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After barricaded herself into a hotel room as bangkok airport. Also ahead of the snow sweeps into the balkans after burying much of southern germany and austria impacting thousands of people many struggling to clear record amounts of snow emergency workers warn of avalanches plus still another headache for chinese tech firms huawei police polish Police Arrested another one of their executives on espionage charges. And game sets and match injury gets the better of andy murray the british tennis champion announces hell quit the sport after a year of struggling with his problems the old should compete in one of the last wimbledon but it meant see you may not make it beyond next weeks Australian Open. Thank you so much for your company everyone. The democratic republic of congo has told the International Community it should back the outcome of its president ial election while the head of the countrys Election Commission was addressing the Un Security Council as debate at the result which saw Opposition Leader felix dady declared the surprise winner opposition rival martin for you who who came in a close second has dismissed the result and said he will challenge it at the congos Constitutional Court. This may not look like what youd expect to see from supporters of a candidate who just lost an election but these jubilant scenes are at a rally in kinshasa for the loser of the president ial vote in the democratic republic of congo the crowds are boyd that runner up martin for you will who says hes challenging the election result in court he claims that he won by a landslide. Break up rise up sons of the congo take courage will go to the Constitutional Court to file an appeal. To stay there was old by the by vote for each polling station. For you lou accuses outgoing president Joseph Kabila of making a backroom deal with the surprise declared winner Opposition Leader felix sheika katie the disputed results have sparked unrest with several deaths reported so far the countrys Influential Catholic Church also says its forty thousand election observers found a different winner from the official results but it has not released its tally. And of course want to win the bashir joins me now from the capital kinshasa wendy i understand that you attended mr for you lose the meeting what did he say. Hi everyone i guess i was as nice if i you knew meeting any kid that you call these people to come to morrow at nine am to relieve them at the situation of course because they want to said them that election was. Was no peer and you also think that you had when did a sandwich the one who would stand according to the results from you on observation and people. Actually demand fish that you give to people today how great is the risk when do you where you are of civil unrest breaking out. For the moment we can say that they can be is if you then raise i think everything. We move up market for you you have to know that they parade events will lead to place of the meeting there was a big big presence over those years and yet the meeting that was being guys as it was and indeed they do everything we did then from the movement everything we also different from tomorrow to allow this to go and get it because but because this is not this is not clear to you we dont know if you have the right to go through the Constitutional Court to rule all right now lets where im going to ask you next is try to assess for us if you can win what mr for you is chances are of overturning the official Election Results in court this is very different because question i said i would try to answer this question that the very simple is going to spend of the indifference and independence of the courts and lets wait and see this should be what should be there was we should. All timidly what do these events mean for the future of the d. R. See. I tell you this shooter of the just the square is complex and complicated because as you know there has been burning of the nation who were these people was waiting for these election and now we have the result devry happy with the result most of them because this is the first time than one stemming from the election youve been elected and all the things we depend always depletion of just what the fish will not quit if they decide to. And i need as the saying french all maybe say that we have to start again they listen that can be very difficult so i think all the is and i now pointed to discourse edition of the last i took it inside and its a lot of places that you need to diffuse wendy bashi reporting from kinshasa in the dear sea thank you. Thank you. All right lets bring up to speed now with some of the other stories making news around the world. In sudan police have fired tear gas at antigovernment demonstrators in the capital hard to they were demanding the resignation of president Omar Al Bashir protests against him have gathered pace in the last month posing the most serious challenge yet to his three decade long presidency the u. S. Led coalition against socalled Islamic State has started the process of withdrawing from syria a pentagon spokesperson confirmed the move this just a day after the u. S. Secretary of state stated in a major speech in the egyptian capital cairo that when america retreats chaos often follows. A former nazi concentration camp guard deported by the United States has died at a care home in germany yaquis foley spent decades living in the u. S. Hiding his past he was expelled last august after a long legal battle but did not face prosecution he was ninety five. Time aggression Officials Say the saudi woman who fled her family to seek asylum is on a way to count it out rough mama high noon made global headlines earlier this week after barricading herself into a hotel room as bangkok airport she had been stopped on route to australia and threatened where deportation while just a few moments