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Struggle to keep it running on the russian occupation. Also on the program. Its an ocean city facing a very modern problem. Climate change means athens is getting hotter and dryer, bought the bree capitalist, finding ways to adapt to rising, to add new german troops, head to marley after the 2 sides. Put aside that put peacekeeping mission there in danger. Attention to remain. As molly turns to russian mercenaries of battle geoffhardy ah, im glad else as well come to the program. And our fields in russian occupied crimea has been rocks by a series of explosions. Thats according to media reports. The port of savannah to poll is home to russia. Black sea fleet report say, the glassware near a military airport, north of the city, where dozens of combat aircraft were blocked. Russian occupation authorities are quoted as saying that anti acro force is down to ukrainian drone, and that no damage was done. And this came as United Nations secretary general antonette with teddy sh house talks with ukraines president wrote him, his the lensky and the turkish leader recipe adon in the western ukrainian city of levine. Quoterush repeated his calls for a safe zone around the russian occupant occupied parisha Nuclear Power station. Nearly ferry equipment and personnel should be withdrawn from the plant. Further deployment of forces or equipment, the sides must be avoided. The area needs to be didnt really that ice. And we must tell it as he sees any potential damage. Whos up what hes yeah is suicide. And earlier i talked to our correspondent mathias burning an elevator, who was covering these talks for us and asked him if any concrete steps had been taken to protect those uppers yet power plant. Well, what steps could be taken . The power plant plant is occupied by the russian. So you crank and not take any steps to ensure the safety. That is, if its not ukraine. Shelly, the how a plant which to russians are accusing ukraine of which would of course be something very dangerous. Ukraine in its turn, is saying that russia is shelling the power plant and that is preparing something there, some kind of a of an incident. What whatsoever, daddy intelligence that they have presented to support this claim is that russia seemingly has told all the workers well not on urgent shifts. Were not running that operations directly not to come to work today. We dont have confirmation for that. From the russian side. The russian side, and its term has accused ukraine off for staging a provocation or preparing a provocation today in that power plant. Its a very muddy situation and what ukrainians are saying is that, and have said in similar incidents that when russia accuses ukraine of doing something, its often people here read it like in the air, like an announcement of something that the russians are preparing. So its very, very difficult situation. What we know is, from a sources it have contacts into the, the town of and now not whether the power plant is and into the power plant is that the, the situation seems to be read very chaotic inside the power plant. With ammunitions and a weapons and immediately equipment stock there and close to the reactors or even inside some facilities and the russian. So which is putting pressure on the employees. So its a very tense, its a very dangerous situation. Now that plan to depreciate was occupied by Russian Forces back in march, but still operated by ukrainian staff. But is we come back to you in a moment, but 1st i did have you got to speak with an engineer who escaped the plot. Lets have a look oregon is worried, she has not been able to reach her colleagues for days. Until recently, the engineer worked at the support, is she a Nuclear Power plant out of which olga managed to escape . She tries to communicate with employees still on site, but its becoming increasingly difficult. No multiple santos and i would say that 70 percent of my colleagues no longer show up for work. Theyre simply too afraid. You can imagine what that means for the ongoing operations, and especially for security precautions on site, that the lobby of all god doesnt want to be recognized for fear of retaliation. Russian troops sees the nuclear lens and the 1st weeks of war. Since then, ukraine says, though russians have been turning the facility into a military fortress, but have been several accidents and shelling of buildings on the premises. On one occasion, the emergency power system had to be activated abuse. Then you could lush on persia, they useless site to put pressure on the ukrainian governmental to blackmail them away. Now the power plant is currently a big trouble card in the war. Oh gosh, for the towns may or theres only one solution, a complete withdrawal of the russians from the plant. We reach them by phone and his makes of office and a neighboring town. Upon the, the occupiers are currently breaking all the rules that have been established for nuclear safety, with the even fire multiplying rocket launchers right from the grounds of the power plant. I hope they will find a solution on an International Level to demilitarised the entire site. Hopefully, gotten responsive, sometimes over receive cellphone videos from colleagues showing the dangerous situation or wrong. The power plant here, a bunch of Recreational Center close to the facility, memories of that shall not be diesel compared to that in which her noble was a miniature version. In the meantime, olga has found a job in here 400 kilometers away in a nuclear emergency. She and her son would probably not be safe here either. She says, but in wartime, nowhere is completely safe. The am for the prose reporting there. Martinez, billing us still with us in a v for the situation at a, as a parisha, a plant dominated the talks. But according to the turkish thought, the meeting was actually meant to be about finding peace was anything achieved there. Well, thats what edwin is saying. He wants to start a piece process and