To beijing prompts speculation that kim jong un has made his first visit to china as north koreas leader our beijing correspondent has believe that. Plus brazil get a chance to heal the wounds of a footballing trauma against germany the two sides meet in berlin tonight and a world cup warm up match for the first full strength encounters in twenty fourteen when germany just scored brazil seven one in the biggest football upset of all time in brazil a brace the painful memories. Im sorry kelly welcome to the program moscow has vowed to respond harshly to the mass expulsion of Russian Diplomats by the u. S. And washington has kicked out sixty russians while sixteen e. U. States including germany and other western allies have followed suit with a total of more than one hundred and thirty russian diplomatic staff under orders to leave the move as a show of solidarity with the u. K. After the poisoning of a former russian spy on british soil but the kremlin insists there has been a rush to judgment behind the closed curtains for diplomats are clearing their desks but out in front of the Russian Embassy in berlin the ambassador remained defiant. Youre hearing the movie the pain a bit vice. We still havent heard any evidence we keep hearing the words great probability which of course does not convince us at all stanley vs. We are of course very disappointed by this decision and we are obviously not happy that our partners are taking part in this provocation by the english authorities. And. Burn lynn says its responding not just to the attack on former russian Double Agents script out in the u. K. But also to a major cyber attack on the german governments computer network. British investigators believe that x. Intelligence officer script file and his daughter junia were poisoned with novae chuck a soviet era nerve agent the two were found unconscious on a park bench in the southern english city of soulsby on march the fourth they remain critically ill in hospital. Thats an e. U. Summit in brussels last week all twenty eight Member States condemned the attack the expulsion of Russian Diplomats by fourteen a u. Countries was a coordinated action they say all evidence points to russia and this is the largest collective expulsion of russian intelligence offices in history. I have found great solidarity from all friends and partners in the e. U. North america and nato and beyond over the past three weeks as we have confronted the off the mouth of the souls free instant. Continues to maintain its innocence it is vowed to retaliate in kind and warned western governments that the expulsion of Russian Diplomats was a mistake. And for more lets bring in now highness i dont make a specialist in russian and European Affairs at the university of keles institute for Security Policy thank you so much for joining us this morning now we know that russia has threatened a harsh response what do you think that the western powers should expect from moscow well i dont think that this response is going to be harsh most likely it will be just the usual tit for tat so they will expel. The european and american diplomats and i think this would be the end of it ok so russias bark might be a bigger than its bite in this regard but i mean just generally speaking if we measure up the relationship with russia and these western powers how bad are relations right now would you say if you look along the trajectory over the past couple years the past couple of decades well they have progressively deteriorated in the first major events of this because that initiated this deterioration that came up with the reelection of putin in two thousand and twelve and the fundamental decision was to give the time to actually to. Embark on. Vitriolic. Anti western. The campaign and the face of that campaign on strident nationalist footing and as part of this nationalist. Upsurge we have seen of course of the exceptional for the crimea and we have seen russias intervention in you some ukraine and as a result of that European Union russia they have embarked upon a comprehensive. Sanctions so this is the state of affairs right now do you expect the expulsions the last race and measures to counter russia do you expect them to change the dynamic at all well not really it depends a really was a not a shift in the in the public mood in russia because at least prior to the elections the. Measures which putin had adopted they went down very well in fact i would say that a certain percentage of the vote that he got it increased was because of the reaction to the tough reaction he took to the. West in the measures but whether or not this will continue is thats a different story because maybe maybe people in russia will wake up and see that this just cant continue the way it has been why do you think that it has gone down so well there and russia this empty western campaign as you call it well he has played to the the nationals card extremely well and just there was a huge upsurge of popularity after the other session of crimea and to stand up to two to the west is that so far has gone down extremely well just briefly tell us were you surprised that the United States was among the leaders when it when it came to the number of diplomats that it plans to expel yes it is there was a party after the conjuror lation which trump made. Durex you know if. I didnt expect that kind of as bones want to thank you so much honest i dont my specialist in russian and European Affairs at the university of kills institute for Security Policy we appreciate it so you. Lets get a quick check now on some other stories that have been making news around the world the number of children who died in a massive fire at a Shopping Center in siberia now stands at forty one russian president Vladimir Putin says that criminal negligence was behind the blast that killed sixty four people in total the blast broke out on the fourth floor of the complex in the coal mining city of