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Turning bearing land in the forest and helping farmers regenerate the soil so they can use it i mean how did how did he come up with this idea well he started to experiment he had a lot of the great atlanta and and hes always see that that he was living was considered to be one of the most degraded and i guess off the whole country so he began exploring entering the mate to and deeper and ended up going to mecca and by doing so he concentrated water and soil fertility in same spots which allowed even interact yes so that makes a big difference to smallholder farmers in those area. How has his work hours have been received within his own farming community. Well there have been tensions in the pasta in december steps that some people believe to death he also milk respecting certain traditions so at this sort of moment even set fire to his forest but that doubled his d. Diminish and he continued to experiment in slowly but surely he has been accepted as a leader in his own community and he is now well respected but it was a difficult difficult struggle he had to with difficulty you know that its fascinating to them you wouldnt you know think that he would have to overcome those types of difficulties and it kind of begs the question could this award maybe give a boost to those calls in for kenya faso and the rest of west africa well interestingly there is a huge program in africa to the store One Hundred Million hectares of decrease by Two Thousand And Thirty its called a of all one hundred and i think death dont you want to go getting. Such an important of War Forty Storing Decon age into production is also a very good sign for this kind of. Forest Restoration Program in africa where we president he has dismissed the Sexual Assault allegations against his Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh as politically motivated trump says that he is with him All The Way Cavanaugh and his accuser are due to testify before a senate panel will thursday another woman has also claimed Sexual Misconduct by kavanagh. The. Old saying in the United States a President Trump is expected to meet with the Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein on thursday now this after rosenstein was at the white house today amid speculation over whether he would be Fire Rosenstein is under pressure after allegedly suggesting that aides secretly taped the president s conversations hes also reported to have raised the idea of invoking the twenty Fifth Amendment of the u. S. Constitution to declare trump unfit for Office Rosenstein is the man who was overseeing or resigned if he resigns what that means is trump gets to nominate the next person and the thing you have to understand about rosenstein is he is the boss of Robert Muller the man who is overseeing the investigation into this allegedly meddling in the u. S. Election by the russian government and rosenstein has really been acting as a human shield between the mole investigation and the Trump Administration because we know that the Trouble Ministration is no fan of Whats Going On in the Justice Department right now and if rosenstein resigns rather than being fired it is very possible that trump could install someone who is less sympathetic to Robert Mueller and could potentially dismantle this investigation is then once the drug is wanting to happen that they wont resist dean. Instead of the president far in him because if president were to fire him there would have broader implications or before the trial presidency would. It certainly paints a murky or a picture if he is fired rather than if he resigns we do know that. The dismissal of various Justice Department officials including rosenstein was discussed throughout the summer and even last year this is something that trump has been harping on a lot. Basically because he doesnt like the fact that this russian vest against in is continuing and rosenstein is standing between him and muller he has repeatedly discussed trying to dismiss various people including both rosenstein and mohler and there is a lot of concern over whether or not he would install a simple crony to head us of be the next Deputy Attorney general if rosenstein were to somehow leave his job One Way Or Another so for now the facts on the ground for now are rosenstein so have the job the russian destination is still Going Forward El Mot Of Achatz Change On thursday a lot of that looks like it was coming to the foreground today yeah all these are on thursday in washington d. C. Thats for sure or has been in my ears were on the story for us tonight at the u. S. Capitol michael thank you well scientists in the United States are reporting success in helping patients with paralysis to stand and even to take steps again its all things to an electrical implant that zaps the spinal cord along with months of intense rehab the research is giving new hope to people suffering from spinal cord injuries. One step at a time jared chin ok is able to walk again five years after an accident that left him paralyzed to be able to move. My legs and. To walk even a stand it means a lot. That there is hope for not only me but other people. Ok as one of three patients taking part in two separate studies in the United States has managed to walk again albeit assisted. The twenty nine year old was the first patient at the mayo clinic in minnesota to have an electrical stimulation device implanted near his damaged spinal cord. The original function of the Electrical Stimulator was to treat chronic pain. But its being used experimentally to try to activate Dormant Circuitry in the spinal cord. And allow movement. Because we were able to see the Malaysia Wreck Plea the spinal cord itself and we believe that that was very important to be able to regain the volitional control or voluntary control and. Just one month after surgery general commute his toe on his own again he underwent forty three weeks of intense physical therapy and stimulator adjustments at one therapy session chinnock managed to walk the length of a Football Field but for him its not about the distance. The hopeful side of maybe all getting that where i can leave the wheelchair behind even if it is to walk. To the refrigerator and back to you know like not very far. And hope given to those with spinal injuries who never thought standing up. Or walking would ever be possible again. Midfielder luke as the worlds best Football Player at an awards ceremony in london was chosen for the prize after a stunning year which saw him help real madrid win a third consecutive a Champions League title following that he kept in croatia to the countrys first ever World Cup Final also being named the player of the road is the first croatian

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