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Cattle on independence well go to barcelona for some answers plus the french president is on with the charlemagne prize for promoting a new vision for europe he says the time to strengthen europe is now and theyve set the date as u. S. President will meet north koreas Supreme Leader kim jong un in singapore on june twelfth the announcement came just hours after three u. S. Prisoners in north korea arrived home. And a dam burst in kenya killing dozens under whats been described as a wall of water the east african country is reeling from weeks of catastrophic flooding well speak with survivors who say theyve lost everything. Im burnt off its good. Have you with us tonight worries that a new war may be in the making in the middle east europe and the us are calling for restraint after the most serious military confrontation between israel and iran in years now last night israeli airstrikes hit iranian targets across syria in the biggest Israeli Attack on syrian territory in over forty years and it happened in the region you see right now the disputed territory the go on high swim irans reportedly launched rockets from syria towards israel the Prime Minister of israel saying that the attacks were appropriate accusing iran of crossing a red line. A fireball in the sky over damascus Syrian State Television showed these images said to be syrian antiaircraft defenses targeting israeli rockets Israels Defense Ministry said its forces hit a fifty iranian positions across syria Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu kate the justification. Of iran has crossed a red line our response was appropriate our army has carried out a large scale attack on iranian targets in syria were engaged in a long term conflict and our policy is clear we will not allow iran to establish a military presence in syria. Iran provides political and military backing for the regime of syrian president Bashar Al Assad in the countrys civil war israel says it strikes a retaliation for a rocket attack on territory atoki pies in the Golan Heights according to israel iranian made a tense fire the rockets from syria but none of them reach that target. The iranian leadership has not commented on the events and usually to only said that Syrian Defense forces had been very successful accounts of casualties and damage cause barry white. Yes you can actually click here and you know the israeli rockets took the lives of three martyrs two others were injured a radar station and an Ammunition Depot were destroyed. But Syrian Opposition sources say losses were much higher with at least twenty three dead. Tensions remain high on the Golan Heights the israeli army has sent reinforcements to its northern botha. Are joining me now here in the studio is daniel gayle our he is a journalist and middle east expert a familiar face your good to have you back on the show daniel i want to ask you about the timing here now this comes just two days after double trump pulled the u. S. Out of the Irans Nuclear deal is there a link here i think so yes there is a softer get they have been israeli strikes on syrian territory before they have been also targeted strikes against iranian offices rouge unary got so this is not the first time this happens but i think the main thing the government of israel in the present Prime Minister netanyahu wants to use the momentum he feels a lot of tailwind at the moment from transition and he wants to present himself as a very strong and committed commander in chief does it appear that israel is using the u. S. Withdrawal from the deal to spur on hatred in iran towards israel is that what youre saying. While you are you mean that this could be kind of an attempt to provoke a rogue a new military action. I cannot judge that i think there might be also some domestic considerations for Prime Minister netanyahu because hes under pressure domestically and this might provide a Good Opportunity but i dont think the Israeli Security establishment is that stupid to be lured into such and Initiative Just for domestic reasons no i think the red line speech is one of the very few consistent statements that netanyahu has given in the last couple of months because he has reiterated this well before and strikes as i said earlier in the israel says these strikes are a response to an attack on the go on hides by iran why would iran choose to target this area so theres a number of inconsistencies here and one of them is first of all what you say the strikes diary strikes of iran the goal at the Golan Heights which from a syrian point of view and probably International Front of you are. Feuded occupied territory at least. And on the other hand we hear of israeli statements that say that most of all of all of the iranian infrastructure in syria had been hit then we hear only twenty three people have died and we know that some of them at least thats what syrian news tell us have been syrian offices so the number of the rain ians that were affected by this must have been rather low and this probably isnt evidence that the iranian presence in syria and theres a misunderstanding about this is actually very in direct there is no massive iranian troops in syria but Liaison Officers intelligence military Intelligence Groups of the roof volution are gods who are training militias proxy militias but iran was very well aware that the strikes would happen and they would shelter their own people their own offices they have suffered but not so much from israeli air strikes but rather from opposition strikes over the last couple of years in the past israel has not commented on its alleged steroid use in syria i mean this time weve got the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu coming out with the confirmation in the justification so what can we take from that. Well first of all i think the massiveness of the attacks its easy its not very easy to deny or not to comment on this because i mean they did it correlate with in front of the entire world the other yes i think the the the the political message she wants to send is very clear and strikingly. Many people in the arab world that i have talked