Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180531 19:00:00 : compar

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20180531 19:00:00

willing to burn bridges with those european allies in order to back up those industries and those are often areas where he has a lot of domestic support politically and it's interesting today we were told that the europeans would be able to get over this quickly georg you know you could argue that europe has seen this coming along is there any shock tonight in brussels that's right they have seen this coming they're well prepared they have informed the w t o they have reaffirmed the i'm legislation but of course tonight you have this moment of shock that actually the the day it is now clear that all the hard work all the dialogue all the last minute efforts have been in vain. people are or they were still holding out for in a woman a war resolution the means they're there were pretty delegations meeting trying to find a solution. right we released all these lobbying efforts right up until the last
minute we knew that the temporary exemptions that the european union and canada and mexico had obtained after the towers were originally announced in march were set to expire at the end of this month so we knew some kind of decision would be coming down by today at the latest it's interesting to note how much this really could hurt transatlantic ties between the united states and europe at a time when the u.s. needs its european allies in so many other foreign policy challenges we're of course looking down the barrel of a possible meeting between donald trump and the north korean leader kim jong un they're going to be facing confronting china and other trade issues and they need their european partners to settle issues to try and find solutions to problems in the middle east so it's interesting to see that the timing of this is also quite sensitive even though this was the date that they set for them to expire it's an interesting moment for trump to go ahead and impose those tariffs on the european union and any case. we heard.
a global trade war but from where you're sitting tonight that danger does it seem stronger than ever retaliate but not ask that is the policy of the european union but of course if you take a look at the bigger picture you do not only have the scenario of a tit for tat war at the spokes person off of the german chancellor said that there's a we were looking at potentially of cycle of of escalation here that the u.s. has has provoked and the bigger picture tells you we also have the situation of the iran nuclear deal that the u.s. has walked away from so if the e.u. continues to trade with iran this could have potential counterterrorist coming from the u.s. then there's also a data protection law that has been passed that the u.s. has called hidden trade barriers so there is a whole set of things that could inflame this conflict or corresponded to remount
as in brussels tonight unclear richardson on the story for us in washington to both of you thank you. and now on to italy where the right wing league and populist five star movement say they have reached a deal to form a new government the two parties earlier effort was rejected by the italian president says you know much already over concerns about a proposed cabinet ministers europe skeptic leaning however the leader of the league but teo salvini today called off rallies across the country to enter into fresh talks with five stars the we did to mine. all right for more now we want to go to our correspondent robert vai's oshie is in rome on the story for us as she has been all week and evening to you barbara so does this mean we've finally found a way out of this political crisis. yes absolutely because at this very moment the con to the new prime minister designate is the
palace self surge of much i read of the president to get his men date so we're going to have a reboot off the coalition like a populist government and it's in the two point zero and condi everybody expects him to be some sort of puppet prime minister because you see has absolutely no political experience he's a law professor said that nobody had ever heard of before and then we're going to have in the finance ministry another professor this government and these two parties really seem to be in two professors he is an economics professor also from rome giovani therea nobody ever heard of him either ever before how ever if you sort of dig around in the internet you find some people say that he is pro europe and europe and a euro and generally rather inoffensive as an economist so this may be the solution this is the compromise to make good this government fly after we've seen the first
out of the situation he just simply has to accept this government and it was all these professors on there are quite unknown people and there are so many novices in this government who've never held office anywhere it's going to be a gamble but to really really really has no choice he can do anything even though he might have in the depths of his soul a lot of mistrust against this particular government italy in search of wives professors tonight's vigil on the story from rob thank you very much. here's some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world spain's prime minister the young little boy says that he will not resign ahead of a no confidence vote that looks set to lose on friday spanish media say reform a new longer has the votes he needs to survive that can clear the way for socialist leader pedro sanchez to become prime minister you know denmark's parliament has
passed a law that bans the wearing of veils and other coverings in public the wall is popularly known as the burka debate and that the government said it's not aimed at any religion several european countries including germany and france have adopted similar law as a human rights group in nicaragua was said eleven people were killed during anti-government marches on wednesday other reports quickly told that two witnesses say armed groups opened fire on protesters more than eighty people have died since protests started last month over plans to change the country's social security system. our sports news now we all madrid's coaches at the don was living a never ending success story he just completed an unprecedented three peat in the champions league era and was at the top of the football world but at that relatively young age of forty five it on stepped down as the coach of real simply saying it's time to go. the announcement that stunned the
football of london. xena's indeed i'm stepping down as reale madrid coach this despite winning a record three straight champions league titles the first coach to achieve that feat snapping up the last one just under a week ago against liverpool are. looking to look at this is the right moment for everyone it might seem a bit strange but it had to be done for the good of everyone the players the club and myself you're sick as moment to book this team must keep winning and it needs a change after three years another voice or another method of working it is so but i thought. it's one of the most pressurised jobs in the world of sport some fans were unhappy that he done only managed to lead his side to assing a spanish title but that doesn't diminish from his historic champions league success the frenchman can walk away with his head held high. a night at the world

Related Keywords

Europe , Allies , Lot , Order , Domestic Support , Industries , Areas , Europeans , Shock , Brussels , Wto , Course , People , Legislation , Efforts , Dialogue , Work , Vain , Solution , Lobbying Efforts , War Resolution , Woman , Delegations , European Union , Decision , Canada , Mexico , Exemptions , Towers , Kind , United States , Foreign Policy , Ties , Trade , Partners , Issues , Kim Jong Un , Solutions , Barrel , Problems , Meeting , Donald Trump , China , North Korean , Tariffs , Trump , Case , Timing , Middle East , Trade War , Policy , Danger , Picture , German , War , Chancellor , Look , Person , Scenario , Escalation , Cycle , Tit For Tat , Situation , Has , Counterterrorist , Iran Nuclear Deal , Conflict , Data Protection Law , Set , Things , Hidden Trade Barriers , Both , Story , Italy , Washington , Five Star Movement , Populist , Deal , Wing , League , Five , Government , President , Parties , Country , Cabinet Ministers , Effort , Leader , Rallies , Concerns , Skeptic Leaning , Mateo Salvini , Two , Robert Vai , More , Talks , Rome , Yoshie , Prime Minister , Way , Crisis , Designate , Everybody , Populist Government , Self Surge , Men , Coalition , Palace , Reboot , Point Zero , Zero , Nobody , Law Professor , Puppet , Experience , Professors , Economics Professor , Professor , Finance Ministry , Rome Giovani Therea , Euro , Compromise , Economist , Internet , Dig , Government Fly , Office , Novices , Anything , Mistrust , Wives , Soul , Choice , Depths , Gamble , Stories , Some , Headlines , Vigil , Rob , Boy , Around The World , Spain , No Confidence Vote , Pedro Sanchez , Parliament , Longer , Media , You , Denmark , Spanish , Countries , Law , French , Nveils , Coverings , Religion , Debate , Public , The Wall , Burka , Groups , Fire , Protesters , Human Rights Group , Marches , Nicaragua , Witnesses , Eighty , Eleven , Plans , Protests , Coaches , Sports News , Social Security System , Peat , Madrid , Livinga Never Ending Success Story , Three , Top , Coach , Announcement , Football World , It , Champions League , Age , Forty Five , Football , Titles , Record , Reale Madrid , Saxena , London , Everyone , Good , Club , Players , Feat , Liverpool , One , World , Change , Sport , Method , Fans , Jobs , Team , Voice , Head , World Cup Final , Success , Frenchman , Title , High , Doesn T , Side ,

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