On t. W. This is deja vu news live from berlin the end of an era of the u. S. And russia abandoned a key cold war treaty on Nuclear Weapons and nato sounds a note of caution. We will merely abandon the brush over us and we dont control the new parsers. Each side pointing fingers at the other for ending the Medium Range Missile agreement but both are calling for restraint also on the Program Freedom to travel at lax new laws allow saudi women to go wrong without the consent of a husband or male relative the move is a game changer that takes effect at the end of the month. Im called aspen welcome to the program the west does not want a new global arms race at least according to nato Secretary General danced Stoltenberg He was responding to the collapse of a landmark Nuclear Weapons treaty dating back to the cold war era the ending of the intermediate range Nuclear Forces agreement or i. N. F. Removes limits on the arsenals of both the u. S. And russia stoltenberg blames russia for the us withdrawal from the treaty saying that moscow failed to comply after it develops a new cruise missile. It was a tweak that announced the end of over 30 years of mutual Nuclear Restraint u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei o squarely put the blame on russia when he declared the treaty ends today President Trump had withdrawn from the agreement 6 months ago after russia deployed a new Missile System that contravenes the ins terms according to washington and nato. Put russia is adamant that the us is responsible for the treaties unraveling. Which we have discussed the subject in detail many times from the very beginning we were saying that this is exclusively a Us Initiative America Brendas 1st to shatter this agreement and then terminate participation and at. The gushing with him this week im going to moscow has proposed a moratorium on deploying Nuclear Capable missiles and nato is also keen to avoid europe becoming a Staging Ground for a Nuclear Buildup would be funny we will not mirror what russia does we dont want a new officers and we have no intention to deploy a new land based you for the sides in europe. Nato continues to aspire for a construct a relationship with russia when russia actions make stuff possible pompei used tweet to mark the end of a historic agreement struck between the us and the soviet Union President s Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan signed the treaty in 1987 a change of course have to take case of Cold War Nuclear tension. The root of the tension was this the soviet s s 20 missile a Nuclear Warhead that could strike Western Europe at short notice. The u. S. Deployed its own mid range missiles in europe leading to protests across the west. The i. N. F. Treaty resulted from widespread popular demand for deescalation when the cold war ended so did the fear of Nuclear Armageddon but with the end of the ins the specter of Nuclear Confrontation looms again. Earlier we spoke to chief Political Editor and we asked her if the demise of the i. N. F. Treaty means europe is now on the brink of a new Nuclear Arms Race well nato says no farm and city said that that is not going to happen but what certainly has happened through the end of the i. N. F. Treaty is that the gloves are off in developing the kind of technology that would still live potentially deliver Nuclear Warheads between the range of 5025500 kilometers and that prospectively could make europe in those scenarios that all sides always keep working out a battlefield even a Nuclear Battlefield in the future and thats why europe is so alarmed about this. President donald trump and the European Union have signed a deal to boost u. S. Beef exports to europe trade tensions have risen between the e. U. And the u. S. During trumps 1st years in office but both sides have called this deal a Step Forward Trump has made shaking up mobile trade a central pillar of his presidency talks on a Transatlantic Trade Deal and launching a trade war with china on thursday he threatened to impose a new 10 percent tariff on 300000000000. 00 of chinese imports and Global Markets took a dip in response Trump Defends his combative Trade Tactics as part of his America 1st Policy Trump said the deal was the result of a breakthrough in talks with the e. U. Today were signing a Breakthrough Agreement that will make it easier to export american beef into the European Union weve been under negotiation quite a while. The farmers we didnt think were being treated fair but the European Union stepped up and we appreciated it we have great representatives here with us today. Well have more on that story in the Business News with Stephen Beardsley coming up right after this program lets take a look though at some of the other stories making news Around The World protesters in hong kong have kicked off another weekend of Planet Demonstrations despite condemnation from the Chinese Government the prodemocracy protests began 2 months ago in response to a proposed law that would allow hong kong to extradite suspects to Mainland China for trial. All costs are vive are gathered at the Auschwitz Birkenau death camps to honor the 4000 ethnic sinti and roma People Killed in a massacre there 75 years ago u. S. Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson who attended the ceremony called the Nazi Genocide of half a 1000000 since he and roma the forgotten all accost. Suspected al qaeda militants have raided a Military Camp in the southern yemeni province of witnesses say the assailants killed at least 20 soldiers and battled Yemeni Security forces for several hours the militants were eventually expelled from the camp after reinforcements arrived at by the united arab emirates. Well saudi arabia has announced new travel rules that allow women to travel abroad without approval from a male guardian women over the age of 21. 