Transcripts For DW DW News 20190330 16:00:00 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For DW DW News 20190330 16:00:00

the science of i.r.s. starts april eleventh on d. w. . this is deja vu news live from berlin fears of a cholera epidemic in mozambique hundreds of people contract the contagious disease following a devastating sight phone with vast numbers of displaced people at risk relief workers are warning of a second disaster also coming up. thousands of palestinians mark the anniversary of the weekly gaza protest the event has turned deadly with two palestinians killed and more than one hundred injured in clashes with israeli forces. and the boxer dealt a legal blow female reporter takes action against heavyweight who brought to live after he forcibly kisses her during
a post match interview. next peiser welcome to the program. in mozambique the number of cholera cases has risen dramatically from five to nearly three hundred just two days the world health organization is warning of a second disaster if cholera spreads among survivors of the deadly that hit two weeks ago the water borne disease causes acute and can kill within days treated hundreds of thousands of people lost their homes in the cycle that hit mozambique and zimbabwe one of the worst affected areas is the city on the indian ocean. and many settlements such as here in the flooding hasn't completely receded and many people are waiting for help. there is no even though i live here.
every extra day in the mud increases the risk of severe diarrhea or even of cholera outbreaks in rural districts the situation is even worse large areas of land are still under water we visit a small clinic in the village of one go or what the storm left of it there is only one doctor who treats one hundred fifty patients a day testing them for malaria another looming danger he would be powerless against a cholera outbreak. yes the numbers are increasing we can't do much we hand out chlorine tablets to disinfect the drinking water and we tell people to wash for it before eating it and especially to wash their hands if. anyone with diarrhea is being treated as though they had cholera the world health organization plans to provide nine hundred thousand vaccine doses next week but fear of cholera is not the only concern many locals have lost everything their
houses and huts were destroyed as was their harvest. even though it's been more than two weeks people are still suffering the after effects of the cycle. there has been no color epidemic nevertheless it will be months before things are back to normal. joining us now on the phone from the show is robert holden he's the incident manager for the emergency response to psych loan with the world health organization robert thanks for joining us tell us the number of cases of cholera among cyclon survivors has jumped into the hundreds now how much more do we have to fear. our good afternoon and i think we need to be cautious with the figures we certain have come for color of the ministry of health confirmed that on wednesday or we're seeing as you said an increase in the number of cases of people treat diarrhea. you know cheering to be expected that that's not uncommon and in
the event margaret we're trying to move quickly to ensure that one we understand the scale of the problem not just in my book beyond there but all sorts of stand up a significant distance so that one we can try and minimize the spread of it your goal to dock diarrhea or cholera but those that do become sake that we can get the treatment services to where it's needed rocket like this is a major public health threat to those people that lost everything that you're setting the standard you're in this is one of those most significant threats we say is wrong. and just looking to the weeks and months ahead psych loney to destroy big parts of mozambique's water and santa fe sanitation infrastructure as we know what can be done to improve safe access to water is next for nickel. well it is indeed absolutely one of the most critical components in terms of ensuring that people don't become sick. and as you say the this scale of devastation is significant
so you know it's going to take some time a lot is happening here in our service apportions cordon from our malls and being i think it's fair to say that you know the mozambique authorities are more than big government. and of state opening practically spawns equate to a call for international system is funny and it's good to see that the international community has responded quickly and riposte course as as your. as your reporter indicated on the introduction we're still not able to get to some areas now on a daily basis the water is receding so every day we can get through to places that were previously inaccessible but we don't underestimate the scale of the cost for the first. those that have lost everything you know there we minimized the fresh return the suffering that we now and europe but it's a monumental task that we have we have ahead of us ok robert holden of the world
health organization thank you for that tens of thousands of palestinians are demonstrating to mark one year since the start of the weekly gaza protests there held to demand the right to return to israel and an end to israel's blockade of the gaza strip but today's event billed as the million man march has turned deadly two palestinians have been killed in clashes with israeli forces the palestinian red crescent says more than one hundred people have been injured there's also been violence in the city of ramallah in the west bank. our correspondent tenure came a is in jerusalem she gave us this update on the casualties from today's clashes. yes that's right one young man succumbed acces injuries he sustained last night in protest on friday night he died early this morning and another seventeen year old teenager was hit during the afternoon directly in the states it's unclear whether it was by sniper fire or by teargas canister and died from his injuries. also
