Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181119 :

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181119

e.u. over at the next seven days will be critical but will she survive the rebellion at home. and then tennis the new kid on the court twenty one year old alexander said when the a.t.p. finals for the first time defeating world number one novak djokovic will bring you the best moments from a dramatic match. i'm sumi so misconducts good to have you with us the leaders of hong kong's proto mock racine movement have gone on trial for their roles in mass protests in the city and twenty fourteen they've been charged with creating a public nuisance all have pleaded not guilty more than one hundred pro-democracy activists gathered outside the court to show their support the defendants coat could go to prison for seven years if convicted. the demonstrators took to the streets four years ago to protest against what they said was chinese interference in hong kong's elections didn't you spoke to one of the activists sociologist chunkin mon head of the trial. john king mon keeps running while he still has the chance he took up the sport when it became clear that he was due to stand trial the social professor and activist faces three counts of what authorities call inciting public nuisance opinion as my priority nod to i mean i think that this important to a to my cell and my fellow support up. why i guess this is the important thing a good spirits when we are facing the trial. he expects to be sentenced to seven years in jail john is considered one of the masterminds of the umbrella protests of twenty fourteen the umbrellas are a symbol for passive resistance to the hong kong police during a seventy nine day sit in demanding freer elections. however the protests failed since then the political sands have shifted in the city. the government is now taking more action against unwelcome views. human rights groups call it a campaign of intimidation by the chinese authorities. and they're sending a clear signal that the. that the space for civil society to raise sensitive questions about hong kong's future in hong kong is is. the public prosecutor's office refused to speak to doit chevelle about chance upcoming trial. china himself is pessimistic. more protest events have been canceled and a foreign journalist has also been expelled i don't see any future at least in the near future that we could get democracy this is a time to be fair and i'll sell to defend our existing freedom and our rights and we need to strengthen our civil society. john kidman expects to be convicted but for now he runs while he's still free. let's bring in correspondent mathias banana he is following the story for us in hong kong hi mathias so as we heard protest leaders are facing seven years in jail for inciting a public nuisance what is this charge all about well it is obviously a very. very substantial charge seven years in jail for it's a law that has been. taken but taken by the colonial government at the time it has rarely been used professor chan whom we just saw told me that he expected to be charged but he expected to be charged with unlawful assembly which is a minor offense so there is clearly a signal here from the prosecution. and the way of descent of resistance is facing consequences as we have seen a lot of members of the civil society the see this as an attempt to intimidate people to put a high price tag on resisting the hong kong government and the central government in beijing much as we've heard that the political landscape has shifted since two thousand and fourteen has also been a wider crackdown on dissent in the run up to this trial. yes tinsley spent we have seen a crackdown on dissent since twenty fourteen and it seems that these months it has accelerated there have been a few incidents. an exhibition off a cartoonist that is critical off paging political cartoonist has been cancelled due to security worries there has been a discussion in some with i'm sorry if it's a bit noisy here there seems to be a helicopter drill but i hope you can still hear me so in summer there was. there was a discussion with a member of the hong kong independence party now independence is clearly a red line for beijing and beijing has been pressuring to cancel this discussion that was hosted by the foreign correspondents club the call foreign correspondents club. refused to cancel this discussion and a month later the visa of the head of the foreign correspondents club join a list for the financial times the british financial times has been cancelled so it is very clear the hong kong government and beijing do not want certain oppin units to be voiced and they are going to pressure civil society. to not voice these opinions all right next yes filling in for us in hong kong thank you. let's catch up on some other stories making news around the world yemen's who the rebels have said they will halt drone and missile attacks on the saudi led military coalition if the saudis and their allies also agree to a cease fire tens of thousands of young men these have died from violence disease and starvation since fighting broke out in two thousand and fifteen. u.s. president donald trump says he has been fully briefed on an audio recording of journalist jamal kushner commits murder but on fox news trump said he would not listen to the recording because it was quote very violent very vicious and terrible saudi writer jamal khashoggi was killed in his country's consulate in istanbul. and on man the russian cargo vessel has successfully docked with the international space station carrying fuel water and oxygen it's the first delivery to the i assess since the aborted launch of a manned flight last month another mission in carrying a crew of three is planned for early december britain and the e.u. are gearing up for a game changing few days over brick said last week they announced a draft withdrawal deal this week they will be scrambling to finalize a declaration on their future relationship british prime minister theresa may faces a day of reckoning as opposition from hard liners at home intensifies but she has urged them to rally around her saying that the future of the nation is at stake. these next seven days are going to be critical about the future of this country it's about people's jobs about their livelihoods