weeks ago. Other estimates put the figure out more than twice that youll never get rid of us. We are here. The women chant daily on the streets of command shall in kurdish wester on and in the holy city of my shout in the east, in spite of brutal repression across iran, thousands of women are demanding Self Determination and freedom. Oh, more and more people are being detained, including many students. Some University Professors have suspended lessons until all students are released the regime is playing down the unless b as they blame irans enemies abroad. If all meconium battle yeah, i meant to follow me. The United States of america is inciting these misguided young people to rise up against the Islamic Republic 14th of all english. My god, they will not succeed. More adduced not on the general promised retaliation for every attack on the regimes forces. The authorities rely on violence and propaganda in parliament. Ultraconservative hardliners rallied round the men of the tall we give allies for you, alida, they shouted, but no plans have been presented to deal with the grievances of their own citizens. Even the regime supporters think that denying that there are problems is no solution thats growing criticism of the rigid enforcement of the head scarf. Los jesse shut my mouth for or against the morality police, but they all the reason that many women in iran suffer to po whats your vantage by mom . Even if the head scarf is compulsory, it should not be enforced in such a brutal manner. And theyre holla, then as i am available, other, some supporters of the regime, think the headscarf protests, could be the beginning of the end for iran joy, those bit, they attack ambulances know that just because of the headscarf last year that next they will burn the koran and then the moscow called him out of the marty who they are down, the pushy for women, life and freedom. Thats why iranian women returned to the streets. Its putting increasing pressure on the conservative regime thats have a look at some of the other world news stories. Poland, foreign minister has signed a diplomatic note to germany, formerly requesting reparations for world war 2. Spinner frau is expected to raise the issue with his german counterpart burbock during her visit to warsaw. On tuesday, bolans a ruling nationalist say germany owes the countries some 1. 3 trillion in euros something british prime minister, less trust is reversing her plans to slash taxes for the wealthy policy has sparked a rebellion in her own party and let a turmoil and financial market, the decision is likely to put trust leadership on increasing pressure less than 4 weeks. After she came to power. Theres not been many moderate crow at and bosnia candidates have taken the lead in boston as general election. Voters cast their ballots for the countries complex. 3 way presidency, the election followed a campaign, plague by threats of secession, political infighting, and ethnic tensions. And some sports news for you in formula one, red bull. Sergio paris has won a very wet single pool from pre the mexican driver. Took the lead at the start and didnt look back championship lead. Im extra stop and could only finish 7th and well have to wait to clinch his 2nd straight drivers title with the rain pouring down in singapore. The drive is new. They rain for slippery evening, proposed to charlotte class that came at the start while he started searching perez got away cleanly edging ahead of the ferrari, man. And thats how theyd stay behind them. Championship lead and max for staffing had fallen even further back down the great. He described the race, his messy, 5 safety car periods made it very stop start. Because forget singing in the rain. This was more like spinning in the rain. Ah. Even while champions werent amune Lewis Hamilton slid off the track before offering this apology to his team a. And then for stoppin, whod worked his way up to fe, did the same. By now any chances of him clenching a 2nd title this weekend had long since evaporated. Much like the drying track, the 2 man who can catch him in the standings. Cantering off into the distance. Perez crossed the line in 1st. He was late adult, 5 seconds for breaking safety car. Ruth kept his victory with phil. How big it alike celebrations. Then for red bo, but the biggest celebration is still to come. And finally, and extremely rad diamond is going on the hammer at sothebys auction house in hong kong. The giant 11. 15, carrot, fancy, vivid pink stop, is expected to fetch more than 21000000 euros at the sale this coming friday. Its the 2nd largest of its kind ever to be offered at auction sodomy, says pink is one of the rarest diamond color to occur naturally and vivid pink stones are even rather diamond originated at tons and ears. Williamson mine, which has been criticized for allegedly mistreating workers. You watching dw news. He is a reminder of our top story. Ukrainian forces are reported to the recapturing territory in the south of the country. The biggest break through this since the start of the war and officials installed by russia, acknowledged that ukraine has made advances in the car san regent. Thats one a full that russia illegally annexed last week. Thats it from me and the news team up next d w, news, asia. And i have more news for you at the top of the hour gab office. Ah, with ah, with ah, a with who, a every journey is full of surprises. Weve gone all out to give you some time with home. Im in your northern most count please. Ah, 3 times along. Still very much alive, dw channels, youll guy to the special with recognized where exactly. It was fun. I learned a lot of our culture history. All their d. W. Travel extremely worth a visit to come have a page of this, counting the highlights you every week in your in box. Subscribe now. How did she become edelman hitlers favorite director . And how did he become a forgotten filled pioneer . Ah, lady, he finished and arnold fun between hitler and hollywood. In 1932, they set out into the the wilderness of greenland to create a life threatening soon project that became a major milestone in their lives. Love seduction. And our ice cold passion starts october 8th on d, w. Ah, this is d, w s asia coming up to date, a visit to taiwan in the shadow of china, german m p. So they had to promote democratic cooperation. But is that old taiwan once and how to germanys ties with china change things plus how caring for the elderly is becoming a business instead of the family affair. It used to be out

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