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Business is what business hates most or can only or always repeat is uncertainty and this is another step towards further rounds nobody knows whos going to replace nobody knows whats going to happen to the deal that she negotiated with brussels many say in the Business Community many say ok there is a deal that we can live with would rather stay a majority of the Business Community wants to stay inside the you but they could could live with that kind of brags that if that is the will of the people indeed lets take this deal and now this deal would be off the table again depending on who will follow theresa may as Prime Minister im part of the Conservative Party so at the moment the Business Community is probably rolling their eyes shaking their hands or throwing things of walls thats pretty bad standing by with us in london and barbara Something Interesting that theresa may mentioned in her speech she raised the issue of article fifteen you know of Course Britain triggered that article on the e. U. Level and that is really what ultimately is now triggering the timeline for braggs it but there are some questions which have emerged about it and whether or not britain actually needs to and here to the deadlines and an article fifty in the past couple of weeks walk us through that. I mean the deadline and that is one of the main points of contention is that many of her opponents tell her that she shouldnt have triggered article fifty before really knowing what the party wants what the Conservative Party once before really knowing what the line in the negotiations could be the line to take towards the European Union she came out then rather quickly saying oh we want to completely out we dont want to Customs Union we dont want. The rest the Single Market and we want to be sort of on our own make our own trade deals. The whole works that means that of course from the beginning on those negotiations were going certain way and that of course means again that treason may tied her own hands and she tied the hands of her negotiators in brussels and then we saw of course david davis who was a rather hard line cheer being the first bricks administer being the first one to go to brussels and negotiate there and hes somehow sort of relieved bungled it he just didnt really have a clue how to go about it its this is very complex these are negotiations that determine the future economic sort of situation in britain and of course the future relationship between the two sides and it was just rather hapless what david davis did in brussels and that is the problem that things got went from relatively bad to worse over time and that in the end of her was a deal that somehow she can push through parliament that she doesnt have a majority for and also that might know decide her fate and bring her down bad stuff from the beginning and she can push it there really because there are some major sticking points barbara just remind us of what the sticking points are because i mean theres really opposition from many different sides in fact. I mean the main though of contention at the moment of course for the brics the tears in her own party and for the do you pm the nor Northern Irish Unionist Party that is propping up her majority that sort of has to guarantee her majority in parliament is the socalled irish backstop no this thing has been thought about for months and months on end brussels was already cloyd exasperated because it wouldnt move and the british side would again and again come was with ideas that were just like lofty lets have a technological solution lets have some really clever it. That will sort of register all the imports and exports somewhere but where and so this problem to keep the border between each Member State Island the Republic Of Ireland and the british part Northern Ireland open not to have a hard border there in order not again to sort of descend into sectarian violence that is sort of now the point that seems to explode or implode as you like the whole deal and that is sort of the point that reason may hasnt been able to overcome and that is what might have broken down no. Barbara visa with the latest from london gary hart of hers here in the studio thank you so much to both of you and just to remind our viewers what we have been covering this hour this Breaking News because the braggs a process is in chaos after lawmakers in the governing Conservative Party gained enough support to mount a Leadership Challenge to Prime Minister theresa may a Confidence Vote will take place this evening so much at stake there in the u. K. So much at stake for braggs it and also for the European Union to keep it here and we will have the latest as it develops in the meantime wed like to get you up to date with some other news around the world because French Police are on the hunt for a gunman who opened fire near a Christmas Market in the city of strasburg on tuesday night at least three people died and as many as a dozen were injured strasburg is located on the french german border it is home to the European Parliament and a Christmas Market at the city of sauce play bass which draws millions of people every year government Officials Say that they are treating the shooting as a possible Terrorist Attack the suspect is a twenty nine year old with a criminal history who had been flagged by authorities as a possible exterior must. Panic as a man hunt arrives in the streets of strasburg. One resident as an unwitting cyclist head straight into the danger. Armed police hold there now. Hundreds of Special Forces have been deployed to find the suspected Gunman Checking Homes Cars on border crossings. The tragedy began unfolding around eight pm as a gunman opened fire near a pox Christmas Market you know you. Killing and injuring indiscriminately. That a firefight broke out but the taco got away leaving only a trail of destruction in his wake witnesses spoke of terror as the shots rang out. The top hundred of them i saw a lot of people running scared crying kids and all that i said i think this must be very very serious and then when i saw people crying and the crowd leaving they said it was a shooting right next door so i ran away i went to hide in a restaurant. With the often want to get on to. The nearby European Parliament complex went into lockdown. French authorities have raised the terror are led to the highest