to. Are undecided israel has been the enemy a sworn enemy for a long time but at the moment i see a certain degree of sympathy even to the israeli strikes because the hatred for you ron and the hatred for the iranian president s interventionism in the region is much higher at the moment and much more of a priority than the hatred to the traditional hatred that say to israel is United States and this is i think it just doesnt change isnt i wouldnt say that the arab street as we call it is really changing but i think at least the trumpet mr ation and the government of israel have the illusion that that. The arab nations would be with them in this rollback of iranian presence in syria but i think this is going to be much more difficult than they imagine it to be now at least when they tell the public you know exactly i mean there was one headline today that i read when is saudi arabia going to come out of the closet and join israel against iran do you think that were getting close to that point well this is already going on though i dont think the saudi arabia will dare a direct military confrontation with iran on the rain in territory. A couple of months ago you and i have been sitting in the same studio and weve been discussing this scenario would essentially happening now i think it was last november exactly right we were close to such a scenario when saudi arabia was taking the initiative that time the israelis did not want to be dont want to fight the saudi war at least not publicly but at the moment yes we see very close coordination by not only by saudi arabia israel in the United States also the United Arab Emirates was somehow behind the lines part of this and but it again i dont think that saudi arabia and iran but escalated direct military confrontation over the persian gulf at the moment everybody is fine with with fighting proxy wars in syria and this is theres a field where they claim it is right the status quo of proxy wars you know did you get a lark as always we appreciate you coming in and sharing your insights thank you you thank. For the governments of russia and germany of criticize the escalating tensions in the middle east and underlined their intention to preserve the Irans Nuclear deal despite americas withdraw all a welcoming his german counterpart on his first visit to moscow the Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov stressed that the remaining signatories to the deal should discuss how best to keep it alive. Expressed germanys hope that russia would use its close ties to iran to convince them to stick with the deal or there may soon be a breakthrough on that southern month impasse over who will lead a new kettle on Parliament Former president carter has pushed him on has renounced his candidacy for the role which demand proposed political newcomer and a member of parliament quim tura in his place kettle on lawmakers have so far been unable to agree on the leaders since last decembers election they must however pick a leader to form a government by may twenty second to verge new elections are right. Is standing by for us in the kettle on capital of barcelona good evening to you and why does forged a mob reject being appointed as leader of the region isnt this the job that he wanted to have back. Hello good evening from barcelona spain blogged good someone from being elected president so its legally impossible that someone is president again and thats why he chose a new candidate to be elected next week to be elected next as the next president and its important to mention us as you said the man i sent it to on the twenty second of may it will finish the period to have a new president in catalonia and if thats how long it has no president will have new elections telling us not elections that will take place on july so that means article one five five that suspense kept telling us selfgovernment right will continue until june ive got to run as president on on the chance to check on the fly ok let me ask you about the person in the bridge to mom proposed today. A political newcomer i mean what do we know about it and who is this person. Is an ally a close ally puts them on whos on at each other right cultural activist and hugh fits with this child to g. Probably independent parties to being a probation president because they think contain says that someone is the legitimate president and you fits with this strategy and so whats going to happen to carlys bridge tomorrow. Well we dont know because all the prime defendants these days say hes the illegitimate president. Kim torak would be a breach we want someone because well john its not ballin but he could come back to brussels and we dont know that thus he gets huffy and then he will government he will probably well have kind of with us kinda new government instead of the fact that control will be that the next president probably elected next week ok. Reporting from barcelona tonight i thank you very much well the french president manuel mccrone has challenged the european governments to unite in an increasingly complex and troubled world i was speaking today in the german city of often he said that the idea of european integration has been thrown into doubt and he said whether or not it lives or dies he said thats up to todays leaders he was speaking after he received a prestigious charlemagne broad. And award for contributions to european unity a topic very close to french president emmanuel maccollins hot many of the dignitaries attending the ceremony had warm words from a call on including the german chancellor Angela Merkel she said she thought mccollum was the perfect recipient for the prize. Emmanuel mccall knows what binds europe together he has a clear vision of how europe should move forward. And a man who well mccrone a man has a capacity to inspire others in the service of you. Know call refer to global conflicts European Space and stressed the need for calm in the middle east. We know that we have facing an extremely complicated situation there you know this is really about war and peace as the recent escalation show this and i can only call on all participants to exercise restraint. In his acceptance speech