the machine red crescent has said that over one hundred people where injured most of them however nightly which is what you've seen over the past yeah demonstrations of this scale it's farther. lower number than what you seen now where there have been reports said it out in some kind of unofficial and understanding procrit by an egyptian delegation has been shuttling between gaza and israel over the past week between hamas and israel and to calm down the situation the organizers of these protests have asked protesters to stay away from the sense that the israeli army has put out a statement said there had been some young protesters approaching defense as throwing some stones and some devices but most of the protesters have actually said further away from the fence and out of some of the other stories making news around
the world. british lawmakers yesterday dealt prime minister theresa may another big blow on the day britain was supposed to leave the european union the british parliament rejected the withdrawal deal she's been negotiating with brussels for the third time britain could now crash out of the e.u. without a deal on april twelfth. voters in slovakia are selecting a new head of state in the second round of the country's presidential election runoff it's environmental activist susanna against european commission vice president. up until about one forty percent in the first round she could become the first woman in a largely ceremonial post. and the rolling stones are postponing a tour of north america while singer mick jagger receives medical treatment the seventy five year old tweeted regrets to fans and said he would be back on stage as soon as he could a spokesperson did not elaborate on the serious condition. pope francis has
arrived in the moroccan capital for a visit and at furthering dialogue between religions francis was invited to morocco by king mohammad during the two day trip the pontiff will meet muslim leaders and lead a mass for the country's minority catholic community interfaith dialogue is a priority for francis. joining me now in the studio for a discussion on this is our religious affairs correspondent martin jack this is the second visit by this pope in as many months two months to a muslim country he was in the united arab emirates before all for interfaith dialogue any possible report card at present well in the sense i think that it's really just the bow and the vatican more generally trying to arrange for stadia that islam is an integral part of. so world view off the got the lake church as well it's an important player geopolitically and in this sense it is very important
for about to see that he's very much committed to geopolitical geopolitical operations at the very same time the fact is an important player in terms of into religious relations i mean the jewish community of morocco has been historically a very integrated community yes have different christian communities. at a time in which you can seize christian communities around the world and around muslim countries more generally in a in a situation of recovery of snow as it takes every opportunity the vatican takes every opportunity to underscore success stories i think that that's essentially the overall thing that we are actually seeing the relations that are forged in the brus of corps can be very powerful and can have political impact ok so the post meeting with religious leaders he's also meeting with migrants why is he doing that how is that likely to be perceived by the people of iraq i mean i think that the statement itself which was that no you know no concrete. or no no solid no solid boundary no
wall will actually stop or solve the immigration problem in many ways it's a very you know fourth expression of what the position is which is essentially that moses's question concerning a bridge immigration stopping immigration both in the u.s. and in europe especially coming from the more conservative a right wing political frames it's one that essentially and rejects and takes a position that in fact integration or the well being of the people that ultimately because of the conditions in which they are the great is something that actually has to be taken care of obviously more ocus an important spot any sort of movement of people from africa into europe so it's also very telling that talking to the moroccans disposed actually chooses to underscore this essentially pointing out you know once you actually participate in the solution of the problem it will not be enough to help him for say the border there with spain that said cetera et cetera political political solutions will need to be felt ok thank you very much says
martin. religious affairs correspondent a heavyweight boxer who kissed a female reporter during a t.v. interview is refusing to apologize and has been suspended from the sport in california who brought poor leftist the reporter after defeating romania's bogged down in a fight last saturday. jennifer rivaldo also known as jenny sushi was conducting post match interview with cooper but instead of throwing a question the bulgarian box of did this you know what. i thank you thank you. if you have the right. moments later she says he grabbed her again this time off camera. next i walked to a table to put my items and i thought pat he grabbed both of my buttocks and squeezed with both of his hands and he walked away without saying anything to me
