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Protect key industries. Revenues around the nation see in the new year hoping for happiness and prosperity in the year of the take. I feel girl welcome to the program u. S. President donald trump is preparing to deliver his second state of the union speech later is expected to challenge democrats to approve funding for the war he wants to build on the border with mexico aides say hell also call for unity and optimism but critics fear it will be difficult to overcome deep divisions of the last two years of personal attacks and animosity. As this preview of tonights speech. This state of the Union Address a grand stage for the u. S. President to. Speak directly to a National Audience about what he has accomplished and what still needs to be done but what is the state of the union after two years of trumps president see my state of the union i think and pretty good shape you know i look forward to hearing what the president has to say. Going to sort of union in the congo and everything and hopefully to. Focus a little bit more and bipartisanship working together i think its. Put the talk. In the white house and we have an incompetent. Possibly im sorry no person if they had to through executive order the same old stuff. You know money for the border. You know. And all the other stuff he wants can afford choosing greatness thats the official white health theme for donald trump address to congress you as president plans to strike a conciliatory tone and deliver a cold for unity and he speech but in many ways it might be too late the country and congress are divided along party lines and the democrats are determined to make sure that trump remains a one term president rebuilding the countrys infrastructure lowering the cost of prescription drugs these are issues both parties could agree on but instead they fight over transplant border wall the topic is expected to be front and center of trumps address to congress with no indication of either side giving an inch we will be looking at a National Emergency because i dont think anythings going to happen i think the democrats dont want Border Security and when i hear them talking about the fact that walls are immoral and will still work they know their work trump has suggested there will be a major announcement in his speech but then again he might be just trying to raise expectations ahead. The address hes difficult to predict says elaine k. Mark author and former aide to president bill clinton we dont know if hell stick to the script and also remember that behind him sit the Vice President who is by the constitution the president of the senate and the speaker of the house nancy pelosi so i dont know what kinds of expressions nancy pelosi might make as he is making this speech but that will be interesting to House Speaker nancy pelosi will be visible in nearly every camera shot her presence is evidence of the newfound power of the Democratic Party and a reminder of trumps struggles to adapt to a divided government in washington. So walk away expect from the President Trumpets and i to tyson barker is Program Director at the Aspen Institute think tank here in germany d. W. Correspondent. Joins us from washington oh well both lets start with you what do you expect. Well as we heard in the piece before he is expected to promote this traditional message of unity something that we hear in nearly every state of the Union Address but its going to be interesting to hear whether he falls into the usual political track Everyone Needs to unify but specifically behind my agenda of course we know that agenda has been extraordinarily divisive he could in fact touch on some topics that as we heard are a little more unifying between the parties topics such as infrastructure lowering Health Care Costs possibly even throwing some bones the democrats talking about things like a pathway to citizenship for children who were brought to the country illegally but the big centerpiece is going to be the talk of Border Security and funding the border wall and the thing that everyone is teasing that were hearing from various sources in the u. S. Medias reporting is whether or not hes going to declare a National Emergency in order to get funding for this border wall if he did so it would raise a whole new source of fires in the u. S. Government that we did not see even during the shutdown lets lets stay with with the wall then because the the this idea of a National Emergency this means that he can get the money from a different pawns and circumvent the house thats hes been threatening this for about a month or so now. Yes thats exactly right and its possible that he could simply sign you know whatever pieces of papers he has to sign to get that money but the threat is that people various organizations would then challenge that National Emergency in court it would also of course be immediate possibly be immediately override in the house of representatives by a vote there by the Democratic Party not to mention that its very unpopular among republican lawmakers there are many senior g. O. P. Lawmakers have come out in the past few days saying were really hoping he doesnt do this because it would tie their hands politically and leave very little room to further negotiate for future budgets future of Border Security measures future immigration packages its really a grenade in these really delicate negotiations that are just inching forward trying to avoid another Government Shutdown ok so thats thats the wall thats the big thing that everyones looking looking out for tyson buck from the Aspen Institute hes a booming economy high employment levels hes actually got good this is a president with actually quite a lot to shocked about well thats thats the real paradox here because even though we have unemployment under four