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Nineteen years. For god to double use a little bit more focus. Really and both those in the german state say inflict more punishment on. Shaky Coalition Government its a bad day for the two main parties. Krauts and the Social Democrats both the see the shop and invest the poor big winners of the greens already in coalition with interests over the Christian Democrats for the first time the far right get enough votes to enter the Regional Parliament will bring you the latest also with full analysis from all Political Correspondents here in the studio also on the program. The f. B. I. Praises Pittsburgh Police officers for their Rapid Response to saturdays Synagogue Shootings Investigators said the quick apprehension of the attacker prevented further casualties as mourners held a vigil for the eleven victims that many blamed the killings on the current Political Climate. And brazilians on the verge of electing a populist far right president. The countrys most polarized election in decades. Democracy is at stake. Welcome. The Program Voters in the german state of hess that have delivered a blow today to german chancellor Angela Merkel in Regional Election the vote is widely being seen as a test of the National Popularity of her party the conservative c. D. U. Lets take a look now at the latest projections chancellor merkels c. D. U. On twenty seven point eight percent presenting a drop of ten point five percent since the last his election in twenty fifteen the Social Democrats or s. P. D. Managing one thousand point eight percent presenting a drop of ten point nine percent greens getting nineteen point four percent arise since the last election of eight point three percent The Left Party will their own six point six percent representing an increase of one point four percent the liberal free democrats or f. T. P. They managed to get seven point six percent and that represents a rise of two point six percent and the far right alternative for germany managed to get twelve point one percent of the vote for presenting an increase of eight percent. Im joined now by did obvious Political Correspondent find one young someone take us through these results what do they mean the big parties here have each lost an average of ten percent from their previous showing thats right thats the big story i think the main traditional parties Christian Democrats and Social Democrats losing big as we see is desert ing them looking for other aunt says elsewhere with some of the other parties or possibly just you know giving up on them entirely because theres a sense of frustration in particular not so much in how in the state of hesse itself as with that government in berlin and wrangle america the other thing you can see here. For the greens whove been in this coalition a cd you Green Coalition thats been in has over the last five years and theyve clearly you know done good work theyre being rewarded for that with a big boost in their vote the other thing the far right party coming in here now represented in every Regional State legislature around germany so thats a big big news for them the other thing i would mention is further splintering of german politics in general in our six parties in this Regional Parliament and youve seen the same kind of thing in a lot of other places you know small parties and slightly bigger parties thats the landscape of german politics now but someone might be watching us go through these numbers in great new chance say well theyre just Regional Elections why are they being watched so closely with these kind of elections that come along in an regular irregular intervals are always watched by the politics watches because they give that sort of clue of where the vote is of thinking and what theyre thinking about i mean there are traditionally appeals from the poet falling from the politicians and america was in as of this week saying please dont vote on National Issues make it a region. Election if you dont like me send me a letter but of Course Voters dont think like that always at least they theres a mixture of issues and some of them of the National Ones and particularly at the moment when youve got this Grand Coalition in berlin its a mishmash of center left and center right a lot of voters are frustrated a lot of politicians are frustrated that that government doesnt seem to be working very well doesnt seem to be able to communicate what it has done and it doesnt seem to be able to get out of arguing with itself and crisis limping from one crisis to the next so because of that this vote is a signal for everybody really of what the mood of the political mood in the countries and ill be asking you what it is shortly but now i want us to hear the reaction from the Secretary General of the conservative c. D. U. Party who spoke just a short while ago this is what he had to say. I mean this this seems to me we can already draw some conclusions its been painful for the c. D. U. That weve lost a lot of votes but also the good folk of goofy a friend here has to have achieved their goal for this election thats course abides by stopping them its what weve prevented a left wing majority of and we will be able to continue the work of the c. D. U. Green Coalition Led by phone. That is down to our friends in has and we congratulate them for that. Well we just had a city a Party Official there saying its a painful result for the c. D. U. Clearly voters are deserted the major parties why well as i say i think its partly because of the failures of this government its had its had some scandals it doesnt appear to have gone on top of the Diesel Scandal for instance in the Automotive Industry has had troubles with its. Response to far right violence on the streets and the spy Service Coming out with the wrong messages and so on there have been difficulties like that but also theres this sense that the politicians within the coalition have been you know squabbling on issues that dont really matter to the people in the country at large and theres a lot of navel gazing and internal squabbling and people dont like that i think thats a problem you know the economy in germany is in a pretty Good Condition as Angela Merkel was saying the other day but people have lost trust theyve lost trust in their government and theres a sense that Angela Merkel herself is coming to very much now coming to the end of her period as chancellor and thats why i think the the the two main parties you know they dont seem to quite have the answers and people drift away to the smaller parties does this