he wants to be the media to the broke of this piece. This of course, is something that has a lot to do with his personal ambitions. He has obtained a Firm Rejection from as a landscape zalinski pointing out that russia is still shelling a residential areas and civilian infrastructure with messiahs and that he can not see any. Oh, he does not have any trust that the russian side would be anyhow, interested in peace. That also is in line with what russia has been saying so far, though they have said that they would be ready for peace talks. They have also said that apiece would be on the condition that the ukraine basically surrendered ukraine or to landscape has said yesterday that he thinks the precondition for peace tools for talks about how the 2 countries could co exist in the future would be Russian Troops leaving ukraine, and thats not something thats going to happen any time soon. At martinez. A gutierrez visit visit is not over yet. Is it . No, hes continuing to odessa. This is was another big topic of course. It gutierrez and ad on how made a big diplomatic have had a big diplomatic success and brokering that a great deal that allows grades from ukrainian ports to be shipped out via the boss for us to ports all over the world. And the 3 have of course, talked about that they have agreed that they would undertake further diplomatic efforts to speed up the grain shipments. And this is probably more than like, if we, if we talk about further diplomatic options, then deals on specific issues like this. One would be the more probable way than to start some kind of piece troops. But he has pulling of their reporting from the living in western ukraine. Thank you much. Yes. Lets have a look now at some of the other stories making headlines today. The leaders of russia and china plan to attend the g 20 summit in bali. This november indonesia, president confirmed the news in an interview with Bloomberg News agency. The host nation has been under pressure to exclude russias. Vladimir putin over the war, ukraines president has also been invited to the summit. A judge of the u. S. State of new york has refused bail for the man accused of trying to kill author salman rushdie. The suspect repeated his plea of not guilty. Rusty was due to give a talk when an attack stopped him repeatedly, rusty is recovering in hospital, apple has warned of a major security flaw that could allow hackers to take complete control over devices uses of i phones i pads ant max on being advised to update their software, apple has not revealed how many of its customers are affected by the issue. For as far as in algeria have killed at least 37 people Hungry School have been moved to the safety of many victims suffering from breathing difficulties. Helicopters are being used to put out the fires. Torrential rains, of course, flooding and landslides on the new zealand south island. Some 400 homes were evacuated on the state of emergency. Be glad 3 regents offer. They receive more than double the average rainfall for this month. If you rains our forecast to continue youre past been experiencing extreme weather conditions in the form of a heat wave for several weeks. Now. Temperatures have been above the 40 degrees celsius mark in some countries. The extreme conditions have broad Climate Change back into focus. In our next report, our correspondence gone, our current travels to the greek capital athens, to see what authorities there are doing to reduce the effects of the very high temperatures. Alaneese mirror really always has her water bottle with her. In summer, shes used to the dangerous heat waves in her home city. She is the 1st chief heat officer in athens and across europe. Its her job to get the greek capital fit to face the challenges of Climate Change. She is on her way down into the depths of the city with someone from athens waterworks. Its also a journey back in time. The subterranean tunnel, almost 20 kilometers long, was built by the Roman Emperor hadrian. In the 2nd century, near a village is planning to have water flowing along hadrian aqueduct. Again, engineers are already working on her idea. They are planning to create 20 specific points where the, where they tap into the water into the green new parks. A green belt across athens is intended to make the city cooler and well a pleasant mere villi. Once more parks, shes particularly proud of these japanese south space. She is friends with the landscape gardener. He created it. We dont have a lot of barks and, and green spaces and we have a lot of old people. The fact that the surfaces are, are we have a lot of surfaces that then to heat up. We have a lot of cars that produce even more heat and air conditioning produces even more heat. So its actually a pretty deadly make enough. In greece, extreme heat waves with highs of over 40 degrees are almost always accompanied by forest fires. And they also threatened the capital. In mid july fire reached athens in northern city, limits thousands of homes with gutted experts feared that large parts of the city home to 4000000 people could be uninhabitable in a few decades. Studies already showed that heat waves are responsible for a rise in mortality among the elderly. In particular, the chief heat officer is seeking advice from the red cross, red cross representatives from australia explain, they have their own emergency plan. When temperatures reach up to 50 degrees, we are referring people to be able to help her people before they get really sick. So that we can tell them what to do and if they start having symptoms, somebodys there that can answer a phone or can be next to them to help them. So they dont end up in the hospital. But not all athenians see it as a life threatening problem. Nice than normal if i feel dizzy or think im going to vomit, i just stick my feet in cold water or carry on it all the unit. Now things is more and more unbearable in summer. We dont have any rivers and the surrounding area. What has usually already been scorched