mccaughan urge the nations of europe to rise in unison to the challenges they face and not to turn inwards let it go and in difficult times the temptation to be nationalistic was a big one to close ourselves in and to think of it on a National Level it is easier to master challenges and to find our sovereignty because on the european level it is still nascent and fragile. And the french president spoke of the importance of the Franco German partnership. Only in france many people tell us go ahead go confront germany this is the solution germany is old they dont want to reform europe they only want to benefit from europe i know that this is wrong and im never going to listen to that temptation not just because you know man you. Will agree with those sentiments she reaffirmed her commitment to mcallens vision and she said she would follow him as he attempts to implement his plans the real task for the french president however is to persuade his skeptics. All right then as you know its a Business News were going to talk about google astounding tech fans with the announcement of what is this new Artificial Intelligence feature was vibrant how would you like a secretary on hand twenty four seven thats what theyre going to use this for eight hours if. Saved to be honest googles annual Developers Conference is wrapping up today the tech giant has once again used the event to give the world a taste of things to come google wowed the crowd with a planned update to its digital assistant which will soon be able to take care of booking appointments by placing its own phone calls check this out. Google hopes its digital assistant for mobile devices will soon replace secretaries around the world at their annual developer conference c. E. O. Sunday showed what he claimed was the next generation. The first voice you hear is googles revamped assistant i like to give it to before one of the that. They leave. It there for people for the way. In a way today. A cell phone making reservations for its users googles calling it project duplex and its just one example of how they hope Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning could improve User Experience Tech Companies are taking advantage of powerful new processors self adapting algorithms plus new Cellular Networks and the result google says its a system for the end droid operating system will sell more realistic have more interactive conversations and carry out more actions for users meaning using a cell phone could soon look like this you can fix them right now take a look at table four sounds good google call my brother call my brother because he takes care for me to. Tell me we are bringing what googles and i push extends beyond its Mobile Division these say the technology will soon streamline their photos and other desktop applications. Started to increase and stay with tech apple has shelved its plans for an eight hundred fifty million euro data center in islands County Galway the companys sites an ongoing three year cold battle with conservationists as the reason the activists were concerned about the Environmental Impact of the site which the company planned to occupy nearly one hundred seventy thousand square metres including forest land apples promises to make good any damage done and power the center with Renewable Energy could not save the project. Brant crude surged to over Seventy Eight dollars per barrel before settling low on thursday its hovering near its highest level since twenty fourteen now that says the u. S. Ratchets up tension with iran threatening to reimpose sanctions but internet. Opec will not yet ramp up production to make up for the expect a drop in supply saying a change in a rein in crude output would take time buyers of iranian oil will have a six month period to wind down purchases do to the u. S. Sanctions. Against quarter is following this for us from wall street hence were seeing an unusual trend right now both the dollar and the Oil Price Rising at the same time normally a stronger dollar makes it more expensive to buy oil so the price drops whats going on here it certainly is a very unusual trend because they usually as commodities like oil are traded in dollar if the value of the dollar increases that makes it more expensive for a Foreign Investors to buy those commodities and then often demand gets a bit slower and that usually puts pressure on Commodity Prices but what were seeing right now is that there is all this inflation talk going on that is driving the dollar higher because investors expect more Interest Rates to come and then on the other side also especially with all the talk about the iran deal we saw some increased pressure on oil prices on top of it but most investors and analysts believe that someone has to get either the dollar or oil people are not really expecting this to be a sustainable trend ok quite a rare event from fossil fuel to renewables though why while the u. S. Is a country is backing away from wind power and Solar California has decided to take on the responsibility for clean energy themselves what can you tell us. Its a pretty bold step california actually decided that already by twenty two any that all new homes have to be equipped with solar power and that is on one site interesting because this investment is probably going to cause that home prices on average will increase by eight to Twelve Thousand dollars and that were in a stage where we just say prices are already sky high but then the proponents of this deal and decision are quite sure that with Sustainable Energy it was a solar energy that the costs for energy will drop tremendously and therefore will pay out on the long term and we did see a reaction here on wall street because the stocks of all those Solar Companies they gained quite a bit for a solo for example increasing by almost five per cent and if you look at the u. S. Overall yes fossil fuel is the big driver for the country but texas for example is the biggest producer of wind energy and called her on wall street thank you and now to the potential for a turning point in korean history brant thats right and it is going to start with a save the date tweet daniel imagine that