percent in the United States we have stock Market Growth again after some softening in december and early january despite some level of growth he still has yet to crack the fifty percent job Approval Rating in the entire two years of his presidency so the question is why is that the case and the reason has been his political strategy all along which is to galvanize energize his base that one third of the american electorate run third of the American Public and really just aim everything at them to the detriment of the rest of the population thats why his disApproval Ratings are so high but to tack more to a unifying positive message seems a little out of character for him at this point is it thats interesting is it because the also dont say has always been its about calling me stupid i mean if you get if youve nailed that youve now. Everything but he seems to be nailing it but but as you say hes the people that like him well the other thing that is important to notice a lot of the trend lines that we see in the economy the declining Unemployment Rate the growth the stock Market Growth these are fundamentals that were in place since the Second Obama Administration so a lot of those trend lines have continued there has been some faltering we heard some statements by the fed they were looking to raise Interest Rates now theyve backed away from that but you know a lot of these things that he could theoretically take credit for are trend lines that happened before he was president. Much right is that this this is a speech that was supposed to happen a week ago but of course was delayed because of nancy pelosi in the partial Government Shutdown is that now done and dusted is that now over. Well most people certainly hope so the threat of another shutdown is very much a looming over the entire proceedings that will be happening tonight as tyson mentions it is extremely interesting that he is presiding over this economy we saw just the new estimates come out of how many jobs were created in the past month and it was really a very high number one of a record numbers but its hard for him to get his agenda through very much because of nancy pelosi who was the person who disinvited him because of the Government Shutdown she says now everyone in the government is paying lip service to the idea of not wanting another shutdown and indeed the republicans really felt the blowback from that due to just all of the hundreds of thousands of government workers who suddenly had no paycheck so theyre really hoping to avoid this the democrats have said that they dont want to use this is a Political Tool this is something Everyone Wants to avoid moving forward but if the trump doesnt get his National Emergency if he doesnt somehow get his money for the border wall its hard to see how that would be avoided again a. Point to you this this is not just about nancy pelosi this is President Trump addressing a very different house of representatives to the world that he addressed last year thats right i mean this is the first time you say its not just about nancy pelosi but she represents the top of an institution the house of representatives that will be sitting behind the president one of the things that is really important to watch in these kind of speeches is body language when does the Vice President who is the president of the Senate Finance the plough see who is the speaker of the house both rise and clap at the same time or when does the Vice President stand up and clap and then to close the remains theyre still sitting stone face hes going to hit on a lot of things obviously immigration watch for a lot of talk about abortion and prolife issues thats red meat for his base those are going to be areas where she sits there stone faced but you know she represents half of that body which is all going to be sitting there and were going to really be watching their reactions so tyson back in the spin institute to hear that you have that much weight in washington thank you thank you. Ok lets take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world and how the Central African republic has signed a new peace deal with fourteen armed groups that controlled much of the country i think we would seek to end years of fighting thats killed thousands of people displaced hundreds of thousands of ratified in the coming days. Russias defense minister says the country must develop new land based missiles within two years assegais shore whose comments come after russia followed the United States in announcing its withdrawal from a Nuclear Weapons agreement on saturday the i. N. F. Treaty bans all shorts and bid range missiles launched from the ground. British Prime Minister tourism a has been in belfast reassuring the people of Northern Ireland that she remains committed to preventing a hardboard between the republic and the republic of ireland despite seeking the socalled. Arrangements with the with the u. K. s withdraw the grievance with the e. U. This is may well hold talks with the you later is in brussels on thursday which is visions in paris a woman has been arrested on suspicion of awesome after a fire in an Apartment Building killed at least ten people the suspects and residents of the eight Story Building on the campus wealthy sixteen i dont dismiss local media say she has a history of mental illness. But Union Strikes of course significant disruptions across france as workers took to the streets to demonstrate against president the Macro Economic program the action was organized by the c. G. Labor union in response to what he called the countrys social emergency and to call what they say is a therapy taxation system the rallies were also joined by key figures from the countries and Yellow Vest Movement which is also in protesting against the president the w. Our correspondent max hoffman has been in powers