ago canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau confirmed that canada has granted asylum. The u. N. H. C. R. Has made a request of canada that we accept. As a refugee and we have accepted the uns request that we grant her asylum that is something that we are pleased to do because canada is a country that understands how important it is to stand up for human rights stand up for womens rights around the world and i can confirm that we have accepted the u. N. Question. Put the controversial issue of male guardianship in saudi arabia on the global map and forget about your from d. W. Social media is here to talk more about this so this debate is playing out on social media most of it at least what are you seeing what have you been seeing so weve seen that after half the dramatic escape attempts many saudi women have taken to twitter to speak out against a system in which they need the permission of a male four have to get married to open a bank account to get a passport to travel they need permission even to be freed from prison and were seeing the remarkable only movement going with several trending hashtags and guardianship and the travel ban on saudi women remove guardianship and we wont all migrate so really strong messages and we can show you a few comments from saudi women that we have seen this woman my she writes its embarrassing that thirty six mom of two an emergency room doctor harvard graduate and still viewed as a minor i am trusted to make life and death decisions for patients trusted to raise kids but not trusted to make my own decisions regarding my life she calls this an irony and here is another woman she says a Great Company offers me a great job i couldnt take it because its outside the country i couldnt travel because the girl another common here is stop treating us as minors its our choice our decision we can handle the consequences and do it for the sake of the new modern saudi arabia and many are tweeting in english theyre also protecting their identities but theyre sending out really strong messages we have seen similar complaints in the past notably the one to end the ban on women driving in the debate is open again now there are also a lot of people defending the system thats in place yet thats true online as as well. Some people in saudi arabia still they still defend the idea that the world is not a friendly place for women that they should be protected through guardianship and we have a comment here a man who expresses his views along these lines he says you try to get saudi woman out of her home dignity and her honor to be an easy target for the fields of society is that by your late freedom of people under to banner of freedom saudi women will remain a fortress against all full slogans all over the world and of course theres a lot of people thinking this way still and under crown Prince Mohammed bin some freedoms have been granted to saudi women he ended the ban on women driving for example he also eased some restrictions restrictions on gender mixing allowing women for instance to serve in the army but at the same time these changes have been accompanied by a crackdown on dissent and we know that some prominent womens rights activists have been jailed so saudi arabia still remains one of the worlds nations with the most gender segregated society and perhaps gesture has shed new light on this issue and also on the will widespread will to change put it on the map and its not going away any time soon for that thank you you thank. Next up were going to have to agree their country has made a new demand for war reparations from germany after says it has grounds to pursue a legal claim for nearly three hundred billion euros in compensation for the nazi occupation of the country during World War Two the demand came as german chancellor Angela Merkel met the president s of greece and apparatus. To greet president procopius pablo gave the german chancellor an exceptionally warm welcome after years of frosty relations between the two countries uncle americal appeared to appreciate the friendly reception but tensions linger greece is still pursuing its demand for war reparations public said his country had not forgotten its call for germany to pay compensation for the nazi occupation during World War Two. Greece estimates it suffered hundreds of billions of euros worth of damage berlins position is clear the matter was settled in one thousand nine hundred sixty in a deal with several european governments. All i know you can be certain that we recognize our historical responsibility we also know how much suffering we as germany during the nazi era brought to greece thats why its our duty to do everything we can to maintain good relations with greece and to lend each other mutual support for the benefit of both greece and germany. So im bored of finishing. This was chancellor merkels first visit to greece since two thousand and fourteen back then germany pushed for austerity which led to frequent protests and resistance this conflict has not been forgotten but the mood between the two countries has improved noticeably. Well the heavy snow that serve brought havard to southern germany and austria has now moved into the balkans and southeastern europe authorities in bulgaria say two snowboarders have died in an avalanche in the mountainous southwest and the rest of europe at least seventeen people have died in some of the heaviest snow falls in two decades and forecasters are warning now of even more snow on the way. You know my view although its become a military operation german soldiers called in to help back to scotland where a state of emergency has been declared the bavarian town hasnt seen snow like this for years and the dangers are all too real. We have many requests to help clear the roofs of buildings in the town of by the whole thirteen years ago fifteen people died many of them children when a roof collapsed its