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The bridge to the track exclusive report starts nov seventeenth on d w. This is d w news from berlin tonight british Prime Minister theresa may receive a collective cabinet no. Plan. This is the decisive step which enables us to move and finalize the deal in the days ahead. These decisions were not taken lightly but i believe it is a decision that is firmly in the National Interest. To marjories im able to go to parliament to see if she can win approval for her plan as well well go live to london for the latest also coming up israels government takes a hit after a hardline Defense Minister lieberman resigns in protest saying the latest truce with hamas is a surrender to terror since palestinians have rejoiced at the news and in californias burning disaster firefighters say they contained only thirty percent of the blazes the death toll now stands at fifty as forensic teams step up the grim search for human remains. Its good to have you with us we begin tonight with what is without doubt. Breakthrough theresa may the Prime Minister her cabinet has back to a Draft Divorce Deal with the European Union the British Foreign minister took more than five hours to persuade the cabinet to agree shes now preparing to explain and defend the deal to Parliament Tomorrow. Mays announcement was less than an hour ago heres what she said the competition is just how long the child and impassioned debate was of negotiation by u. K. Officials a many many meetings which i and all the ministers held with counterparts i firmly believe that the draft Withdrawal Agreement was the best that could be negotiated and it was for the cabinet to decide whether to move on in the towards the choices before us were difficult particularly in relation to the Northern Islands but still for the collective decision of company which was of the government should agree the draft Withdrawal Agreement and the outline conditional declaration this is a decisive step which enables us to move on and finalize the deal in the days ahead. These decisions were not taken lightly but i believe it is a decision that is firmly in the National Interest when you strip away the detail the choice before us is clear this deal which delivers on the phocians the referendum which brings about control of our money and quarters and Free Movement protects jobs security and all union old leave with no deal only or no bricks it will. I know that there will be difficult days ahead this is a decision which will come under intense scrutiny and that is entirely as it should be and entirely understandable but the choice was this steel which enables us to take back control and to build a Brighter Future for our country or going back to square one with motivation more uncertainty a failure to deliver on the referendum its my job as Prime Minister to explain the decisions the government has taken and i stand ready to do that beginning tomorrow with a statement in parliament. If i may and by just saying this. I believe that what i owe to this country is to take decisions that are in the National Interest and i firmly believe with my head and my heart that this is a decision which is in the best interests of our entire united kingdom. All right with her head and her heart that was the British Foreign minister theresa may lets go now to london where our very own barbara is standing by near ten Downing Street good evening to you barbara so the Prime Ministers she got the deal through her cabinet is this a big victory. It is a spot victory because when she when we just heard her talk about impassioned debate that really brant is sort of code for we fought like cats in a sack because in it within these five hours they have a rumors coming out of Downing Street that some tory brechts tears were absolutely infuriated and that she really had a hard time to get them to sort of back her up and go along was the deal and so this is a first step but it is shes not there yet i mean many have thought she would fall to today when the meeting lasted so long everybody said oh this is go horribly wrong and then finally once more we must say she emerged victorious but nothing is for sure yet and we know that she has to go to Parliament Tomorrow and tried to do the same thing there and is that going to be as easy and im saying im using the word here easy very. Carelessly im going to be the as easy as it was tonight. Its going to be much more difficult because of course she will have the full brunt of the Hard Story Of Rex It tears against her who do who do stand up in parliament and voice their opinion as she will have the full brunt of the Scottish Parliament ariens off the whole assembled opposition and for all of really a for own d u p who has been sort of wavering over what where and how to jump the Northern Irish Unionist Party and who somehow flues any fees have already announced they would vote against this deal because they thought Northern Ireland was against singled out so its going to be a really rough day tomorrow and there are members of the d. V. D. Who have already said on the record tonight that they find this deal to be and im quoting here to be appalling that if the british people knew the details they would immediately reject it if thats the case then is it possible that theresa may and her government could maybe not even last through tomorrow are we looking at new elections and would that mean a new referendum on bricks. All this is still in the room a sphere of rent but there is a rumor that the forty eight letters that are needed formally to to get no Confidence Vote against a reserve make going are in fact already laid down and problem and now there is no confirmation of that and weve heard rumors like that several times before by the might also be true in any case quite a number of those that its against her have been laid down and so this is one so its hanging over her and yes it is possible