weve got a date in a venue for that much anticipated summit between u. S. President donald trump and north Korean Leader kim jong il and that summit will take place on june twelfth in singapore on trying tweeted the announcement shortly after welcoming home three americans who had been released from detention in north korea he described their release as a sign of goodwill from pyongyang. It was nearly three in the morning but the u. S. President and the first lady were on hand to greet the freed captives from a north korean labor camp to reception with the u. S. President it all happened in less than a day and for these three men their release was the moment their families had dreamed of. Really great. Grabbed. The three men are kim jong il tony kim and kim phuc song all are americans who were imprisoned in north korea for between one and two years for quote antistate activities the charges are widely seen as bogus. Secretary of state mike pompei i made a thirteen hour visit to the hermit kingdom to arrange the plant summit between trump and came down on us in the process pump a also secured the mens release. The country is notorious for its harsh labor camps. You know and you know we were treated in many different ways. For me i had to do a lot of labor with. The wanted money but when i got sick i was also treated by them you know if you go into the city. Trump seems to think this is a sure sign that kim is ready to reconcile he even thanks the north Korean Leader for freeing the men but kim is every bit as unpredictable as his american counterpart and its unclear if today show peacemaking will lead to actual peace. With the light at least forty four people are dead many more missing after a dam burst in kenyas rift valley on wednesday evening the homes were swept away as water rushed down a hillside and submerged homes in a radius of two kilometers kenya had been suffering from severe drought but Authorities Say that weeks of heavy seasonal rains have now overwhelmed the parched land and calls the dam to burst. Well the rains have led to deaths of more than a hundred people across kenya and displaced more than a quarter of a million many schools in the affected region have either been some merged or are being used as shelters catherine on one dont travel to the hard hit region of melinda on kenyas east coast where displaced people there havent just lost their homes they say theyve lost everything. Another family arrives the twenty of the shelters in the russian remote area in kenyas Coastal Region this camp is the temporary home of at least two thousand two hundred people from surrounding villages. Christine a single mother of six arrived here two weeks ago the family was evacuated by boat those little time to save their belongings most of what they have is borrowed including her childrens textbooks. I know im a farmer that way and i had my little piece of land. I would sell the crops from the land to pay the school fees for my children now for you as. I have children and primary and secondary school knowing i also had a little song but that all went with the floods its all gone so to speak by that. Christine story reflects that of five thousand People Living in shelters in the region many of them would just recovering from the severe drought that hit kenya last year. Local chief hopes that a majority will be able to return to their land and rebuild their lives have a his worried that some farmlands have been so badly affected that some people may not be able to harvest anything for seasons to come. He says with the extremes have wasnt over the last decades. But you may find people saying that this blog is similar to the one that took place in one thousand nine hundred sixty one. This is the worst of the oldest can remember he even the frequent el nino rainfalls that we cant hear compacts what is happening at the moment required shiki. Only across the country water sources have been contaminated by the floods to help scientists two hundred schools and thousands of homes have been damaged the Kenya Red Cross says it needs about four Million Euros for a show to food water and sanitation support to survive this. Fall the Coastal Region is one of the west affected regions aid agencies warned of the high risk of the out break everybody larry not just here in mumbai the city but also the rule areas that have been badly affected and the situation could get was given that the rains dont seem to be backing up any time. Back at the camp in the russian children cant wait to return to school but its not clear if the schools in the region will open again christine has no idea how she will afford the fees for the next time. Youre watching t w news live from berlin after a short break ill be back to take you through the day i had to see the. Police it is having a Close Encounter with shots in the a. G. S. It seems odd nonce marine credits his could soon die alice whom. I could call to uns environmental pollutants top cause of the problems but the exotic cools remains unclear. Go ahead to africa in sixty minutes on d. W. Global inequalities. What does inequality mean any globally connected well. Known to the media play. Join the discussion and how to. Die jim ellis Global Media Forum frenzy eighteen. Time for an upgrade of. The. Church clothes all by. Oz with. Your design highlights you can make yourself. Known stoops in tricks that will turn your home into something special. A great yourself with g. W. Interior design channel on you tube. Is real seventy. Two displays two nations over one homeowner featured in our program. When robin and her friends agreed on peace but an assassin put an end to that train. Returning the history of the displaced people still fighting for the homeland israel seventeen years may twelfth on t. W. M. All broadcast times on mine. This week he really negative on a nuclear deal with iran now the us president is planning to make a nuclear deal with north korea tonight to save the day tweet for the summit between donald trump and the honorable leader that he once referred to as rocket man im burnt off a berlin this is the day. The. Rocket man

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