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Jews who actually want the. Asylum in germany defied iranian authorities by competing in the World Championships in their body he might have had to fight against an israeli opponent. After the interview. Now how come this preparing for another weekend of demonstrations prodemocracy activists are coming up with new and innovative ways of protesting peacefully like this the the. Over the past few days activists and citizens have converged on shopping malls to sing. From cool glory to hong kong some of the earlier protest lamond by violent clashes more than a 1000 people arrested by police the so what are hung kongs antigovernment protests demanding lets take a look not last week they achieved their primary goal of getting a controversial extradition bill rejoinder so the 1st demand has already been met next they want an investigation into Police Brutality then theyre demanding that the party stop calling the pill task riots and they demand a full amnesty for protesters who face charges finally they want hong kongs legislature to be democratically elected by the people of hong kong in the protests and the last 3 months about 150. 00 people have been charged with various offenses and their trials and you to begin soon as a much is billing the reports some of them face daunting prison sentences to shorten your hong kongs legislature has been a hot spot of the antigovernment protests daniel chan has spent a lot of time here but that could change soon daniel not his real name was arrested and charged with rioting in july he faces up to 10 years behind bars. Or halted the moment i was arrested i was very calm and i was thinking about what i needed to do in this situation but when i was told what the charges were it felt like i was entering another world. Hong kong has some of the most draconian Assembly Laws in the world some of them have rarely been applied until now but since the protests began authorities have brought the full force of these laws to bear daniel denies having been involved in any violence. Like too much of a coward to get into fighting i dont want to be beaten but i also dont want to stand there and do nothing so i went to the front line and to help those who were tear gassed and i helped them wash their eyes out with saving solution 43. 00 others were arrested the day daniel was detained or have been charged with writing the most severe offense on the books it is the most people facing such charges since hong kong was returned to china in 1997 the British Government established the laws to quell anticolonial unrest but they remained in place after the handover then a squawk a lawmaker who represents the Legal Professions in the legislature says charges are politically motivated if one is to look at these cases. Impartially i think im sure you would find that a lot of these charges are not supported by evidence and they were made up charges and done to scare people hoping that they would be deterred from going up. In a statement to d. W. The department of justice denies Political Considerations it insists prosecutors would act fairly and impartially daniel chan is not convinced. And i try not to think too much about the possibility that i might go to prison for the next decade. And like i would rather focus on what i can do to support the movement. To worry about the sentence will just demoralize me. Something on top. This trial is scheduled for the end of this month but whatever the outcome might be the Government Strategy has already had an impact since july daniel hasnt taken part in any more protests. And that report on what is the in hunan joins me from hong kong what is going to have 2nd thoughts about taking part in protests during a big could also face serious charges like the man we saw in your report. That was probably the hope of the government by pressing these charges so quickly after the arrest they will charge the next day this group of people where this young man belongs to but it has not worked as little as threats to invade with the Peoples Armed police from china have worked to terences not working in hong kong people continue going to the streets of course not everybody goes to every protest some of the protests are really for people who take bigger risks and some of the bigger protests are really family events where you can see old people young people who people with families with children but overall the mood at the nobody is scared away from protesting. And that is more on the prospects that the manuf done here chung and others like him will actually have to stand trial and if they do again to expect a fair trial there. Well the judges in hong kong are still pretty much independent and are have a high reputation whereas the prosecution is part of the government the department of justice and they can easily be instrumental allies for for these kind of deterrence tactics. These these charges of rioting they need to prove that the person who has been caught on scene had the intention to use violence that is not easy to prove if somebody is arrested without any arms or bricks in his hand so there is a chance that a part of them might not be convicted. If if if controversial extradition law was the job and the testers are focused on demands for democratic reforms for hong kong do they have any prospects of pushing those demands through against the will of i mean one china. I dont think any of the protesters think that they can achieve universal suffrage this summer but most of them basically say were going out because it might be the last chance to go out and if we stop now there will be a revenge and and hong kongs freedom will be further eroded so its rather about stopping a process that has set in 5 