it's about the future for their children and grandchildren the change of leadership at this point isn't going to make the negotiations uneasy and it's not going to change the parliamentary arithmetic what it will do what it will do is bring in a degree of uncertainty that's uncertainty of people and their jobs what it will do is mean that is a risk that actually we delay the negotiations and that's a risk that wrecks it gets all frustrated unclear people voted for us to leave we will leave the we'll leave on the twenty ninth of march two thousand and nineteen. let's get the very latest with our correspondent barbara vessel who is in london barbara good morning good to see you we are hearing that today the number of tory party rebels is growing and that raises the chances of a leadership challenge against prime minister treece a mate is she going to be prime minister by the end of the week i wouldn't necessarily bet on it sumeet but it is relatively likely there are rumors here and by newspaper the sun reports that the rebels are only short off six letters to reach the magical number of forty eight in order to get this leadership challenge going this is sort of the vote of no confidence in theresa may now what happens then is that within twenty four hours if should this number be reached within the course of the day within twenty four hours they would sit down and have a secret vote to have secret ballots on whether the majority of chary m.p.'s in parliament behind us here still trusts in the prime minister or not it is unlikely that if she is going to survive this however she may be so weak at the end of this process that there would be open season for all the people lining up to follow in her in her office barbour in the meantime theresa may is pushing forward she's selling her proposed plan to business leaders today what is she expected to tell them. she will tell them a better me or there will be chaos on the streets of britain i mean all sorts of things are flying around here that the country's already running out of warehouses in order to stockpile goods for the case of four hard no deal breaks it that there would be a shortage of a shortage of medicines that the military is standing by in order to guard petrol stations in case there should be a shortage of fuel and so on and so forth so it's a real horror scenario and trees a may of course be king to business leaders will say sort of has my back otherwise everything will sort of drop into the abyss and they believe it they will support it because they say this deal even if it has some floors is better than anything else barbara theresa may says that the next seven days in negotiations with you are critical talks and moving from the withdraw agreement to the future trading relationship just briefly if you can what shape are those talks in. the talks are in relatively good shape. regard to the divorce agreement it will not be reopened that's what the e.u. says entries i'm a knows that she doesn't even attempt to she will ask for the few warm words in the declaration of the future relationship sort of voting there will be a close and frictionless trade relations and so on and so forth that she can probably get however it's just for in warm words printed on paper it doesn't mean anything you leaders can rip this up later on in the process if they start negotiating for the future in earnest which will be only next year. in london thank you barbara. tensions are rising in the mexican city of tijuana after the arrival of thousands of migrants from central america more than three thousand people from honduras el salvador and guatemala have been moving mainly on foot in a caravan towards the united states most are hoping to apply for asylum in the u.s. but the procedure is slow and authorities in mexico fear the number of migrants could soon swell to as many as ten thousand as we report this is causing friction with the local population. and miriam has been in touch with her daughters for a couple of days. the journey from honduras has been long and difficult. think gold is almost within reach the u.s. border. they don't want to stay in mexico for long the authorities here have little to offer them just. making no effort to provide food to be honest the food they giving us is awful. look here you don't put up any holy moley i mean with that one would only give to pigs but we have to eat it because otherwise we'll die of hunger more like never say is that will meet up with us you know somebody will demand that they'll sleep on the floor again tonight in the city stadium which the local authorities have provided as a makeshift shelter. they've been overwhelmed by the migrants coming greater numbers than expected. mario sooner who manages the improvised shelter says they're dependent on government support. but the government. simply not compatible we have nothing to millions of tons we rely on the federal government and we can set up shelters in the fields and provide assistance. but a lot of adults will have money to cross to help the people who are already here and will still arrive well most of them that. got me up in the water can see what. they need as much as four million dollars according to the spokesman for the state human rights commission. he admits that the city is currently unprepared for the impending arrival of more migrants. this ice the moment there's not enough staff to receive all those highly prized. more insistent this of say so inclusive and that is why we have been putting pressure on the governor at a lot of the application for about eighty million cases was submitted to the federal government. that's how much the local government. commits would be needed for the migrants. some locals have been dreading the arrival of the central americans fearing chaos and costs in some neighborhoods people have even organized protests against them. on the thirtieth and they have to relieve themselves where will they do it there's no capacity of a spokesman. there aren't enough restaurants for that many people. most of the are very good we've given them a place to sleep drinks and food but then in the news we see that they are i'm grateful for the truth as disappointing. as. i was just starting my motorbike when a boy insulted me out of got into a fight because he offended. me and. increasing tensions have led local authorities to