Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180804 16:00:00 : compar

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180804 16:00:00

they say they're being framed by the police. and his interviews not branded products from his online offerings the internet says the internet sales giant says its rules prohibit the sale of products that incite hatred all body. i have on the home free glad you could join me temperatures in europe before cost to reach the highest ever recorded on of the continent this weekend a places in portugal have already broken local temperature records with some areas documenting highs of forty five degrees celsius on friday in spain at least three people have died from heat stroke. it's already been one of the hottest weeks on record in southern portugal the civil protection agency has issued its highest
a lot of old houses are destroyed about nine people have been injured so far in that but it's. correspondent who's in wise in lisbon peter thank you for that and please do stay as cool as you possibly can. thank you and it's not just europe that suffering from the heat japan has been battling soaring temperatures for weeks now more than one hundred people died of heat stroke last month while tens of thousands of others were hospitalized in south korea record temperatures of up to forty degrees celsius if left people day and across the border in north korea the government has warned that damage to vital crops means the heat wave is threatening a natural disaster. let's get you up to date now with some of the other stories making news around the world heavy rains have caused havoc in several districts along india's ganges river more than one hundred fifty people died due to flooding and more than one thousand houses were left without power what the state government
has issued for relief in the affected areas is more heavy rains are predicted. eighteen people have been killed in a helicopter crash in siberia russian authorities say the passengers on board were mainly oil workers aviation authorities say the craft collided with a load by a second helicopter it was undamaged and landed safely. turkey's president bird one has announced counter sanctions on two u.s. officials after that country froze the assets of to turkish ministers earlier this week the route was spock's when turkey detained a us past a working in the country and allegations of terrorism and espionage. chinese artist and political activist i way way says his studio in beijing is being demolished by chinese authorities i posted a video on his instagram account of an excavator demolishing
a wall spread an outspoken critic of chinese government policy he moved to germany in twenty fifty. questions government says it's deeply concerned by violence following his involved ways election and the disproportionate response by security forces at least six people died after troops opened fire on a demonstration on wednesday staged a protest against alleged vote rigging by president and mrs. today more than twenty members of the main opposition party appeared in court in harare charged with inciting violence at the rally. marched into court to face charges of inciting public violence dozens of members of the opposition movement for democratic change who were arrested at the party headquarters police accuse them of cement and violence while awaiting election results at least six people died in clashes with security forces but the m.d.c.
i think he will move the good before the old man is one saw i'm just hoping. he will make a change the fortunes of most of us there's no law and order here nobody is respecting anyone here so i don't see any future forcibly after winning by a slim margin man and god has called for national unity a great stout to his rival. i've played a huge to be the president of all the money and. a president all those that voted for me. and those who wouldn't want to nelson chamisa i want to see you have a recluse or role to play in the but was president and means. a lot of south africa has now congratulated man on god for his victory the united states says it is reviewing the election results. mazin has begun raising products
with nazi symbolism from his online store the decision comes off as it was criticized for allowing sales by the parties of right wing paraphernalia and says it's blocked several accounts and is reviewing the status of all that amazon's regulations ban the parties from selling products that promote hatred racial and sexual and. and on use of wood to air until it's in has been looking in detail at this story good to see so we understand amazon has removed the offending items is that the end of the story i don't think it actually is you know we read some of those reports today and we decided here in the newsroom to take a look at some of the products you can get on amazon and we're actually quite shocked but we were what we found i mean according to the terms of service amazon doesn't allow the sales of products that promote or glorify hatred violence racial sexual religious intolerance or promote organized organizations which have the
similar views and what we're looking at some of these items which were banned we quickly found whole regions of neo nazi literature that were being sold on m. amazon's american website to put the dust jacket of one book that we found there this powerful work not only examines the successes and triumphs of adolf hitler it additionally provides an inspiring template for the reunification of the west under the banner of a strong pro white government that will not bow down to the forces of money or jews now that seems to be a direct contradiction to the terms of service that amazon actually says that they have hears too and what makes it even worse is well you could say that is a slightly older book it's a historical document we found modern books as well that were also espousing a similar worldview i mean one of them said this book exposes the eternal truths of national socialism detailing the national socialist evade unshown in everything from race to patriarchy high culture high politics to economics and spirituality and described it as a a sacred text for the true national socialist came from. of the twenty first
century and beyond so it seems that these books are a clear violation of amazon's terms of services and the question is really why are they part of it's sort that they're actually offering to the public they sent me sound extraordinary i'd say i am but what about people who town said that these are protected under freedom of speech well i mean in the united states many of these books would be protected under some freedom of speech regulations however as i was reading in the terms of service is there amazon says it does not wish to support this political worldview and it doesn't want these books in its collection but that's actually quite the interesting fact many of them are labelled with the tag ships and sold by amazon dot com which would seem to indicate that these aren't being sold by third parties as amazon claimed with many other devices are not devices but rather are books and what really is quite interesting is while many of these books would be covered by american free speech regulations amazon was more than happy to ship them to germany and the german government takes
played at lord's in london next week. some transfer news those by munich have sold in midfield out to and out to barcelona in a deal worth a reported thirty million euros or thirty one year old joined by him from eventis back in twenty fifteen claiming three bundesliga titles and one german a cop during his three year spell in bavaria has moved also to was given the green light by new buying coach nico co about what was short of midfield options off to the signing of germany's laon gets cut from. the wall the formula one has been given a jolt off the shock announcement long time red bull driver down euro calendar will be driving for a higher no next season ricardo has driven for red bull since twenty thirteen where he's won seven races and made twenty nine podium finishes and have struggled since rejoining for me to one three years ago be hoping that the australian can restore them to their form of glory ricardo looks set to replace carlos sinus on the t.v.