important to keep a close eye on the roofs and secure any that pose a danger. Heavy snow fall has completely conscious off the southern german town of yacking now it may look like a perfect picture postcard but there are increasing concerns that Food Supplies are running low in switzerland guests were lucky to survive an avalanche that came crashing through their hotel photos on social media show the devastation as the three hundred metre avalanche swept into the building at this funk up Mountain Pass injuring three people. In the mountains around innsbrook in austria they too are on avalanche standby there are concerns that if the weather improves people may take unnecessary risks. Yes and fifty conclusion distance healing they fear is that people will say well theres a lot of snow the weather is better. And our experience from the last thirty years teaches of snow has already fallen in this region for those living here the hard what set to last some time yet well i did see if it is covering the story for us from the austrian town of arts a which is struggling with a record amount of snow well its not again last night and i wouldnt be exaggerating if i said that this city this town is completely buried when you go through the streets of gives the impression of walking through a tunnel i mean the walls of snow are literally twice as tall as i am. The headline this morning in the local newspaper was hope and trepidation hope would probably describe this side of the village i mean ill say which has had some of the heaviest snowfall but the villagers are really dealing with it the bakeries open the hotels are open people are walking through the streets theres not snow plows there on how snow plows here actually they have they have shovels steam shovels going through the streets literally carrying the snow because theres nowhere to put it they have to put it in giant piles down the street now trepidation would describe the other side of this village about a kilometer down the street there they have been evacuated its completely closed off no ones allowed to go there and thats because of the danger of avalanches austrian authorities have history highest avalanche warning for that area even the mayor had to evacuate his house i dont know if you can hear but theres a helicopter flying overhead and what those helicopters are doing are checking situation to see if an avalanche is about to to go down and so people had to get out of that area. I thought man i see her reporting there from austria meanwhile have years here with the Business News and while way is making headlines again for all the wrong reasons why they appear to have their very own avalanche bud arrests while we accept it as have to take care when they travel abroad these days after the arrest of the company see if ole in canada now another Top Executive is being held by polish authorities this time on espionage charges china says it is disturbed by the news. A chinese while we employ and a polish Cyber Security expert who served as a Domestic Intelligence officer they are the two men charged with spying by polish authorities. Are suspected of espionage on behalf of Chinese Intelligence Services against poland is an important investigation into serious events that threaten the security of poland because if it were not of the. Western intelligence agencies have been warning the Chinese Government could use well ways products to collect data they say the tech giant which was founded by a former chinese army officer could have links to the Chinese Government some countries have already banned while wavefront applying equipment for their five g. Wireless networks the latest allegation will do little to help the companys reputation. To another executive in trouble accusations against nissans former chairman carlos goan are piling up japanese prosecutors now filed two additional charges of aggravated breach of trust against the executive gone was the man behind nice and Strategic Alliance with french carmaker. When this footage was taken back in may two thousand and sixteen carlos ghosn was allegedly already a big time fraudster or so his accusers say. Then in november last year the bubble burst and was arrested in tokyo the sixty four year old was charged with repeatedly under reporting his pay to shareholders and embezzling Company Money but go on says hes innocent. Carlos ghosn was famous for his luxury as a lifestyle including many villas around the world and fancy family holidays i delete c. Executive with three passports born in brazil the son of lebanese parents became one of the most successful c. E. O. s not only in his adopted home of france but across the world. In the mid one nine hundred ninety s. Going took over at the helm of embattled french comm a cant say no and oversaw a Restructuring Program that transformed the companys fortunes. He then forged an alliance between i know his son and mitsubishi which helped mr allen make a turnaround the scandal has shaken the International Auto wells in particular there were tensions in the french japanese alliance. After his arrest go in was discharged from baseness son and mitsubishi he remains c. E. O. A friend. Now kind of has gone as lawyers have said it could take up to half a year before his case even goes to trial earlier we spoke to michael penn president of the two news agency in tokyo and hearts can what he thought of the statement thats right and on the way that it could be half a year before we ever see going publicly again because the prosecutors often will will make the case to the court so you would usually say he hasnt confessed hes maintaining his innocence of let him go you could flee the country or tamper with evidence so you know we may not see mr cohen again for a long time and all of this about a man who is completely maintaining his innocence and with the evidence against him looking fairly flimsy at least from the outside. In