that people the tories will force a vote of the brics the tears will force a vote of no confidence against her and what happens then nobody knows she might win it but it still would show her that to get this deal through palm and its at one point in december is going to be extremely difficult or almost impossible. Overvalues old in london on the story for us Tonight Barbara thank you very much lets take this story now across the channel to brussels thats where our georg marcus is standing by good evening to you your we understand that the e. U. Chief negotiator he is expected to come in. Any idea what hes going to say whats his reaction going to be. Well i just saw a very happy Michele Dunne yay in this Press Conference that has just started and while he was talking to barbara i followed his french comments there and he even had time he showed those documents you know his Phone Book Page Divorce Agreement its not the praxis deal lets lets be clear but he showed this divorce deal its over five hundred pages he said and then he made a joke over so far in the negotiations that the contested areas were marked green and those are all white now so he said no more color in this paper so green he said in english then is the new white. Here thats going to be the quote for the other in. Let me have this right white is the new green that ok yeah thats right lets not be colored challenge here are a white is the new green and i assume if its been a complicated day in london and i mean it certainly has been a day that hasnt been easy for brussels because i know bosal has been watching i mean what have people been saying there about you know that the reason may and this anticipation of whats going to happen with the cabinet in parliament. Today you had a meeting of the ambassadors of the remaining twenty seven you member countries and the e. U. Was really careful these the embassadors were not given that paper that bunny just was holding up to the cameras they were given a shorter version they were not allowed to take their Mobile Phones they were not allowed to record any of this material the e. U. Was very careful not to endanger those crucial cabinet talks today because the message from here is clear one has waited so long that finally to reason may commits herself to a clear position that the e. U. Having negotiated it all this way really does not want to see a Cliff Edge Brett Bracks it and so when it comes to the alternatives may have posed proposed use on the side where they do not want to see that cliff edge for exit. All right our very own gail mathis from brussels tonight where white is the new green rex agree thank you will israels Defense Minister or lieberman has resigned in protest it comes after a ceasefire deal with Palestinian Militants in the gaza strip the fragile truce brought to an end intense fighting that saw at least eight People Killed over the weekend lieberman calls the truce a quote surrender to the terrorists. Affleck door liebermans resignation took many by surprise the Defense Minister said the egyptian brokered cease fire represented a failure by the Israeli Government to ensure the countrys long term security. Im here to announce my resignation as Defense Minister of the state of israel and the question is why specifically now. She used a ceasefire along with the entire process of reaching an arrangement of hamas is a capitulation to tara. Hamas. In the un. And lieberman was not the only one unhappy with the Truce Hundreds of israelis gathered late tuesday near the gaza border to protest many describe the ceasefire as a disgrace the rockets from hamas rained down here and theyre afraid for this safety. On the other side of the Border Palestinians celebrated the ceasefire as a victory they promised to stick to it but warned they were ready to respond if it broke down. The hamas officials called liebermans resignation yet another victory for the palestinian people. Constitutes a victory for the resistance and the recognition of defeat and failure by lieberman and the zionist occupation. Its the fallout from the disgraceful crime in which the Occupation Forces try to agitate against the palestinian people. Liebermans move has dealt a further blow to Benjamin Netanyahu is already Fragile Coalition government the Prime Minister is now clinging to a one seat majority in Parliament Early elections could be looming despite the ceasefire Israeli Forces killed one palestinian just inside gaza or on wednesday people on both sides of the border are carefully watching what might come next. Well heres some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world german prosecutors have launched an investigation into the far right alternative for Germany Party for allegedly receiving illegal donation its parliamentary leader alice vital is said to have received nearly One Hundred Thirty Thousand Euros from a Swiss Pharmaceutical Company now under german law Campaign Donations from non e. U. Member states are illegal. The Un Security Council has unanimously voted to lift sanctions against eritrea amid a falling in relations in the region the measures which included an Arms Embargo Asset Freezes and travel bans were imposed in Two Thousand And Nine after the country was accused of supporting armed groups in Somalia Ethiopia which recently signed a Landmark Peace Deal with its neighbor has welcomed the move. She says its pulling thousands of its doctors currently working in brazil on a Public Health program out of the country of annan says the decision came in response to president elect job also not alls comments he has questioned their training and demanded changes to their pay. Well thousands of firefighters and some from as far away as texas are battling wildfires in the North And South of california Authorities Say that they are starting to gain the upper hand but the threat is far from over fifty people have been killed in the states worst ever wildfires