covering the strike. Just another protest in the heart of paris yes well but at the same time its also a new kind of protest because for the first time the yellow vests are teaming up with a large trade union the c. C. T. V. So you here at this demonstration we saw all kinds of people from Public Sector workers to of course the yellow vests to trade unionists but also members of the black bloc who try to incite violence here what all this mix will end up being is unclear at the moment because france and also in money are in a call at a crossroads can the government regain the momentum here it is probably the first time in months that it has the chance of reaching out to the french trying to show them that in mind were not calling can compromise and at the same time trying to crack down hard on the violent elements of the all of us. Well hoffman in paris this is day doubly news that live from berlin still to come the pope and his historic visit to the United Arab Emirates for the mass and for the one hundred eighty thousand people of his message of peace and tolerance in florence the region. Head of that germany has unveiled a new strategy to protect its industrial sector in the face of new challenges economy minister peter unveiled the National Industrial strategy twenty thirty in frankfurt behind they stop the title was a sea change in german thinking wants to state to intervene war in the economy is the vital parts being sold off to foreign investors. Are magellan Companies Like siemens and Thyssen Krupp against hostile takeovers thats the goal of the german governments new Investment Strategy which elevates industrial success to the National Interest after recent years or china by one company after another germanys Economic Affairs minister says berlin cant afford to sell its high tech peytons to foreign powers. This flow but theres fear and i think that when certain countries and specific Companies Use very aggressive tactics to expand their market share then we have the right responsibility to respond theres weve done of this ridge the need. To argue. The economy minister sees a greater role for the state and greater relief for businesses in areas like energy costs or taxes merges should be made easier but critics warn of too much government involvement with communications got equivalent to guaranteeing the existence of individual businesses because there are some outstanding firms the rake in profits there are those that are frankly pretty wobbly going through buckleys and. Miles so says German Companies need to lead the pack when it comes to innovation in new technologies like Artificial Intelligence or driving systems for cars of the future is planning to help kick start that development with billions in new investment which should also. Help protect german jobs. Clemence forces from the info insertions one of europes leading business think tanks so is germanys Economy Economic situation so bad it needs a National Strategy like the one presented today. Its not bad at all but this is about the future the question is how sustainable it is the position of german industry and here there are reasons for concern. There is the issue of the car industry the Diesel Technology may be paid out in the future so i think it is true that germany needs to think about the future the question is though what the right strategy is. European union looks likely to block a big rail deal between two major german and French Companies industrial jobs zeman sounds france is hoping to merge their train manufacturing businesses to become more competitive on the International Market and European Commission antitrust regulators are expected to veto the deal wednesday because if it sets about its impact on competition within the. For the first time the pope has a knowledge of the role played by catholic priests and bishops and sexually abusing nuns and insisted that the vatican would do more to fight the problem this was a tricky return to business as usual for pope francis who is papacy has been dogged by abuse scandals and has been followed a triumphant event in the United Arab Emirates a mass attended by more than one hundred eighty thousand people. As the crowds cheer pope francis is cavalcade makes its way slowly into the zoe sports stadium in abu dhabi. All around the catholic faithful care to mark this historic occasion. Here person. You know. Each one i would imagine that. This country you. Never imagined the. Its. This the first ever papal mass in the Arabian Peninsula and what some consider to be the largest show of public christian worship in the gulf arab region public displays of known islamic faith have restricted. But on the last day of the popes visit tens of thousands openly celebrate mass with him. For jesus on the other hand blessid of the poor the me those who remain just even at the cost of appearing in a bad light to. Those who are persecuted joining who is correct here jesus or the world to understand this let us look at how jesus lived poor in respect of things but wealthy in love and a final message in a country famous for its riches and the end to allow month trip in which the pope has appealed for christians and Muslim Leaders to want together to promote peace. This is news live from perth and still to come asia a pig with lavish celebrations feasts on fireworks so will it bring peace and prosperity to the region. First though a new development at football leagues the whistleblowing platform that has revealed some of the murkier aspects of the Global Football business rip into a major source for some of the revelations has gone public for the first time following his recent arrest has been speaking to german broadcaster. A secret location in budapest its here in this modest Apartment Building were told wants to give his side of the story. On january sixteenth last he was arrested