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Ill look at what this means for the countrys political future. Also coming up kenyas secret chain dozens of bodies arrived at nairobis morgues every day many of them young men killed by police in a culture of impunity hears from one officer willing to speak out. Im sunni so much gonna thank you for joining us and lets get right to whats been happening on the markets and i care how the us is here with us to tell us more about the scare hard how bad are these numbers well many are calling it already a black man and that might be a bit premature because its a term reserved in financial circles only for the most severe of shocks but after a rally that has been going on for many months monday was a busy day of reckoning on the u. S. Markets the Dow Jones Industrial average tom. Bulled four point six percent is the biggest loss for six years and marks the largest intra day decline of all times in asian markets picked up the sentiment in tokyo the nikkei is four point seven percent down the hung saying in hong kong is a five point nine understands five five firm one percent lower and the shanghai composite index is minus three point four percent not what caused this sell off in the u. S. Theres a combination of factors at play wages have risen stronger than expected stoking fears of rising inflation that will drive Interest Rates up and it was the cheap money that has been driving the stock market rally of recent years also a rise in rates makes a facets like government bonds more attractive so investors move out of stocks into those bones also automated trading orders have triggered are triggered when certain indicators fall to a preprogramed level and these sell off triggers other sell orders it is a computer driven domino effect and it works within seconds around the globe lets have a look at asian markets followed wall streets lead to parents nikkei as we heard was down seven point one percent thats the biggest point drop since nine hundred ninety that was during trading it closed a bit highest stocks across all sectors are skidding in the wake of the new york crash carmakers like to yota financial stocks and Technology Companies are being hit hard or other asian markets are also taking a beating in home home hunting index is around five percent right now at the top towards is biggest fall since twenty fifteen now and have a closer look at the situation in the markets now and bring in our financial correspondents for europe and asia and the hague from singapore and daniel cope in frankfurt andrea lets start with you why are asian markets moving in tandem with the u. S. Markets Economic Conditions are completely different than. Thats absolutely right although that being said when it comes to stocks and interest when it whenever it comes to Interest Rates and how things are affected in the u. S. Asian markets are also a watching very closely. This is a mess of panic in asia right now as we speak theres a massive sell off in stocks and people are running for the exits in view of the rising Interest Rates thats coming going to come from the u. S. The Energy Markets as the most the hardest hit as you sit and thats being everything down but on that note even markets have been dwindling over the last few days so some investors say they might have seen this coming. Over to europe it looks much less panicky across the continent rater did investors here just have more time to look at the actual situation. Well the situation here at the stock market could certainly be worse in early trading where predictions that the market might be even going down by eight percent now the lows what we had so far was three point six percent already this is the biggest loss since one and a half years at this moment we are down with about two percent it really seems that this was an initial shock for investors yes there are fears that a higher Interest Rates could be inforced and higher Interest Rates for the market means that many times less credit that leads many shareholders then rather buy for example bonds and of course thats what investors dont like at all but yes we have to see how the day is going to continue also how the situations going to be closely before wall street opens the vivax is always an indication how warry investors are really shows that they are still warry so yeah lets see how this is all going to unfold throughout the day daniel some analysts say that this is sort of a normal Market Correction although right. Yes thats what many are saying i mean we have to remember throughout the last months and pretty much in years we have seen quite a rally happening here at the stock market many investors already in the past were saying that those numbers are actually not the real numbers and that now maybe with this correction trading would be then again more realistic. Coming back to you briefly if you can investors are moving out of stocks where is their money going. Well to two places that money is going now that theres panic stricken everywhere one currency which is not only where a lot of volatility is seen and to emerging markets is where this is seeing and this see if he wins for now. Down there in frankfurt thank you very much. Now Misery Loves Company and beleaguered u. S. Stocks soon from fellow sarfraz elsewhere in the world asian indices received a thrashing as weve heard and dismal futures ahead of the dow jones opening could mean the beating is not always. The hong kong stock market saw losses of more than five percent making it one of the worst performers that on a day when asian markets were unable to protect themselves from contagion after the dow industrials steepest selloff in six years the sentiment in hong kong and there are a little bit nervous and i live it not going to have and people are still waiting for. The dow jones or the do as markets will stabilize before they can come be fully committed to buy into the market at this point japanese stop spring spared either anxiety is writing high like. Normal its probably because of the plunge in the us i thought the economy was in good shape but share prices going up stupidly but a sudden drop like this makes the literature outlook unclear