argentina thousands took to the streets again to protest against the austerity plans of the government president modi so markedly cut subsidies for Public Utilities and other services that sent electricity and gas prices up a whopping two thousand percent since the start of his presidency fearing no end in sight citizens have planned weekly protests until next month. Protesters as far as the eye can seen thousands have taken to the streets of going to cyrus. They are demonstrating against the governments austerity measures and rising prices the inflation rate is now at a staggering fifty percent. And the thing is that its not only about the price hikes its also about precarious work a lack of work the closure of companies on the cost of food is increasing in a disproportion a way. Argentinians of protestant many times since prison maki took office about three years ago the economic crisis has worsened poverty has reached new heights affecting one in three argentinians thats more than thirteen Million People according to the Catholic University of ginty know life has become especially precarious for those living in and around the most populous city when its iras. They will continue to take to the streets here. And thats all for business its back to late now and a case that also strikes us as journalists definitely hits a very close to home javier or two workers reporters remain locked up in myanmar after a Court Dismissed their appeal against seven year sentences for breaking the official secrets act while the journalists were and thats to getting alleged atrocities against random muslims during a brutal crackdown by memoirs army. Not giving up while lone and quasi his wives came out of the courthouse defiant we still believe in their release today. Ill settle for well discuss with our lawyer what to do next i mean you know you want you know its just the latest setback for the two journalists they were jailed in december two thousand and seventeen for violating the official secrets act but human rights activists say they were being punished for reporting on a massacre in iraqi state both insisted they had followed International Norms in reporting on the killing of ten row hinge of men and boys. We work according to media ethics. We try to tell the truth based on the real situation in the middle of the night we were arrested unfairly and barred from revealing true information. You know that you know we dont know the government later admitted their reporting was accurate but the court refused to revoke their sentence saying lawyers had not presented evidence of the reporters in a sense but the case isnt over. It is there is a potential appeal thats available but the government importantly the government of myanmar has the has the power to stop this injustice right to do the right thing here the only thing that the it should do and to free them and and we want we want to see that happen we want to continue to work for their release because until theyre free men marise commitment to a free press and so the rule of law remains in question journalism is not a crime but while lone and quasi who are living reminders of how dangerous it can be to report the facts. Well earlier we spoke with journalist. And young gone who was in court for the ruling as the judge started going through that he said that the reuters lawyers did not prove this in his mind they did not prove that in this mine did not prove any of their case according to the judge you got a sense of this was going on this decision that this was not going to go the way that the reporters are were hoping for enough the that basically anybody who believes in press freedom and democracy would want this to go of course you know outside the courtroom of their wives of the two journalists broke into tears. Im certainly i was not surprised by what happened today i dont know anybody who was surprised but obvious prosecution of this conviction its certainly been a huge setback for press freedom and this countrys transition to democracy help us understand if you will what its like to work in me and mark and if at all its possible to work toward on the situation of the range of muslims. Yes so where those security Counterinsurgency Campaign has been going on its in a Rakhine State which is a Western State here and its going on in the northern part of Rakhine State near the border with bangladesh that area is a secured zone your its a restricted area you do not get access to that area you are on a government supervised trip as a foreigner or any journalist you go on a government supervised trip and the only see what they let you see you only get access to people that they centrally let you have access to so it makes it certainly much more challenging that said news organizations are aggressively pursuing the story i mean that doesnt close down all avenues you still have contacts in those areas that you can still reach out to you can obviously reach your mobile phone you still have Satellite Photos you can obviously still access the refugees who fled in the bangladesh so there are certainly a number of ways to still pursue whats happening not only to the right Hindu Community there but to all communities in Rakhine State nor the Rakhine State so theres still a lot of ways to aggressively pursue this but certainly the restricted access makes it much more difficult in the twenty seconds that we still have left to together what other options can these workers journalist now explore well short of getting a pardon by the president who operates out of the state really of the state council on some suchi short of that the only other option is to go to appeal to the countrys Supreme Court the highest court in this country i asked one of the fence attorneys moments after reheard todays decision if they plan to go that route he told me he wanted to talk things over with the families and then they would make a decision all right to his