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Lives. Voiced is twenty six years old and works as a Business Consultant for an International Company over the past year hes already built one house together with his colleagues and a moldovan construction company. The company is called unicode walls and it specializes in the particularly Energy Efficient prefab Building System the young firm as a socalled social business ten percent of their building projects and houses are for socially disadvantaged people anatole mullen say it is one of the founders. Of the way we build. Approximately we make the homes at least seventy five percent more efficient than Traditional Home building. And yeah i think we can contribute through this climate. Change initiatives and also protect our environment over words and even the event there are less imports from other countries. Most Housing Blocks and bill tearing soviet times the insulation is poor or in some cases nonexistent in the wintertime the Heating Costs eat up about a third of a normal income those who manage to put a little money aside retrofit insulation to their apartments. But the Mustapha Family cant afford it they have two children their son is severely disabled and requires around the clock parental care. We live on the first floor and here is often very cold by contrast those on the fifth floor nearly die of heat in the summer or spring on the first and top floor there are always problems. The roof leaks or you are plagued by Cockroaches Mice and bed bugs because the cell is too cold. To me. Now the most of us will be moving into the new house thats currently being assembled by the business professionals their tiny apartment isnt really suited to a disabled persons needs why but the most of us wont only have a new Home Alexandru who is an artist and designer will have a new job too. Sort of a metaphor for the causal thought in three years in the future ill be working as a consultant for unocal alls. I have some ideas about different ways that one can build the facade to avoid well trodden designs value and attract a more Exclusive Clientele to welcome but not too complicated for me i think they could make good use of my. Eyes from my squeeze if. The individual components of the new house are made in a factory in the countrys north west Alexandra Mustafa has come here to see which facades the Company Offers so far. Each house is unique the design of the most of our familys home also originated on a computer here. The most important building materialist him for the company uses the leftover scraps for firewood what you see behind me is the stack of roll which that we import or we either buy from moldova we cut it to exact size for our panels all the residue wood is used to heat up this entire hole. Each panel consists of a wooden frame which is then filled with polystyrene sheets. Its a plastic but its unbeatable in terms of weight and density then the panel is sealed with fireproof and waterproof sheeting. Ottery on vo nick and his colleagues from unique are keen to pass on their expertise so they hold regular lectures at moldovas technical university. The university which is training up the engineers of tomorrow has made Energy Supply and efficiency one of its core themes. The situation is not good right now because. It depends wholly on one county in terms of for gas. And. But troll. For us its very important to diversify such sources. Its day three on the Construction Site and the house is standing now its time to fit the windows. The basic Construction Cost Fifty Thousand euros a part of that was financed by donations from the Volunteer Workers in two hours the keys will be handed over the Insulation Waterproofing still have to be added to the roof everyone is going hammer and tongs to get it finished. I think its totally low but i can stay in europe and say ok im going to work on this project and know where my money is going so my getting it. In the evening its time for the big moment. The most of our family are given the keys to their new home. And its time to celebrate. Meanwhile the family can now inspect their new rooms. So its in such a wonderful day i feel great really great. Ever since i met my husband we dreamed of one day owning our own home. Now that dream is a reality its all a bit overwhelming just super. Some of the team want to take part in the next House Building project to make another family happy. Thats all from global Three Thousand this time were back next week in the meantime please write to us global for. Thousand d. W. Dot com at least check us out on facebook d w Global Society c using. The book. On. The book. Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah but. Im going to. Come close to. The be. The be. Small movement. We would dive into the deep blue water. We would want the Old Fashioned way the spirit. Of those we lived on never stayed in one place. And the seed the bombs to sleep mad the disappearing world of the sea nomads in fifteen minutes on g. W. More. Interest. We think for a lifeline to syria. Good morning where are you why arent you answering. Every call brings them closer together. But it hurts because they feel powerless to help. They worry about the ones theyve left. Im trying to be strong on. The war continues to haunt those who fled from syria. The war on my farm our two part documentary starts december eighth on t. W. He takes her silly. With the wonderful people in stories that make the game so special. For all true fans. Pick up more than football online. They make a commitment. They find solutions. They inspire. Africa on the move. Stories for both people in a Different School shaping their nation. And their continent of africa on the move stories about motivational change makers taking their destinies into their own hands. D. W. Singh multimedia series food for god. D. W. M. Dot com. This is deja vu news live from berlin beating a retreat president of france is set to suspend controversy old increases to the fuel tax a move comes after the capital suffered some of the worst violence since the One Thousand Six these after protesters took to the streets demonstrating against the measure also coming up. Nato says a new russian truce missile file ates an agreement that has guaranteed european security for more than thirty years as the alliances Foreign Ministers discuss the issue in brussels theres a growing of a new International