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City discontent is widespread with many turks hit by the countrys economic recession. Its good to have you with us we start tonight with that political deadlock in the u. K. Over brights it and the announcement that could mark a breakthrough theresa may have said that she will quit as british Prime Minister if her twice defeated breaks the deal is approved by parliament that would leave her successor to lead the second phase of negotiations on britains post breaks its relationship with the European Union this comes as lawmakers in london have been voting on eight different options on how the countrys withdrawal process from the European Union should proceed results are expected shortly now besides mays deal the other proposals include leaving the europe. The deal remaining in the Single Market in Customs Union or holding a new referendum the plan is for the most popular idea is to move to a second vote on monday of next week in hopes of finding one option that can command a majority in parliament. All right lets take this story now to london our correspondent. On the story for us good evening to you again show or to serve driesum age shes told her fellow tories that she will resign if her deal is approved by parliament where does this take the whole breaks of process. Whats arisa may has faced intense criticism over the past week from members of her own party so tonight or this afternoon rather she came finally to the realisation that she cant go on like that and she offered her resignation in exchange for their votes for the bricks of the hotline us to vote finally for approval off her deal so she said addressing them in a very emotional tone with a shaky voice she said im prepared to leave this job earlier than i intended in order to do what is right for our country and our party and she did not name a timeline but were looking at the next step of negotiation so if the Great Britain has left the European Union the negotiations on the future relationship and not the veto which take over on friday there could be a new vote on her deal remind our viewers that deal has already been rejected twice by Parliament Even one of mays sharpest critics believes that that plan now has a chance i want you to listen to what m. P. Jacob riis more had to say. But ive come to conclude from very regressive but with no deal having been taken off the table we face a decision that i have mrs mays will not have any breaks into and i feel no bricks are going to. Deal with all. The better off without moving through with ok i mean that is quite the one eighty turn of opinion there does it mean that the reason may now may have a majority for her plan. Well brand we have to have learned right now that the deal is pretty much dead and that is not because the breaks that hotline us a vote going to vote against that they have come around people like Boris Johnson the former foreign secretary even has bashed this deal for months he is now saying he could back the deal but Coalition Partner the Northern Irish d. U. Pete just came out with a statement saying they are not going to support her deal in parliament if she were to bring it back this upcoming friday so with that she wont have the votes and her deal is pretty much that her Withdrawal Agreement the question is even if she will bring it in front of parliament for a third time if she knows that she is going to face another humiliation there and as we speak british m. P. s are voting on other boards options i mean what whats the meaning of those options at this point are they meaningless or are they all thats left to push briggs and forward. Well its definitely a plan b. At this point because if mays deal doesnt get through paul amend which very very very likely right now and then those alternative options could come into play by the basically what happened now is that palm and took over control of the brics that process and they are going to debates and vote on a number of options tonight whether that is remaining in the Customs Union a second referendum a no deal scenario or no brecks it at all and it looks like they could be a majority in parliament for a soft up for exit so at least there might be an alternative to go for where a majority off the house of commons can rally behind and that could be a possible way out of this deadlock at the moment we will definitely have to wait and see you definitely wont have resolutions and i did see a lot of whats on the story for someone to show up to thank you. Well heres some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world Appeals Court has ordered the Catholic Church to pay compensation to alleged victims of a former santiago priest fernando. The ruling said three men who claimed sexually abused decades ago should receive the equivalent of one hundred thirty thousand euros each in moral damages all street investigators have raided the apartment of a right wing party leader over alleged connections to the Christ Church attacker in new Zealand Martin a leader of the far right. Movement of all stria admitted he received a large term nation from the attacker who killed fifty muslims in two mosques earlier this month but denies having any direct connection to the gunman. Pakistans Supreme Court has adjourned until mid april a hearing into whether to uphold the acquittal of thirteen men accused and they gained great now the survivor of the attack. Is appealing against the acquittal an attack happened in two thousand and two after her Village Council ordered it to punish her for her brothers behavior. Turkey is gearing up for local elections this coming sunday fifty seven million voters across the country would choose mayors councillors and local representatives with the turkish economy in trouble president richard talking about a once ruling party faces a stiff challenge and sundays vote is seen as a referendum on his role w. s turkey correspondent yulia han met up with one local politician who has a very familiar name. This tea house in the town of go to community stumble is more crowded than usual. Because today regift type alderaan is making a complaint visit so long that it are not in the room this regift one is twenty years old and the political newcomer in turkeys local elections he wants to become a mukta a neighborhood chief hes not related to the turkish president but the name he says has helped him with his career choices somebody in