day for going about reporting for me and mark thank you. And youre watching the news or so have a lot more to tell you about including a funeral read the address to the editor its a typical attempt to intimidate journalists at russias last in the penmanship newspaper while several of their colleagues have already paid with their lives we have a special report. That story and a whole lot more coming up right after this. World. European stars deliver rousing performance of its. Own new orleans husky voice has won him a devoted following the restrained yet full of feeling the world. From british blues musician tourists really. Screwed little group europe in concert in forty five minutes w. How do you want to live in a radical way discover the bauhaus go down house world church january thirteenth g w. Im not laughing at the germans because im done them but those that nothing with the. Have been thinking deep into their german culture yet you dont seem to take that as grandma gail sheehy because if sold out who they know im right so join me to meet the gem of a beat up host. Where hes hoping. When your family is scattered across the globe. With their existed you could do was leave the book as a journey back to the roots we should get a minimum of the. Shock surely from somalia to to rome. Im going to go to urgent assistance. Really start to turn your return on w. Its only happening. During leaks to the news from africa to the world your links to exceptional stories and discussions opinion will come to the diffuse and sickening program tonight from for an agenda meet from the news it is easy to know what i would say dont you smash africa join us on facebook t. W. Africa. Great to have youre back with us some way about iraq and berlin youre watching the news these are our main stories this hour the runner up in the democratic republic of congos president ial election has said he will challenge the results in court while the disputed result has sparked an arrest the government has told the International Community that it should back the election result and a court in myanmar has dismissed an appeal by two warders journalists jailed for seven years they were convicted in connection with an investigation into military atrocities committed against a branch of muslims. Now a severed rams head a funeral wreath for the still very much alive editor typical intimidations endured by the reporters on the russian newspaper. Its one of the countrys last in the pen of news outlets many others having been stifled by kremlin control force employees harassment and Death Threats are part of everyday life we visit at their office to witness firsthand their fight to report freely. She in press vests outside the offices of in moscow the display might look cute but its no petting zoo instead its part of the latest scare campaign against the opposition newspaper just a few days before the journalists received a severed sheeps head and a funeral wreath addressed to the editor in chief and to journalist denise cut up quotes. Has worked for Novaya Gazeta from St Petersburg since september even in this cafe in the center of the city he worries about surveillance on the internet hes been accused of being a traitor the wave of online hate is connected to his investigation into the dealings of putins cohort. Hes allegedly behind the socalled troll factory which pays people to promote the kremlins interests online and behind a controversial russian mercenary. My address is on the internets information about my relatives. Members of my family. And they openly discuss online about what to do to me before. I say that i find that pleasant and enjoyable of course i dont. Feel a certain satisfaction because these threats mean that i wrote the right thing yes. Kind of colleagues in moscow at their daily planning conference the newspaper is one of the last truly critical Media Outlets and russia for over twenty five years. Has been highly regarded for its investigative articles into corruption and human rights abuses for years now the journalists here have felt the restrictions on press freedom in the country tighten six of the papers journalists have paid for their reporting with their lives including on that but it coughs she was murdered in two thousand and six when it was known for her critical reporting about the conflict in chechnya an element of fear has become part of everyday life at. The. Newspaper. Journalists as if we were reporting during war time. When theyre even though russia is not at war. Its like working in a mine field or. If you had to choose what they should send to she. All come without warning and murders someone then id rather have a separate sheeps head every single day. Over. The head of the Russian Journalists Union on the other hand says the Bigger Picture when it comes to press freedom in russia is positive. I think in russia journalists and the government are still learning how to communicate with each other. And even though there are problems there is overreach. Verge on censorship nevertheless the situation overall is improving and internationally speaking the situation in russia is decent. But to denise caught up cough his work certainly feels dangerous he sees the risk as a given a normal part of his investigative reporting that hes willing to accept though it has meant that even his daughter has been threatened. Him interested in covering stories that you can see with the naked eye. With things that arent going to the surface. Dealings that are secret are usually criminal dealings. Of course when you do this work you can take on airs of nothing can stop me but of course i have my limits and god forbid if my opponents are sent out with those limits are. Say what story hes currently working on for no valid but hes sure of one thing hell have to be ready to face more threats. In Washington News we still have a lot more coming up a new documentary on a rare musical