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Military base in russian occupied crimean, moscow claim sabotage and evacuated, 3000 people from the area. Its a 2nd major attack on Russian Military facilities in crimea in a week. And donald trump tightens his grip on the Republican Party as lose training in his fierce is predict within the party, loses the wyoming primary to a supporter of the controversial former u. S. President. Plus oscar nominated german filmmaker, Wolfgang Peterson dies page 81. 00 peterson made his breakthrough in 1900. 2 with world war 2 epic dust boat and went home to direct a string of hollywood. Ah hello, im terry martin. Good. Have you with us, joe. When he stole off, schultz, germanys transfer of shalt says he is disgusted at what he called outrageous remarks by the palestinian leader. Muffled a bus on a visit to berlin. During a press conference with Schultz Abbas said, israel had committed quote, 50 holocausts against palestinians. The statement has led to an outpouring of anger here in germany. Well have more on those reactions from our Political Correspondent in a moment. First, lets listen to what a boss sent one grandma to me. Since 1947. Think im a to the present day. And feel israel has carried out 50 massacre imbedded evidence to me in 50 palestinian villages. Yellow thumb, thora, 50 massacres. 50 holocausts you and until to day every day, every day our people get killed by the israeli army. Its about our political correspond nina has a was at that press conference. I asked her earlier about the reaction here in germany to abbas his comment and holds his handling of it. Well, the reactions have been very strong indeed. And also in israel, by the way, where the government speaks of not only a moral disgrace, but monstrous lies. But here in germany, the biggest davy build site on quickly called it and anti semitism scandal at the chancery. And from the opposition c, d u party, were hearing that our buses, cummins were outrageous and that showed should have asked mr. Our bus to leave, and that it was the biggest derailment at the chancery in history. The federal commission for the fight against anti semitism here was who said that by relative to revising the holocaust president abbas had lacked quote, any sensitivity towards us hosts. But yes, the german chancellor has also been criticized for how he handled the situation. Now i was there at the presbyterian, there were 2 moments where we really held our breath 1st when i spoke of apartheid in his country, shots quickly distanced himself from that. But then as the last question, mister abbas was asked where theyd ever apologized for the olympics, 972 massacres. And he replied by saying that israel had committed 50 massacres in 50 years, 50 holocausts. Now, every one knew that that was the last question. Answer at the press about that word. Holocaust lingered in the room, shots began to frown. It looked to me and to others, as though he wanted to respond. But he didnt. His spokesperson ended the presser shots shook hands with our buses left, and he who should definitely have responded there. And then that was a massive communication glitched by the german chancellor. And was possibly even more important is that it probably is also going to have an effect on shows his willingness to give us full throated support in the future. Quite something new. Can you explain to our viewers why this has provoked such a strong reaction here in germany . Now when it comes to the words apartheid but especially holocaust here in germany, everybody is very sensitive because there is a difference between legitimate criticism of some of the actions, the israel, the government stands for on the one side and using words that relative eyes what the nazis here in germany did during the 2nd world war there atrocities. Worldwide that is just a no go in germany. Germany argues those atrocities cannot be compared to anything else. And relative isaac, the world war holocaust is even illegal here. So the feeling is that Mahmoud Abbas strategically used the political stage here. He must have been aware that it was going to be a tremendous provocation to use that word for israels actions at the chancery. And thats the one scandal because it is not going to do is cause any favors to provoke the chancellor like that. And the other is of course, that sort of didnt immediately challenge this on diplomatic language needed. Thank you very much for putting that in context for us. Our correspondent nina has now to ukraine, which has stopped short of claiming responsibility for multiple explosions that route through a russian so munitions depot in crimea. The peninsula is part of ukraine, but was illegally annexed by russia in 2014. The kremlin says, 3000 people have been evacuated in describe. The glass says sabotaged without saying, whom have held responsible. Ukraine has neither denied nor confirmed that it was behind this attack or for another on a russian airbase in crimea. Last week. If crimean forces are behind the explosions, it would mark a significant escalation of the war. Earlier i spoke to correspond mathias billing in cheer. I asked him about president , gloria zalinski, his suggestion that the explosions were caused by the incompetence of Russian Troops. Well, i think her, we dont have to take this sir herb. Herb. Literally, a is pretty clear that such an amazement of explosions in ammunition dumps are not probably just caused by her negligence by the Russian Troops. And also some of the patterns, especially the 1st one, the strike on the military air base. Actually it was it that one i had similar explosions and in several places. So i dont think we have to take this. Its really, its a way for ukraine not to provide or not to admit this is not to provide maybe for further bourbon in order to feed the russian propaganda or. But its not really that anybody here hides whats behind it. Behind the record, we hear a lot of diff, of different stories. Its important for ukraine to do this, to show their capabilities. Its also important to disrupt the supply lines because crimea is