Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180731 08:00:00 : compar

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180731 08:00:00

and i want. to talk. to. the city there for you news live from berlin in northern iraq the region once ruled by the so-called islamic state is facing an uncertain future district chick city was liberated three years ago but remains a ghost town we have an exclusive report from sin jar the capital of the young d.d.'s the religious minority i.a.s. militants tried to annihilate. us president donald trump says he's willing to meet
with a radiant president hassan rouhani the surprise offer comes a week after rewarding times don't threaten us or you'll suffer historic consequences. counting is underway after a strong turnout in zimbabwe's landmark election the bob williams hope this restored local usher in a real change after decades of corruption and neglect under former president mugabe's rule. plus forest green the world's worst isn't just their name it's this football club. when the british team went green they were the first to do so in organized sports now they're the first club to be certified as carbon neutral party united nations. i'm sorry so much going to good to have you with us we start in northern iraq which was liberated nearly three years ago from the so-called islamic state when it swept through the region i-s. targeted minorities like the yazidi don't follow the islamic faith militants.
killed or kidnapped and enslaved thousands of years the eighty's and even now the group is still recovering from the i.a.s. genocide returning and starting afresh is a mammoth task very few people have tried to start a new life in the region and its capital center or shingle as it's known in kurdish did every burger to show the trouble there and brings us this exclusive report. on the capital of the years he dislikes in ruins devastated by invasion and the fight for liberation most people fled when so-called islamic state took the city and killed an enslaved thousands now that the islamists have been expelled only a few residents have returned in many parts feels like a ghost town two hundred of years after liberation from my ex only three thousand families have returned to a city which once had more than eighty thousand inhabitants. there still no sign of reconstruction there are no hospitals schools or functional administration
weren't years edis they would have taken care of us like they did other people. move more than residents come to him every day asking for money for reconstruction but he can't help them the government says it wants to press on with rebuilding but almost pessimistic after the latest protests he says he expects any available money to be spent elsewhere. film that report with me gets a shock and she joins us in our studio to tell us more about this story good morning sandra thank you for joining us we should say that shingle is what the kurdish call singe are for some of our viewers who might not know that name why is the reconstruction of this place taking so long well it is still a disputed territory first of all plus it is the homeland of a minority and of course other parts of iraq like mosul have also been destroyed muscle being the second largest city so you know it's not that the iraqi government
has a lot of money to throw around for reconstruction and. it's also a rather isolated area i think they don't really see the need to put money into an area which is disputed between central government and the kurdish autonomous government and also other forces playing out there like you know people k.k.k. kurdish forces syrian y.p. g. forces militia so you know it's really very congested up there real so heard one man say in your report you know the cities are like fifth class citizens did you see that as well they're well i mean if you see how people are treated there that they don't really receive any oficial aid for reconstruction you know for rebuilding their destroyed houses for road clear and for the clearance of booby traps unexploded devices remnants of war you must assume that yes they are treated as or a fifth class citizens they don't feel that they are taken care of and protection they lack
percent. zimbabweans have been waiting a long time for a chance to have a real say in who gets to run their country so what's a few more hours in the queue. some people get up at four am to head to polling stations and cast their vote without fear. everyone is able to put to use for it freely not being intimidated intimidated but is just free it's a special day because of this time is a new generation to choose who aren't ever since we were born is never expressed our choice more than twenty candidates are running for president but the election is really a battle between two men incumbent president emerson and god from the zanu p.f. party and opposition leader nelson chamisa from the movement for democratic change although many tipped the incumbent president to win opinion polls show jimmy said
finished the campaign strongly after casting their ballots both candidates expressed their hopes for a democratic and peaceful election there's no doubt that if the ballot is an appropriate one a genuine and not a bus that dies or if a court victory certain for the people there may be very. well the process will come really was this if it's a good thing to do is this i removed out of that in the presence of the entire political process will remain because. elections under the also retiree and rule of robert mugabe were often marred by violence and voter intimidation this time the vote was largely peaceful but some shortcomings have been reported. for some of the troops very small. but it receives it is still very disorganized. that
