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On t. W. This is d w news live from thousands of civilians fleeing renewed fighting in syria as it lip service a scores of people have been killed in a surge of violence as Government Forces target rebel held town in villages despite a cease fire. Also on the program because opposition says it will win the controversial rerun of istanbuls merril election for president otoh one says he strengthening democracy after successfully overturning the original results. Teaching morality to eight machine. People. This is a bad thing. Yes why not meet a group of german scientists trying to teach Artificial Intelligence systems rights from wrong. Welcome to the program. Syrian Government Forces have intensified their shelling of rebel held town of the villages in italy province the air is supposed to be demilitarized following the truce struck in september which when militias and russia backed Syrian Forces but reports say fresh shelling has destroyed schools and medical clinics and killed scores of civilians United Nations as One Hundred Fifty Thousand civilians are trying to escape the fighting. This woman was hoping to be treated in the clinic and kafr novel then bombs began to fall Emergency Workers carry patients from the rubble this is just one of three hospitals in a claim that activists say has been completely destroyed by fighter jets. Like. The syrian and Russian Air Forces have been constantly attacking targets they still circling over us including helicopters with barrel bombs. This wave of attacks in Southern India has been going on for a week in spite of the Cease Fire Agreement Activists say nearly eighty civilians have already been killed nine schools have also been hit according to the syrian army they are targeting the positions of militias close to al qaeda with the military says control the province. One hundred fifty thousand people have fled their homes since the start of the violence many are from other parts of syria. We have been praying for six months first The House Next Door to where we lived was bombed then we moved here now this house is also being destroyed. By the refugees and the no mans land at the Turkish Border hope its safe to stay here but they have no roof over their Heads Electricity or food the United Nations is warning of a looming catastrophe. Kristen how bad is a journalist and author who has lived in syria and still has contacts that welcome kristen what are you hearing from it and actually what ive been hearing is. The stories of activists will still try to make some civil projects there for example theres even a director who started his the a to play about Political Prisoners who are telling us you know about continue telling about the emirates we have a woman who was saying that for several days they havent left their houses because theyre afraid of being hit we have obviously the medical accounts of doctors in the place or of the unit union of medical care and Relief Organizations with them was talking about the continued attacks on hospitals they are talking about twelve hospitals you end themselves are talking about seven hospitals so this is a tragedy that we have known from other places before of the assad regime and the Russian Air Force because they are trying to really hit the civilian infrastructure before they try to take control over these opposition held areas this is what happened before in syria but what about the cease fire from from september actually the ceasefire this from frustration about the cease fire about the took a short because the ceasefire was supposed to bring about a Demilitarized Zone which means that the nationalists and islamist factions that are controlled by turkey would withdraw their heaven weaponry and that the Jihadist Factions would be you know getting out of being fought completely which didnt happen because to the contrary. The jihadist fact this alliance of Jihadist Factions has taken control over the region in the beginning of this year so ever since then everybody was waiting for turkey to play some major role that which didnt happen they met iran russia and turkey met in the end of april this was the last meeting they didnt agree on anything concerning it tips or in the end it seems that the assad regime and russia decided to finally start this assault on the last province that is under rebel control because if this is what the assad regime has been saying about very very very they are targeting jihad this targeting al qaeda theyre not target in civilians they have been saying this for several. Years the reality is that the provinces militarily controlled by jihadists the aims of the air raids are not the headquarters of the jihadist these civilian infrastructure centers as we just just seems to marketplaces hospitals which is part of the whole strategy to make life impossible in these areas and to get rid of the population because these are people who are against the assad regime some how many people of them half of the population of the past been displaced before so they come from all over the country all over syria and they stood up against the regime they decided even before that they wouldnt like to stay for example to damascus or in the south when syria the Syrian Regime took over these regions during the last few years so theyve already decided once to go to live to stay somehow in areas that are not controlled by the regime out of fear of personal persecution so these people the assad regime really dont doesnt want them in all controlled territories syrias the dropped out of the headlines for the last few months and you seem to be saying that this fighting has been going on all the time the while the worlds attention has been else where not to this extent there was some kind of truth it was holding you know but everybody was just waiting there was no solution this is not a solution for it what we seem to see is that the regime is really decided on at least to gain back control over certain routes that are very crucial for the commercial. Commercial routes present to routes that go through the area through the province for example who connect aleppo a major City Inside Syria to the coast for example its the m four the m five highways that lead through its lips so the regime is very much interested in controlling these areas so this is maybe some part of the deal you know between russia and turkey now going on you know turkey