one of the most important supply lines in this war. And one of the highly highest miniaturized places here in the region. So i think this is pretty targeted and there is a clear message attached to it that ukraine can reach Russian Troops there in crimea. And here its russia has occupied cry, crimea for many years now, are there people left in crimea who are still loyal to ukraine . Probably they are. Um, theres always every think that the people who are outspoken pro ukrainian most of them have fled. Some are in jails, i dont think its possible to be any in any way pro ukrainian as an activist, for example, in crimea, or to work as a pro ukrainian activist at the moment. But you know, the silent majority, we dont know where they lean or how many of them lean to this side on this side. Theyre pretty, pretty sure that theyre on one of the speculations actually about how these blas have happened. Is that the, that these were saboteurs and the secretary must be . There are other ways they can sabotage anything there. So yes, probably there are, we dont know how many we dont know how forceful dale, but he is. Thank you very much. That was our correspondent Mathias Bellinger in kia yep, thank you. Elsewhere in ukraine, Ukrainian Forces are slowly advancing towards russian occupied house song. Civilians who fled the city or watching closely in hopes of returning to their homes are correspond, met one woman who pled with her family from house on to odessa with the hue. Good afternoon, yes. Looking for something pretty among. Donated clothes at the refugee center. Anastasio by this river left nearly everything behind her. When she fled her home in the russian occupied hassan region. She and her children have been in odessa for 3 weeks now. With only henderson of my sins fastened them. You almost divorced situation under occupation grew worse and worse. Every day i got comfortable i spent 5 months there and i always thought, why should i leave . This is my home. But things became more and more intolerable. Yes. Even son nathan, can you when i see him, when you she says her home tone became a place of fear and intimidation and empty streets. She stayed at home with her children. Most of the time, i only venturing out to get groceries sitting up with her on the russians. I would always lower my eyes if you looked at them in the eyes too long, they would say youre looking at me so you must know something. Lets go and talk with the people who were taken like that from sometimes the relatives would look for them for a long time. Some came back. Others didnt loving him. Yes. Authorities and volunteers in odessa hope are on 150000 refugees. Many areas occupied by russian its difficult to leave soldiers at checkpoints. Dont let many pass and fighting makes the roads dangerous. Even so many still want to leave her son. We meet a woman whos brought hundreds of people out. Were hiding her identity. There are more military personnel now than before. It feels like there is a military checkpoint by every tree. They used to just take a quick look at our phones and get the men to undress, to look for tattoos. But now they checked their data bases for information on us and they look for deleted messages on our phones. There are more snipers to. We used to move around the city quite freely. Now we dont dare to even go into the center. Even so, volunteers at the refugees sent to register new arrivals from occupy territory nearly every day. Even those who hung on this long of you only by the intensifying fighting, im asked to see as friend sent pictures of damage to her. Oh, you see, what are you, what do you mean . Yeah. What i was like 5 months in here. So and have left their mark on her and her children. She, him to daughter reacting to a lot ban here in odessa. Man, there are tang shooting. Its not attend, there are no tanks here. No, no. The tanks were in the other place. I mean to our 19th year. Im good for now, the family is relatively safe, but honest to see is waiting for the day. She can take her children hope to catch up on some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. Sri lankan media, se former president go to buy a roger pox. I will return to the crisis stricken country later this month. Roger pox, a fled sri lanka, after tens of thousands of anti government. Protesters overran his official residents. Last month, protesters of demanded that he and his family faced an investigation for corruption. Several people have been injured in a wave of arson and bombing attacks in thailand, south authority, sally 17 attacks occurred over night, mainly inconvenient stores and gas stations. Thailand, southern provinces have been the scene of a muslim separatist insurgency for almost 2 decades. U. S. President joe biden has signed the Inflation Reduction Act and to law calling it a win for the american people. The new legislation includes an investment of 369000000000. 00 in climate policies. 64000000. 00 to reduce Health Insurance costs and a 15 percent minimum corporation. Taos for Large Company but are in u. S. Politician lose. Cheney has lost her seat as the republican congressional candidate for wyoming. 2 lawyer, harriet hagerman, who is a supporter of donald trump. Cheney has been an outspoken critic of the former president and was one of the few republicans to vote for his impeachment in her concession speech. She vowed to do whatever it takes to deny trump a 2nd term. She is also one of the 2 republicans sitting on the Committee Investigating the attack on the capitol on january 6th or in her concession speech. Chaney said she was not willing to support what she called. Donald trumps lie about the 2020 election in order to win the primary. 