hundreds of people are missing. The sierra fire is still burning outside San Bernardino in something California Fire Crews are hard at work to tamp down the flames here to stop it from spreading again. Further north in the destroyed town of Paradise Teams of Forensic Scientists as sifting through the Rubble Searching for human remains. Finding the bodies of some victims in and around the wreckage of cars a grim reminder of last desperate efforts to flee the flames. One person who made a narrow escape was ninety year old patty saunders. Everywhere we went all around also in front and we kept stopping we couldnt go that. Would stop and then we finally get to a place where you couldnt go forward. But i looked in and saw the large apartment a big sign paradise in that beautiful angel farm with a big holes and he was throwing everything he was making up. Nearly a quarter of a Million People across california have been forced to leave their homes in the last week. As firefighters begin to contain the blazes and workers start repairing the damage to roads and other Infrastructure Thousands are now being allowed to return to their communities. But the crisis is far from over. Back in the south one blaze has flared up again in the Center Monica mountains firefighters have been able to keep it away from residential areas so far but the vegetation is so dry that it could strike with disastrous consequences at any time. Arent hellen is here now to talk about something thats shrinking were talking about germanys economy in fact because the economy here in the euro zone or here in germany were actually shrank by a very point two percent in the Third Quarter thats actually more than analysts had bargained for and its been stifled by global trade disputes and problems in germanys car industry the data is being seen as a wake up call that stable growth is by no means a given exports were down and imports up in the Third Quarter thats trouble for an economy built on strong exports a major part of the problem has been a bottleneck in Car Deliveries by german automakers the result of new more rigorous you emissions rules but there are other issues political ones global trade disputes are threatening the bottom lines of German Companies both b. M. W. And dime side the Trade Uncertainty in their latest earnings reports the Companies Feel a growing uncertainty this is related to brag that this is related to the trade conflict with the u. S. And to the italian situation which may lead us into a financial crisis possibly so there is growing uncertainty the economy is cooling down but we are not falling into recession and i think that would be exaggerated analysts still believe the German Economy will grow this year but the news figures show that the countrys political stability and low unemployment with a weak Euro Currency dont guarantee a strong economy. Like few other nations the German Economy relies on overseas consumption at a time of growing uncertainty it only makes sense that its feeling the pinch. Konami counters to is a Strong Research sector but despite all the hard work going on in labs the countries like being behind when it comes to the development of Artificial Intelligence now but it is investing Six Billion Euros through to twenty twenty five to get up to speed with a i earned close in on rivals china and the u. S. Plagued by congestion or lack of Parking Spaces drivers in cities might wish for an invisible hand to regulate traffic such as computers that make smart decisions to keep it flowing. Its just one application of Artificial Intelligence experts at the German Research institute for Artificial Intelligence say germany is doing well in ai research but lagging when it comes to turning know how into products were going to put it takes a while of all Political Parties agree that we have to digitalize and that ai is a motor of progress the population remain skeptical that has to do with fears of job losses fears about Data Protection maybe also with a generally skeptical Attitude Towards Technology to get these are problems in germany i think thats why no one is really prepared to fund it properly now the German Government wants the country to be an ai leader to safeguard prosperity. This is about thousands millions of jobs that we can secure and create. That is our goal yes and we will work resolutely to ensure that the findings from the Research Done in germany can then be taken on it and used by businesses or because its. A key part of the plan recruit top scientists from abroad to do research in germany the Ministry Of Education And Research is to fund a hundred new professorships but Worldwide Competition for the best and brightest stiff. Gun issue of the theyre not only interested in good pay they also want good conditions for their families to be able to get their kids into the right school as im sure gotten can the cabinet has earmarked Three Billion Euros to help finance its digitalisation plan. The town and Government Affairs is having to stick to its biggest Spending Budget Plan right now did not meet a deadline set by the European Commission to present a revised budget one that would be in line with the Euro Zone Rules brussels rejected roves initial plan which will Deficit Spending two point four percent of the countrys g. D. P. Italy has the second highest debt to g. D. P. Ratio in the eurozone and now the ball is in the e. U. School what it looks like a nasty battle has just begun. After italys populist government stated on tuesday that it is sticking with its controversial two point four percent Budget Deficit Plans in response to the demands for changes analysts are predicting tough reactions on the side of the e. U. I think we are approaching sanctions from the European Union because i think that the telling government unfortunately has chosen it conflicting course with the European Union so i expect a very tough reaction because europe has accepted this