years ago that was really eroding the the freedoms of the city when lawmakers have been banned from the assembly from the Legislative Council and people have been kidnapped in hong kong only to appear in courts in china the demand is universal suffrage that people can elect their government themselves and not through this mechanism that gives beijing a say but i dont think there is a big hope to achieve this anytime soon and finally lettice what can we expect to see today and over the weekend in hong kong. Today starts with. A human chain people will walk up the mountains and light their torches their phone torches and form a chain of lights tomorrow and the day after tomorrow there further protests planned to have been banned by the police that is usually a sign that we might see some violence some action to dispel the protesters and the protesters themselves will also be prepared for violence so we might see further clashes this week and much is spilling her in hong kong thank you very much. With me having to do it some other stories making news around the bond the family of zimbabwes former leader Robert Mugabe has agreed to have been buried at a monument for National Heroes in harare mugabes relatives and the government had been at odds are he should be laid to rest his remains a man lying in state at the roof on a stadium in the capital. Czech state attorneys have chopped criminal investigations into Prime Minister bobbish hes accused of fraud related to tapping European Union subsidies the accusations had closed the biggest challenge to political career we had long denied any wrongdoing. The e. U. s Foreign Policy chief really has announced an additional 30000000 euro as an aid for colombia the funds are intended to help the latin american countries grapple with the influx of venezuelan migrants colombia has taken in more than 1400000 venezuelans flee economic and political conflict at home. In paris several somebody lines in regional train lines have been shut down after public transport workers walked off the job is striking of a plant Pension Reforms that would increase the. Egypt a time when the strike cord by unions is expected to be the biggest in over a decade. With desert if acacia advancing across the United Nations conference in india has been looking at how to deal with the challenge the problem is becoming more urgent with the loss of full time line which is threatening Food Supplies in many parts of the law and at a farm near danny to scale why the fields are drying up when priests sing looks at the fields in his village tears come to his eyes here and how yana they used to grow millet and make a good living from it today the land is bone dry in fact 30 percent of indias land is no longer usable why because of Climate Change and the leeching of fields by intensive agriculture. Yes the meaning madeline talked to jane years ago our soil was fertile but then there was less and less rain and we had to irrigate. Now the ground water has too Many Minerals in the soil is salty thats why farmers cant grow anything here anymore. Preet singh visits his cousin arrest his family in a rush was a farmer and had taken out a loan for seeds but the harvest never came the bank would no longer accept his dry farmland as collateral then last year in a rush committed suicide now his family doesnt know how to make ends meet. You you know it is many farmers have had to give up. Thousands of hectares of land have become infertile many families have met this pain not just now russias all the farmers in the country are suffering but nobody cares. Every year 10000000 hectares of arable land are lost worldwide this is a global problem this years un conference against desert occasion was attended by more countries than ever before indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi promised that by 2030 his country would make 26000000 hectares of land fertile again other countries want to follow suit. And experts say its high time that some countries can degrade and it is actually our food that we had to pay to disable land is the best security of the promise for many communities that dont have access. To good vision would mean poverty would mean reducing income for poor communities would mean the risks of irregular migration. Reforestation irrigation intelligent land use the Global Community wants to reverse the earths desert a fixation by 2030 but this will cost billions. Investing millions restoring degraded land preventing further degradation from ecosystems stopping the bleeding and secondly healing the wounds and now seeing wants to start a deserted for cation project in his village he wants farmers to sow an old plant species there should at least be able to get the salt out of the soil and make the fields fertile again but it will take us. And her to tell you these new missions yes one is covering the u. N. Conference and does that if occasion the mission as we heard the scale of the problem is huge what are the Key Takeaways. Well amber thought this is a conference thats trying to bring together close to 200 countries to meet some very Ambitious Goals on land degradation by the 2030 and one of the Key Takeaways thats been retreated several times in the concluding remarks is that now the focus is shifting just from deaker dushan to the Association Land restoration has and the wide impact has had association it has with the environment with Climate Change the importance to incentivize businesses to commit to Land Restoration the importance of looking at joe as a key decision expected on drought planets mean that all countries have to get together and all. So theres been an emphasis on putting people 1st on including bhiman the you would looking at Economic Policy looking at security