being able to regain some control of kurdish areas. Is the city close to a free in a free and has been taken over by turkey last year took it really wants to get this last point and russia could say go ahead mr i dont want you take it and we will take inside it live whatever we consider crucial to the regimes power they will thank you so much for explaining that. Thank you. Phil take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world proGovernment Forces in libya after forces you have clashed with forces supporting the rebel general. On the southern edges of the capital tripoli but these pictures were posted on the Facebook Page of have to ourselves Libyan National army and hes been trying to convey hes been trying to take the city since the beginning of april. May and has freed two journalists jailed after every force on the countrys treatment of its mostly minority wow alone and qualls soul who were arrested in december twenty seventh day in and convicted of violating the Official Secrets Act it was sentenced to seven years in jail they were given their freedom under a president ial amnesty after a Global Campaign for their release. Prosecutors aboard a german comic a portion to pay a five hundred thirty five million euro fine for lucian its its luxury High Performance vehicles horses Parent Company and v. W. Subsidiary audi had to pay similar fines for their roles in v. W. Emissions cheating scandal. The British Government has admitted that it is legally bound to hold elections for the European Parliament in just over two weeks the Finance Minister said the obligation was challenging if the country is due to leave the bloc the Prime Minister continues to hold cross party talks the final deal monday night says time is too short to secure a deal before the elections. Turkeys Opposition Party say they will run in istanbuls new merrill election after officials know the original results. President bush had time to bounce a cape not only lost the vote in the countrys economic hub back in march president early on then claimed the humiliating defeat was the result of vote rigging this time polls ousted man has promised to be the ruling party when this if he returns to the polls. This is the man who inflicted a shock defeat on president added one by winning the race to become man of istanbul. Victory now snatched away by the decision to rerun the votes. Today the ousted matt came out fighting. Democracy but this is a big blow to our democracy. We have to repair this together. Of course were very concerned. And we say this to the people of istanbul. Everything is going to be all right. On the streets anger at the decision to overturn the original vote. This is a preplanned game and the Election Authority is a part of it what else can i say and this decision doesnt represent voters it clearly has been made ignoring the peoples will. Can they didnt know this came from somebody who doesnt want to lose his power so its no surprise the vote should not have been cancelled. And this is the man theyre angry with president unrepentant in parliament cut out of high hopes the decision will be good for instant poll as well as our country. Says you know dont use numbers that are it became clear that certain people with dirty hands had become involved starting before the elections and they brought the situation to this Point Step By step. We sincerely believe that they were organized corruption for illegality and irregularity in the Estimable May oral election look no new. The turkish lira fell sharply on news of the new election and the result has unsettled investors and raised fresh doubts about democracy in turkey the rerun on june twenty third will be closely watched. Doubly correspondent yulia harmonies in istanbul and told us why the city is so important to president. Istanbul is turkeys financial and cultural hot it makes up about one third of the countrys economy president add ons very own political career kicked off here when he became mayor of istanbul in the one Nine Hundred Ninety s. For him and his inner circle this city means Power Prestige and wealth and this is why hes so determined to hold on to it. Youre reporting now whatever use the internet or social media aspects of our identity are often stored online Artificial Intelligence can exploit that dates are in various ways some of which are morally questionable so scientists Start University here in germany trying to Teach Systems A moral code should people know this is a bad thing to do. Yes why not the moral choice machine analyzes masses of texts written by humans and determines which combinations of words appear together most often its answers based on that analysis. Make a distinction kill time or kill people that means that the machine has acquired a kind of context within a sentence its a small step but it shows that it could possibly be taken further but we can go further this. Vital for life. But the question is how far is it possible to go so far that machines have a Human Moral Compass and can make decisions independently based on that this. Is a sociologist at the go to university in frankfurt he doubts that machines will ever be able to be fair. On the force that we have to abandon the notion that Artificial Intelligence or algorithms create inequality and justice aside its always the people behind it who are allowed to be that way. But applied correctly these technologies can offer opportunities for the future and could even help to fight prejudices for instance by ensuring that when women in my new social networking they arent shown different job listings based on gender by making sure that the Job Application Process is not amiss as possible things like that could be applied sensibly. The moral choice machine in darmstadt also shows that if people wanted to the machine can be used for good and it shows that its going to take some time before Artificial Intelligence functions perfectly. This is debatable maybe you want to ask also someone else. Am i going to ask about toast see if you get a positive answer. Should i put toast into the toast. Now this is not good. Enough we have to make some improvements there. Isidor i dont really see a competition but rather a partnership with which we can tackle a lot of the major social issues on income. Correctly programmed Artificial Intelligence can incorporate human values and thats important so that in the

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