challenge and in a way it is relaunching it franco says the current italian Budget Crisis would have a negative effect on Italian Savings and is mostly due to an internal political battle between the two majority parties the league and the five star movement. Financial markets in italy fell by over one percent at the wednesday opening a negative reaction to the governments announcement of the night before. The italian Cabinet Plans to raise cash through the sale of secondary real estate which Officials Say would reduce italy stubbornly high public debt. Its currently around One Hundred Thirty percent of g. D. P. Far above the e. U. Limit of sixty percent and the second highest in europe after greece. Was five different notes take a look at how growing q compass could help save the planet but think about that and know that did you delegate from around the world theyve gathered in egypt and theyre discussing progress on the Un Convention on biological diversity now thats a Landmark Agreement aimed at protecting the earths flora and fauna biodiversity and that brings us to those cucumbers one way to meet that goal is an Aqua Farming Project in northeast madagascar where residents are cultivating Sea Cucumbers. Oh only during the full moon or new moon is the tide low enough thats when the Aquaculture Farmers Uptown Colo Bay Head to their enclosures to take Inventory Workers from the ngo Blue Ventures monitor the animals growth this is the group that first proposed raising Sea Cucumbers to the villagers ten years ago once you reach years reach four hundred grams there ready for sale yet. There are rules for maintaining the enclosure as we devise them with the famous for example no one may and i know the farm is enclosure without his or her permission and fishing of any kind is banned. Crabs are the one exception they can be caught because otherwise that eat the sea cucumber as well these rules serve to protect the city. Culture began here hardly any fish were left in this lagoon today there is a greater variety of fish snails and crabs thats because sea cucumber exact like natural filters by ingesting sand they purify it removing organic Waste Micro Algae and bacteria. In a country where seventy percent of the population lives in poverty the village is experiencing some rare prosperity thanks to c. Q. Cumbers. Said effie and kitty was one of the first Aquaculture Farmers here in Two Thousand And Nine. Before the sea cucumber farm started i had no way to raise my standard of living. He will heal since i got my own enclosure ive had enough money to send my two children to school and ive bought a few nice things for my house. And i have a herd of goats now the. Thieves. The farmers pay sixteen cents for the new born Sea Creatures but after nine months of feeding their way through the sand the now mature Sea Cucumbers are worth a Dollar Thirty In Asia and elsewhere dried Sea Cucumbers are a delicacy cultivating them benefits not only the farmers but the entire bay and all its marine life. Well the International Olympic Committee Search for cities to host future Olympic Games was a major setback overnights in a nonbinding referendum residents of the canadian City Of Calgary ruled their city out of hosting the Two Thousand And Twenty Six games citing concerns about the cost from calgary now correspondent walter. It was a Companion Market with joy fear and emotional debate but the yes side extremely well funded in comparison to the no complain that had very little money. Calgarys legacy was changed by hosting the hugely successful winter games in One Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty Eight the prospect of reviving the spark in Twenty Eighteen has polarized the people ive always dreamed of standing on the podium singing the National Anthem with their battle but to think that every twenty twenty six years to be a cause we can. Do is in exact same situation i was standing on top of the forty zero zero National Anthem is a very exciting prospect but that the polls not everyone was so positive im voting no today because i dont believe city council has presented us with a budget that is accurate and im worried that taxpayers are going to be paying for this for the next twenty to thirty years the i. O. C. Has struggled a lot in recent years to find cities willing to spend billions to host the games recently they come up with a new plan the olympic agenda twenty twenty claiming to reduce costs for hosts they keep on telling people to keep on telling potential host cities that theyve changed but theres no evidence that theyve changed. Ultimately the cost of over Three Billion Euros was simply too high the calgary was no. The no here from calgary marks another low point for the future of the Olympic Games Popular Support is shrinking but she leaves the Bidding Process to those countries willing to host the games you dont play with or without the democratic support of the population. Youre watching t w news live from berlin after a short break ill be back to take you through the day but first is he britains internal pretz Prince Charles turned seventy today and he celebrated with a unusual tea party take a look. Theyre. In their. Own body. Clock. The. Oh. Enter the Conflict Zone confronting the powerful. Serbia whos pushing ahead with loose join the European Union for brussels who so far unimpressed with its reforms for my guest this week visiting failing is the serbian Foreign Minister im now for the beach. Why so little progress oh so many key issues. Conflicts of. In sixty minutes on t. W. They are digital more years. Form. Women for internet activists one mission. The battle for freedom and dignity. Courageous and determined they campaign for womens rights. And for peace. They mobilize against femicide or compulsory veils. Their messages are spreading like. Social medias critical critical of the. Times a from germany

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