Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180729 08:00:00 : compar

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180729 08:00:00

a semi as the main landing point for those arriving to your advice be to take heed to a new flashpoint for migrant crossings to the continent. and here in britain hasn't turned out for one of europe's biggest gay pride gatherings christopher street day . i mounted on a welcome to the program while national elections have been held in cambodia today where the winner is all but a foregone conclusion cambodians trickled into voting stations in a poll that human rights groups have labeled a farce prime minister hun sen is expected to sales a victory extending his perch tree year grip on power is opponents called for a boy cost after the country's courts dissolved the main opposition party leaving no child. the world's longest serving prime minister has become increasingly heavy
young russians attend summer camps with a difference as well sitting around campfires and sleeping in tents they learn to fire goans and simulate clearing a building of terrorists the so-called patriotic summer camps are growing in popularity. for a summer holiday playing war these kalashnikov machine guns may not be loaded with real bullets but it was a bit but camp the boys are learning how to handle them. the kids here are aged between ten and sixteen. but it's like the world over i know that. little it's nikita's first time in the military summer counter the fifteen year old is from nearby moscow like many of the boys he wants to try out life as a soldier here to decide if it's for him. you don't feel like a normal russian citizen hears if you like
a soldier maybe even in another country and on a secret mission it's totally different from normal life so. today the boys are swinging into action to clear a building of terrorists. the instructors say these are current real life scenarios from the russian army's operations. structures in the camp of the military background several are even actively serving soldiers though the program is open to girls the camp counselors see it as a male rite of passage. to me i would make them sleep with their weapons each with their weapons i mean should always have a weapon with him it's his job to protect the weak and to protect women if he doesn't have a weapon he's not even a man anymore because. but it is a private camp and receives no government funding but the idea matches the mood in russia
a recent government survey shows that over ninety percent of people in russia feel patriotic. and. so far military summer camps are the exception rather than the rule in russia but a recent law promoting education in the country praises the camps it says they're a good way of instilling patriotism in young people. or. need a strong generation we should all know how to protect the country and bring up decent kids. if you like we missed out on bringing up a whole generation in the ninety's after the fall of the soviet union. compensating for vets and that's why the government is also putting an emphasis on these military patriotic carols. and i think. the battalion gathers to review the day before. the organizers insist the camp is about teamwork and not about patriotism or preparing
a new generation to fight for russia patriotism is important to me as the law for your home country when she had become but also plays a role if you have the feeling already develops here it's impossible not to be patriotic here. nikita is still deciding whether the army is for him in the long run but for some of the boys this camp has clearly kindled a flame that will be hard to put out. there for the annual christopher street day parade here was the force of time the event has been held in the city it's one of europe's biggest events and the main party at the brandenburg gate ended early this year called off the event due to storm warnings in the german capital. but geyser has been in every bill in pride known as c.s.t. since it began the seventy three year old is one of the pioneers of the gay movement who did this i always as excited as i was the first time the excitement
doesn't stop when he colgan was the first c.s.t. in one thousand nine hundred eighty nine nearly five hundred people demonstrated in west berlin at the time public opinion was hostile towards people who didn't identify with the hetero normative mainstream. but then i found that we got some positive reaction that was very relieving for me that gave me courage. to use the is a big party but it's also a political demonstration a year after germany legalized same sex marriage the fight for equal rights and acceptance continues a quarter mile of the movement at the moment is that sexual identity should be protected under germany's basic law there are also calls for better education in schools homophobic slurs the still common. descent had ever we're not there yet there's still a lot of injustice we have to deal with and i think this is a wonderful way of doing that. as you heard in the show you are a public people should not hide i hope this is about freedom and not having to hide
anymore you can be yourself signs of. crime statistics however show that identifying is l.g. b t q i can be dangerous in berlin alone there were three hundred twenty four confirmed homophobic attacks last year according to victim support center they argue that the unreported number is significantly higher the motto today my body my identity my life. has all but sealed victory in the tour de france the hour cyclist held on to the yellow jersey with a strong performance in saturday's time trial and now he just has to make it to the finish line in today's final stage to win the overall race. the moment karen thomas has dreamed of the tour de france title is as good as his thomas produced another excellent display in the penultimate stage he finished the time trial in third place and crucially retained a lead of almost two minutes in the general classification. two on the biggest
stage of all. over three weeks. since a. time trial world champions home to milan won the stage an outcome that keeps the dutchman in second place overall. he finished narrowly ahead of chris froome the four time toda france champion has had a difficult few weeks but will at least end up on the podium in paris but barring a disaster it's his team sky colleagues thomas who will take his crown as the holder of right cycling's most prestigious title. and not surprisingly there have been celebrations in gary and thomas his hometown the west capital cardiff is the hall and parliament where lays open yellow the color of the ages jersey to mark the first ever win by a welsh rider and cycling's biggest race the festivities will no day continue as the tour a procession heads into paris facing this option is. just