2 years ago i won this primary was 73 percent of the vote. I could easily have done the same again. The path was clear, but it would have required that i go along with president trumps lie about the 2020 election. It would have required that i enable his ongoing efforts to unravel our democratic system and attack the foundations of our republic. That was a path i could not and would not take ah, for more woods bringing the w. William blue croft a william. What does chinese defeat tell us about the state of us politics . Well, it definitely depends how we want to look at things, practically speaking, not a lot. Wyoming is the smallest state by population in the us, just a half 1000000 people live there, and just 870000 people voted in this primary. So were not talking about a lot of people in wyoming is a deeply, deeply republican state and went 70 per cent for donald trump in 2020. So not exactly a, you know, representative a reflective of the United States over all of course symbolically. And some symbols matter in politics. Its a big deal because liz cheney is the, by far the loudest and largest critic of donald trump. She has the biggest platform, she is a cheney, after all, the daughter of dick cheney the former Vice President who used to be really the center of the Republican Party back when he was in power along with george w bush. So the fact that shes out now really shows that shift thats taking place in the Republican Party, from a very still very hard right. Conservative party, but to something different, thats more nativist or more in Donald Trumps idea of republicanism. Now the u. S. Is approaching a key juncture in its election cycle. William tell us what role is donald trump playing as the country has towards mid term elections in of m . Well, donald trump continues to be the elephant in the proverbial chinas shop smashing things to his liking. It seems he has put his thumb on the scales in his primary seas. Remember before theres a general election between democrats and republicans. There are primary elections. But within the parties themselves choose who those candidates are going to be within the party. And donald trump has been backing people who have believed in his lies and believed in all of the conspiracy theories that he tried to peddle after he lost the 2020 election. And weve seen mixed results, though he is a very powerful force in the Republican Party. But hes by no means of nipple tint in the house. Liz cheney is one of several. Ah, republicans who will not be going back because they lost their primary challenges to trump. A supporters, a. But if you look at state elections, if you look at other areas of the electorate, the trump has a mixed record on whether his influence has really of, you know, been successful for his interests. And were gonna have to go ahead to see if his influence continues into the general election. Remember primaries because theyre within the party, theyre an intro party fight, or they tend to be more extreme. They tend to lean more towards extreme. His candidates were his general elections. A people have to come back more to the Center Center of, of this political spectrum to appeal to a broader electorate. Now, liz cheney said she intends to remain a force in us politics. What does she mean by that willing . That is, of course, a, a question of, of much speculation right now that many people are wondering whats next release cheney. She really is a, or we used to be at least a dominant forcing her party. And she still represents a certain wing of her party, certainly a traditionalist republican and conservative wing that al wants to get away from donald trump. And that remains to be seen a, for example, a 50 percent of her, of her campaign funding. She didnt even spend, she has about 7000000. 00 left in the bank that could easily go towards some kind of future Political Action committee can go to, of course, around a, of speaking engagements. She can go to other parts of the country, or maybe shes still more favorite than her home state of wyoming to support other candidates who are running. And of course, any speculation of a 2024 run. I think that we should definitely leave out for the future when things start to show up more about the 2024 election, let alone the 2022 mid terms. William, thank you very much. That was d, w as william blue cross out kenya, where the runner up in the president ial election has confirmed that he will contest the result reloading called the outcome, a travesty, and accused the chairman of the Electoral Commission of acting unilaterally and illegally and declaring bullying. Router to be kenyas expressed it in response. Rito says he will respect the rule of law in any legal challenge that follows both sides have urged the report their supporters to remain peaceful. Ah, the long wait book any as election result is over. But like every residential outcome in kenya, since 2002, this one do is disputed no view. Theres no legal under, but it is declared, winna not a president elect is that you will go to the announcement but put in 2 unknowns. A winner is another he acted with gross impunity and internal disregard of the constitution under our nose. Running the lawsons 5th bid for the top job, despite the support of his old rival and outgoing president who kinyata with people in his strong willed city of get some have mixed feelings about challenging the results. I think what i like them to right now if you go to court and ha for them to decide who should from the president of dina, my dads up our views, baileys, the president of kenya. Okay. It got to go to court and we couldnt really watch my fia ease earlier because my thought about to go to the election, which is going, hell be miss my mid like this while. Meanwhile, rudo supporters are eager for him to take off his soon in that that of the elegant political room, you can feel the doubt mafia is not in luck. I need you to continue to relax. Because yet, expecting of, if the president gamino anytime, yell mckinney, i could face weeks of uncertainty and the we fall would, may ultimately be decided in court. The oscar nominated german filmmaker will of con peterson has died at the age of 81. 