people become leaf we have not found although that is incidents of bad organisation still it's a far cry from the mugabe era today the man who used to rules and bob way with an iron fist is just an ordinary voter and many hope this means that real change is finally coming to that country. staying in africa and a controversial new effort by the e.u. to intercept migrants before they attempt a perilous crossing to europe now most migrants from sub-saharan africa pass tunisia where on their journey to the mediterranean from nature their travel on to libya where many end up in camps with often appalling conditions beatings and rape are commonplace under the new e.u. program the most vulnerable of migrants are flown from libya back to nature where there are they are housed in shelters run by the united nations here migrants can apply directly for asylum in europe and remain there while their claim is being processed but critics say thousands of people including children end up stranded in
the camps with little hope of ever making it to europe catherine martin is travel to new capital for a firsthand look. she's a young lady is thirty and from somalia she doesn't want to show her face but she's committed to telling how she was driven from her home. of the article was that my husband was killed and i was at home with my children masked men came into our house they raped me and beat me i still have the scars from my that's why i came here he did in kosovo who was and they would have a piece is one of around fifteen hundred refugees evacuated by the united nations from libyan camps last autumn they have endured war and many of them sexual violence every one of these women was deemed especially vulnerable by u.n. staff who arranged for them to be flown out there now recovering in the shelter for
women and children in need air before being flown to europe. funding for the shelter comes from the e.u. it's a prime example of legal migration without the pitfalls of a perilous mediterranean crossing once there refugees are right here from detention in libya we provide them with the media's assistance with protection we have a team of psychologists working with them so we have what we call a philosophy of care basically we provide them with recreational activities with counseling with their we provide them with language classes to prepare them for resettlement shares a former french colony and one of the poorest countries in the world it also has the world's highest birth rate on average women in the share has six children there's little infrastructure and economic output is low the west african nation is africa's main transit hub for refugees and people smuggling is big business the president of the european parliament has come to assess the situation first hand antonio tell yani says the e.u.
aims to reverse the trend by providing shelters so refugees are not driven into the hands of smugglers and we have to stop these groups of profit from the lot of africans who die in the desert and in this we have to stop them completely. in order to help me share support the refugees as they wait for resettlement in europe the e.u. is pumping money into the local economy most people like those here in the capital niamey live hand to mouth this woman sell snacks for about one cent each but not many people buy these men sell tea on the street sometimes it's enough to buy a phone card despite rampant poverty as president says his country is ready to help but long term it will need much more money from the e.u. . it's important that we wage a targeted by against poverty. through public but also through private investment.
some of the refugees in the shelters here in the. people have been waiting more than a year to get to europe the un has been sharply critical of some you can trees that want nothing to do with legal migration and refuse a refugee quota. to tell us if their process would move more quickly which would mean that we could save more lives we could bring more people from detention tunisia. keyes's one of the few who have made it this far and she at least will have an opportunity to start a new peaceful life in europe without having to put her fate in the hands of smugglers. now to what is perhaps the world's greenest football team britain's forest green rovers has become the world's first sports organization to be certified as carbon neutral by the united nations the club's chairman has even banned needs from being served at the stadium making for a screen the first wigan football team as well here's a look at the march of the green army. home matches it forest green rovers on the
surface appear just like any other football game players give their all on the pitch and fans cheer them along but forest green known as the green army vastly differs firstly only begin food is served because of animal welfare and health reasons secondly this pichot forest green is organic and rainwater is recycled in fact the entire facility is powered by green energy and now the club has signed up for a united nations initiative called climate neutral now. so we become the first sports club in the world to be climate neutral according to the un which is quite exciting and. have three would do more with them i think we would because they're on the same page as we are sport looks to be a great vehicle to carry this insane ability to secure the united nations' hopes