to the stock prices went up too far without fear or reason its time to hold tight but chapins chief cabinet secretary cut a more circumspect figure so if push through a break government has not changed our view that the Global Economy including that of the u. S. Continues to be firm but watch how the worldwide Financial Markets develop. In the u. S. Where the turmoil kicked off the government also highlighted the robustness of the economy in the last jobs report two hundred thousand more jobs created unemployment at a seventeen year low. Probably the most encouraging number for me as a former governor that watched how stubborn the wage number of years in this country is see wages rise by the point nine percent most recent report but imbedded in those numbers is the source of at least some of the investors anxiety growing wages for workers could mean shrinking profits for shareholders and the tightening labor market could pave the way for steeper rate hikes and a looming and to easy money u. S. Stock futures have slid further since all street closed indicating continuing volatility. The European Union has seen lots of challenges or its way recently and more on the way thoughts right there had well we know some of them you know theres pregnant brags that negotiations internal tensions that have been dominating the blocks agenda despite those challenges today the European Commission is set to discuss enlarging the e. U. Bringing in new members from the western balkans but first those neighboring states have to settle their own disputes. Fishing in troubled waters every time a zero coach jump ship heads out to sea the creation fisherman is met by Police Forces from neighboring slovenia. In brazil but what about because were always accompanied by the Croatian Police so that the Slovenian Police cant do anything cant arrest us. When we cross over this border. Were threatened with fines of up to forty thousand euros. Slovenia and gracious have been at odds over the maritime and land border in the peer run bay area ever since the dissolution of the former yugoslavia in the one nine hundred ninety s. After they joined the e. U. An International Court of arbitration was supposed to settle the route but its decision that the bulk of the baby longs to slovenia is unacceptable for croatia. Should be based on on trust formats and this was completely ruined in that process and creation parliament decided that. Unilateral that creation. Works out of the separate racial agreement the slovenes on the other hand feel that this violates european rights and insists the ruling be enforced because both sides had agreed to accept the result of the arbitration. Now the border in the sea is clearly drawn with. The Arbitration Court defined it precisely. Is slovenia living at all because of the special circumstances in the last six months. It has already warned that the waters are slovenian territory. While the into one up it since the end of the last year. Chaz lost access to a large part of the fishing area where he used to cost his net. My grandfather fished here and then my father now i fish here as does my daughter and her husband and well keep fishing here. You cant just say from one day to see belongs to them. Both sides needs to swallow a lot of National Pride the lesson for europe is new Member States need to throw their territorial dispute over the border before they arrive in the e. U. Sabah. Max hoffman is in strasburg where the commission is talking about enlargement today how max good to see you the countries that are up for discussion are in the balkans region and also turkey what are the top candidates. Well turkey really has been frozen that process but the balkan states are much closer specially serbia and montenegro because they have already initiated accession talks and those accession talks are ongoing and for the first time the commission has mentioned a possible accession date for those countries which is twenty twenty five although you have to be very careful with that and even the Commission Representative acknowledged as much because there are still huge problems in those countries corruption for example as we just saw in that report those kind of border disputes exist of course all over the balkan and of course you also have problems with the economies that are slacking there despite huge investments by the European Union and some of the parliamentarians that we talked to here also said theyre very concerned for example about Media Freedom in serbia so even if we have a possible date now which is not at all an automatic day but a possible day there are still huge obstacles to those countries actually being part of the European Union and these obstacles max at a time when the e. U. Is already facing so many challenges to its unity why should it be looking at a large meant right now. Quite simply because the europeans want to make sure that this region remains under the influence of the European Union and there are a couple of competitors for example china that is trying to invest in those countries also in countries within the European Union to get concessions from them to have more influence there russia would be another influencer in that region but i asked that question to the head of the Foreign Affairs committee here at the parliament David Mcallister whos a conservative and this is what he had to say about that. Well if you look at the map of europe you can see that the six possible countries are surrounded by e. U. Member states but no region in europe is so closely interlinked to be an opinion like the six states of the western balkans and we have a huge interest and bringing stability to vist region we need Political Economic stability in this region because if the balkans grow in stable this instability will come to the rest of the European Union. So max i think its a question of stability just briefly what would it mean in terms of finances to enlarge the e. U. Braggs that would leave a gap in the budget of course those countries would be receiving money stability funds for example or funds to restart their economies hard to put a number tag on that but we know that there are also economic interest from the European Union so the