Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180716 :

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180716

a famous trophy victory. hundreds of thousands of fans packed into central paris to greentown celebrate. and welcome to the program president trump passed triggered a storm of controversy in the united states after openly favoring russia's president over his own intelligence services standing next to his u.s. counterpart at their first ever summit in helsinki vladimir putin did not that russia had meddled in the twenty sixteen u.s. election which mr trump accepted directly contradicting the findings of u.s. intelligence agencies. the finnish capital sweltered in an uncharacteristic thirty degrees as people gathered to watch the biggest show in town the meeting between vladimir putin and donald trump putin though arrived half an hour late trump in turn kept putin waiting before he himself left his hotel yet despite the slights both leaders expressed a desire to improve relations this agreement between the two countries or president . discuss them at length today. but if we're going to solve many of the problems facing our world then we are going to have to find ways to cooperated pursuit of shared interests. put in and trump spent more than two hours in one on one discussions behind closed doors with only translators present true to trump's word of a summit covered everything from trade to terrorism from nato to nuclear weapons to china but there was another question at the top of most minds was mr. brilliant would you do it as once again president trump mentioned the issue of the so-called interference in the american elections and i had to reason right things i said several times including now in a personal context knowledge that russia has never interfered but he's not going to use if there are new interim internal american affairs including the electoral process. we begin the process. put in denied any knowledge of the twelve russian military intelligence agents who were indicted on friday but said he was prepared to help the u.s. president investigate the matter on the great confidence of my intelligence people . president putin was extremely strong and powerful. and what credible offer he offered to have the people working on the case come and work with their investigators with respect to the twelve people i think that's an incredible thank you. and as helsinki bakes relations also appear to be warming between the usa and russia on some issues but the areas on which the european union had hoped for solutions to remain unresolved including the war in syria and iran's nuclear program there's also continuing distrust of a nuclear disarmament and nato military deployment in countries bordering russia that will go to. well since meeting president trump has tweeted what you might call a clarification of his comments it goes as follows as i said today many times before i have great confidence and by intelligent people however i also recognize that in order to build a brighter future we cannot exclusively focus on the past as the world's two largest nuclear powers we must get a lot of good will from teri schultz a helsinki welcome terry reads like a president trying to contain a backlash. yeah and it's a huge backlash and i don't think one tweet is exactly going to do it as you mentioned earlier much of that press conference focused on allegations that russia interfered in u.s. presidential elections and that president trump himself knew about this may have actually acquiesced to some of it so this is not going to go away and it's interesting that president truck says he he doesn't want to dwell on the past because of course there are these investigations going on and those are not going to go away either in fashion indictments continued and you know speculation is that they will lead all the way to the president himself so he may hope one tweet helps quell the displeasure with his remarks is going to take a lot more than. let's hear more from but two men here they are talking about the potential for cooperation in syria. as we discussed at length the crisis in syria. is a complex one. cooperation between our two countries has the potential to save. hundreds of thousands of lives i also made clear that the united states will not allow iran to benefit from a successful campaign against isis we have just about eradicated isis. originals in helsinki how's this summit to improve the chances of greater cooperation. well that's a pan's on what the goal is what many people here are worrying is that presidents trump and putin have exactly the same goal and that is to destabilize multilateral organizations the w t o nato the european union president trump has of course lashed out at all of these organizations just last week in brussels. complaining ticket to chancellor merkel about german defense spending saying all the european allies are free riders in fact forcing a closed door meeting of nato allies due to his apparent threat to go it alone if they didn't up their spending so all of those moves are definitely making president putin much more happy in his goal of destabilizing nato destabilizing the european union and president trump seems to be happy if the happy if that happens and so when you talk about further cooperation we've got zero details on what might work in syria with russia supporting of course syrian president assad but we have plenty of details about how president trump would like to destabilize europe. in helsinki thank you it's got the word from the united states that w.'s north america bureau chief is sonic's hundred of knowledge she joins us from washington welcome example so there's already plenty of reaction to today's meeting let's listen to senator chuck schumer rather than taking the opportunity to confront putin and stand up in defense of the united states rather than demanding that putin hand over the russian intelligence agents and i