mean then that we could be looking at a new momentum from critics who want to leave the Grand Coalition for a split of the Grand Coalition after this election i think thats one of the big questions. You know its what will the social Democrat Party make of this because on their side theyve theyve seen this loss in their support and you know theres really nothing for them to sort of the positives really for them to take out of this they were perhaps hoping that by some miracle of mathematics they might somehow be part of a future governments in this state of hers and that would have been something they could have. Something good now they are out in the cold and if they decide that this signal says we must change course that might be interpreted as meaning we must leave the government and force new elections because thats what im going to move his party said would happen if if the government splits well someone young with the details of a Regional Election with National Implications will be coming back to you shortly thank you. In a moment though we turn to some of the other stories making news Around The World intrude on a constitutional crisis has escalated with one person killed and two injured when a sacked Cabinet Minister tried to b. N. To his office this comes just days after the countrys president removed the Prime Minister and installed a powerful ally of china in his place. People in the former Soviet Republic Of Georgia are electing a new president today the two frontrunners are both former Foreign Ministers the vote is being seen as a crucial test the ruling party ahead of parliamentary elections in twenty twenty. Syrian officials have reopened the countrys National Museum in damascus it was shut down more than six years ago as a Civil War Encroached on the capital authorities had put over Three Hundred Thousand artifacts from various museums in storage that some were destroyed by the socalled Islamic State damaged in fighting or looted. Theres been a wave of International Condemnation of to eleven people were killed in the deadliest attack on the Jewish Community in the United States the alleged killer robot is accused of shouting on To Semitic Slurs as he stormed the synagogue in pittsburgh pennsylvania opening fire on washing. The warm glow of candles song and prayer. Thousands gathered in pittsburgh to mourn the dead and express their solidarity with the Jewish Community as well as foist their outrage. This may have been heading for the past few years but not see the anti semites White Supremacists and the like are feeling completely emboldened and more confident and confident to go out and express their hateful believes in this Political Climate i feel like the leadership in our country right now is just encouraging violence and i wish to stop. On saturday morning after reports of a gunman at the tree of life Synagogue Police and a heavily armed swat team descended on the scene. By the time the attacker was apprehended eleven people were dead and several more injured. Police say the suspect told them his aim had been to kill jews. President donald trump called for tougher punishment for such crimes but he rejected the idea that stricter gun laws could have prevented the attack on. Pittsburgh mayor bill purdue toad did not agree i think the approach that we need to be looking at is how we take the guns which is the common denominator of every Mass Shooting in america out of the hands of those that are looking to express hatred through murder in jerusalem the Israeli Cabinet observed a minute of silence to honor the victims. Looking because of we stand as one front against antisemitism and against these barbaric manifestations i call on the entire world to unite in the fight against antisemitism in every place so. Investigators say the attacker likely acted alone to get the shooting comes just days after a suspect was arrested in a right wing mail bomb plot and in just over a week u. S. Voters head to the polls in a highly anticipated midterm election. Back from our news desk now joins me here in studio with the very latest so max im beginning to see chatto about the shooter as political i mean Online Activity what do we know about it well the suspect is believed to have used social media to spread his radical believes online hes connected to one specific account on the social media platform gap thats a network of a Network Favored by many right wingers now the account has been taken down after yesterdays events but some of the contours still out there still archive lets have a look at it just to get in im standing of this race is our eulogy to this man was falling have a look at the banner here this is his account theres a photograph of the numbers fourteen eighty eight thats a number loaded with Neo Nazis Symbolism and also his bio reads jews are the children of satan and by our didnt hold back on direct threats to the Jewish Community in this post he targets jewish Nonprofit Group that helps jewish refugees relocate in the u. S. The post reads you like to bring in hostile invaders to dwell among us we appreciate the list of friends you have provided you also the attached a link to events of the group and what probably comes as a surprise to many is that compared to many prominent figures of the old right he was not a supporter of President Donald Trump this post reads trump is a globalist not a nationalist there is no model as long as there is infestation he. Using a racist slur here and this so what we learned from studying his profile the shooter was very open about his races are you already and he wasnt hesitant at all to share his violent fantasies online with with get Community Well very clearly using extremely hateful and incendiary messaging but how was it allowed to stay online what is this platform so most important gap compared to traditional or other social media sites such as facebook and twitter they have very few rules and very few guidelines limiting the users so a lot of the uses are not welcome on facebook and twitter but here again they can engage in hate speech also and can also engage in what they like to call free speech as the c. E. O. Of gab puts it free speech in his beliefs his free speech means you cant offend criticize and make means about any race religion ethnicity or Sexual Orientation according to gallup so in this basically according to him this shows the spirit of gab was a plantation all right so do we expect any consequences or regulation for this site so gab has already been banned on the Google Play Store for example and people just recently just after listeners events