e. U. Has according to the commission invested ten billion euros in the last five years so theres not only money to be lost there but also money to be made it obvious max hoffman in strasbourg thank you max. Now here in germany conservatives and the center left social democrats are still working on forming a government and theyre still far apart on several key issues leaders on both sides are pushing hard for an agreement merkel and the head of the social democrats martin chills had this to say as they arrived for negotiations today. We are now in the critical stage of negotiations i think everyone can sense that of course there are many stipulations that must be agreed upon first and we still have before us some very decisive topics such as health and labor rights as well as our International Responsibility on this commitment. Perhaps some of these items sound like technicalities. But ultimately we are dealing with the quality of life for people and the success of our economy. Good morning everyone i think today is decision day. Find out whether. The c. D. U. C. S. U. And the s. P. D. Able to make a coalition agreement. This is about agreeing on a strong government for germany. That means a strong stable government for one of the worlds most important industrialized nations. One of the fits all the international and domestic challenges well. Lets bring in our Political Correspondent hans front he is at the conservative city you had quarters here in berlin where the Coalition Talks are ongoing so shall sounded fairly confident there but we have seen in past several deadlines now is this going to get done today. It looks pretty likely at the moment although the leaders that have been going into these talks both from the conservative and from the social democratic side have been saying that they expect an agreement to be hammered out today sometime during the course of the evening is what most of them say but they seem fairly confident thats despite the differences that still exist some agreement will be reached today and one has to say that both parties both sides involved in this have invested a lot of time a lot of their political person now in a sense a lot of their Political Capital into these talks and theres pressure on both sides actually to come to an agreement speaking of pressure hence the latest opinion polls show that the conservatives and the social democrats dont have a majority of for the first time in postwar history how much is that weighing on these negotiations i mean surely they want to avoid the elections yes indeed thats what are the options of these negotiations fail one of the options is that they would be new elections fresh elections the other option would be a mine on minority government under im going to americas leadership which she has excluded she said she does not want to enter that so it would be fresh elections and all the recent most recent polls show that in fresh elections were to be held the situation might turn out to be a lot more difficult than it is at the moment so the pressure on both sides indeed is rising and there needs to find an agreement i think is reasonable to everybody what is this Political Uncertainty has meant for the parties that are not involved in these talks. Well the parties that are not involved obviously are able to say from the outside to criticize whats going on the greens for instance who were involved in previous attempts to form a government with im going to go and her conservatives have been saying that many of the major issues in germany are being ignored during these talks but in fact they simply have to sit and wait for these two largest parties actually to come together actually to form a government the. Other parties are left in limbo and basically can make some sort of statement in parliament and so on but im not really able to participate in the central in take much influence on it and hans youve been covering this the since the elections any predictions on the outcome of these talks and when we might finally see a new government well i mean even if an agreement is reached today and as im saying most of the leaders here are expecting that even if an agreement is reached today the social democratic rank and file still has to vote on whether they accept this agreement or not thats going to take another three weeks at least and its pretty controversial its not entirely clear whether there will be there will be acceptance from the rank and file so even if an agreement is reached today we still have three weeks of wait three weeks of uncertainty and probably three weeks of political discussion maybe even bickering. Bryant thank you very much now some other stories making news around the world lawmakers in the maldives say soldiers have forced their way into the Country Supreme Court building it comes just after the government eclair to state of emergency in response to a spiraling political crisis the countrys president is defying the Supreme Court order to release a group of jailed Opposition Leaders. Southeast asia Foreign Ministers are meeting in singapore taking center stage at the discussions will be the creation of a smart city system in order to build Regional Cooperation and help fight terrorism and transnational prime singapore say they would set up a link to connect their stock markets. Turning now to kenya and allegations of a conspiracy to kill in the slums of nairobi dead bodies of young poor men are turning up on the streets almost every day they are suspected of being criminals and they are executed by the police without charges and without trial you spoke to a whistleblower who revealed an underground war on crime thats believed to have claimed more than three thousand lives last year. October two thousand and seventeen its been two days since my mom pry own lost her son brian one thousand years old executed by the police so you know st what i knew i totally see what worked for you. Brian lived in one of nairobi slum the Police Suspected him of being a thug and thieves but his not the disagrees. Number two are for a meek. Joyce was brians friend a neighbor here in her community in coyote lives where he was killed along with his three friends. Had they