that forest green becoming carbon neutral will set a precedent for others to follow what we're working on this sports for climate action on any ship there where we hope all organizations will also step up their reaction on climate and for as we always will be different leanna an example that we share. their green credentials have also been matched by strong performances on the pitch forest green was recently promoted to the english football league for the first time in its history. it's high time for business with get hired now and taxi drivers in madrid and barcelona they are still striking today that's right and this new strikes come off the talks with spain's public works ministry broke down last night the strikes began last week in protest of what the taxi drivers call unfair competition rivaling says it's like having five. monday night passed without
a resolution between the drivers and government strike leaders said they'll go on. today's decision is that we continue hundreds of taxis have paralyzed barcelona and they're refusing to budge until they get results the strikes have since spread to madrid and smaller cities like that happening this is the first time the taxes have taken a decision where one hundred percent together on this this isn't you know it has to be thirty to one nothing else will do he means that in the future only one permit should be issued for every thirty normal taxi permits among those worst hit by the strike tourists trying to get from barcelona's airport to the city center extra bus services have been put on but they're still packed full. we're trying they're all there because the batteries for suitcases is very difficult for us on the streets a tough day today especially with children six hours jetlag and then the airports are empty things are hard that i mean nuber
a cab if i if they're working here because this morning in barcelona they were jammed last option would be a train or think. thousands of taxi drivers across spain are now part of the strike they say ride sharing services like goober threaten their livelihoods as of now they continue to wait for a resolution. tesla is planning on building a huge manufacturing center in europe and the american company is in talks with two german federal states as it explores building so-called maker factory in europe more negotiations are taking place in the netherlands the facility will assemble batteries well as vehicles fall into tesla they'll reach a decision about the location by the end of the year just recently tesla announced plans to build a large factory in china after a million cars will supposedly be produced there each year the comic has recently struggled to meet delivery targets for those mass mobile three. for
years tech shares have been the strongest winners on stock exchanges the robber world but as of late the fast growing business seems to be in trouble and investors are worried facebook shares lost just about twenty percent in a single day last week when the company failed to meet analyst expectations it cost the social network more than one hundred billion dollars in market value for this week software makers electronic arts and take. down almost seven percent each netflix lost six percent meanwhile investors are gearing up for a barrage of earnings including apple later today. well from all its talk to my colleague paul concern but it's who is standing by in frankfurt poll takers been down for. a few days now what's behind the losses and do investors fear this is a trend. yes gearhart there's been a big selloff triggered by earnings season mostly on by the other tech companies as
well also in asia and the problem is that these companies have been shouldering a bullish market for nine years almost singlehandedly so the expectations have grown and grown and grown and now stellar growth is already priced into the share so if a company doesn't quite match that. there's a high chance of a drop right now i spoke to analysts earlier and they said this was way overdue tech companies valuations have been way too high and if you look at it for nine years you know you can't always be on top it might be time for a bigger change although they say it's too early to say whether that will continue . further down much more well for many is apple has been the hottest of those tech companies the one investors are watching most closely what's in store with the quarter the numbers are coming out. yes apple the
world's most valued company is actually flirting with a one trillion valuation once again it would have to go up seven percent though from its current price and well let's look at what is pointing in that direction i phone sales are says suspected to be stable it also bought back some of its shares that might help but we don't know how the company is dealing with china trade tariffs yet and yet tech is difficult right now so one trillion is all but certain. problems and frank thank you. talking about some so missed its latest earnings which. actions due to lower demand for its flagship galaxy devices the latest sign of a slowdown for smartphones as the market gets saturated the south korean electronics heavyweights recorded a thirty five percent drop in operating profit in its smartphone division or me
year ago competition from chinese device makers has grown in recent months even as consumer demand for new smartphones has fallen samsung rival apple future release as with its latest numbers today. paula davidson the american motorcycle brand known for its large loud choppers well begin producing smaller. by twenty twenty wisconsin. will launch a series of five hundred to twelve hundred fifty c.c.'s middleweight bites an even smaller versions for the asian markets also plans to introduce an electric motorcycle next year the move comes amid flagging u.s. sales and an effort to expand in asia tariffs from the e.u. while also threatening all is bottom line. you're watching the news from berlin there's no more news coming out of the top of the hour thank you very
