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Bridge. Exclusively starts november seventh g w. This is d w news live from Berlin Germany pauses to honor the victims of kristallnacht. United not. A solid tribute to the victims of nazi persecution eighty years ago the nazis unleashed a night of terror on germanys jews a dark prelude to the holocaust Chancellor Merkel warning of resurgent antisemitism. Also coming up seeking safety in numbers as thousands of migrants fling violence and poverty make their way north to the u. S. They tell you firsthand of the dangers theyre facing on the long journey. And a wall of fire puts countless lives at risk in California Tens Of Thousands are fleeing fast moving wildfires there and officials warn the blazes are gaining strength. Im sumi so much going to thank you for joining us germany today is commemorating some of the most important historical events in the countrys history chancellor Angela Merkel spoke at the countrys largest synagogue in berlin on the eightieth anniversary of crystal knock known as the night of broken. Yes on november ninth one thousand thirty eight the nazis and their supporters carried out nationwide attacks on the jewish population. As a prelude to the holocaust. Or the chancellor said State Authorities needed to take Decisive Action to combat racism and she stressed the importance of learning the lessons of history earlier lawmakers gathered in parliament to mark two other defining of vents the founding of the German Republic On November ninth One Thousand Nine Hundred and on the same date twenty nine years ago the fall of the berlin wall. Lets hear more nor more now from Chancellor Merkel as she addressed members of germanys Jewish Community about the legacy of nazi terror the events of the Rush Cockcrow nine thousand Nine Hundred Thirty Eight were an important Way Point Towards The Great Rupture Of Civilization Which was the shoah leading to six million murdered jews and unspeakable suffering for many more millions of people. In all this suffering that define his words im ready to lock the words to describe it. We have family young from g. W. Politics with us for more on this is that when we saw these events marking the socalled day of faith in germany marking several anniversaries in the parliament but also in the synagogue which i saw the chancellor speaking there what did you take away from these various commemorations today here i think youre all the speakers today have made it clear how present the history is and thats very important you know both the Chancellor Merkel and president in my earlier tracing the various lines of german history. Mr steinmeier particularly focusing on nineteen eighteen one hundred years ago today when essentially germanys parliamentary democracy was founded the moment he was swept aside was the end of the say of the First World War and the chaos of that time but people had a new optimism and a new new hopes for the future in a new political order in germany and of course things didnt work out well that led to the viral republic which eventually sort of melted into the rise of the nazis but its important to look back at that time he said as an indication of what germany can be of the pluralism of the openness that was represented even in those days and its interesting that it wasnt you know why did the nazi pogroms against the jews in One Hundred Thirty Eight why were they focused on this date as well not the ninth of november the answer is because the hitler himself and the nazis saw that date with this proclamation of a new germany as an offense to them and indeed five years later in nineteen twenty three. There had been an attempted putsch by hitler which we failed at that time so he felt that somehow you know he was in a battle to prove hes proved his improve the rise of the nazis as his vision of the future germany and so this date continues to carry this burden of you know what kind of a place huge. All the speakers today were making that point that that is the question we should have in our minds today even though history doesnt repeat itself there are trends there are narratives that were seeing develop in German Society again today in this need to be critically aware of history as he said so i mean we have a clip of Chancellor Merkel speaking about this. When he had to be critically aware of history does he not is a must and i quote Professor Novak Trying historian this is something you dont just of you keep having to work out its unique and it is in this sense that every generation and new needs to strive to obtain critically inform my relationship with our own past a small but five cents where ever this is possible historical commemoration is more than an empty ritual it will mean that history retains significance and new questions and perspectives could even be opened if you use them this idea of needing to be informed critically informed about germanys history is especially relevant this year as were seeing antisemitism and racism prejudice emerge again in German Society absolutely and its especially relevant as well because this may well be the last of these round number anniversaries of november Nine Hundred Thirty Eight when people who actually experienced it will be able to take part. But also talked about the only expected gift that is the resurgence of jewish life in germany but of course that gift has brought with it a renewed appearance of Anti Semitism and anger a miracle said you know discrimination of any kind against any group as such is always unacceptable and thats why its good to remember she said you know because when we jointly remember we lift people out of the anonymity and the sort of generalized view and we give them back their dignity all right simon young from d. W. Politics simon thank you very much. Lets catch up now on some other stories making headlines around the world the socalled Islamic State has said one of its fighters carried out a knife attack that left one person dead and two wounded in the australian City Of Melbourne the suspect drove a burning pickup truck onto a sidewalk before lashing out at pedestrians and officers trying to restrain him who was shot by police and later died in the hospital. Members of the afghan governments Peace Council have met taliban officials at our conference in moscow they repeated couples called for peace talks