all for people to ensure that such Land Restoration such ambitious Land Restoration can be carried out india is leading the conference for the next 2 years we saw in that in the movie the Prime Minister was also at that conference what have been the challenges there. But actually im a thought in desperate need of been a classic example of the impact of Climate Change on land there have been created of extreme drought and extreme flooding at the same time overlapping 3 units in different parts of the country there has been a continuing farming districts in the Agricultural Sector and theyve been increasing pharmacist lives across the country of the government has said that what the minister of environment was at the conference hes actually the president of c. E. O. Before again he said that that have been dissemble assessments made to the farmers which are also supposed to be you would see towards Land Restoration but in terms of what specific plans india has for Land Restoration we should be hearing more about this in what is being caused the delhi definitely asian which is the closing statement all of this Conference Also with the ambitious goal of the started 26000000. 00 hectares of land by 2030 that Prime Minister moving into the more they have set out we should be expecting to hear more about how exactly this is planned because farmers right now ostrov despite the support the government says it is offering so auden all know michelle what do you think this conference is going to achieve. Well again im worth of this is a very important and crucial goal setting conference because by 2030 the goals of that setting out for Land Restoration dont only impact only impact small farming communities close to half the population off the world is living on potentially water scottland millions i expected to migrate because of london. My creation of something that was predominantly was a in india as well thought of the conference here the emphasis has been that the impact of the results is not simply on land degradation it could be successful implementation of these policies can lead to Sustainable Development goals off the un to become more achievable so this is the kind of Impact Conference hopes to have and it will be an important step in continuing. Thank you very much for that informative interview. Its not its not just talk regions of the running dry here in germany farmers recorded a below average green harvest. That was the 3rd hottest on record industry 8 of brandenburg. A sure way to gauge the severity for drought is to the behavior of koreans. Cranes with their young a rare sight this summer here in the north east of brandenburg the birds have less offspring these days a meadow like this one is actually the ideal breeding ground for cranes says thomas local nature guide here the birds can find enough food in these low lying areas the water is usually up to one metre high this provides the koreans with enough protection against foxes and other wild animals but now everything is trying. To dig a little while before you finally reaches water. It is already serious when a whole year passes by without the group period if its only one year they will probably survive or the population will survive because koreans can live well over 10 years this is possible but if this happens more often its really serious the drought is having to manage consequences for other species besides the cranes. For example your ration bittern which has been breeding here annually for 15 years there are several pairs in the neighborhood which did not even made this year because it was so dry. And you can see dead shells everywhere that used to house Small Creatures like water snails and forms they have no chance of survival now either due to the lack of water the biologist expects 500 fewer young koreans this year than in years past normally about a quarter of the 10000. 00 or so pairs of koreans living in germany nest here in brandenburg. If this happens a few years in a row they might migrate the question is where i dont know what it looks like further north or further east in poland i heard that there has been a big drought this summer there too. If the drought establishes itself as a normal weather pattern then annual spectacles like these might become a thing of the past and not the story of a former iranian shooter would champion who says he fears for his safety and that if its family after he ignored orders to pull out of last month and ships it on in a parties that confirm that. He might face an israeli opponent in the final israel is considered an enemy by the iranian leadership. Is now here in germany considering whether he should seek asylum he spoke to him at an undisclosed location about his athletic and political fight. Saeed mulai arrived at the 29th. Championships in tokyo with nothing but glory on his mind but after he reached the semifinals in his White Division things turned sour. Mulai claims his coach then received 2 calls from iranian or thirtys instructing him to withdraw his fighter from the tournament to avoid meeting an israeli judoka in the final. However he did contest the semifinal and he says purposefully last showing disappointment at the time was now at a secret location in germany he told the w what happened that day that youve seen my site i mean the best of all my career i beat the olympic champion and the bronze medalist i beat many of the best but then came the semifinal in order to comply with the laws of my country i lost the fight and the much for bronze to add to what it will. Mulai says his family was being threatened now hes being kept in a safe location but fears for his and his familys future should reach out as new life ive begun could have consequences for me not