the movement of the a lot of people often dont believe me and for us to ask if im joking on that i get it you know then i show them my id card its an honor for me to have the same name as our president as much hes the respected and beloved leader of our country so you know what about people say they will vote for me. Both because of my personality and my name that is i believe this name will help me succeed or not more than about in a new order. And ones namesake the president is also complaining hard. Hes making several speeches a day at. Chalk talk even though hes not up for election. And one is hoping his own personal popularity will help make the difference because after a decade and a half in power his ruling party is facing losses. Of that time and thats mainly because of the worsening economic situation. Last years currency crisis sent annual inflation soaring to about twenty percent and sept groups unemployment is on the rise. Not just here in istanbul people are now queuing for subsidized vegetables in state run markets solid growth and rising Living Standards have driven the president the electoral success in the past sixteen years but now turkey is in the midst of a recession and many voters say theyre frustrated about the economy that poll suggests this could erode support for add ons ruling a thai party especially in the largest cities in the capital ankara and here in istanbul. Losing them would be a symbolic blow says journalist is most simas both cities have been under a. K. P. Control throughout out once time in power water for its own good of a stumble if that opposition wins istanbul ankara we may begin to discuss the possibility of snap elections here in turkey. Istanbul is strongly associated with at. First he was elected as municipal mayor here then he became mayor of istanbul. After that Prime Minister and then president. If is a k. P. S. Defeated in istanbul it would be a political earthquake for everyone to live on them when i get. Back to the tea house and go where the younger edge of type ad one is trying to win some votes he also he has many complains about the economy being just younger people dont have jobs its become very hard for Shopping Centers so nothing is good here any more nothing he the young now do and says he wants to tackle these problems at least in his neighborhood but he cant be sure victory as hes facing two challenges much is at stake in the local elections for both of them. Well enough american astronaut on the moon in the next five years that is the hope of u. S. Vice president mike pence speaking to the National Space Council Parents referred to a global space race similar to that in the one nine hundred sixty s. Now it comes as india announces that it shot down a low orbit satellite a move that Prime Minister or indra modi says establishes india as a space superpower. Our joining us now from washington is keith cowing hes editor of nasa watch dot com peter good to have you on the show so what do you make of what the Vice President says is there really a space race on the same magnitude of what we saw in the one nine hundred sixty s. I wouldnt say its the same magnitude of course to have a space race you have to perceive that youre in one in five people who are racing with you and in this case Vice President prince pence suggested that china is looking to take the lead in exploring the moon of course japan has spent spacecraft there israels about to land something there india is about to land something there we have space to insult on this many nations who are sending things around the moon the real issue is who can put in our case american footprints back in the mood or in the case of china chinese astronauts whos going to get there first and his being first to go back important or is it just important to go at that sort of work whether there is or rate is not a race to sort of under contention what would you say at nasa and what is the priority right now is it to get back to the moon within five years is that number one. It is today yesterday the Vice President sort of turned up the heat and instead of it taking perhaps another ten or twelve years he said no you dont fight is so everybody at nasa scrambling running around saying well you know were going to do something in twenty twenty eight now were going to twenty twenty four how do we do that is that realistic standby for confirmation ok its realistic if everybody gets on message and everybody started today focusing on how to do it faster and better of course somebody is going to walk in the room soon and say well heres the money to do this some some rules may have to be changed and theres going to have to be some executive action by the administrator himself when people push back and say you know its not possible so lets wait and see if they really rise to the occasion then its possible but if a month or two from now we dont see a lot of things moving around i would say probably not i spoke earlier this evening with the head of the European Space agency and the he said that you know basically we see the United Nations moving into outer space he he had a very positive spin on things but what about the u. S. Space force isnt that the militarization of space at least to some degree yes but we started militarizing space before we sent satellites up so this isnt anything new which is one of the arguments about whether we need something called a space force or Something Else but yeah it is a push by the part on the part of the u. S. To focus more on the military as a space and then yet it yesterday india shot down a satellite china and russia and the europeans all have things in space so its a matter of perception its a matter of priorities and i think thats that mix is yet to be resolved by all the nations of the world ok kid going from nasa watch dot com keith we appreciate your time ty and your insights thank you thank you. And a quick reminder of the top story that were following for you right now british lawmakers voting on a series of options decide the course of. Leaving the e. U. Without a deal remaining in the Single Market and holding a new brics referendum results expected shortly business is up next stay with us. Small can inspire the change in. The people making it possible to. Build africa. Fantastic right. As they set out to safety. And learn from one another. And Work Together for. Economic and for. W

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