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Some say that was born into this world along. Or not. A mistake and we come into this world were in it together. Each of us can leave a mark. Or we can make a real difference ats what you represent all of our. Maps why we vote. This is. Coming up on the free at last. In prison. Why did. The strain and stress. To the. South. Korean. Welcome. Its good to have you with us to reuters journalists who have been jailed for their reporting of the crisis and have been freed from prison they had been convicted of violating the Official Secrets Act and sentenced to seven Years Imprisonment they were arrested in december twenty seventh then mastication of a massacre of ten men by the army received numerous awards including the pulitzer prize. And who have now been given their freedom under a president ial amnesty. For their release this is the moment they walk free of the prison. For more than five hundred days in the middle of that. Had this to say. Thank you. Im really happy and excited to see my family and my colleagues and i cant wait to my use right now that i dont know. But before the trip to the newsroom the two journalists had an emotional reunion with their wives and young daughters the wives of known and. Have been tireless campaigners for their release they attended the reporters find the peak of the Supreme Court off of that for the text of last month they wrote a letter to the government pleading for a pardon on compassionate grounds. Well known address those case became a Rallying Point For Press Freedom In Myanmar Freedoms that activists say under threat in the country agenda to deport from Human Rights Watch said the decline in Press Freedom under the new government had been particularly striking the new government here refers to the Government Led by Me And Mas De Facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi the Nobel Laureates government has no shortage of roles to use against journalists the Committee To Protect Journalists has compiled a list of what youve called me and was anti press laws theres a twelve laws listed including the Official Secrets Act under which one known and when prisons for more im joined by daniel from Reporters Without Borders in paris the asia pacific desk of the organization daniel good to have you with us if i can just also at the outset what does the release of wallowing and jews who mean full Press Freedom in myanmar. Well it is a great victory for Press Freedom in myanmar of course we have been demanding the release of one of its also for almost a year now how because there is actually no legal ground on which they would have been arrested and convicted. So of course this is a victory because one of the just so we are now able to walk freely and to work tonight meet with their family again but. The new movie three seasons going off and big us because they are released on a pardon so that civilian authorities can make a show of clemency but are there conviction is still has been upheld by the high court and the Supreme Court which creates a very. Dreadful legal precedent for all investigative journalist across myanmar not speaking of precedent not Rights Groups have said in the past that this government with aung san suu two years a de facto leader has been cracking down on Freedom Of Expression and Freedom Of The Press do you think that is likely to get worse as we go along. Its quite hard to say. When we look at the World Press Freedom index that we we publish every year i could borders were borders and you can see that between Two Thousand And Thirteen and Two Thousand And Seventeen myanmar went up twenty positions in the index and then after Two Thousand And Sixteen Two Thousand And Seventeen when came into power. Myanmar opposition dropped down six places Two Thousand Eight Hundred and over the place these here so you see that the democratic transition in yemen is really a crossroads and Press Freedom is really what what we. Indicate where myanmar is heading towards going back to a minutes free authoritarian regime are continuing the transition to democracy very briefly done if you can do you see based on your experience so far that the government is a tall committed to upholding Press Freedoms as they move ahead. Very honestly i doubt it i hope it is but from what journalists on the ground in myanmar from what myanmar is john is tell me. The levy the one only just a. Case as had a very Chilling Effect and selfcensorship now is a rule for many journalists to. Keep their mouth shut dont get into trouble appears to be the way were going into the future daniel postops from Reporters Without Borders speaking to us from paris thank you so much. It was cold at the worlds most complicated election and now it appears it may have also been one of the deadliest indonesians went to the polls three weeks specter elected president and local and regional representatives the elections were spread across the country with seventeen Thousand Islands and three time zones but for some election booka has the stress of being part of such a big exercise was too much. Put the town of theatre in west java indonesias election with an occasion to morning. They lost one of their own election worker on tests so to snow. He earned around Thirty Three Euros for helping to stage indonesias mammoth election last month and worked himself to exhaustion his wife says it triggered a stroke and he died three days later. No doubt but over and honestly my husband didnt complain about anything but you can get through it and he was healthy he was happy and he lost track of time. But he had passed the day before the election he stayed overnight at the polling station. All the way through until two pm on election day and. This years election was dubbed the worlds biggest single day vote president ial parliamentary regional and local elections combined an effort to reduce costs workers manned more than Eight Hundred Thousand Polling Stations with five ballots for each voter that equates to millions of Ballot Sheets all counted by hand. But daddy is with us and we started working at six am young to do at seven the polling station opened there is a better deal then at one pm it was all finished because it took at that after wed prayed we continue the counting yes up we had to look for the names of the candidates one by one they had off and also which party. This one generally finding all the names was actually the most strenuous task on the menu that we own so what they got to sit there was a lot more laughter and. Some of that i go to cuba a task that pushed many workers over the edge more than two thousand have been hospitalized mostly due to overwork. And more than Three Hundred have died. The Election Workers were under severe physical and psychological stress they were working in difficult conditions some outdoors in the wind and rain this happened due to fatigue physical and psychological. That. The election commission says it plans to compensate families of the deceased workers nobody around one years pay at minimum wage. If youve ever wanted to visit the korean Demilitarized Zone you can do that again now has reopened the Joint Security Area in the Border Village of off to the six month hiatus officially taken to facilitate joint efforts by searle and to demilitarize the border so what does a visit to the d. M. Z. Said look like now. If you were among the tourists who went to support the pomp and circumstance during this public two of the into korean true spillage youd have been disappointed will say if you go hiking to catch a glimpse of the iconic face off between north and south korean soldiers theyre still here but theres a notable difference they no longer amit. What youll feel here in panama is is a different vibe what once was a vibe of tension is now a vibe of peace weve taken away the land mines weve ensured that this site has been do you mind weve taken the weapons out of the towers our guards no longer Carry Weapons and i think that what youll see here is a place that can foster Trust Building and confidence that hopefully can see but theres a notable difference there no longer amit. What youll feel here in panama is is a different vibe what once was a viable tension is now a viable peace weve taken away the land mines weve ensured that the site has been do you mind weve taken the weapons out of the towers our guards no longer Carry Weapons and i think that what youll see here is a place that can foster Trust Building and confidence that hopefully can spread across the korean peninsula. So the weapons are missing from this familiar takes them but the signature Dark Sunglasses remain. Visit is keen to capture the moment on camera a priceless memory in a symbolic location. This is the place thats always visualized that decades old conflict between the communist state and its southern neighbor. And its like kim jong un and mangy in this historic summit last year one Handshake Setting off a whirlwind of diplomacy and fueling hopes for Real Progress on the korean peninsula. Tourists and those station permanently at the d. M. Z. It say that progress can be felt. Before coming here i was quite nervous but being here i realise its actually more peaceful here i can resonate with the workpiece for. Peace however is yet to be achieved diplomatic exchanges between seoul and have significantly cooled in recent months. But through the eyes of tourists at least the into Korean Border is far more relaxed than it was before. Theyre going to cause a fire and that story on our website Dot Com Forward Slash Asia be sure to check out our Facebook Page as well. Thats it for today we need your dollar with the torch was just this you. Walked free. After more than five hundred days in june this year and start. What secrets lie behind these memos. Find out in an immersive experience and explore a fascinating Cultural Heritage sites. W. World heritage three sixty fifth the. Day i want to represent you so what do you want from the joint on the phone from twenty four im doing chevelle as we put your questions Team Politicians from around to your opinion and across the political spectrum in our special debate will be hearing from young europeans voting for the first time in the new elections in may voicing their biggest concerns based on a set i mean please answer to you. And conference twenty four

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