impose tough security rules if my grandson not allowed to enter or leave the stadium after ten at night. are that there's been a big upset in the world of tennis an ad mccambridge from sports is here to tell us all about it hi and thanks for joining us in our studio the world number one suffered a rare defeat to germany's great new hope tell us about that's what i looked on as there is just twenty one years old defeated novak djokovic to clinch victory in the a.t.p. finals straight sets victory now it is worth mentioning that the a.t.p. finals on a grand slam but they are held in a very similar regard there's a lot of great players very competitive atmosphere so let's take a look now how he chief this alexander serve was hard on confidence and it showed in the opening stages. after breaking novak djokovic. sealed a six four victory in the all important first set. her third. he turned on the stall in the second set with a delightful right of shots. saving his best for last. night my. mom believe you know that it's obviously the biggest i know that i've ever won first of all i want to come to your book great really good not only this week but you know how you play the second hour of this year we maybe never seen it before i mean you barely lost a match i'm actually very thankful you lost one to me today you know. the undoubted highlight of sarah's fledgling career but one he may eclipse in twenty nineteen. and that's pretty impressive right what can we expect in the future from alex and instead of well i think we're all expecting very big things he's the first german since boris becker twenty three years ago to win the a.t.p. final so huge achievement and it's actually telling that djokovic said in the aftermath of that defeat as virus that despite his tender age he thinks that spirit is not only going to be competing at next year's grand slams but will be one of the favorites but it's also probably worth preaching a little bit of caution because like i say it's not a grand slam and bring grigor dimitrov was the surprise winner of last year's event and he had an awful twenty eight team so let's hope very of can kick on and win a grand slam next year where he has had a touch on this but novak djokovic he lost but he's had a pretty amazing year as any he has and even more remarkable given the situation start he was ranked twenty second in the world in january after an injury ravaged twenty seventeen so it's great to see him back to his best and going into this final he actually won thirty five of his previous thirty seven matches he won the u.s. open and wimbledon this year so really back to top form so it's all the more remarkable and fantastic that is very could pull it out of the bag and win this huge tournament there are exciting news for german tennis as mccambridge from didn't use force thank you very much. in football it is a big night for germany as they look to end a poor year on a high against another wins in the nation's league the dutch meanwhile are looking to make next year and final for portugal will. host the many tournaments having already qualify switzerland surprisingly reached the semifinals after coming back to stun favorites belgium five two last night england will also be part of a final four after a day to fight back to beat probation in a repeat of the world cup semifinal. or germany have been relegated from the top the vision of the nation's league but there is still a lot at stake in tonight's match against another lens the dutch can qualify for the final four as we just said while germany needs a strong performance from his team as he aims to show the world a revival is on the horizon temperatures have plummeted in germany in live is hoping to reignite the fire in his team after a disastrous year a convincing win over the netherlands would help germany get back on track. on sheer it was a difficult year there are a lot of disappointments torsional going off to the year got off to a poor start with defeats to brazil and then austria team management were also criticised for the way they dealt with measure a controversial meeting with turkish president red chips i pad on and then came the embarrassing first round exit at the world cup the germany coach also faced criticism for being too slow to implement change. it's important to learn lessons from years like this and then take action what can be done better and one of the solutions to. this is what the future could look like leroy's on a union brand and. players born in one thousand nine hundred five or ninety six you're sure kim ish is the same age and has already played for germany thirty seven times. it's my goal to improve and take responsibility. but the coach doesn't come to me and ask for advice. he has a lot more experience than i do. thomas miller also has more experience he's one of only half a dozen world cup winners left in the squad he's on the verge of his hundredth the parents for germany were on the if you like it or more because. they were toiled and needed a breather but thomas moore is always here and gives everything for the team he's almost played one hundred games in a row he deserves a lot of respect and if he plays against the netherlands they'll get a beer for me after the game and sold invites a beer. it's not exactly champagne but nobody expects that after the year that germany have had. monica here with business now and an historic fail on the trade front monica absolutely and why because the united states and china still don't see eye to eye sumi a war of words between u.s. vice president mike pence and china's huge ing ping threatens to offset any chance of resolving the trade route between the u.s. and china any time soon that is the asian economic summit in the papua new guinea pens was mocking beijing's regional ambitions while she hit out transamerica first protectionist agenda now as a result of the apec gathering ended without a final communique and that for the very first time in its history. the seed apec stands for cooperation but in papua new guinea it appears to stand instead for confrontation it may be smiles all around but accusations have been flying between china and the us regarding their ongoing trade dispute on full display here at apec the host remained diplomatic so very fruitful discussions. exchange a very frank feels about important issues about the that it is a