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W. This is deja vu news live from berlin give us another peoples vote hundreds of thousands of protesters filled The Streets Of London calling on lawmakers to hold a Second Referendum On the u. K. s departure from the e. U. Our correspondents in the british capital will have the details also coming up. The selfproclaimed crumbles in syria rebel forces force their flag involve hoops after expelling the socalled Islamic State from the last half of the territory it still held in this country. Welcome to the show hundreds of thousands of people have taken to The Streets Of London to call for a Second Referendum On. Organizers hope to convince lawmakers to back a new public vote on Whether Britain should follow through on plans to leave the European Union todays march is due to complete outside Parliament Earlier this week Prime Minister theresa may and e. U. Leaders agreed to postpone it to give the u. K. More time to pass a deal. And in london is where well find our charlotte pots on the streets there give us a sense of whats going on in the streets. Well as you mentioned Michael Hundreds Of Thousands of people have been mobbed sing here and sent. London carrying european and u. K. Flaxen their number one demand is that they want to put it to the people again they want a second vote a Second Referendum On whether the u. K. Should leave the e. U. With the deal for example that may have negotiated over the past months in brussels or whether the u. K. Should indeed stay in the European Union after all and i spent talking to people and the number one concern that they have is they say stopping the brics the mess they are tired of the political process of these past couple of years they are tired of their politicians and of the government and of the brics it back and forth and that is why they are demanding a second referendum in the hopes that this time around it would be different but the outcome would actually be that the people of the u. K. Choose to stay in the European Union thanks very much ponce in london. And its not just on the streets that britons have been expressing their wish to stop direction and remain in the e. U. Millions of people have signed an online petition calling for a second referendum and the figure is rising rapidly joining me now in the studio to tell us where the public fully ileus public break this down for us first of all who is behind this petition and what exactly are they calling for well first and foremost a petition was launched by a lady called Margaret Georgia shes just an average british citizen who decided to propose this this petition to the British Parliament at the end of february and were going to see now exactly the wording of the petition because what it said was that the government repeatedly claims exiting the e. U. Is the will of the people and they we need to put a stop to this claim by proving the strength of public support for a maining in the European Union peoples vote may not happen so vote now its obviously gained a lot of traction and particularly in the past few days in fact in order for a petition to actually then be sort of dealt with by the government you need ten thousand signatures now the last time its over four point three Million People and in fact in a few days its been really been increasing and gathering a lot of momentum so its obviously striking a chord with millions of britons who exactly signing this what were seeing as well with you know the people who have taken to the streets in london today is well its not just theyre obviously online and this is seems to be appealing to people who are just against whats happening in the u. K. At the moment and its not just in the u. K. Were seeing here from Maggie For Huff stop of course hes the braggs a coordinator for the European Parliament he said the revolt against brags that by marching in petitions is the best answer to all kinds of populist nationalists who promised the undeliverable and then ran away pretty strong words there from the for huffed out and also at you know he has been very vocal about this. In the past but then if we take a look here at this tweet from braggs its been this is a twitter account that seems to be very popular amongst people who want britain to stay in the European Union over four point three Million People so far have signed a petition to revoke article fifty and remainders are a force to be reckoned with its in saying that now their labor nor the tories want to listen to us so theres a you know a broad consensus there amongst. Many people feel that Neither Political Party of the two main parties in britain are really listening to them and then Tony Robinson for many britons hes a very well known actor and writer he has said that he wants people to tell for if he can persuade four more people will get that more than Seventeen Million signatures of course referring to be over seventeen Million People who voted in the referendum to remain in the European Union so its really its really something that seems to have appeal to people from all walks of life and weve seen that as well like i said before most people who took to the streets of baghdad today kelly thats a little ambitious when i when you think about this issue from the outside because i cant think of too many more contentious issues that have come up in the past to say the least so i cant imagine that all of the reaction to this is been positive no youre absolutely right it was one of the critics say well i mean the you know theres been a lot of this i mean weve seen people like Ryan Born He Works for an Institute Lobby group the Condo Institute also writes for the telegraph he said that were seeing the final and he brags its its a petition the March Media Ramping up supposed shifting of opinion so basically hes saying that you know its going to be defeated basically deal with the fact that brags it is going to happen and sort of essentially get on with it and weve also heard from well known journalist piers morgan he also seems to represent a lot of Public Opinion and many respects is very controversial lets not forget that and hes referred to the march as the losers march today. I have to stop you there thank you so much. Now to some of the other stories making news around the world. Thousands of people have marched in berlin and many other european cities to protest planned reforms to e. U. Copyright laws the European Parliament is set to adopt the controversial legislation next week it would require companies to take steps to