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Well you. This is deja vu news live from berlin chasseur on the back wall says she supports a breakfast at the lake with conditions but the germany does has an album urgency preparations in place right now. Into the very last day even the very last hour we will be pushing into the issue of the treaty that and the agency has never actually need to. Speak into the a German Parliament just a few moments ago before todays east summit thats certain to be focused on britains request for a breakfast at the leg also coming up. New zealands Prime Minister announces a ban on semiautomatic and military style weapons that after the christchurch mosque few things only top Security Personnel including those now guarding mosques will have such weapons in the future. And the rains just will not stop all week after cycling to die struck Southeast Africa Tens Of Thousands are still without food or shelter in mozambique. Im brian thomas thanks so much for joining us german chancellor all america all says that the e. U. Could approve britains request for a short extension. Michael said the e. U. Could back of the law if british lawmakers pass a twice rejected Withdrawal Deal in a vote next week for comments were part of a Policy Speech to the German Parliament ahead of an e. U. Summit today in brussels. Began her speech by saying she favored a delay if it meant an orderly brax it that was able to resolve the issues surrounding the irish border it just my Firm Conviction that we need to have a structured withdrawal of britain from the e. U. Its not just in the interest of britain. Which of course many believe is well there but its also very much in the interest of germany and the interest of the twenty other Member States in the e. U. And i believe that the key problem when the only state that is essentially. Hostage to the whole question. Lets go live now to the bundestag were joined by our chief Political Editor Michelle Acuff number shela the chelsea are there emphasizing the need is for shes concerned horn orderly breakfast. Yes and this thing back to that clip but i just thought actually that those could be the exact same words of to reese the maid to her house of parliament where she failed twice to get exactly that deal through and where shes you to launch yet another attempt so clearly from the german Point Of View there is a competition now to now and there she is probably different from what teresa mayes approach would be that this has to go through parliament for this extension to be granted and. Also stress of course that there could be legal concerns because there are the lawyers have been looking at this anything leading up to the may twenty fourth to twenty six e. U. Elections doesnt pose a significant legal risk as they say anything after that could bring the e. U. Into unchartered territory potentially having to fear for the legality of some aspects of those polls and thats something that the e. U. Definitely wants to avoid that the german chancellor wants to avoid so once again stressing here that the ball is not just in the court of to resign mate but more precisely the parliament ok and germany will be waiting to hear from parliament next week. Absolutely a lot hinges on that particular vote i think that its a recent may well have not that terribly much to add to that letter that she sent yesterday to donald tusk the head of the European Council putting that request on the table for an extension till the thirtieth of june even but that depends on the specs a deal going through anything else would be a disaster and didnt put it in as many words would be very harmful also to the e. U. The britain is very intertwined with the e. U. Economy but. Spent about a third of her speech on bracks and then said well as much as she regrets the u. K. Wanting to leave that europe also must look ahead must look into the future working down the list of issues of Trade Relations to china which of course lets not forget is also on the table when she hits brussels to michaux getting back to you in just a bit first lets take a look at yesterdays events in london when the british Prime Minister asked for the extension to the deadline that is now being discussed to resume a says she regrets having to delay briggss but as the clock ticks shes forced to do so the Prime Minister is seeking an extension of the deadline until the thirtieth of june and no later than that some argue that im making the wrong choice and i should ask for a longer extension to the end of the year all beyond to give more time for politicians to argue over the way forward. That would mean asking you to vote in european elections nearly three years after our country decided to leave what kind of message with that said i think you could approve mays request but only if you came lawmakers approved a divorce deal theyve already rejected so says the chief of the bloc although the exit for teak is. The. Justified. To give up sick. Last moment a positive solution. M. P. s At Westminster have already voted down the agreement in its current form multiple times and its talks go on so does the uncertainty this is were now in the midst of a full Scale National crisis incompetence failure and intransigents from the Prime Minister and her government ive brought us to this Point Parliament has rejected her deal its rejected no deal the Prime Minister now has no plan to resume its immediate plan getting the other twenty seven e. U. Countries to grant her an extension. Altar order theres a lot of very noisy barricades this house has almost itself on you are fortunate. Because in the u. K. And across the channel will be hoping she can cut through the noise i well michel you know what else you think when listening to the chancellors speech to parliament a short while ago what else can charles americal do to help the british Prime Minister get to the structured and orderly breck said that berlin wants as well. Well i think there is a concern on the german side not to interfere in this process and to give any kind of advice because theres a concern that thats something that british m. P. s wouldnt react to positively