much for watching. climate change. sustainability. environmental projects. biodiversity species conservation exploitation equality. human rights displacement to. children.
global three thousand next on. an african hero who fought for freedom and human rights nelson my. his opposition to south africa's apartheid regime inspired activists all over the world and continues to do so. on a hundred years ago nelson mandela on life funded. forty five minutes on. iran. once again isolated geography and now a major power in the middle east. airlines of influence continues to grow

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Fatemi Doma , Incentive , Yes , Clash , Eady Put In Office , Suffering , Example , Citizens , Mountains , We Werent Years Edis , Six Thousand , Five , Money , Care , Rebuilding , Report , Protests , Elsewhere , Place , Some , Viewers , Story , Call Singe , Shock , Studio , All , Homeland , Territory , Minority , Course , Muscle , Mosul , Area , Lot , Kurdish Autonomous , Man , Class , Forces , Militia , People Kkk Kurdish , Syriany Pg , One , Houses , Aid , Clearance , Road , Booby Traps Unexploded , Protection , War , Feel , Remnants , Connection Line , Sin , Smuggling Networks , Jar , Smugness Snack , Routes , Holds , Syria , Sense , Reporting , Home , Loved Ones , Cattle , Ucd , Pitch , Most , Donald Trump , Meeting , President , Leaders , Sandra , Tweet Warning , Chance , Country , Say , Polling Stations , Queue , Four , Vote , Everyone , Fear , Election , Candidates , Choice , Generation , Aren T , Twenty , Emerson , Party , Nelson Chamisa , Movement For Democratic Change , Battle , Opinion Polls , Uzanu , Epf , God , Two , Ballot , Hopes , Campaign , Ballots , Democratic , No Doubt , Process , Bus , Thing , Presence , Court Victory , Voter , Violence , Elections , Intimidation , Retiree , Shortcomings , Troops , Hope , Rules , Organisation , Incidents , Iron Fist , Leaf , Far Cry , Eu , Effort , South Africa , Staying , Crossing , Migrants , Nature , Travel , Camps , Europe , Mediterranean , Rape , Conditions , Beatings , Journey , Libya , Sub Saharan Africa Pass Tunisia , Children , Shelters , Vulnerable , Asylum , Claim , Critics , Catherine Martin , Lady , Look , Somalia , Thirty , Men , Husband , Article , Refugees , Piece , House , Scars , Kosovo , Fifteen Hundred , Women , Many , Shelter , Staff , Migration , Funding , Need , Detention , Pitfalls , Counseling , Activities , Classes , Media , Psychologists , Assistance , Language , Philosophy , World , Countries , Share , Resettlement , Infrastructure , Nation , Output , Colony , French , Birth Rate , West African , Six , Big Business , President Of The European Parliament , Transit Hub , People Smuggling , Situation First Hand , Tell Yani , Trend , Smugglers , Hands , Africans , Profit , Desert , Laims , Pumping Money , Hand To Mouth , Snacks , Order , Woman , Economy , Capital Niamey , Poverty , Iphone Card , Street , Tea , Term , Investment , Nothing , Trees , Refugee Quota , Keyes , Few , Opportunity , Detention Tunisia , Fate , Football Team Britain , It , Wigan , Here Sa Look At The March Of Green Army , Sports Organization , Needs , Carbon Neutral , Chairman , The Club , Stadium Making Fora Screen , Football Game Players , Surface , Fans , Green Army , Reasons , Pichot Forest Green , Animal Welfare , Health , Rainwater , Food , Facility , Fact , Initiative , Climate Neutral , Sports Club , Green Energy , More , Sport , Vehicle , Ability , Page , Climate Action , Organizations , Others , Ship , Precedent , English Football League , Climate , Reaction , Leanna , Performances , Credentials , Pitch Forest Green , Strikes , Taxi Drivers , Talks , Business , Barcelona , Spain , Madrid , Public Works Ministry Broke Down Last Night , Competition , Protest , Rivaling , Decision , Results , Strike , Hundreds , Resolution , Taxis , Drivers , Paralyzed Barcelona , Time , Taxes , Permit , One Hundred , Taxi , Services , Airport , Hit , City Center Extra , Things , Batteries , Suitcases , Streets , Airports , Jetlag , Anuber , Option , Cab , Train , Livelihoods , Ride Sharing Services , Doesn T , Tesla , Center , Manufacturing , Vehicles , Location , States , Negotiations , Building , Maker Factory , Netherlands , The End , Plans , Factory , Cars , Delivery Targets , Comic , China , Mass Mobile Three , A Million , Facebook , Investors , Robber World , Ptech Shares , Stock Exchanges , Winners , Electronic Arts , Market Value , Analyst Expectations , One Hundred Billion Dollars , Seven , One Hundred Billion , Netflix , Earnings , Paul , Talk , Poll , Barrage , Concern , Takers , Apple , Tech Companies , Selloff , Losses , Earnings Season , Yes Gearhart , Problem , Market , Companies , Expectations , Asia , Nine , Drop , Analysts , Growth , Change , Tech Companies Valuations , Numbers , Store , Hottest , Company , Evaluation , Sales , Shares , Direction , Price , China Trade Tariffs , Problems , Tech , Smartphones , Actions , Electronics , Devices , Operating Profit , Demand , Heavyweights , Galaxy , Slowdown , Smartphone Division , South Korean , Thirty Five , Apple Future , Paula Davidson The American Motorcycle Brand , Device Makers , Consumer Demand , Chinese , Choppers , Series , Middleweight , Twenty Wisconsin , Fiftycc , Twelve Hundred Fifty , Five Hundred , Move , Markets , Motorcycle , Versions , Asia Tariffs , News , Berlin , Bottom Line , Top , Watching , Projects , Sustainability , Climate Change , Human Rights Displacement , Biodiversity Species Conservation Exploitation Equality , Hero , Freedom , Human Rights Nelson My , Opposition , Activists , Apartheid Regime , Nelson Mandela , A Hundred , Forty Five , Airlines , Power , Geography , Middle East ,

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