Related Keywords

Products , Movement For Democratic Change , Internet , Interviews , Offerings , Internet Sales Giant , Sale , Hatred , Rules , Body , Highest , Places , Continent , Portugal , Areas , Temperature Records , Cost , People , Heat Stroke , Spain , Record , Highs , Southern Portugal The Civil Protection Agency , Three , One , Forty Five , Peter Wise , Lot , Houses , Stay , Wise , Lisbon Peter , Nine , Temperatures , Heat , Violet Europe S , Others , Tens Of Thousands , South Korea , Japan , One Hundred , Heat Wave , Government , Some , Stories , Damage , Border , Natural Disaster , Crops , North Korea , Forty , News , Rains , State Government , World , India , Havoc , Flooding , Power , Districts , Ganges River , One Thousand , One Hundred Fifty , Authorities , Relief , Helicopter Crash , Siberia , Russian , Passengers , Eighteen , President , Us , Load , Turkey , Oil Workers , Helicopter , Craft , Sanctions , Aviation , Bird One , Two , Country , Working , Route , Ministers , Terrorism , Allegations , Espionage , Officials , Spock , Assets , Activist , Account , Artist , Excavator , Video , Studio , Chinese , Instagram , Beijing , Violence , Election , Germany , Government Policy , Questions , Critic , Wall Spread , Response , Ways , Twenty , Fifty , Protest , Security Forces , Troops , Fire , Demonstration , Mrs , Vote Rigging , Six , Court , Members , Opposition Party , Opposition , Rally , Dozens , Charges , Election Results , Party Headquarters , Clashes , Cement , Mdc , Most , Saw , Law , Nobody , The Old Man , Fortunes , Man , Money , Rival , Margin , Anyone , God , National Unitya Great Stout , Nelson Chamisa , Role , Recluse , Wouldn T , Who , South Africa , Victory , Damazin , Ibm Amazon , Parties , Decision , Status , Sales , Store , Accounts , Wing , Paraphernalia , Nazi Symbolism , Regulations , Use , Wood , Detail , Story , Newsroom , End , Offending Items , Look , Doesn T , Organizations , Intolerance , Terms Of Service , Regions , Book , Items , Views , Dust Jacket , Website , Neo Nazi Literature , Jews , Work , Template , Forces , Triumphs , Banner , Successes , Reunification , White , West , Adolf Hitler , Books , Service , Terms , Worldview , Contradiction , Truths , Document , Patriarchy High Culture Politics , Socialism , Race , Spirituality , Text , Everything , National Socialist , National Socialist Evade Unshown , Violation , Services , Question , Public , Town , Many , Freedom Of Speech , Reading , Devices , Collection , Tag , Ships , Fact , Arent Being , Amazon Dot Com , Free Speech Regulations , Transfer News , Deal Worth A , In London , Lord S , Munich Have , Barcelona , Eventis , Thirty One , Thirty Million Euros , Thirty Million , Nico Co About , Titles , Cop , Spell , Options , Bundesliga , Green Light , Bavaria , Fifteen , Red Bull , Glory Ricardo , Wall , Jolt , Signing , Driver Down Euro Calendar , Shock Announcement , Season , Formula One , Laon , Thirteen , Form , Podium Finishes , Races , Arejoining , Set , Australian , Tv , Carlos Sinus , Twenty Nine , Seven ,

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