cut the relationship and at the moment it does not look like gab will be able to continue as they have done before because the sites hosting provider announced that they will not host the site anymore starting on monday so its likely that guy will go down for at least a couple of months well max and over the very latest thank you resilience of voting in a runoff president ial election today and for the first time in decades a far right candidate is set to win going into the vote Opinion Polls were giving show you both a narrow and eight to ten point lead over his leftist rival financial had bad all the way. This is brazils most polarized election in decades many voters are hungry for the radical changes promised by far right candidates both so narrow others fear he could pose a threat to democracy. You think of our country needs change weve had enough of the same thing over and over i think plus an auto is our chance to change and if its gods will hell be a good president is the church. I voted for fernando had because i dont agree with his rhetoric hes inciting hatred. If he becomes president to legitimize all that hatred in people as a black and l g b t woman im afraid. Dire both so narrow the man who looks likely to become brazils First Fire Rights president since the end of the countrys Military Dictatorship in one Nine Hundred Eighty Five hes been charged with making me such a mystic homophobic and racist comments has defended torture and praised the Military Dictatorship Many Political analysts say his sudden popularity is a symptom of the multiple crisis besetting brazil bilson are splats to crack down on rampant corruption and violence and to rescue an economy in turmoil in a final call for voters he posted this message to facebook on the eve of the election. This sunday the twenty eighth of october in the future for zille is in our hands i ask all of you who want a different brazil a better brazil for all of us a peaceful brazil to vote nothing is decided yet lets participate. By seeing what is this book you forty. Meanwhile left this president ial candidate for nanda how dad is battling to narrow the gap. Of the nation is at Risk Democracy is at risk individual rights are risk. We represent the restart of the process the deepening of democracy of freedoms and of the battle against inequality in our country where you. Have dad has been making up ground in the last two weeks but with both an hour on the brink of victory its unlikely to be enough to turn the tide. And ophelia joins me from Rio De Janeiro so a fear of both scenarios seems likely you know clearly winning this victory but is there a chance for her dad here i mean recent polls have suggested that that gap is narrowing. Well i can barely hear you at the moment but what i can tell you is that the god has certainly narrowed between eighteen and two ten to eight points according to those polls that have been published in the past two days that has raised hopes of the Workers Party of course and their candidate for among those. Who voted already today and said that he is very certain that most brazilians will go to the poll today and defend democracy as he told the press but what you can see behind me we are outside your usual scenarios house and his supporters of course are very loud as you can hear and they already think that their candidate will be brazils next president there are already in party mood everyone who is here is very much certain that they will have a triumph tonight so a feel what could have passed a possible victory rather mean for the country. Well and on the economic side it will be an Eye Liberalization of the market miserable tomorrow as promised to fuel a national and Foreign Investment this will mean that he might even make a stronger corporation with neil liberal and munir lived. Role governments in the region like Chile Colombia Argentina as well which is one of the biggest Corporation Partners in brazil on the Education Side he has promised to make a more conservative education for brazil he wants to eliminate sexual education from the Loser Example and make it more moral as he calls it education which also includes opening Military Schools in every brazilian capital stage and he has promised bring the military to the streets as well he thinks that it is needed to change to fight insecurity and criminality on the streets he has also spoken in favor of stronger penalties for for those criminals and he has also been in favor of of the gun laws and for brazilians to have a hired gun. Welfare homes a route to joining me from very loud Rio De Janeiro thank you. The Billionaire Owner of the u. K. s Leicester City soccer club is now said to be among those on board a helicopter that crashed outside The Club Stadium On Saturday Night the b. B. C. Is quoting sources close to the family are saying that which i. Was in the helicopter along with his daughter two pilots and an as yet unidentified fifth person the accident occurred an hour after leicesters game against West Ham United had ended its still not known if anyone survived the crash and the club said it was cooperating with authorities and would issue a more detailed statement later. Imho tucker from d. W. Sports has been following this developing story for us and joins me now so what can you tell us about. The citys owner so the child hes a thai businessman and a billionaire and he bought Leicester City Football Club back in Two Thousand And Ten so eight years ago and in a way you can say he turned the club into gold into gold his vision his Investment Health the club to gain promotion to the Premier League in twenty fourteen and then of course two years later in twenty sixteen we all know what happened one of sports most biggest fairy tales came to life and that was when they won despite the odds being Fifty Five Thousand to one less to still won the Premier League so in a way he put less the city on the map but in a way you also cant overlook the fact that he was very different from many other foreign owners of english clubs theres often a big animosity but with him he was loved he was respected and yes he had a bit of a larger than life personality and so the use of a helicopter for example to get in and out of the stadium at Leicester City home games to avoid what is a to avoid traffic but if you speak to fans if you speak to players he was a favorite hes a very they just love him they love this man and obviously nothing has yet been confirmed its important to state that tributes have been have have been pouring in and. I have a have so we know that fans have been starting