Related Keywords

One , Britain Hasn T , Landing Point , Advice , Heed , Flashpoint , Continent , Semi , Gatherings , Christopher Street Day , Gay Pride , Europe S , Elections , Human Rights Groups , Poll , Program , Conclusion , Voting Stations , Cambodia , Winner , Welcome , Hun Sen , Country , Power , World , Opposition Party , Victory , Child , Opponents , Grip , Serving , Courts , Boy , Perch Tree , Cost , Sales , Farce , Teenager , Buildings , Prison , Slapping , Mother , Israel , Tourist Destination , Palestinian , Two , Seventeen , Eight , People , Soldiers , Home , Family , Palestinians , Reasons , Resistance , Symbol , Mali , West Bank , Election , Polls , Term , Opposition , Race , Incumbent , Say , Him , Five , Ministers , Countries , Jihad , Business , Violence , Country Bottle , Trade Tensions , Obstacles , Wave , Twenty , Summer Camps , Building , Terrorists , Russians , Sleeping , Tents , Goans , Difference , Clearing A , Kalashnikov Machine Guns , Popularity , Bullets , Summer Holiday Playing War , Boys , Kids , Nikita , Summer , Old , Bit , It , Learning , Fifteen , Sixteen , Ten , Life , Soldier , Many , Citizen , Scenarios , Mission , Action , Instructors , Camp , Several , Operations , Background , Structures , Russian Army , Weapon , Camp Counselors , Weapons , Job , Girls , Women , Rite Of Passage , Man , Russia , Government Funding , Mood , Idea , Camps , Law , Education , Rule , Government Survey , Exception , Ninety , Generation , Patriotism , Way , Government , Emphasis , Vets , After The Fall , Soviet Union , Ninety S , Teamwork , Battalion , Carols , Organizers , Home Country , Army , Feeling , Role , Some , Flame , Run , Party , Event , Force , Events , Storm Warnings , City , Christopher Street Day Parade , Brandenburg Gate , Pioneers , Bill , Time , Capital , Gay Movement , Pride , Geyser , Excitement Doesn T , German , Seventy Three , Hetero Normative Mainstream , Didn T , West Berlin , Cst , He Colgan , Public Opinion , Five Hundred , One Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty , Reaction , Demonstration , Me Courage , Rights , Descent , Identity , Fight , Movement , Marriage , Schools , Acceptance , Homophobic Slurs , Injustice , Show , Lot , Freedom , Berlin , Center , Attacks , Crime Statistics , Gbtqi , Lg , Victim Support , Three Hundred Twenty Four , Number , Body , Motto , Stage , Time Trial , Cyclist , Karen Thomas , Jersey , Performance , Tour De France , Finish Line , Place , Title , Display , Lead , The General Classification , Outcome , All , Champions , A Time Trial , Milan , Three , Champion , Podium , Dutchman , France , Paris , Chris Froome , Four , Cycling , Hometown , Crown , Disaster , Team Sky Colleagues , Holder , Celebrations , West Capital Cardiff , Gary , Parliament , Hall , Option , First , Color , Festivities , Rider , Toura Procession Heads Into Paris , Welsh ,

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