stop Internet Users from uploading copyrighted material. French authorities have banned yellow vests demonstrations in a large area of parents including around the ark the this comes in response to a Looting Rampage on their phones in these last week the antigovernment protests are continuing for a nineteenth weekend across france. Us back syrian fighters are claiming victory over the socalled Islamic State they say they have expelled the selfproclaimed caliph it from the last remaining territory controlled in syria rebels from the Syrian Democratic forces fought for weeks to retake the village of. The final shred of the colley foot now just a torn up field littered with clothes twisted metal and bodies. On the small patch of land its obvious like state made the last. Bottle full but it was over fifty years of war a searing Democratic Forces celebrate their hard won victory. Today that Syrian Democratic forces officially announced the end of all battles and a victory against the Group Calling itself Islamic State that name is now wiped off the map here in northeastern syria. Despite vowing to fight to the end thousands of. Young repentant wives of the jihad. Hundreds were killed amid a Relentless Campaign and the Ground Assault by u. S. Backed forces. Remains an insurgent threat in both iraq and syria but its territory once stretched across countries have been whittled down to. When the guns fell silent here the caliphate declared almost five years ago. And. Became history. Victorious Kurdish Forces have called on the u. S. To keep troops in syria if the u. S. Pulls out their war there is only a matter of time until the menace grows again. To washington now where House Democrats are awaiting details from the Justice Department of what Special Counsel has found in his probe into russian interference in the twenty sixth president ial election spent almost two years investigating. Possible collusion with president donald trump. Trump has repeatedly condemned the inquiry as a baseless witch hunt. Humphrey joins me from our washington studio a letter welcome the u. S. Attorney general is reviewing the moeller report what can we expect when can we expect to hear whats actually in it. Well essentially the motor report now has moved into another pair of hands that being the attorney general william barr who is currently reviewing it with his deputies the Department Of Justice they are combing through that report and making a summary of their principal points and theyre expected to share that with Congress Michael as soon as this weekend potentially and that could also be shared with the General Public will be very interesting to see what they decide to share what they decide all the Main Findings and certainly william by himself has said that he will be as transparent as possible and it will be in his interest to share as many details as he can because we know that the House Democrats also recently to decide their next steps and if they felt dissatisfied with that which is shared they could of course use Subpoena Power to obtain more details including subpoena power on roll that mullah himself so at the moment were waiting this weekend still more details on the mother report which essentially will become the far report and at the moment it appears milledge not recommending any more indictments so what does this mean for the u. S. President donald trump is he off the hook. It doesnt necessarily mean that the u. S. President is off the hook i was think for a rationale from jerry nadler the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee who says that that which is impeachable is not necessarily a crime that which is a crime is not necessarily impeachable so we dont know of course the contents of the report at this stage but remember that even if there are no further indictments it is the policy of the Department Of Justice that no sitting president should be indicted of course the process for moving a president from office is impeachment and i dont remember that when it comes to any legal woes potentially facing the president well hes facing many other investigations including in the state of new york where investigations continue in sioux alleged Campaign Financing violations as well as into Hush Money Payments made to Stormy Daniels the adult film actress so that all the avenues ahead well what is very vocal president actually saying about all this hes been uncharacteristically quiet of late in fact we havent seen him take to twitter to say anything about this at the moment we know that hes in florida his mara lago resort he was seen heading to the gulf course in the back of the vehicle reading the newspapers this morning of course following the coverage but he hasnt tweeted about it yet we have seen some statements for example from his son Donald Trump Jr on twitter who framed this is a vindication the fact that there were no further charges and indictments but i think when we hear from barr we can expect them to hear from donald trump washington correspondent Helen Humphrey thank you so much for your reporting a little. Many retirees take up relaxing activities such as Knitting Cake Baking in sightseeing but those pastimes arent for one eighty four year old american Athlete Florence Fillion Miler slow for short is a competitive pole vaulter whos been training six days a week in preparation for the twenty nineteen indoor World Masters Athletics Championships in pole. Laced up in Ready To Go Flo has already set Pole Vaulting Records at age seventy seventy five and eighty and she still loves competing. Its challenging you really have to work in that you have to have a core you have to have tiny and i i just love it because its challenging according to her coach the eighty four year old is not only inspiring but fully dedicated to doing well at the upcoming World Masters Athletics Championships endure in poland where shell be doing more than just the pole vault. It has been early to make sure shes worked up enough she goes home and such as a lot of pretty much. Starts with her entire life around being in the past which you know is remarkable and. At the event in poland flo will be the only pole vaulter in her age group but competition is expected in the other disciplines so shes been hard at Work Training for victory and just maybe shell put her name in the record books again. Was. Thats all for Deja News Stay Tune coming up next shift living in a digital age focusing on the impact of smartphones on users brains remember you

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