fiction and the challenges the region continues to face for the first time since a pic was established no final statements were made the us want to the text to condemn unfair trade practices china rejected this the u.s. is also unhappy about china's plans for its own trade route dubbed the new silk road u.s. vice president mike pence laid out what he sees as the two nations key differences they begin with trade practices with tariffs and quotas and. force technology transfers the theft of intellectual property but it goes beyond that to freedom of navigation in the scenes and concerns about about human rights chinese president xi jinping says his country is not pursuing a hidden political agenda he warned the us not to close off its trade borders and reiterated that in a trade war there were no winners the chinese american dispute will once again be on display when president xi and u.s. president trump meet at the g. twenty summit in argentina later this month. well meanwhile forty four percent of companies in germany expect trade tensions between europe and the united states to escalate that is likely to continue to dump a new investments according to a survey by the i.w. german economic institute said forty one percent of firms that they'd considered it unlikely that the u.s. and the e.u. would reach a trade agreement that in turn would. depress german firms export prospects in the united states and elsewhere the study also says that the downturn in the german economy is expected to continue. so a lot of bad news there let's put it into perspective with a man of the frank good stock exchange how when it comes to the german economy where exactly does it hurt. well we've just seen in germany the g.d.p. decrease for the first time in three and a half years scratches on that shiny surface of a driver of economic growth and while the government points to the troubles in the car industry with regulation we've also seen experts slowing down while imports increase and that during a time when there is a weak euro exchange rate which should actually see the opposite happening and of course that weighs on sentiment on the sentiment of. companies as well and while we're still focused. on the trade troubles with the u.s. and china we're not even at negotiations with the e.u. those of been terribly terribly slow and there isn't any significant progress being shown here just the other day the. chamber of commerce said that we had and we hadn't come anywhere close to a reasonable agreement ok i'll push those u.s. tariffs on costs in particular german cars of course those threats are still on the table what's at stake briefly. the threats itself already cause trouble because they. cause trouble with investments companies don't know where to invest twenty billion dollars worth of german cars were exported in two thousand and seventeen to the u.s. so it would be a significant number but also a lot of german carmakers are in the u.s. producing cars they're out of one point three five million in two thousand and seventeen only over five hundred thousand were exported so it's also u.s. jobs and the u.s. economy that would suffer from this right now christine it's there from the front is that the exchange thank you so much. the french government is standing its ground despite a massive protests its will continue raising taxes on gasoline and diesel on french television pay me or prime minister it was he leapt defended the tax hike as and by remain to protection the protests called. or yellow vests continued on sunday demonstrators blocked streets and scraw sings that many locations one woman died and more than four hundred people were injured almost half a million protesters took part. and here's a reminder of the top story we're following for you. hong kong's pro-democracy movements have gone on trial for their roles in the twenty fourteen umbrella protest the nine defendants peter guilty to charges including incitement and conspiracy to commit a company can use the same. british prime minister to resign they says the next seven days will be critical to talks with the e.u. after last week's withdrawal agreement the two sides are now working to finalize a declaration on their future relationship. and watching t.w. news live from more coming up at the top of the hour in the meantime you can get all the information around the clock on our web site that's t w dot com thanks john . odd. how can we free the pacific ocean from plastic waste. a young dutchman is pointing the way to use it for a world full of plastic trash floating off the coast of california is ocean cleanup system is like a truck for the one who sees the maneuver not her daughter's risks. his mission succeed. tomorrow to the next. what traditional gender roles against intersexuality same sex marriage and the meat to the base. power society's view of sex change you. think that we should not push ourselves to strong goals. could we be nearing the abolition of gender in forty five minutes of the. continent is reinventing itself. as africa's tech scene discovers it's true potential. inventors entrepreneurs and high tech professionals talk about their visions successes and day to day business the difference. it's. history you know everyone. seems to have to fish for them i'll try to. get you to africa starts december twelfth on t.w. . hello and welcome to tomorrow to day the science show on d w. coming up. breastfeeding nursing doesn't just protect babies but mothers as well. motivating a teacher from germany on a nasa exhibition get his class on board. and inspiring at sixteen bolin slatter then idea for cleaning up the ocean now he.

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Honduras , Istanbul , Turkey , United States , United Kingdom , Hong Kong , Argentina , Brazil , Beijing , China , California , Yemen , Portugal , Austria , Guatemala , Russia , London , City Of , Mexico , Germany , Netherlands , Belgium , Tijuana , Baja California , Saudi Arabia , Papua New Guinea , Switzerland , Berlin , America , Saudi , Dutchman , Chinese , Turkish , Mexican , Russian , Saudis , Britain , Dutch , German , British , American , Theresa May , Hong Kong Isis , Jamal Khashoggi , Thomas Miller , Novak Djokovic , John Kidman , Grigor Dimitrov , John King , Jamal Kushner , Boris Becker , Thomas Moore ,

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