without preconditions Russian Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said the participation of both sides in the conference was an important step toward direct talks between them the u. S. Says it will deny asylum to anyone caught entering the country outside official Border Crossings the Trump Administration says the measure will stop abuse of the immigration system its expected to be challenged in court. When migrants making the long journey on foot to the u. S. From Central America face many dangers along the way activists groups say up to Thirty Thousand have gone missing over the past decade our correspondent is on the road with the Migrant Caravan and he sent us this report. That water knows all too well that being kidnapped and then simply disappearing is the biggest danger a few years ago his brother disappeared as he made his second attempt to reach the u. S. When yaml was on those all those he and we got as far as a child because he had met. Him in the Police Caught me under the porta me back i want to honduras. It was i mean i went back again to look for him but there was nothing. Around ninety members of the caravan currently making its way north are said to have disappeared after getting on to trucks the reports from various organizations have not yet been confirmed i am pompadour but i dont publish a conference there are differing accounts of the numbers missing your know when some sources say. This one hundred. Dollars on the human rights or fortys are looking into this case im going to siena your model is stunning in this a gondola. Its feared that they may have been kidnapped and handed over to Organized Crime groups active in the area where they went missing. And now obvious in the caravan a spooked. When jovan lost sight of his two friends he thought hed never see them again. You see it was for me because i was really worried they had disappeared and i would never hear from them again but we got separated while i was trying to find space on one of the vehicles i had no idea where they had gone. Id say between ten and Twenty Thousand migrants have disappeared in the last ten years thats one reason why people are queuing to get into this tent inside they can call their families for free to reassure them that theyre still ok and i mean were counseling with our lawyer if you dont fall off the train you get run over by a truck you know. So no set us but it is it just were told once everything here is that i mean no we were most afraid for the children. Because of the dane. The people in the stadium divided register according to the region they came from that way they hope any disappearances will be noticed. That its very dangerous travelling between mexico city and the us border we need to be well organized and able to look after each other we have to know about each other every individual every child. In the back up and so on i mean youre. All going to list crime is lying in white everywhere on the journey ahead the markets are at risk of kidnapping and blackmail. It whatever it is son asking us gamma criminals and the migrants with fake Office Software no necessity i mean they can then theyre forcibly held. And subjected to Human Trafficking in another us guys when say. But even though they leave if that was the lament their. Attempts to jump the migrants even take place within temporary accommodation in mexico city the president of the Mexican Federal Human Rights Commission says migrants are often approached by people claiming to be officials. Now people who feel that if anything no one had heard of the supposed organization. To leave they offered to take people in lauris in groups of eighteen. North and over the border into the u. S. And i think. The biggest concern for the people in the caravan is to avoid falling victim to criminals exploiting their desperation. Rapidly moving wildfires have forced thousands of people to flee their homes in the u. S. State of california governor kava newsome has declared a State Of Emergency in the affected areas officials have warned the blazes are gaining strength and could rage for days. In this sleepy town of paradise all hell has broken loose wildfire sweeping through Northern California engulf the town forcing its Twenty Seven Thousand residents to flee. Authorities estimate that around two thousand buildings were destroyed and strong winds whipped up the blaze. Extremely hazardous lots of smoke dark devastation actually burning all throughout the town to be good to there for eighteen years and it looks like the fire came from. East enders came straight through town all the way to the west while the flames consume the homes residents john breaux is in a desperate bid to escape can find a spot to rapidly that families had no choice but to take roots are ready and bought up by fire the whole house is just going to. The store she said several firemen and residents were injured that have been no reported fatalities. Long periods of drought have created Tinderbox Conditions along the fire to spread quickly the situation is unlikely to improve soon. The challenge also for us is that we are at the beginning of a significant Santa Ana Wind event that will last a number of days right now we have somewhere between four and five hundred five firefighters on scene many more on request and will be coming in having bad escape with their lives residents are in for a shock when they return to find that paradise lost. One sports item for you a bar in Minot Defender Jerome Boa Tang has been left off of the germany squad for this months friendly with russia and the crucial Nations League game with the netherlands the twenty fourteen world cup winner has struggled of late for his club and for the his National Team a statement from the german f. A. Said the thirty year old was being given a break after discussions with Coach Walking to germany need a home win against the dutch on november nineteenth to avoid being relegated from their Nations League group. Or mind our top story that were following for you here in germany has been marking eighty years since the end infamous nazi pogrom against the countrys jews here in berlin Chancellor Merkel told a gathering of the Jewish Community she lacked the words to describe the horror of that night and said germany must forcefully confront antisemitism

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