did last week the president took the word of the k.g.b. over the brave hard working men and women of the cia to mazen whenever has a president done something like that. how widely how is this sitting in the scathing opinions on. well i think that pretty much the mood when we talk about the lawmakers in the house and in the senate on both sides of the aisle they have been very critical of president trump's remarks in helsinki specifically on this topic and it's the mood when we talk about russia experts security experts members of the u.s. intelligence community community they have once again said that there is no doubt that moscow interfered and that twenty sixteen elections however when we look at the core base of course porters. i am sure were the whole helsinki summit really matters to them i saw on twitter some of the president's trumps why do we support being quite critical and one of them posted a picture of former president george w. bush saying that this was the president who trusted our intelligence community and it also will be interesting how favorite t.v. channel folks in the news is going to be reacting what kind of spin they are going to put out this whole subject think with two exclusive interviews with the president to you to be broadcast tonight and this is no signal a change in american foreign policy. i mean we've been seeing a significant change in your ass foreign policy since the end gratian donald trump pulled out of paris calamity greenman of the iran deal he's questioning such international institutions such as nato or so but i'm not sure that whatever we are really going to see a significant change in the u.s. official you ask policy on russia because there was there's been a significant gap between the president words and the actions of his and the trump administration has been very tough on russia and because on the a while ago there lawmakers in congress introduced legislation that would make it very difficult if not possible for donald trump to ease sanctions on russia alexandra phenomena in washington thank you. for some of the other stories making news around the world former u.s. president barack obama is in kenya he's been visiting used father's home village where he showed off his basketball skills as he opened the sports and training center run by his half sister it's mr obama's first visit to the council and since he stepped down tomorrow he moves on to suffer. without a sign of thawing relations between the two neighbors every train has reopened its embassy in ethiopia it here because prime minister. eritreans president. actually attended the reopening certainly in addis ababa the move comes a week after the leaders declared an end to two decades of conflict so it's a football world cup with us front arrived in paris to a hero's welcome following sunday's four two victory over croatia hundreds of thousands of ecstatic fans lined the shoulders at least to greet the. received france's highest civilian award the lesion on donor. i think tory is france team touching down on home soil the world cup trophy in the secure hands of captain and goalkeeper hugo lloris on the famous song celie's a fence waited patiently for their heroes was included i'm so happy to be part of the celebration and i was lucky enough to experience it already in one nine hundred ninety eight in two thousand and six when we reached the final now and twenty eighteen it's great. the band finally the moment they've all been waiting for. the twenty eight say world cup champions their champions lapping up the a jew lation was odd so we've been waiting for like the whole day and we skate that risk it works here he not just doesn't have he had no time we did it because they wanted me yet but that was true of fans celebrating under a tricolor sky united by the beautiful game. but they didn't use force i mean we're talking i was in paris for the homecoming posse she sent us this as the bust and as for tony's possum just drove past. yes thanks. guys. i was thinking this i. think it's it's you. know why. is. this. cya has. to be. there's. a lot of the world cup is done and dusted will start to see you plenty of big name players moving to new clubs and they don't come much bigger than christiane of another the portuguese forward has been graced by as much as in chile the underwent a medical at times one hundred million euro transfer. to manchester where he'll be where his iconic number seven jersey but all those signed a four year deal with the italian giants who have this to say about his first press conference. i feel great. for me it's another challenge i love challenge where we will be tough i know that's very difficult to leave it's very very tough but i will be ready juvie is ready i will be ready i will be there. just tell dream on our top story this new u.s. president donald trump has dismissed the five dollars owed intelligence services in an investigation into the russian election mattered at a summit with russia's vladimir putin mr trump refused to hold must go on countable and said that mr putin had did not interfere and sixteen as a natural leader much of that over to give me. up to date more off the hour and of course around the clock on our website that's. a good. thing the front page told. his work that god is for truth. the munsters and figures. beethoven insist upon twenty. european stars to their friends in performances.

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Helsinki , Eteläuomen Läi , Finland , Croatia , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , Iran , Paris , France General , France , Washington , United States , Portugal , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Ethiopia , Chile , Jersey , Germany , Kenya , Eritrea , Italy , Syria , Russian , Eritreans , Finnish , American , German , Portuguese , Syrian , Italian , Barack Obama , Thea Jew , Addis Ababa , Vladimir Putin ,

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