and laughed. it made me feel uncomfortable and frustrated that cooped up with that would treat me in such an unprofessional manner. i did not encourage or consent to mr pull out of grabbing my face kissing me or grabbing my backside i was there at the event covering the boxing match as a professional member of the press. keeping a woman on her lips without her consent and grabbing her is not acceptable rivaldo said she would take legal action against pool of hiring high profile women's rights lawyer gloria all read the vegas sports daily report to said she had only met the books a day earlier but in a statement posted on twitter who have claims they were friends and says quote i was so elated i gave her a kiss there was really nothing more to this the heavyweight boxer is jude to appear in front of california's boxing regulator in may one of the all. in the world rally championship welsh driver elfin evans leads the tour of corsica
after the first day of racing evans won it three of friday's sixty agents to take a strong lead into the weekend's action is currently four and a half seconds ahead of his closest challenger toyota driver tonic stone ian is the leader in the overall overall championship standings. shifting gears now to say happy birthday to the cape crusader cartoon onscreen superhero bet and turns eighty today he made his debut in detective comics in one nine hundred thirty nine and since then he moved on to his own t.v. series followed by a decades long career in movie theaters multiple actors have played the dark superhero over the years and even non-human actors have put on the old batteries enough for everyone to have a theme. and a reminder the top stories we're following for you. mozambique number of cholera cases has risen dramatically from five to nearly three hundred just two days the

Related Keywords

Reporter , Boxer , Blow , Action , Forces , Heavy Weight , Israeli , Interview , Number , Warning , Disaster , Hit , World Health Organization , Cholera Cases , Hit Mozambique , Survivors , Program , Speiser , Cholera Spreads , Three Hundred , Two , Five , People , Water , One , Disease , Areas , Cycle , Homes , Hundreds , City , Thousands , Indian Ocean , Hasn T , Settlements , Flooding , Help , Diarrhea , Situation , Risk , Cholera Outbreaks , Districts , Mud , Land , Numbers , Storm , Doctor , Clinic , Day Testing , Malaria , Danger , Village , Cholera Outbreak , One Hundred Fifty , It , Hands , Drinking Water , Tablets , Chlorine , Cholera , Everything , Locals , Concern , Fear , Vaccine , Plans , Anyone , Nine Hundred Thousand , Color , Epidemic , Things , Huts , Houses , Harvest , Effects , Robert Holden , Us , Cases , Thanks , Incident Manager , Phone , Loan , Emergency Response , Show , Cyclon Survivors , Increase , Figures , Ministry Of Health , Problem , Event , Scale , Sorts , Book , Spread , Distance , Stand Up , Treatment , Rocket , Goal , Public Health , Services , Threat , Standard , Threats , Sake , Infrastructure , Nickel , Access , Big Parts Of Mozambique S , Santa Fe , Psych Loney , Terms , Components , Devastation , Lot , Service , Malls , Government , State Opening , Authorities , System , Community , Riposte , Course , Call , Introduction , Places , Cost , Basis , Europe , First , Task , Suffering , Return , Palestinians , Protests , End , Gaza , Start , Blockade Of The Gaza Strip , Tens Of Thousands , Man March , Clashes , Correspondent Tenure , Violence , City Of Ramallah , Palestinian Red Crescent , West Bank , One Hundred , Man , Injuries , Update , Casualties , Jerusalem , Protest , Canister , Teenager , Tear Gas , Sniper Fire , Seventeen , Has , Demonstrations , The Machine Red Crescent , Delegation , Kind , Procrit , Sense , Protesters , Organizers , Israeli Army , Hamas , Around The World , Statement , Stories , Some , Stones , Most , Defense , Fence , Devices , Theresa May , Withdrawal , Negotiating , Lawmakers , Brussels , Day Britain , British , Time Britain , British Parliament , European Union , Country , Round , Head Of State , Voters , Vice President , Twelfth , Deal , Runoff , Election , Activist Susanna Against European Commission , Woman , Mick Jagger , Tour , Post , The Rolling Stones , North America , Forty , Condition , Fans , Stage , Spokesperson , Regrets , Pope Francis , Seventy Five , Visit , Catholic Community Interfaith Dialogue , Pontiff , Leaders , Religions , Capital , King , Mass , Muslim , Martin Jack , Studio , Priority , Pope , Affair , Discussion , Vatican , Bow , Dialogue , Stadia , Report Card , United Arab Emirates , Lake Church , Player , Part , World View , Geopolitically , Relations , Fact , Jewish Community , Communities , Operations , Christian , Morocco , Opportunity , World , Countries , Snow , Recovery , Brus Of Corps , Success Stories , Meeting , Thing , Impact , Concrete , Migrants , Iraq , Boundary , Question , Both , Position , Immigration Problem , Immigration , Expression , Ways , Bridge , Wall , Moses , Integration , Conservative , Rejects , Frames , Wing , Movement , Conditions , Something , Care , Sort , Spot , Africa , Ocus , Solution , Border , Moroccans , Cetera Et Political Solutions , Spain , Affairs Correspondent , Sport , Tv , Bogged Down Ina Fight Last Saturday , California S , Romania , Jenny Sushi , Jennifer Rivaldo , Box , Right , Cooper , Table , Camera , Items , Buttocks , Anything , Consent , Manner , Face , Back Side , Mr , Member , Lips , Rivaldo , The Press , Boxing Match , Pool , Friends , Quote , Booksa Day , High Profile Womens Rights Lawyer Gloria All Read The Vegas Sports Daily , Twitter , Elfin Evans , Nothing , Al L , Front , Kiss , Boxing Regulator , World Rally Championship , Corsica , Welsh , Weekend , Lead , Driver Tonic Stone , Challenger , Agents , Friday , Toyota , Four , Three , Sixty , Leader , Championship Standings , Debut , Detective Comics , Birthday , Crusader Cartoon Onscreen , Cape , Superhero Bet , Gears , Nine Hundred Thirty , Eighty , Actors , Career , Superhero , Batteries , Movie Theaters , Series , Everyone , Reminder , Theme ,

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