in the hungarian capital in response to a portuguese arrest warrant on charges of attempted extortion and cyber crimes. Hes under house arrest and wearing an ankle monitor while awaiting a decision on whether he is a whistleblower who illegally obtained the documents which could exonerate him or whether he is a cyber criminal. Which could lead to extradition. Im a whistleblower what matters for me and for football leaks is the documents are authentic i dont care about the origin i am a whistleblower so i have i have to expose and we have to giornale as credible journalists the real deal and among those documents are details of confidential plans for an elite super league or kofi for president john yoo frontino helped top european clubs get around the financial fair play rules weve been taught also admitted to contacting Sports Investment Company under a false name a meeting was organized which led to accusations of attempted extortion. I think i was naive if i did. I mean something stupid i decided to play with them and basically said yeah i have some documents. And they wanted i wanted to see their reaction i wanted to i wanted to know. How how valuable were these documents for them i want i wanted to know fought for how far they were ready to go if you really really. No. Zero point zero faces up to ten years in prison in portugal if convicted. And ive beaten arbroath. Because i am a target and. And i feel that at the moment i will enter a poor portuguese jail morphia lisbon jail. I can end up that. Im aware of. A hungary and court time zone two on march nineteenth to decide if peter will be extradited to his native portugal. The former Manchester United manager jose jos a marine year has been one of the more prominent figures to appear in the football leagues documents the special one is called himself today accepted the nearly two million euro fine to avoid a jail sentence in spain for tax fraud brainier was already been quiet to pay more than a Million Euros or twenty fifteen when the case against him was first launched then he admitted to two counts of tax fraud dating from his time as coach at real madrid. No happy ending for lindsey vonn the Alpine Skiing World Championship in all race sweden and what was supposed to be her penultimate race the american skiing legend crushed in this super g. Receiving return true for magic she eventually got back on her skis and finished the course on her own lindsey announce that shell start sundays downhill event which will then be the final chapter of a stellar. One of the super g. Was her compatriots impaler sure. People across the world spent today celebrating the first day of the Lunar New Year many offered prayers. In temples and sat down with family members for a special holiday meal with just the you of the pig people hoping its the beginning of a year of good luck. Praying for good fortune in the new year a tradition for chinese communities around the world. Here at beijings baju temple thousands flock to welcome the year of the pig in Chinese Culture the zodiac sign is a symbol of luck and wealth hopes that were reflected in the new years wishes. I wish for good health for my family and success in my career and of course i hope for perspective pretty conventional. So for this year ill be taking my College Entrance exam so i hope to get into my dream university. Another custom to bring good luck temple go is trying to strike a bell hanging under a bridge its a lucrative time for the monastery stuff needed shovels to clear the coins and a motorbike helmet for protection. But for the chinese and a growing interNational Audience this has become a major part of the celebrations the spring festival gala. Its now the countrys most watched t. V. Show with an estimated billion viewers. To keep the millennial is hope its peppered with young celebrities like chinese boy ben t. F. Boys. But the shows stop is a highly choreographed retains like this by twenty thousand shalimar performance. For most people celebrating the Lunar New Year is about spending time with friends and family. And its about food lots of it. Hundreds of millions of people have traveled to be home for the feasts and festivities theyre hoping that this year of the pig will be a lucky one. The german capital is abuzz with anticipation ahead of the biggest cultural event of the. International Film Festival the city is looking forward to welcoming stoss like julia is joining president and Christian Bale with just two days until the opening has been rolled out and this year is this particularly sustainable is made from recycled textiles and fishing nets. Let me remind you of our top story this hour u. S. President donald trump will deliver his second state of the Union Address in washington later is expected to use the occasion to push for his controversial war on the border with mexico and well have special live coverage. With the highlights of much day twenty dont forget you can get old gives the headlines on our web site thats. All about the top of the. Oh boy. Oh boy. Told. Me. To. Take off. My i am up to suffering a coffee to maybe make up your head and its. Not about his Balance Sheet its a contradiction to shut them out and say god. Christs against humanity. Civilians are becoming witnesses of god. Their recorded images travel around the globe via social media. What is the gamut of fiction and what is fact. Digital investigators combing through the flood of images and they combine sources trying to reconstruct what happened and substantiate claims of crimes spanx to this video recording have a soldier who shot the young man is on trial now. Forensics between bits and bytes. I think again. The evidence. Is it is chance because justice is about the truth. Truth detectives start so that you will be fifteen on t w

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