kemah rovio on sunday the council schoolgirl at the heart of the Supreme Court ruling which outlawed racial segregation in the United States has died at age seventy six linda browns father was named plaintiffs in the one nine hundred fifty four case brown versus the board of education which began after black children from several families were denied enroll meant at all white schools. In france two people have been charged with the murder of an elderly french jewish holocaust survivor the eighty five year old was repeatedly stabbed and her body set alight in her apartment last week a judicial source says that the crime is being treated as anti sematic well a german court has ordered spains most wanted fugitive to wait in jail as it decides whether he will be extradited catalan separatist leader carlos pushed among was detained in northern germany on sunday while en route to belgium where hes been in selfimposed exile he is wanted by madrid for his role in catalonia as an authorised independence vote and his arrest threatens once again to sharpen spains political divide. Pushed to months attention has ignited anger and catalonia supporters of the former leader brought traffic to a standstill near the regions border with the rest of spain. Despite the protests madrid isnt backing down in the pursuit of its most wanted man. Said it many times. Those people currently on trial and those in prison im not being punished for their ideas. But for not obeying the law. Michel live in barcelona. Station a partial strike to protest the arrests of Pro Independence leaders chanting for freedom and. Freedom extradition push to months detention in germany has put berlin in a delicate position and prosecutors say not to expect an immediate decision this is kind of. This is not a question of hours but something that needs to be examined very thoroughly and accurately a decision should not be expected before easter. The german regional coach will now have to decide whether the charges against bush to mount in germany. Well now north Korean Leader kim jong un is rumored to be in china on a visit a Chinese Foreign ministry they say for their part that it will not get comment on the situation among the flurry of activity speculation was fueled last night after this heavily guarded vehicle convoy entered the state of dio tie state guesthouse in beijing a train that thought to be carrying a north korean official departed from the station in beijing just a short while ago. So lets get more now following the story with for us for from beijing we have correspondent ballinger standing by in material i mean the rumors here are really rife but theres been no official confirmation from either side as weve heard so explain to us why do people believe that this train was carrying the north Korean Leader kim jong un. Well the activity around the city the convoys and the security measures being stepped up around the guest house indicate that there is somebody in town and theres no official visit announced now the train that has been observed looks very much like the train that former north Korean Leader kim jong il used when he traveled to beijing and to moscow the only destinations he used to travel to then he never traveled by plane kim jong un so far has not been anywhere. Outside of his country since he is he has taken power in pyongyang. So a visit here in beijing would probably one of the first of beijing would be one of the first this team nations probably where he would travel considering that this this country is one of his most important allies absolutely so his first trip abroad as leader also it would be if he happened to have had a meeting would be on his first meeting with another head of state if that is indeed what transpired here but you know just tell us about the timing here generally speaking because theres been a lot of diplomatic flurry when it comes to north korea and if it were this wasnt kim jong un who else could it have been and what could they have been doing in beijing. Had there is some information leaked by diplomatic sources not really its not really clear how reliable they are that it might also be his sister now his younger sister she has was the one who represented north korea during the olympics in in south korea earlier this year and seems to be somebody he trusts Diplomatic Missions to what we can see an ordinary diplomat would not be traveling in a train like this so it seems to be a high ranking official. But to get with the latest from beijing could be an Interesting Development here potentially a meeting between north korea and china thank you so much for your reporting. Well germanys world cup preparations crank up a notch on tuesday with a hotly anticipated friendly against brazil in berlin a win for host germany would mean a record equalling twenty three games in a row without defeat of brazil are hoping to erase memories of a seven one thrashing by germany in the twenty fourteen world cup have a look at the prospect of a record equalling result hasnt persuaded you he loves to play it safe in stark contrast to the full strength squad he chose for fridays clash against spain germany coach will test a string of second tier players in the capital. A win or a draw against brazil will see the world champions much their unbeaten run of twenty three games set under you nine hundred eighty. Germany will start with several key players among them are. Desperate to start the game. Very special for me as a child i dreamt of playing in the Olympic Stadium against brazil. Even though its just a friendly. To me because its here in my hometown im delighted to be playing the game. Despite their experimental germany will be confident they could make history against the brazil side who are missing. Painful memories of the meeting still fresh in their minds. Game to watch and with. The. Information. They want to express. Twitter. In touch

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