to lay flowers outside of the stadium since this morning and we also heard reports that one of the goalkeepers from lester. Michael actually that he last night he ran out onto the scene of the accident and that he was left in tears and we also know theres been lots of tributes on social media including from gary lineker whos now a Football Host on the b. B. C. But hes a former lester player and still a huge supporter of the club that was the most difficult b. B. C. Match of the day of ever hosted thoughts are with everyone at Leicester City a terrible tragedy heart breaking and of course Peter Shilton who is also a former England International he happened to be there when it when when when the accident took place he witnessed a Crash At Leicester last night with his wife hes absolutely devastated and in shock his thoughts and prayers are with everybody involved in Leicester City. Thank you and back to our main story now where voters in the german state of has to have delivered a blow today to german chancellor Angela Merkel in Regional Elections the vote is widely being seen as a test of the National Popularity of her party the conservative c. D. U. And i want to remind you what the latest projections look like chancellor merkel c. D. U. Sitting right at the top with twenty seven point eight percent of that represents a fall of ten point five since the last Test Election in twenty thirteen the Social Democrats or s. P. D. Showing nineteen point eight percent representing a drop of ten point one percent the greens managing one thousand point four percent a rise of eight point three The Left Party well there was six point six percent and an increase of one point four percent the liberal free democrats or f d p are on seven point six percent a rise of two point six percent and the far right alternative for germany on twelve point one percent an increase of eight percent. Good obvious Political Correspondent is back at the table with me and i just want to pick up where we left off with the far right if the weve just seen their numbers increase sharply theyre now bound for the heads of State Legislature for the first time are we looking at an unstoppable rise of this Populist Party well i think i think that is inevitably something youve got to say this is now the sixteenth Regional Parliament the a. F. D. Will be represented in that means they are there in all of them and of course there in the National Level it means that there are National Party and the sort of Anti Immigrant Ideology that they promote is not something has as is sometimes suggested that is mainly about eastern germany this is a National Phenomenon and clearly there are Protest Party but theyre able to appeal in the different states and there are different issues that play in different parts of the country of course but theyre able to sort of get their act together put out a message that they might be able to do something about it but at the very least the voting for them sends the message to the other parties the traditional parties in particular you know something ought to chart well the s. P. D. Certainly thinks that something needs to change and i understand that their leader and renata spoke a short while ago lets listen to what she had to say. It influenced politics at a federal level contributed a lot to our losses and has a and there are two reasons for that first something has to change in the s. P. D. We have a lot of work ahead of us here. We have to make it clear where we differ from the work of the government so i wouldnt second the condition of the government is unacceptable we expect the conservatives to draw the consequences and resolve their political and personal differences as quickly as possible. So very tough words from adrenaline is there are we looking at possibly a readmission of the debate as to whether or not this Grand Coalition should remain as its well i think so what youre what youre seeing there is an s. P. Daley who is not secure in her job tonight i mean that partys lost nearly eleven percent in this important state what does that say about what is around the country perhaps think about the s. P. D. Just a couple of weeks ago in bavaria they also got a historic bad result so they need to change something they think and its partly about claiming the successes for Policy Initiatives that they have managed to put through a National Level which they dont seem to be able to communicate to voters but the other thing is shes pointing out there you know that the conservative side is also squabbling among itself and occupying a lot of the headlines not allowing the s. P. D. To look like a really good party of government so we wonder how long how much longer under knowledge can stay in her job and stay as a member of the government what about im going to america how long can she stay in her job as the potty chair of a cd you lets not forget that the annual congress is coming up in december which will be seeking reelection be face time well thats right and the question really is you know how can how will the her party spin this result tonight the c. D. U. Remains in power as the Largest Party in her search so thats good for them but with a massive drop in support will it be blamed on angle americal a lot of people will will say that its her fault and she has to go someone young Political Correspondent ted thank you. Youre watching dude up the news live from berlin my Colleague Kristin Window will be joining us the top of the hour i need a few miles from all of us here at the Valley News Room we say thank you for watching. The food. Lowering the range and. Jellies most Long Distance hiking trail. Its going to be exhausting it may be my shoes it will look like this. This is in style one hundred and seventy kilometers a trail unspoiled nature. G. W. An Award Winning film cuts both so controversial nine and manifests in this months apiece then marion jones maria brown. Most of the origins of this film. Intended to influence the discussion of jimmys nazi costume. The film and it still spaces to marry him in france. The. Scars cover dont forget women in russia have to live with violence sexism and depression a lot of the same it violence is normal and russia. Where putins petri arcane rules today womens rights were already gaining traction a hundred years ago. People here dont have a clue about feminism but there are women who want to instigate. Change in every day life for justice and equality. Under the skin of russias women starts november thirteenth. Doubling. Look at look up

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