just could he definitely will 100 percent i cant return to iran and. Its uncertain whether im alive he will be able to stay in germany or compete at becoming a lympics from now sport is not his priority. Joining me now is lima who talk you from sports to talk more about this story. So we heard the story. And the problems that hes facing used to be seeking refuge or even asylum in all of this a month court that iran was softening its hardline stance. I guess it sounded all too good to be true but they were some positive developments back in may the International Judo federation had talks met up with iranian officials and they talked about respecting you know pick charter and hoping for less state interference but as as this i eat more law a case of course shows us that that was perhaps nothing more than Just Lip Service and look the truth is that the International Judo federation they are aware that iranian athletes are always pressure to lose whether that means using whether that means pretending like theyre injured. Throwing a game anything that they have to do in order not to face and use for any sort of opposition and of course that goes back to the Political Tension between iran and east right iran does not recognize the state of israel and therefore for bits its athletes to play against any sort of israeli opponent. Says that his family back in iran is free seeing pressure what kind of pressure are they facing so we know from past athletes that theres often a lot of intimidation tactics there is a harris meant there is a lot of pressure being put on Family Members its very similar to what often a political activist dissidents in the country go through so we know for example about one popular tactic that the that the government will use theyll take a Family Member to basically denounce the athlete on state television of course that is also to send out a signal and in a worst Case Scenario they will use torture against Family Members but of course that hasnt been the case so far in more like east case they give a kid explain the drug. A side trip obliged to lose this match intentionally into a queue against an israeli opponent now of course so we know that as we heard in the report that. The iranian authorities had put pressure on him and it turns out that these authorities ukrainian authorities where one of them was the deputy sports minister of the country and the other one was the president of the Iranian Olympic Committee that they had also told him to withdraw to not try and it turns out that they had told him that the iranian security. Service says were at his parents house putting pressure on his dad so of course when youre in that sort of situation you dont care youre going to do anything to protect your family so is it getting any support for his position from the outside sports world yeah the International Judo federation for example they have thrown their complete support behind him theyve even said that will help him to do anything in order to make it to the summer olympics next year so you know he might even though they might prompt they will probably help him compete under the refugee flag or some sort of neutral flag we dont know but he might still get a happy ending so well just have to wait and see if we hope for the best for him i mean. Supposed to thank you. And you can find out more about the form when judah was a champion and his stand over there don on the dot com. Now fighting the heat and humidity at the Olympic Games in tokyo could be a big challenge with sweltering temperatures expected but found a creative way to beat the heat this. Designed to keep spectators if successful. And temperatures expected to exceed 30 degrees. Months of july and. Even. The high humidity. Now from snow to fire in china the ritual known as. The before was walking through fire look easy as you can see. Of walking you have a look across adjective in the fire. Off evil spirits the fire walking a spot of the mid autumn festival that takes place in china and other countries in the east and Southeast Asia the days believed to have the fullest. And is celebrated with fireworks displays as well as lanterns and. Heres a story that. Another weekend of. A defined. Because. The. Clintons. And. The w. C. Talk show host strong opinions clear positions for International Perspectives beijing is taking a tough stance on her own democracy protests in home calling its economic influence is growing dramatically and its boosting its military offensive taste and so is china striving for global super missing find out more to the point shortly. To the point next on. In good shape takes a lighter weight for us in forests and fields and bad dangerous. And down more than 900 different species of ticks some of them up always news and others are transmitting these optimised kingdoms takes other most dangerous victor conte diseases everything you ever wanted to know about teams. In 60 minutes on d w. You know that 77 percent. Are younger than 6. Thats me and me and you. Killed a lot of time. On the 77 percent talk about the issues. From politics to flash from. The top this is where they are. Welcome to the 77 percent. This weekend d. W. Hong kong is the new bill in the new cold war says prodemocracy activist joshua one speaking here in the german capital he told the w. T. V. That the people of germany must stand with the people of Hong Kong Beijing though immediately let it be known that there will be consequences and many are asking how much of a threat is china to western democratic source while on her recent trip to china german chancellor Angela Merkel called for a peaceful end to the hong kong crisis saying anything else would be quote a catastrophe

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