mirror really is planning to stick by her home city. After all, she says its hardly the 1st crisis that the city has faced in. Its practically 4000 year history. I sent her cosmetic, is Climate Change adoption expert at the European Environment Agency and denmark. And earlier i asked her how else we can deal with rising temperatures. Yes, indeed, green spaces are one of than Great Solutions to adapt to higher temperatures. That we have to remember that in europe we tend to spend about 90 percent of our time in buildings. Not outside, therefore, acting on the built environment is one of the ways to adapt to, to Climate Change, for example. And providing shading for south and west facing windows are providing passive cooling solutions. Are also an improving been an installation of buildings, painting the roofs and walls quite to improve their reflect reflectivity and of the buildings. But also with that some innovative solutions, such as District Cooling systems, which pump their wall turn into gun and systems useful cooling, heating and using the sea or greater water. And in this way, avoiding the use of air conditioning and facing the temperature serving the city well, adapting to to heat is one thing, but heavy rainfall and flooding are also part of Climate Change. What can be done about that . And indeed again, Green Solutions can help to kill 2 birds with one stone, so to speak. So both about the heat, but also deal with the excess water acting as a sponge, hoping to infiltrate the water into the ground. And in this way, not only dealing with flooding, but also recharging that ground waters and therefore helping to prevent the droughts in the future. But also protecting that filter environment. For example, provision of floodgates, although not bazillion st measures, as well as Early Warnings, the same as in the case of heat waste providing Early Warning students to their population is one of the most effective ways of avoiding the impacts on peoples life and health. Are you confident that humanity can actually uh, with the stuff that youve described earlier, that humanity can adapt to rising temperatures. So very big question. Im not sure if i can speak about then and piety of humanity. But sir, definitely in europe, theres been a lot of progress on the other patient in then in the recent to yes, all of the Member States now have a National Adaptation policies in place. And many of them are taking action to, to, to actually implement the measures that include that in the policies with local government, the government being at their, at the need of that. So im hoping that turning their strategies into action will help us to adapt to the Climate Change and avoid the loss of life the loss of has and, and has maintained that the european standard of living. So Climate Change is not really anything new is, has been an issue for a long time, while most governments and in the, the, you, ive taken so long to react well, adaptation has been on the political agenda in europe since 2013, whether adaptation strategy was 1st put in place, but indeed many as the main focus has been on the mitigation actions on reducing the levels of c o 2 in the atmosphere and many would see adaptation of focus on other patients almost as defeating as, as a meeting. That that, that, that the feet that we are not doing enough on mitigation and that we have to adapt to Climate Change. However, its changing now and the person is much more coming to the fall. We hear all the time. The reports about the wildfires heat weights flooding and even if we stop the emissions today, we still need to add up to that to the changing climate due to that in that area. I guess also on Climate Change for many has been a future risk and something a bit vague and not an immediate political priority compared to the Economic Situation compared to the geopolitical situation and so on. So i think that the extreme weather events can really bring the urgency of acting to the fall and, and make it a political priority. Alexandra major, there Climate Change or the other taishan expert European Environment Agency. Thank you. Thank you. Germany says it has resumed troop rotations in marley, just days after a destroyed with bomber course, saw german aircraft turnaround and mid air berlins that suspended its un backed peacekeeping operations. After marleys military government denied it, fly overrides, but doth remain over the future of the mission. As molly has increasingly turned to russian mercenaries in the fight against the long running of g hardest insurgency. The french may have left, but International Troops are still in marley. Among them around 1000 germans, part of the u. N. Backed me no small peacekeeping mission. There are mixed feelings about them. Being there melanie minas, mom has brought us nothing but problems. It would be better if they left them. Allison very little whenever he was in the family. Matthew, they have assisted molly in training and on many levels, including financial and moral support for we cannot say there are no benefits with them on this corporation has been a win for all parties. Tensions between germany and the military, junta and mildly have been growing mainly because by macros use of russian contractors. German for a minister bab grace this during a trip to marley in april dasa my im doing this was my urgent appeal. Why its so important . Including for the protection of civilians in molly that there is no co operation with russian act as here on the ground. Here it is putting on it of the regime and marley has been criticized for working with the Russian Wagner mercenary group, which is being accused of atrocities against civilians, new ballot, my lira troops and russian uniform. All of a mildly shot when you fall. It is clear that marley is changing it strategy was the rush. Mercenaries want to get there. They have father interests. They want to get the Mineral Resources and then let themselves be paid and doing what the government wants. While