came to who clung to the dog on the policeman on the one who gunned them down. There is more evidence images of brian and his dead friends published on facebook. Troy says the police themselves post the pictus to instill fear and brand the victims as criminals. Filming at the city more trees for britain but it seems that the killing of brian and his friends was not an isolated incident were told that twenty to fifty corpses arrive here every day almost all killed by the police. Dr brian beach anger is an independent forensic expert he confirms that cases like brians are part of a larger pattern. Into the into. Into wounds to the chest. And the head and the chest is not due to. Its difficult. For police repeatedly denied to w. s request for an official interview. One officer inside the system however says hes against the extrajudicial killings and wants to uncover the actions of nairobis police he agrees to talk to as anonymously as he fears for his life. So the procedure is as a cop youre given an order you dont know where the order comes from youre told hey this is whats happening. And now its time to shoot to kill and then you go you land within that process if you dont get the right guy youll end up killing the wrong guy and if you get the right guy you also kill the right guy without prosecution and nobody cares. A crime and survive the prisons are full and for many police the lives of those who live in the slums are worthless until now thousands of extrajudicial killings in kenya have been covered up and gone unreported. Friends family at his funeral they feel that he like so many other young men was stripped off traditional process and his human rights. And its a sad certainty that bryant wont be the last young man will fall victim to nairobi fight against crime. Not zimbabwes main Opposition Leader Morgan Tsvangirai is critically ill in a South African hospital and his supporters have been told to quote brace for the worst the sixty five year old child to die has been in and out of the hospital since disclosing that he had colon cancer two years ago to return to a transport hospital for his latest round of treatment in early january. I did abuse christine when were recently returned from zimbabwe where she spoke to morgan chang about shes with us here in studio hi christine what did you learn about his condition when you saw him a late last year sumi when i was in his office interviewing him around the coup. That was not the trying it i that i had come to know that the voice you know the man with the big posture had been reduced to a frail very sickly man and he walked slowly he talks funny i got up close when i was putting the mike on to these shirts and i felt hes on the weakness and at you know a struggle to even hit him because i had to lean and close he was so softly spoken so you could tell at the time that the chemotherapy that was out was really taking its toll phosphor which to just last week we already heard that. Medical the people who are his family had tried to bring him to you have to get some specialist treatment but South African doctors actually advised him against that simply telling him that hes body could take the toll off a long haul flight so it looks very serious opposition saying brace for the worst this comes at a time when zimbabwe is heading into elections after the former president Robert Mugabe resigned how is this illness going to affect what is essentially zimbabwes most important poll in decades and this is the most important opposition figure the country has and nobody can take that away hes still the most recognizable figure he is the figure that is needed by the opposition to go out and contest and appear if in this election we see passi is really at its lowest right now its already split twice and there is a trade its that again since hes been away since hes been sick a senior members in his party have been just him to take over and thats for to even hes if its now to try and unite in d. C. With small opposition parties to take on him a samantha and in this coming election the infighting has really just force at all of those if its and all it does is just you know its a century a women who has the wind in the sails right now. Since that rocket mugabi else to last year is there any other figure in the opposition who has the ability like to drop people together and in this one not especially not right now everybody else has sort of fallen out of people race questions about them to say yeah but you will with mugabe just the other day and now youve forgotten you suddenly all the oppositions unfortunately they still need that trying to brand hes still the fame to opposition of zimbabwe so to say theyre ready to diffuse that christine with us here in studio who visited Morgan Tsvangirai late last year thank you very much. And as youre watching news from berlin well have more for you at the top of the hour dont forget go to our website e. W. Dot com for all the latest news and information around the clock. Touch. The touch. Clay. The touch. Him. Does the honors star violinist. Move. To our millions of fans pay tribute to how many children. The maestro also has a home to his status. Visit to andres you. Know a kickoff to the bundesliga highlights. Shocks former teammates colin telling john torigoe and first new Club Dog Show a shall good move from the hall. Musings and blaming in the final moments. Still. Storms people world over information to provide. The means to want to express g. W. On facebook and twitter up to date in touch follow us. Into the conflict zone this week on conflict zone i miss them both to talk to russia come back should i still took his ruling fun b b a k p she speaks for apology on human rights and is oh so close confident president out of the government pursues military operations in syria and continues to kreg down on civil liberties. This principle conflict zone d. W. I want to walk into a new week of your own max our show is dedicated to the magical moments of music heres a look at whats coming up. Pop culture in forthcoming showcases a record cover designed by renowned artist. Good vibrations and german prisoner poses for his

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