talent production that la maestra tells the story of mexican conductor a long drive from this breaking new ground in the sun times state of Classical Music. But first the germans have been telling the pollsters for a test. Time out how they feel at the start of the new year they feel pretty good it turns out although theyre a bit worried about data scandals and have mixed feelings about the world turning to tell your smart. Folks. This twitter account caused a political storm in germany the personal data for titians and celebrities where sleep over number of days mobile phone numbers Bank Statements and intimate photos were posted online it didnt take long to find the suspect. A twenty year old student was annoyed by the public statements made by his victims the political establishment is alarmed and so is the public. How concerned are germans about the misuse of data sixty one percent are worried or even very worried that their data will end up in the wrong hands. At the same time digital is asian and shaping more and more aspects of life so it is changing society the economy and daily life people in germany have mixed feelings about this development only twenty five percent believe that the benefits of digitalisation way the negatives more than half the positives and negatives in equal measure the rest is skeptical germans are not skeptical about the economy the booming economy and low unemployment reflecting their views on their own personal situation Seventy Eight percent say that their own Economic Situation is good or very good only twenty two percent say the opposite. All in all germans tend to be optimistic rather pessimistic about the year ahead. Arent there you have it now one of the stars of mens tennis andy murray has announced he will retire from the sport this year possibly following the upcoming Australian Open and mark meadows from he joins me in the studio to talk it over because i wonder why did he decide to choose twenty nineteen to basically retire well its basically a hip injury hes been dogging him for round about eighteen months now and he just cant shake it now tennis is a relentless sport match after match tournament after tournament and you can see what damage that can do to a hip and how even if youve just got a little niggle it will just come back as soon as you stop playing top class tennis again and this guy is only thirty one thats very very young for a top sportsman to be having to think about quitting but he can hold his head a very high is an amazing career i mean hes brought but hes ten hes back from the brink basically i mean the last grand slam champion before under morrie was the genie away did back in one thousand nine hundred seventy seven shows you how long britains thats the way lets have a look back now at his career and what was actually a very tearful press conference. Ahead of this years first grand slam of the season andy morey ranked two hundred thirtieth addressed his lack of but also. You know its not just that the pain is. You know is just too much really. Having secured the u. S. Open title in two thousand and twelve murray became the first british man since nine hundred thirty six to win wimbledon here later bringing tennis fever back to the u. K. But it was in two thousand and sixteen when murray really sure he retained his olympic title in rio just weeks after winning wimbledon again. He then triumphed in the a. T. P. World tour finals the scot ascended to the world number one spot five in two thousand and seventeen murray injured his hip and was forced to cut the season short missing the u. S. Open in early two thousand and eighteen he announced he dont to go on surgery maurice keep the a steady and open french open and wimbledon the thirty one year old initially planned to quit after this julys wimbledon but cheerfully he now feels melbourne might be his final event. I think news because theres a chance for sure. Theres a chance of that for sure because. Like i said im not im not sure. Im not sure im able to. Supply it through to you know for another. Four or five months with murray set to leave the caught mens tennis will have to do with that one of its cornerstones. Mark its very hard not to feel for him seeing him like that i mean hes been part of a mens tennis elite for the past decade are we starting to see the beginning of a changing of the guard i think we are if you think about the big four Federer Djokovic another. Theyre all coming close to the end i mean federer is thirty seven hes the defending champion at this still you know which starts on monday pretty incredible but you have to wonder if this is his last season rafa nadal has a big problems of his knees throughout his career hes the wrong side of thirty so is know about djokovic so yes i think we are about to see the end of what aids a golden generation for mens tennis our lets look ahead lets find out who are the guys who are going to replace these legends theres not many candidates actually probably the one standout is germanys alexander surveyed hes twenty one years of age hes just won the will to a finals at the end of the year which is kind of like the fifth major so hes sort of proving himself hes not won a grand slam yet but it will come and german tennis mens tennis really needs some success because the last manes grand slam winner was boris back in one thousand nine hundred ninety six and were still talking about it. Thank you so very much for your. All right now when you think about these sort of athletics vatican city probably doesnt come to mind but the Chinese State has Just Launched its own International Track and field team so will it be god speak for the vatican on route to the olympics right now. A rare sight in st peters square. This is part of the vatican citys new Athletics Team and they are ready to take on the world about it it may be the smallest state on earth but the team as lofty ambitions. Regards to the