the russian government has confirmed that wagner personnel are in marley, the maryan government still claims that they are instruct us from the official russian military. But these contradictions are further undermining trust between berlin and by michael. And they are making a complete pull out by german troops. More likely, by the day im now joined by the w political, correspond loony. For how much i learned the. Tell us more about the german military, his role in the molly peacekeeping mission. Lo, it has a pretty central role in them, in this family, in the menus. My mission and germany has provides the largest contingent of troops and, and you know, they are responsible for example, for the evacuation of wounded soldiers. They are also responsible for a lot of the logistics in the camp, you know, electricity provision and food in capering so both sort of in military terms and another practical terms. They play a pretty central role. And now that france has withdrawn olivers troops in the last troops. Last french troops left the country earlier this week and no longer provide air cover, the menus where mission has become more dangerous. And we have to remember when germany extended and its, its, and participation in the mission and earlier this year for another year. And it was always under one condition. The agreement always was that if the, the deployment becomes too dangerous, if the security and safety of german soldiers are threatened, then, and berlin will abort their mission. So. And so yes, we can see, you know, the mission becoming more dangerous. German playing a central role. Other western countries are looking very closely with him. Hes doing now. Germany says it is called suspending the participation in the mission. Do you think that will biddable resume anytime soon . What exactly had said last week already thats and you know, it is suspending am, its participation the mission over these. And we heard it in the report, you know, over these overflight rights and, and, and they are to, we have to remember, its not the 1st time. There was a row over these over flight or over flight rates. And between berlin and by michael and, and so, you know, trust is, is really eroding. And many, many observers here see ads in this, a, suspension and off of its participation more as sort of the 1st step towards a complete pull out of the german troops. Now youve mentioned that the danger level 4 german troops could mean a definite end to the german borders, their mission in marley. Can you go into more detail about that . What would endanger this could in the end of the soldiers . Yeah, exactly, and i mean, molly, a country of 20000000 people has seen 3 military coups in the last 10 years. And, you know, following the last one, the country has been led by a military lead government that has, you know, started building more closer, leaning towards russia. And we saw the in the report, russian mercenaries coming coming into the country. And. And so that has led to sort of the instability, but that is also the reason why theres a lot at stake for German Foreign policy. Because obviously, you know, many say that the most i mission is still satellite in the region somewhat. And, and because if germany would announce a complete pull out other countries in the museum, it mission would, you know, a very likely to, to be following. And, and we have to remember, germany doesnt want to repeat another of dennis time. And it wants to, you know, is already preparing for local staff in molly, for a possible vaccination of local staff. So you can see, you know, 1st steps are being taken towards the pull up, but its not happening as of yet because of the reasons i mentioned. Its not much done. Thank you. Finlands Prime Minister is defending her actions after a video of her partying with friends. Will shannon social media, santa marin told reporters she would have no problem. Taking a drug test footage, drew criticism from opposition parties. B, 636 year old. Seen here on the left, since dancers and hugs, friends. Mine says she wishes the video had remained private, but she had also nothing to hide. And finally, a lighthouse in the german port of blame. A half nest tilted sideways and officials said it could topple over completely part of the pier where its located is sinking. Authorities half band ships from entering the gate, the river, the port because the risk from the lighthouse, which is one of them, happens best known lat box. Thats it from me, and that is team here in belin. Dont go away. Those sanctions and inflation, not taking their tolls on make because of persian rugs thats coming up in all Globalization Program globally, divide towels and to global, get all the latest news and updates on our website. Course d, w dot com to have our 1st for me and the entire team, the newsroom. I switch on ah with ah, with oh, they say real cowboys, dont cry a wayne and rhonda has every reason to as forest fires and disastrous blood threatened their very existence along with other canadian fair. Now learning that the old adage was wrong in finding new hope for the future in 3000 on d, w no go no carrabas. A wolf zone. Behind a fragile piece reality lucky. A world inhabited by injured people. A deacon alrick what also wounded the healing law is making visible the faces of war in 45 minutes on d, w. O. A in many countries. Education is still a privilege. Haggerty is one of the main causes some Young Children work in mind. Jobs instead of going to class others can attend classes only after they finish working with millions of children over the world. Cant go to school. Ah, we ask why . Because education makes the world more just make up your own mind. D. W. Made for mines. Ah, ah ah ah ah, welcome to global 3000. This week well head to say shells and see some remarkable Environmental Conservation efforts. Then to a ramp where sanctions are impacting the trade of prized persian rugs. And in

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