00 will now be able to apply for a Passport Starting at the end of this month the reforms are a shift away from the countrys restrictive Guardianship System saudi arabia considers women to be on the same level as children and gives men almost complete control of their lives there have been several recent Type Profile Attempts by saudi women to escape their guardians. Well for more on this im joined by shes the director of the live next center for modern oriental studies right here in berlin thank you for joining us before we get into the lifting of these travel restrictions tell us a bit more about this socalled guardian ship system and that was what was preventing women really from traveling in the 1st place right yes there are a number of regulations actually which made women dependent on their male guardians for it could be their fathers or their husbands basically or their elder brothers if there was no father or husband and these rules are currently being used so to speak so what exactly did the system mean and what does it even mean a male guardian well the system meant basically that women were considered to be legal mine is in many many issues they werent allowed to register their children which they also now allowed to do they werent allowed to be considered may prevail Household Heads which theyre now allowed to do they werent allowed to apply for passports which theyre now allowed to do and to travel they also couldnt study they couldnt work with. Their male guardians and these rules are now being massively relaxed the saudi ambassador to the United States called this Move History In The Making is that saudi arabia really on the path to reform here well definitely there has been social reform this has been going on since a long time it started. Very very slowly and carefully under the late King Abdullah but it has considerably accelerated and the man and his son these are social reforms they change the status of women they allow for more entertainment etc etc they do not mean political reforms that should really be differentiated theres also economic reform going on so there are reforms on a number of levels but not on all levels about the saudis themselves are they reacting to this i havent been able to have a broad view there certainly many very positive very happy comments on this there are also some critical remarks which i have seen which comment that those who originally asked for the reforms are actually either still in jail or under try and theyre going to trial and there are also those who remind us that female rights are not everything in the kingdom that there are also people without nationality that there are all sorts of other also social issues which need to be dealt with certainly in the work forward. Of the center for modern oriental studies in berlin and very much. In russia moscows prosecutor has a warning for protesters of there to participate in saturdays unauthorized rally expects another crackdown the warning follows violence between police and demonstrators last weekend when more than a 1000 people were arrested the protesters are angry that authorities have excluded independent candidates from the Moscow City Elections On September 8th and they want them to be allowed to run. Spoke to one of the protesters who was detained last week. These were images that shocked russia during protests for free and fair Moscow City Parliament elections nearly 1400 demonstrators were detained a number monitors called unprecedented. Eatin was one of them this photo has made him a symbol of the protests. Wristed me i was trying not to get hurt so i tried not to fall over because they were trying to knock me down onto the pavement i also didnt want to let them twist my arm they were trying to do that when they were taking me to the police van. Moscow officials have since called the Police Response at the unauthorized rally professional and reasonable monitors say the behavior of the author already is in the upcoming protests is hard to predict. Already practitioners are often wrong we expect a crackdown and then it doesnt happen we expect the police to night calmly and then that crackdown on protesters. Hasnt decided yet whether hell take to the streets he already expects to receive a fine for disturbing public order at the last rally and is weighing up the risks of potentially being arrested again. When it comes to the demonstrators it doesnt look like they will come down so easily and even if there is a crackdown at the protests there will be a protest vote in september people will vote for anyone but the candidates connected to the ruling party. This week several protesters have received criminal charges but despite the recent Crackdown Thousands have announced their attendance for this weeks rally on social media and the opposition is already pushing for yet another rally the week after that. Ok to the u. K. Now and fears that a dam in Northern Ireland is about to collapse thousands of people have been evacuated from a town below the dam as attempts are made to reinforce the wall which has been damaged by heavy rain. Workers are doing Everything Possible to prevent this dam from besting since dawn a military helicopter has been dropping sacks of gravel water has to open the Concrete Struction at the same time firefighters are trying to pump out water the reservoir contains about 1200000 tons of water and residents of northern englands Peak District fear the area will be flooded the Environment Agency has issued a severe Flood Warning because we dont know the state of the the dom and if there was a catastrophic failure of the volume of Water Running through a turn like we live ridge would have a devastating impact days of heavy rainfall caused water levels to rise and seriously eroded the dam which lies south east of manchester. More than a 1000 residents of Whaley Bridge with temporarily evacuated from their hinds many spent the night in Emergency Shelters and no one knows if and when theyll be allowed to return hine risky kearney really if she were a person could dump. Her own crew were all getting work i think people are horrified whats popular your source of a shock you know because if youre in the desert peoples lives where they live Authorities Say the water level has already fallen by 2 meters but it will take more time to stabilize the dam the situation is still dangerous they say which is why the area has largely been cordoned off. Are it changing gears now in scotland things are looking up for wild cats with these little guys oh boy theyre cute will grow up to be Highland Hunters Scottish Wildcats once they get to the highlands are essentially extinct that means captive bred kittens like these ones all the populations only chance of survival conservationists of right about 100 that they hope super lease back in to the one

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