possible level as the search for the twenty one year old shooting suspect. The man is known for civil law offenses for which he was already condemned in france and in germany. The government has decided to switch to his data of emergency and reinforce controls of border crossings. France has borne the brunt of some of europes worst Terror Attacks in recent years now the country finds itself yet again in the crosshairs. And earlier i spoke with de w. Correspondent max hope man in strasburg i asked him to tell us more about the five people who Authorities Say that they have in custody after the shooting who these people were what their relation is to the alleged gunmen but the most interesting part to be david from a shooting to come out of that interview is that the Secretary Of State said it wasnt impossible that the gunmen might have left as he called it the territory which means that he might be on his way already in germany you have to keep in mind is right on the border with germany and this gunman has a history in germany he was not only condemned for crimes here in france but also in neighboring germany. Who is here max because i mean we are starting to get some more details some more specifics about him. Hes twenty nine years old hes a very well known to the authorities because as i said earlier he was already condemned in france in germany served some prison time but not for deeds related to terrorism or criminal acts death and in fact that man was supposed to be taken into custody on Tuesday Morning because of attempted homicide thats the reason why the police went to take him into custody he was not at home they found an Assault Rifle at his house as we understand but since they couldnt take him into custody he was free to you know to do what he did on tuesday evening so the same day here in strasburg he apparently i mean we talk about the actual incident he apparently managed to get inside a Security Zone around the Christmas Market and that max i know that you have visited those Christmas Markets are quite familiar with the security there how do you think he might have been able to get through. Well the french mayor the mayor of straws for himself was at a loss he said i dont know how you managed to do that. Controls you were pretty thorough when we got here on monday the streets leading up to the Christmas Market were controlled cars were some cars were stopped people were had to get out they had to show what they had in the trunks so the authorities were on it and we know that a couple hundred Police Officers were always controlling the area also soldiers because the military is allowed to operate in cities in france. But of course you know with the with the number of visitors in a city like strasburg. I would think that its impossible to have complete control over the situation but im sure that the authorities will try to figure out what exactly happened in the how the gunman was able to smuggle in his rifle and we know he is still at large at this hour max hoffman with the latest from strasburg thank you max. International climate talks in poland have entered their final stretch with yet another urgent appeal to stop Global Warming this time from the uns top science plan on Climate Change it says that rising temperatures will cause a reversible environmental damage and that poor countries will bear the brunt our next report is from fiji in the Pacific Ocean or Climate Change is already making life more dangerous for those struggling with poverty. From above fiji looks like paradise its a popular destination for people with money. But theres a side of the island that tourists rarely see. During the last storm this river burst its banks. People in a nearby community were forced to abandon the ground floors of their homes. Local businessman dinesh and an upholstery store which is now forced to run from the top floor of the building used to work from home before but all this flooding here you know i feed a lot of problems i lost a lot of things from Down Everything was doing. Better for me now when you were there like this i walked from up. To series of disasters began in twenty twelve when the category four cycle evan hit. Fiji had never experienced so much rain. The whole area was flooded. Dinesh took us the sights with a local river caused a terrifying flash flood. He said hed never seen anything like it. The last two years big was a really bad one it was a war. Story generated bit but. It would have fun in. So fast that really even pull me out with things really different said the house star what about just. Does that bring in just game which. Dinesh was referring to Cycling Winston a category five storm. It was the worst ever to hit fiji a place where psychos used to be a rare occurrence. The weather was starting to change. People in fiji say the summers are now hotter than ever. During Cycling Winston the temperature on the surface of water went to highs of thirty Degree Celsius the storms have also begun moving more slowly and i started causing more damage. The locals have built a makeshift bridges but theyre unlikely to help when the next storm comes the trauma of the last i clone is still fresh in many peoples minds. Thats why we were in there and i thought that it was a really big and nothing inside the house of you know marketing no more cloth everything matching their. Thats a big part i was a bit the prius everything rocks. Climate change is making life a dangerous. Business owner dinesh has experiences first and unlike many he fears its only a mush of time before the next disaster hits. And now what kind of hobby use would you expect to take up at the age of One Hundred Two while if you are anything like this great grandmother her name is oshea you will be going for a breaking tandem skydive check this out shes believed to have become the worlds oldest skydiver with her Fourteen Thousand feet jump over South Australia the Tandem Plunge was aimed at raising funds for motor neuron disease research. A youre never too old to try something lets get a quick check now of the top story that we have been following for you this hour the Breaking News british Prime Minister theresa may saying that she will fight a Leadership Challenge from her own Conservative Party with everything that she has got she said the change in leadership would result in the bronx that process being

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