00 peterson shocked to fame. With his world war 2 submarine epic, thus bought in 1982 is 1st english language film was the never ending story. In 1984, it went on to direct a string of hollywood hits, including thrillers, air force, one as well as the war. Epic troy Wolfgang Peterson built a career like few german directors ever achieved. His trademark elaborate, powerful thriller, movies. His 1981 film thus bought the boat was one of german cinemas great successes. At the time, it was germanys most expensive production yet and picked up 6 oscar nominations. Leave and i love drink stories. I love taking people by the hand, taking them to a world and keeping them there for our us psychological depth and strongly defined characters. These elements were already evident in his early works for television, like the german language crime series ta taught. After his success in theaters with thus bought and the fantasy film, the never ending story in the mid eighties, peterson moved to hollywood after an initial dry spell, one of cinemas biggest stars. Clint eastwood wanted peterson to direct him in the line of fire, packed with action, but profound was a triumph with rave reviews and a smashing success at the box office. Peterson established himself as one of the hollywood blockbuster directors. His films often carried a patriotic message in air force won. The american president single handedly saves his plane from terrorists. The biggest stars wanted to work with both gunk, peterson. The budgets for his movies soon exceeded 100000000. 00. His biggest commercial success was troy. The epic, historical film with brad pitt peterson, belonged to the small circle of directors who were granted the final word in hollywood with complete Creative Control over their own work. In 2016 for the 1st time in 30 years, he directed a movie in germany. Fig in the bank for against the bank, a crime comedy. I mean, when i went to the us, i had the feeling and so did others who said to me that you need to make a comedy film again because they think im funny that i have a sense of humour, which is true. Please. Lat long. Gang peterson, unexceptional director, a man who never forgot his roots, who lived out his dream. Above all in hollywood. Mm. And ever more now joined by david levitz from d. W culture. David, what made wolf gong petersons stand out from other filmmakers . While he was a filmmaker her by his own accounts, with obsessed his word with making movies that everyone would like, he could not stand the idea that anyone would walk out of the cinema. And its actually somebody he saw people there when he was Young Filmmaker and he snuck into his own movies. He saw people walk out and he said never again. And the way that he kept people in his seats, in their seeds, with, with his special combination really of action on the one hand and the touch of humanity. The action is very real. Its very heightened, but its always very character driven. Its, its always about people, its not super heroes, its people generally men who are placed in these extraordinary situations and have to survive. And also within action movies he had this enormous range. I mean, i, its still blows my mind that the guy who did air force, why and with Harrison Ford is the president whos building up these terrorists on a plane is the same person who also did never ending story about the power of fantasy and childhood is quite a career trajectory that were going peterson had, how did he go from making films in west germany, to working with the biggest stars in the hollywood where it really comes down again to break through. He had internationally with das bolt, which at the time was on the face of it, sort of an unlikely hit. Youve got this german world war, 2 drama from a german perspective about German Military men on this very tight koester. Phobic submarine doesnt sound like an International Hit really, but it was, and even despite the fact that a lot of west german critics at the time, so this is a movie that glorifies of war. But thats not how International Audience we saw it. They saw it as a movie about ordinary men in a horrible situation who were trying to, to stick together and to serve their country and the movie now as soon as one of the very best anti war films. Speaking world war 2, peterson was born in germany in 1941. He grew up in postwar, germany. How did that shape his career . Well, in a sense thats actually what led him to film because growing up in the years right after world war 2, he had this sense in germany that the adults that he knew he couldnt look up too because he knew that so many of them had, had supported hitler and the nazi regime. And so he worked for his role models actually in hollywood films and in movies like high noon with gary cooper in these movies where you had a good guy whos going to do the right thing, no matter what the cost. And he decided very early, i think he was 11 or 12, but he wanted to be a film director and he wanted to make those kinds of movies and eventually he did. And he made it to hollywood and made those movies with Clint Eastwood and bradford and george cleaning the very biggest leading men. Fascinating. David, david limits from d. W culture. Youre watching d. W. News up next to its made in germany, looking at the cost of our ongoing exploitation of natural resources. Im terry martin for me and all of us here at the w. Thanks for watching with with big profits at the expense of the environment and outdated business, not its disastrous effects are visible everywhere in Green Technology are seen as the solution. But can they truly help us achieve sustainability made in germany on d. W. Aspire. Big changes, meet the people making it possible. You go africa joined them as they set out to save the environment. Learn from one another, and Work Together for a better future. Maybe talk to you all for tuning it to africa. In 60 minutes on d, w. O into the unknown. To day this means flying to a foreign planet. In the 16th century, it meant being a captain and setting sail to discover a route. A race links to military interests, a race linked to political and military prestige, but also to men financial. And adventure full of hardships, dangers and death. My jillions journey around the world starting september 7th on d. W. Ah ah ah ah ah. The effects of Climate Change are already painfully a parents and while in

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