its all so clearly there is a willingness to support to resign may we also heard that there is more patients actually thats also something is oakland youve got the Commission President stressed that he discovered his own patients well that patience is still there with britain at the same time britain is in a crisis and has to find its way out thats the cleanest songs that were getting out of but in today the Political Editor michelle thanks very much for the show. Check in with some of the other stories making news this hour the european parliaments biggest political parliamentary block has suspended the party of hungarys right wing Prime Minister victor were bombed but refrained from an all out expulsion that move follows concerns that your buns feeders party violated e. U. Principles on the rule of law with an anti immigrant and you billboard campaign. Nicaraguas government says it will free all Political Prisoners detained during the last year of unrest for release of hundreds of antigovernment demonstrators has been the main demand of the opposition in return for continuing talks with president don you know. The governments asking for sanctions to be lifted. And sealants Prime Minister is in the order has announced an immediate ban on semiautomatic and Assault Weapons and this comes as the victims of last weeks shootings at Christ Church are laid to rest mourners across the country paying their respects to the fifty victims with more commemorations expected tomorrow to mark one week since the attack. Or earlier the Prime Minister explained the scale of the bad time for the mass and easy availability of these weapons must. And to die. Today im announcing that new zealand will ban all military style seamy or domestic weve hands. We will also ban all Assault Rifles we will ban all Capacity Magazines we will ban all paths with the ability to convert seeming automatic or any other type of firearm into i military style sunni or domestic weapon. Minister there its to mozambique now where low lands near the city of daraa have been turned into an inland sea by site clone. And more rain is expected over the coming days in the dire situation for Tens Of Thousands of survivors is expected to get far worse. Lots of survivors rushed to receive their wait when they knew it had arrived in Mozambique Aid Workers half a difficulties delivering food and other necessities. As well as heavy floods in the wake of the storm a widely broken infrastructure in and around the worst hit city of beirut is also hampering relief efforts. We are no energy in one Nine Hundred Ninety s. And better city post fell we have no power. Everythings destroyed the hospitals facing the same problem we have no communication or drinking water. There was. In a show of concern to some pics president felipe a new c visited one of the shelters in beirut. That the survivors excitement was overshadowed but disarray everywhere citizens of panicking because help is slow and clearly insufficient fights over food erupt. The people who Didnt Sleep A came here early in the morning to receive food we slept and have no right to receive it. Calles in the shelters and out on the streets a lot of people are still at risk trapped by the flood waters. United nations distracted have to. As quote a message dishonest affecting hundreds of thousands if not millions of people. For more im joined by Bettina Luscher from the World Food Programme which is providing relief in mozambique right now thanks for coming in this morning what more do we know about the situation in the affected areas in mozambique its really tough when you fly over this area it looks as if theres a whole ocean that has moved inland miles and miles of water people on roofs people spend days in trees schools are sheltering. People so were bringing in food we have these Little Energy biscuits that have all the nutrients that a person needs to survive because they cant cook they have nothing and we bring in water we bring in supplies we have teams on the ground who do Emergency Telecom so that the aid workers can actually talk to each other and organize a response but its a massive crisis it is an unsupported get people to to Higher Ground right now theres been hearing you have two hundred people on the ground and what are they saying what are the main obstacles for them right now its the water i mean were bringing in helicopters were dropping off food and other supplies and water to people. In areas but you also have to mount a huge logistical response were going to bring. Cargo planes in. Coming is coming in from all over Southern Africa because we will feed Five Hundred Thousand people just think of that and that takes a lot. But its its massive because we already were on the ground before this disaster struck we handed out Food Vouchers to people could buy food before the cycloid hit so they had food for two weeks but this is on a totally different scale no. International effort coming together what are you seeing happen in mozambique. In terms of people pulling together from various nations to help those in need right now exactly and what happens in a crisis like this ive done for example the tsunami in indonesia as you Work Together various countries you bring in military from from countries were working for example with South African rescue teams using their helicopters in the beginning to bring food and other supplies to things it has to be really coordinated so that people get everything the big concern now is the dams could be breaking from other rivers that they could be more flooding that water from rains is still coming into the country now. And of course the feel of Disease Cholera Typhoid malaria all of that is now a huge concern carol good luck to you and your people on the ground there in mozambique in the days ahead Bettina Luscher from the World Food Programme thanks for coming in. Lets get you now quick reminder of our top stories this hour german chancellor merkel has told the German Parliament that European Union leaders could approve for a short delay to bracks and as long as Britains Parliament passes the withdrawal

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