olympics the dream we have is to be. Carrying the vatican flag during the Opening Ceremony of the games. A marathon running priest and a Half Marathon loving nun are among the team members. For me when i began running it gave me the chance to rediscover inner peace to find a balance the one you need we need we would have time for silence. The vatican competing at the olympics may still be a way off but a leap of faith is all they need. To. Pick cheeriest for a film premiere last night held here in brazil and of a new documentary coproduced by. My foot i was about a mexican conductor a long drive the life i dont consider one of the most exciting conductors around today hes really into it as well robert where all the different culture desk is here so she is into it is she also any good she is very good i mean you have to remember she needs to be good because she has to fight for position really still a very male dominated world i mean there are many female conductors that have made the grade around the world to this day i mean were in a wells fargo for gender equality of course but theres still quite a lot of way to go that theres a certain skepticism i think from ordinance and from musicians like when she steps up to the podium shes also very young for a conductor shes thirty eight years old is really very young my impression is that she has you see she has this latin temperament shes a great stickler. For rhythm and tempo and however she was trained in if you like the. European old school Classical Tradition she started in Great Britain she works a lot here in germany in the rest of europe so i think its a great combination of both and anyway i think lets have a look at this documentary which has been made by our very own christiane baerga its called la maestra along part. Along a pair of belong to the International Conducting of the two she has worked with one hundred orchestras around the world the realisation of an impossible dream i remember when i was thirteen fourteen that i already wanted to be a conductor that i thought wow were going to begin the i dont look anything like the conductors and conductors are supposed to be german and very all that with white hair and im mexican im a kid and you know im a woman. Since twenty seven changes being the principal conductor of the Queensland Symphony Orchestra the major works of european Classical Music dominates the repertoire but on is keen to promote latin american composers to. The. Documentary director Christian Berger accompanied the star conductor over a period of fourteen months and i asked along to the apparel celebrated its premiere in berlin on thursday. So it says she was very open and gave us very personal insights into her private life but also into her performing life into the world of Classical Music with secrets beauty of. The up arrow with her family she has two children in the documentary shows how she balances family and career. Around the studies at the Manhattan School of music in new york and was then selected for a worker. With the famous german conductor. Since then she has blazed a trail in what is still mainly a male domain. When i was starting to fight that woman. Was not something that people liked nobody said it i have no proof to show you exactly but i could feel how it was happening and i really dont like the subject but it would be absolutely. Untrue to say now it has made an issue yes of course it absolutely. Globetrotting conduct. Has always confided her passion for music in her way from grisman in australia to germanys new first stage venue the elbe for the money in. Wow to be there my goodness im actually writing shes sort of i dont know your audience not love that love that ok now for regular viewers of d w they might already be familiar with it i worried because in extensive traveling around the world shes been actually filming little short films for a Facebook Page and for all you know the website for the last one half years actually i think interviewing musicians shes working with from all over the world all talking about instruments if you see soul back stage and everything like that weve weve got an example here from australia where she is the music director of the Queensland Symphony Orchestra in brisbane. And she interviews some of our colleagues even playing with them and having lots of fun. She seemed to be having a lot of fun and she doesnt mazing things like she was conducting a ballet so she had a ballet lessons actually from a prima ballerina of the royal ballet all the good that she did quite well you know because she wants to have the experience of what it feels like for a ballerina on stage while shes conducting from the pits anyway theres a great vault these short films i think shes dumb to know if shes done the twenty six but shes jews do twenty six theres loads of them on the website ive seen lots then they are very interesting and its a real behind the scenes look at how musicians work and. Together and how rehearsals are and how they take its called music. And its on our Facebook Page d. W. Culture and you know what you can just that you can get from just watching that is how much passion she brings to those the performances when can we see the entire doc ok the entire documentary is d. W. On february the eighteenth but it you know if youre called watch it from february eighteenth it will be on our website for forever hopefully and you can take your time and watch it whenever you like are right off thank you so much robin have a fantastic weekend it was lovely spending a week with you. All right now police in norway say the missing wife of a billionaire has been kidnapped in an unusual twist the alleged abductors are insisting on around them being paid in a sixty eight year old elizabeth haagen has not been seen since last october but police have only now revealed that shes missing. The search for home and surrounding woodland in a wealthy suburb outside