Arms race. And how Climate Change is affecting the reindeer in norway and threatening a centuries old way of life for the people of the north. Im brian thomas a very warm Welcome To The Show the French Government will reportedly suspend the planned and unpopular tax on fuel in the wake of violent protests that have shut down central paris and an unnamed government source says the announcement will be made later today now this comes as officials attempt to quell unrest in paris in a number of other cities it was sparked by president across policies the socalled yellow Vest Protests began in mid november and have since evolved into a wider revolt. Against Mccrone Protesters accuse him of favoring the elite three people have been killed in the violence. While new tensions between russia and the west are set to dominate a nato meeting in brussels today the u. S. Is expected to use the gathering to increase its pressure on moscow to comply with the one Nine Hundred Eighty Seven treaty on Nuclear Weapons washington accuses russia of violating whats known as the i. N. F. Treaty moscow denies the claims for now europeans have persuaded the u. S. To delay plans to withdraw from the treaty but as the w. s teri schultz reports fears are growing that europe security could be under threat. European leaders know the moment is near when the Nuclear Agreement between washington and moscow a traditional safeguard of their security will be declared dead we all know that the time is running out. That this is not tenable but we have enormous one Troll Agreement which is all respected by one part of nato secretary general un stoltenberg emphasizes the dangers of the missile russia has developed which goes beyond i. N. F. Limitations on flight ranges it is hard to detect it is Nuclear Capable and it could reach european cities with little or no warning time numerous u. S. Briefings have convinced european allies that moscows missile arsenal makes a mockery of the treaty but even as europeans acknowledge that some are doubtful killing the i. N. F. Willing crease their security this of course is of concern to europeans because the europeans are in the line of fire and theyre in the line of fire between the russian Cruise Missiles and of the United States decides to bring back cruise missiles on the european continent who would be the first star get europe so this is the Interest Friends Secretary Of State might pump aoe shown here visiting nato in april was expected to formally announce i. M. F. Withdrawal this week in brussels which would kick off a six month period until the exit is final but european leaders wanted a two month delay and their last minute interventions appear to have won out the announcement is now expected in february the German Marshall Fund bruno lettuces europe needs to act now and examine his wider security as the i. N. F. Is just one of the former pillars now crumbling the question for europe and the nato allies in general is do we want to try to save those three days of the ninetys that no longer work do we want to try to save and change them or do we want to get rid of all these structures of the ninetys and come up with something new the problem here however is that there is nothing new on the table and this is perhaps something that the nato ministers should really start thinking about especially because theres no sign so far that russian president Vladimir Putin is thinking about changing course. So whats nato likely to do for the outlook this morning lets go to w. s Teri Schultz In Brussels good morning terry what can we expect today at this nato meeting will the u. S. Delay pulling out of the r n f the intermediate range Nuclear Forces treaty yes ive heard from several sources both inside and outside nato that less meant last minute discussions with european leaders at the g. Twenty convince President Trump that waiting a couple more months until the february defense minister ariel wouldnt be so bad it would give more time to put pressure on russia it would ease european allies concerns that not everything had been done diplomatically to try to bring russia back into compliance with the treaty before a six month period starts after which the treaty is defunct ok now President Trump was tweeting yesterday that he wants new Arms Control Talks with russia and with china what do native Foreign Ministers think about this approach well im sure that will come under discussion today when the meeting kicks off in a few hours but this in fact was one of the reasons the United States said it wanted to pull out of the i. N. F. Treaty it said russia had already gone ahead with this missile this banned missile and that china of course was putting a lot of money into its military so the United States says why should it feel constrained by limitations on the range of missiles when these two other proliferator is are running ahead so if President Trump really did Enter Arms Talks that included both russia and china i think europe would feel reassured but at the moment theres no guarantee that would happen whether china is willing to play that game and whether russia in fact after the u. S. Pulls out of the i. N. F. Will be willing to enter back into multilateral negotiations on arms control but i certainly dont think any european would be against that ok and well find out later today from brussels from teri schultz what those discussions are looking like thanks very much for not are down for some of the other stories making the news today. A top official at European Unions highest court has advised that britain can unilaterally change its mind about leaving the you the British Parliament will today start a five day debate over breakfast teresa mayes expected to push lawmakers to approve her latest deal and a vote scheduled for next week. President trump and his wife melania have paid their final respects to former president george h. W. Bush bush is lying in state at the u. S. Capitol building in washington the president in the past has clashed with the bush family but will be attending the Funeral Service tomorrow. Israels army says it has started destroying tunnels built by the hezbollah Knowlton Group tunnels are said to sneak into Northern Israel from lebanon. The sheer militant and Political Organization has a law has launched attacks from lebanon on israel in the past often with the

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