the capital also has failed to turn up any useful Evidence Police say the kidnappers have used only Digital Technology to get in touch with them. They order it here but until theres not been any verbal contact yet theres not been any sign that shes in life but neither is there any sign that shes dead or for no matter. The victim is married to tom hardman a property and Energy Tycoon and one of norways richest men detectives want to talk to a pedestrian a disciple ist filmed outside the businessmans office on the day his wife disappeared the suspects have not yet been identified by behold wood fired im surprised in horrified that Something Like this could happen here i also feel great despair for the family its a terrible situation because the. Local media say the kidnappers are demanding a ransom equivalent to nine Million Euros to be paid in the cryptocurrency more narrow similar to bit calling the police are advising the family not to pay any ransom theyre working on the theory that mrs houghton was at home when she was abducted but officers admit the investigation is making little progress. Now in wales in the west of britain the alley will round up of an ancient breed of horses has been taking place most of the time they were wrong free in the mountains but theyre rounded up to control their breeding its an important practice thats been going on for years and stops the last of the breed dying out. Theyre the last survivors of their species around two hundred twenty karna soft wild ponies live in these mountains in north wales. They roam freely all year round. But every november farmers villagers and other volunteers set out to round up the ponies. They say its all in the name of conservation. This is a sick pack. Of these ponies with every single month in wales a few hundred years ago but now this is their last stronghold this is the last you know place that they survive. Once a year the animals have to be herded and the young stallion separated to prevent inbreeding. Baldwin jones has taken part in every penny counts and he was ten is even taken a few of the young stallions himself for children right in schools conservation grazing. You know its a place like that. We tried to get homes for them and we need more and more people to come forward if we can have them fantastic its a long days work hours later the ponies are in a holding pen to be driven into the valley. But the vet is uneasy about one of the ponies. He has doesnt seem to be growing as he should be and his butt like the week his head so funny shape. By him were going to have to keep an eye on him not want to gareth jones would like to look after the mare and fall for a couple of months the other ponies are looking good despite the hard winter and very dry summer but breaks it could be a threat jones and his cohorts receive about six thousand euros from the e. U. Each year to look after the ponies that funding might disappear and with it a long tradition in this wild terrain. With a threat. The on the ponies a big parts of it that have been since the cold six items so for me i do have to keep. The group as corralled almost one hundred fifty ponies now they have to be examined and cared for and some need new homes im not going to try now jones and the others have a pint to round off a successor day. For you. Now or minder of the top stories there were tracking for you this hour the runner up in the democratic republic of congos president ial election has said he will challenge the result in court the disputed result has sparked an arrest the government has told the International Community that it should back the Election Results. Plus a court in myanmar has dismissed an appeal by two orders journalists jailed for seven years the two were convicted in connection with an investigation into a trust that hes committed by the military against rangel muslims. Heavy snow has swept into the balkans after burying much of southern germany and austria many have died and some communities in the german state of bavaria have declared a state of emergency and more snow is forecast. Youve been watching the that we need a little rock n roll land on behalf of the entire news team thank you so much for spending and this is a part of your day with us still deal is up next and i wish you a great weekend. Come. On come. On come. On come. On. European stars deliver rousing performances. The audience husky voice has won him a devoted following no restraint yet full of feeling the burn. From british blues musician chris ryall. Arms through europe in concert fifteen minutes long w. More. Black eyed. German with. Any time i am placed. To sing music video. You. Have the benefit of quite a few songs to sing along to download food is to combine the two from soup of the front seats to to home. Such. A varied course is that into active exercises the right thing about that d w dont come slashdot actually and on facebook and the other still. Blend german so for a little w. Come to. Discover your concept. Discover it with the college. School election after one hundred years of the ideals of the bombers are more relevant today than they were a. Hundred years ago visionaries reshapes to be volunteers people are still designers are concerned. With ideas that are part of our future. About how does cross over into dance incident music savvy about to meet our house means edition of the future good of. What makes the bios and its creation some inspiring to this very. Exciting power a part of. The way. The was told the truth to measure it starts in january thirteenth on w. Out of the. Plane. This is the w. News live from berlin flights to freedom the saudi woman who fled her family is on her way to canada. Now shes been in canada also on the program. From the democratic republic of congos president ial elections says he will challenge the result. Would result. Reported so far

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